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hi everyone thanks for clicking and welcome back to my channel today we'll be covering a very interesting topic one which confuses many pilots r nav and r p approaches rt precision or non-precision and we'll also be answering the mysterious question what is the difference between r f and r p well stick around to find out before we get started kindly consider helping the channel grow by subscribing should you find the video helpful so without any further ado let's get right into it all right let's do a quick recap before we dig deeper a precision approach is one that provides both lateral and vertical guidance such as the most common one the ils or instrument landing system which broadcasts two lobe signals in both azimuth as well as the vertical path to help guide the aircraft down to the threshold also we have mls microlending system not in use anymore but in service that is also pir or the precision approach radar usually used by the military those civilians may also use it and last but not least the newest gls or gbas landing system i will make a video about the gls and how it works in a separate video soon on the other hand however non-precision approaches provide only the lateral guidance it is up to the pilot flying to determine the appropriate rate of descent to maintain the proper vertical profile for example we have ndb non-directional beacon bor a very high frequency omnidirectional range we have rna lnf only approach lda localizer only and so on these are the non-precision approaches now prelude to understanding this topic once and for all let's see what is the difference between rf and rmp assuming you guys already know what rnav or area navigation is i will go ahead simply and answer the question rmp or required navigation performance is a type of rnav itself however for an rnf system to be considered an rmp two important rules must be met first rmp is a pbn system or performance based navigation that includes onboard monitoring and alerting capability such as rain or receiver autonomous integrity monitoring let me simplify this a bit more an rf standalone system does not incorporate any capability to alert the pilot if the accuracy degrades over time or for whatever reason it becomes inaccurate rmp on the other hand does it monitors the required accuracy according to the phase of the flight we are in and notifies the pilot if there is any discrepancy or degrading accuracy okay there's a second difference which is that rmp must meet the specified accuracy at least 95 percent of the flight time meaning say we are on the arrival phase for example with rp1 accuracy by the way rp1 means rmp accuracy of one nautical mile off track deviation okay that at least 95 of the time of the flight time the aircraft is capable of meeting this accuracy okay so let's sum up what we have just said for better understanding r f or area navigation does not have any capability to notify the pilots if the accuracy degrades or it becomes uncertain of its current position this rises an issue especially when we would like to fly rnav approaches in congested airspace so they came up with an enhancement with two important features first is the capability to monitor and alert the crew plus rnav must meet the specified accuracy associated with the phase of flight at least 95 percent of flight time when these two requirements are met this system then becomes an rmp or required navigation performance let me give you an example the irs or the inertial reference system those ring laser gyros they start from a known position and with time their accuracy degrades yet there is an alert made to the pilots we don't know how accurate the system or the navigation is this is an rnf system okay the ram or isbas a satellite based augmentation system such as the wasp wide area augmentation system used in the uh united states or the ignos used in europe when the signal is lost or the accuracy deteriorates it gives you a notification this is an rmp alright guys trust me it does not get any simpler than this now that we understand what is the difference between rnav and rnp let's talk about rnav and rmp approaches i have started this video by a quick recap about precision and non-precision approaches in fact there is one more category in instrument approaches that falls in between those two this category incorporates approaches which are more accurate or precise than non-precision approach yet slightly or negligibly less precise to be considered as precision approaches even though it is not the case and i will explain the reason shortly this category is named apv or approaches with vertical guidance under this category we can find lpv localizer performance with vertical guidance this type of approach is an r p approach it provides you both lateral and vertical guidance and can take you down to as low as 200 feet above eardrum level it is as accurate as an ils yet it is not considered a precision approach it is an abv approach okay now to be able to fly an lpv your aircraft requires an is best receiver as well as an is best coverage in the area of intended operation okay meaning just because you're having an s pass on your aircraft you cannot fly lpv in airports where there is no coverage geosatellite coverage okay so basic gps or barrow vnav system won't work next ln vnf it is also an apv approach as the name denotes it provides both lighter and vertical guidance and there are two major differences between online vena approach and lpv approach is that firstly the sensitivity of lpv increases as we get closer to the threshold thus it is more accurate and normally the decision height associated with apv's is usually 200 feet above ear drum level so as low as an ils got one and levinef does not meaning the sensitivity sensitivity does not increase it remains almost constant this is why the minimums or decision heights of el nino vinav are higher than those of lpv this first difference the second difference is you don't need an s best receiver to shoot an lfv net approach barrow vnf system will do okay this table will help you visualize the equipment and the associated approach we can fly okay all right ladies and gentlemen this brings us to the end of this video if you have any questions or suggestions kindly feel free to leave them in the comment section below i'll be more than happy to answer you guys and until the next video see ya
Channel: ATPL Student
Views: 113,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation knowledge, aviation ground school, how to become a pilot, RNAV, Area Navigation, RNP, Required Navigation Performance, difference between RNAV and RNP, RNAV AND RNP, RNAV vs RNP, APV Approaches, LPV, ATPL Student, Instrument rating checkride, what is PBN, performance based navigation
Id: aKWDg4ZjfJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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