r/MildlyInfuriating | You Monster.

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hey you misspelled have it's actually spelled have you I mean it correct it for you re slash mildly infuriated Oh in disclaimer twenty bucks says the stalker who did this is about ready to quit because I mean not only is that not cranberry peach but I mean come on it's uh or maybe just some [ __ ] just threw it there and doesn't even care either way someone needs to be castrated oh you goddamn animal aah what the hell is wrong with you you backwater Goblin goddamn go back to your nest aah how the hell does this happen I mean it's it's painted on right and the Lions are supposed to line up with the bricks but they managed to perfectly paint the wrong brick how does that happen how if you do this on purpose you're a goddamn degenerate and you don't belong on this planet this is this is unacceptable how could you why there I can understand the straw goes through the goddamn pouch but doing this what's who hurt you this picture tells a story of a man who was trying to trim his hedges but then managed to chop off a bit of the banister there'd probably injure himself so we just quit and now you have this isn't that just great oh no all those are crooked Oh fix that please ooh ok ok ok what else is wrong here oh my god that one's upside down how the hell did I miss that oh and the frame is all [ __ ] up Jesus Oh someone just tear this whole building down just to fix the problem my god oh come on you you couldn't just like put it into the actual trashcan it's not even full it's just how lazy do you have to be to just nope I'm just gonna put an on top of here because I'm a complete degenerate oh boy okay okay thankfully this is fixable it'll take about like a day of work though but how do you screw it up that badly just line it up and the spacing is off as well it's just wrong on every level I'm stuffed l'm al completely demolished these wings no you did not go back and finish your plate you've goddamn marsupial I'm coming back as I'm editing because this pisses me off that unreasonable extent goddamnit there's what did you do Nebel on the skin and call it good like Eric Cartman Jesus Christ Oh what kind of goddamn monster created this oh this is someone who just hates people this isn't please let that be nope title says toilet paper oh the doors of hell have been opened for a very special someone hey everyone you can have a genuine teddy bear supersoft rug for either fifty pounds $49.99 pounds or 50 pounds they're all different because [ __ ] you oh boy I feel this on just oh this this brings back some memories of middle school with the super cheap paper milk cartons that would always do this no matter which and you open it from ah I need to like stick your fingers through there and punch it open and your fingers are covered in milk and it's not a fun time but thank God this is a goldfish package you know would be a great design feature a symmetry in the 1960s when buildings are still being made of brick yeah that's a great idea let's put the window off-center to it and not give it a partner yeah that's some modern styling and won't look terrible in 60 years well I hate it when this happens oh this happen we fall at 76 not only was that a huge waste of $60 might I add but I wanted the actual disc because I have a really fast read and write disc driver I thought it'd be a easy than just downloading it over my slow as hell internet but now instead I got this little cardboard flimsy disc with the code it's embed just hilarious is it is it really that hard just to make sure the square is rotated properly or do you just not care enough I'm gonna go with the ladder for this one because come on oh boy I'm not even a reader in this this like this hurts you can't even put them on your shelf and have them all lined up that just ruins the whole aesthetic of having a bookshelf now the volumes are all jiggly done [ __ ] god damn it oh they couldn't bother to like put the manhole on properly so it's just kind of tilted oh it feels like the worker who put this back into place did this on purpose and I don't like them because of that Oh what happened here it looks it just it just looks like someone gave up hard way through and it's like ooh let's let's make kind of quirky here and just have a bunch of rubble there whoo that's real cool yeah but now the only problem is you can't clean out that area as show my leaves so finish the job hey yeah here's your acceptance letter do not bend but uh ups don't care okay do whatever the [ __ ] you want oh god it's not level this is one of those things that you cannot fix without some serious renovation and once you notice it it's going to bug you every single day for the rest of the time that you're in the house oh that that sucks oh this would bug me enough to buy a new watch oh boy oh just that off-center charging logo because if this is off-centered I wonder what else is off centered on this thing because that can't be the only thing ah look what we have here we have a Borderlands 3 kind of nice panoramic thing all the thumbnails here sort of complete the image and just make it in general a nice dope import night we got to have the fortnight in there because we need more kids in the battle bus this should tell you everything you need to know about how fast your internet is you can't even load this speed test that maybe you should consider switching providers oh come on it couldn't have been that hard to make all the glass panes match seriously it's did you just settle and it's like oh we ordered three of these ones but one of these I guess there's nothing we can do about it haha come on what are you some kind of animal I just can't open the bag regularly or are you just trying to show off in front of your friends the lunchroom because you're that one little special child who doesn't have a actual proper place and probably just floats around the lunchroom because no one actually likes you so you do like this to make yourself see more quirky but everyone looks at you and goddamn disgust because you do stuff like this remember how earlier I was talking about how the volumes lining up creates a really nice bookshelf aesthetic well sometimes people just decide to completely not even care and why not let's just put them in any order we want to and how come ten is so discolored is it just used more or something oh god is this the pearson online lab thing this thing is garbage enter a mathematical expression six over nine is not a mathematical expression also six nine nice Oh who ever tried opening this is probably having a really bad day because oh that's just pain right there how do you mutilate the bag this badly like oh god double parking okay so here's my hot take on this if you double parked in a crowded parking lot where there's a lot of people you're an [ __ ] but if you double Park in the back of an almost empty parking lot to protect yourself from door dings and you're mostly just inconveniencing yourself because you have to walk a quarter of a mile just to get the Walmart then I think it's it's okay because door dings are just a pain in the ass to deal with and it really sucks oh I feel this pain oh those those little like dippin sauce packets that just don't tear off properly and you always end up having like reach underneath and get your fingers into the dip and now you're covered in dip dips everywhere and you're miserable and all you wanted was a little bit of garlic dip but guess what now you made a mess this is one of those things that you put a nightstand or something in front of to hide it but even though your guests will never know the monstrosity lurking behind the nightstand you always will it will always be there nah lying at the back your mind and there's nothing you can do about it now the best part is I probably just reminded a few of you where the crooked outlets are in your home have fun oh this is okay okay we talked about double parking earlier but this is beyond oh come on this is just like a whole level up from double parking this is just dude unless that Street is unbelievably narrow that's just how do you screw up this bad Liam oh boy it's an announcement in the outro I'm gonna be streaming and stuff on my gaming channel coming pretty soon so if you want to interact with me and all that jazz yeah that's an option so so go do that if you want to don't forget to like and subscribe and I'll see you all later
Channel: undefined
Views: 420,494
Rating: 4.9297004 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit cringe, satire, comedy, funny, mildlyinfuriating, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts of all time, best of reddit, reddit stories
Id: u-KptYLFlRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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