r/NuclearRevenge: Ep 3 Threaten My Brother? Thanks For Your Savings!

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what's up guys back again to our slash nuclear revenge I really needed this subreddit after last episode some sweet sweet justice first we've got a story of Marvin he Meyer and his killdozer second we've got a man who was cheated out of everything he owns and finally we've got a story of a young brat who decides to brag about his game consoles so see what happens to him and finally you know we've got our bonus at the end so make sure you stick around for that as well alright let's get in the story's seen a bit ruin Marvin's business well here comes the killdozer as a preface to this I'm not part of this story I don't know anyone from this story but it's a piece of documented history that I thought would fit this subreddit and when I searched for it to check to make sure I'm not just for posting I didn't find it while I believe it does fit the title a nuclear revenge it is sort of a bittersweet revenge because of the ending Marvin he mire of Granby Colorado was said to be a reasonable man he was also known for his muffler shop his welding skills and for being a nice person 1992 he bought the ground to build his muffler shop on for $42,000 from Resolution Trust Corporation the federal agency organized the handle the assets of failed Savings & Loan institutions later he sold some of the land near his shop for the construction of a concrete batch plant Mountain Park concrete the price was agreed to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in 2001 the city Zoning Commission zoned an area for the concrete batch plant to be built on the problem was that this plant would block the only road leading to Marvin's shop so like any good citizen Marvin pension for the zone to be moved slightly so that the road isn't blocked he was denied instead the town find him to $1,500 for not being connected to the sewage network but get this it was the construction company that broke his sewage line disconnecting him he tried to convey this to the city but they wouldn't listen so he endured he then tried to pension to build a new road even volunteering to build it all by himself and thinking the city had no reason to say no as this would solve the problem he went out and bought the necessary equipment to do so including a bulldozer this is very important the town denied his request to build a new road and instead find him foregoing 8 feet within the concrete property line to fix the sewage pipe he was forced to sell more of his land and close down the shop as people couldn't get to it Marvin had had enough he started recording some tapes about his thoughts and began building the machine that would get him his revenge over the course of a year in his barn several friends and family were in the barn over this year and none of them noticed the steadily more and more armored bulldozer sitting in the corner to quote some of his tapes before he set forth because of your anger because of your malice because of your hate you would not work with me he started his tape recordings I'm gonna sacrifice my life my miserable future that you gave me to show you that what you did is wrong he received several visitors at his shop while working on his armored vehicle of vengeance and none of them seemed alarmed at the weaponized armored shell atop his earthmover in his notes he Meyer credited a higher power with clouding their vision on one occasion he wrote I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things in 2004 his father died then he caught his wife with another man on the morning of Friday June 4th 2004 the day of his vengeance had come he mailed his tapes to his brother then climbed aboard his killdozer he then used the winch controls from within to lower the armor onto the bulldozer the armor was made of almost a foot of steel plates in concrete and weighed over 30 tons to see he had several cameras on the outside wired up to two monitors inside each surrounded in almost three inches of bulletproof glass and they even had compressed air to blow away dust on the sides of his vehicle he had also implemented two rifles which could be fired from within the armored covered the cab the engine and some of the track as well with all this protection he was determined to be unstoppable at 3:00 p.m. that day he drove the killdozer through the wall of the barn and made his way to the cement factory which was fully built he smashed the entire factory to pieces at this point people were calling 911 to get in the way of the killdozer with a front loader but ran away after some shots were fired in just a few minutes two buildings and several cars were crushed then he made his way the rest of the way into town with police on all sides trying to stop him one officer jumped on board and shot 37 times and not a single bullet got in would he reach the town the police had realized the bullets were useless and started trying to use explosives these had no effect at all by now people were being evacuated and news helicopters were flying overhead but he Meyer was still able to seek out and hit his specific targets the bulldozer effortlessly demolished cars and buildings including the home of a former mayor the office of a newspaper that had cited against him in an editorial the business of a former city councilman and the City Hall when the state governor was alerted he almost ordered an Apache attack helicopter to come and fire Hellfire missiles at the killdozer but decided it would cause more damage than the killdozer despite the destroy of property no people had been injured or killed one man brought an industrial scraper to block the kill dozers path but it was effortlessly pushed out of the way and almost flipped an hour into the chaos the radiator had sprung a leak and the killdozer was losing power after destroying 13 buildings Marvin made his way up to his next target Gambel's hardware unfortunately for Marvin as he destroyed the building the floor collapsed and the front of the killdozer became wedged in between the wall and the ceiling of the basement and it wasn't strong enough to pull itself out after all the rampaging Marvin had caused more than 7.5 million dollars in damage but rather than serve a prison sentence he shot himself within the killdozer as SWAT teams tried to gain entry they tried to use explosives but in the end it took 12 hours without what oxy-acetylene torch and a crane to crack the armored top thanks for having my back on that one dictionary.com you're the best so I'm gonna post a picture of what the killdozer looks like right now but if you want to see more pictures of what it looks like as well as read some with a source material that this guy got make sure you check the description below I left his initial thread down there so go check it out there's a lot of cool information threaten my brother's life lose literally everything background I have and always will be intensely protective over my family if I can prevent them from seeing harm I will and practically all costs especially my brother who happens to have OCD and has been the kindest brother I could have possibly asked for even though I just started my junior year of high school I'd been practicing card shooting since fifth grade it was to the level that even if you thought I was cheating the slights were so hard to see you couldn't see them while looking for them even though my shuffling intentionally looked quite sloppy the friends I had at this table the three of them for this incident knew I had this skill and played with me anyways they're probably playing with me now as you read this knowing my life I grew up in a neighborhood that basically believed that any disability warranted your death and that any kid with a mental disorder doesn't deserve to exist so naturally my brother was targeted quite often with hate and threats about his OCD the beginning note all of this happened in one day I found everything out that morning began planning and it fell into place that night to my surprise and thanks to one of my three friends that sat at the table with me I'd found out that someone was threatening to murder my brother for having OCD when I found out this person was gonna play card with us that afternoon everything fell into place he didn't know he was about to play cards with one of the most protective brothers he'll ever see and probably his last the revenge later that night two of my friends who weren't yet in on it noticed something odd I nearly immediately sat in the dealer's seat which usually meant I was about to do something sneaky which I was I said playing for cash are we to which the man will call X said he'd love to I knew he'd fall for it since I also knew he was quite well-off due to some digging I did before the night began then we began to play my friends began to notice that neither of them were losing and that the man office at the table was losing my plan was showing itself I was cheating the guy hard he wouldn't stop either because I did the easiest trick in the book making him have a really strong hand to think he had a shot when in reality I forced a far better hand on one of my friends in total she lost around 300k 100k to each of my friends individual turns out that was his entire savings and he actually paid up which I definitely had not anticipated and naturally when you pay your entire savings to some random kids you lose some stuff and boy did this guy lose a lot of stuff note I wasn't actually playing even though I was stealing the cards I mean my friends played against each other and not the dealer so the dealer was only dealing and not playing therefore I never saw a cent of that money didn't want to either friends deserved it after keeping up that facade for just long enough for him to lose what he did after math I found out later that when X's wife noticed he had no more money left she left him apparently she was a gold digger and only married him to have his money he had no more money so his job had to just barely pay for bills and food which then stopped as he took up alcohol after hitting a huge depression his job fired him after showing up to work completely hammered and he lost his house his car and every single belonging that he had under a financial agreement he was now homeless alone depressed alcoholic when winter came he apparently didn't fare so well against the cold especially after getting soaked by a splash from a car driving by and eventually froze to death on the streets I let my friends keep the money and treat themselves with it the one that got the guy to the table especially deserved it since he made the entire master plan fall into place honestly I believe that this was only a tale of my execution of his master plan as I said I would protect my family at all costs didn't say who had to pay the costs did I I really don't think his wife is a gold digger I mean he just up and wasted all of his money on gambling without even consulting her I'd probably do the exact same thing in her position brag in my face and harass me say goodbye to your Playstation so let me start off by saying this happened about three years ago when the psvr came out I was minding my business while chopping some wood and drinking lemonade brisk I love it and some entitled kid who lived on the street came over his family was living in luxury and he was spoiled he would knock on peoples door just a brag about getting a new game system a new car a new ethic job even this guy was the jerk I've wanted to call some horrible things anyways I was minding my own business in my yard it's an l-shaped I was at the corner of the yard so where somebody could just walk by and enter my yard and this entitled little brat comes by let's call him Timmy conversation goes is followed Timmy hey Chris me what do you want Timmy why are you splitting wood that's so boring me well I'm sorry but I enjoyed doing some work every now and then Timmy well you're poor anyways I wouldn't expect you to have a vr to do some real exercise in me okay well anyways I'm gonna get back to work good but he cuts me off Timmy here let me show you he comes over with a PlayStation 4 Pro and a psvr box me cool Timmy and an annoyed tone Timmy why are you annoyed because you're poor me no Timmy well you're Lebanese or something I heard the yell for conversations Timmy allahu-akbar allahu-akbar allahu-akbar allahu-akbar me shut up you racist little brat Timmy up in my face shut up kid Timmy I need to use the bathroom he proceeds to walk into my house and take a dump I was pissed he left the PlayStation 4 pro and PSV are outside my brain sparked I went to my shed and got a container of gasoline and stack the two console boxes on top of each other my fire pit is a big metal bowl I dump all the gasoline in and put the stacked boxes in Timmy walks out and Timmy oh thanks for protecting them me you won't experience the 4th of July early Timmy huh I lit the gas and it exploded into a big ball of fire Timmy was calling me names he came over to me told me I had to pay $1,000 and punched me in the face I tripped him and he ran away I never paid him back I've noticed a couple of you guys have been getting a bit upset over me not saying certain profane words I apologize I'm just not gonna do it on this channel this is solely meant to make me the laugh and feel good and I don't want to say stuff that's gonna make people upset at the end of the day so I apologize just not gonna do it alright guys I hope you enjoyed those last few stories now do I even have to say it we're gonna switch it on up and head right into the bonus section which today is gonna be one of my favorite bonuses our / choosing beggars I know we've done this one a lot but come on now this one's amazing so let's do it hi sweet girl I have a kind of weird request I wasn't able to work last week and we're behind this week would you be willing by any chance to help us out with groceries this week I feel really bad asking hi actually I have food that I'm getting rid of that I would be glad to give to you basically all kid-friendly I bought groceries for a friend yesterday but she won't make it out this week so I'd be glad to give it to you could you pick it up that's great but and there's the but actually I made a grocery list of things that I want / need if that's okay I was hoping I could stay home with the kids and you could bring me the groceries that would be easiest for me you had an angel descend and actually be willing to give you groceries which I never expected and you just smack away that opportunity you choosing-choosing beggar I ordered 60 or so Oh Mike 60 sushi rolls 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were on sale but it turns out something else that was on sale but anyways I was also with my kids so we were all eating sushi and then they gave me the bill and I saw it was over $100 which I didn't have and since me and my kids had it eaten 30 or so the sushi rolls I told the waitress I'd give back the sushi for a refund of all the sushi we didn't need she refused it should be every restaurants policy that a customer is always right always so then I had to leave my kids at the restaurant and had to drive to the nearest ATM and get enough money for the bill this is not okay I will not be returning anytime soon and just what do you think returning that sushi is gonna do for them do you think the owners just gonna turn around and say okay well give it a table for no no no they're just gonna throw that away way to go lady hey bro logo can discount 50% no problem bro you know usually I sell this at full price but because of your illiterate caveman text I'll give it to you 50% off I don't know how you expected that to play out hi I don't remember seeing this do you want to take my graduation photos for free but I'll tip you and buy you food or a drink I really like your shots plus lighting plus filter plus you have no darker skin girls so I can basically be practice yeah no problem just make sure to tip the normal $750 asking price and don't even worry about the food or drink we'll just waive that aside all righty guys that's gonna wrap it up for today hope you enjoyed the stories and I will see you in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Smooth Stories Foobier
Views: 124,748
Rating: 4.7517538 out of 5
Keywords: reddit stories, revenge stories, pro revenge, nuclear revenge, supernova revenge, r/supernova revenge, r/nuclear revenge, r/ prorevenge, entitled parents, r/ supernova revenge, reddit revenge, r/pro revenge, reddit top posts, nuclear revenge reddit, reddit cringe, best of reddit, prorevenge reddit, reddit revenge stories
Id: IMVlUDzoiYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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