RMHS 2018 All Night Party Hypnotism

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I have a couple of rules wrapping ideas first thing is I need you to pay attention not because I like the power crazy but because you have instructions you've got specific things you need to do the faster we can do these the faster we can get to the fun part if I spend all my time I tell you the just receipt it's really boring for me it's really going for you so feet flat before hands on your laps excellent now you guys are now my VIPs you're also a member of a select group 18 you guys are old teammates so it's very important that a couple of things or two of your teammates first things your chairs these people are close together you last you I didn't do the adjustment thank you so much over here what is your name sir Olivia okay Dan and Olivia so first things first everybody in here is your team like the people in your left your right are your most important team members so you all know each other so without speaking just church to one person shake their hand and smile turn to the other person shake dirty and smile alright there's no need for introductions at all that's why I don't do left right because it never works out and just you'll figure it out eventually good also you'll notice your chairs are very close together because in a couple of minutes you get very relaxed that I want you to know you can trust the people on your left your right for soup or literally so everybody have regional means or the person next to you towards then like you fell asleep in the back of the car completely leave put your head down on their shoulders you managed to lift your hip they do it good yeah I know you've got a hard job keep going just lean more yeah good right just get used to how that feels because later on your eyes would be closed I don't know what it's gonna feel like guys look set it up now leaning towards Olivia Olivia don't mean for God's sakes don't be that way really it's like Jenga otherwise we're getting it 15 more people good I know I know it's you can trust me you can look at your leg it's a yam but it's a yoga thing you know that we're doing it all right city up jumper head back for a second tilt your head photos really shaken like your chin touch your chest bring your eyes up now here's the next crazy thing I need you to take your eyes and close them and adjust your eyebrows up and down with your eyebrows up and down I want you to notice that there's different muscles this is just really funny to watch them do this just oh good now audience the next couple minutes are the science part for you people are going to go on to study psychology this is the part you want to pay attention to you'll notice that I'm going to take you through exercises the most important part of the exercise is simply getting in to observe observe exactly what they're experiencing in the moment to the exclusion of all the thoughts that they may have about what that means but what that means is it's best if you guys remain quiet so that they can actually focus on that a media experience rather than processing the noises that they hear so you guys remain quiet for the next 10 minutes these guys will focus on the inside after that I'm gonna remind them of something they already know which is that the applause and laughter that they're gonna hear is because they're doing an amazing job that's what applause and laughter me something is going right like an improv show so after that you can make lots of lots of noise because it'll actually make them go deeper into trance and do a better job on stage but for now remain quietly VIPs or hypnosis as I said in the introduction is self hypnosis so the next step is actually me asking your permission to put you in hypnotic trance so when you start again you ready to go just nod your head get ready sir ready sir anticipation I'll let you see it do that this is skepticism you see this is heavy arms cross its first I would do this but it'd be too obvious what about tier soft uncross your arms that's so crazy right it needs something ready the anticipation let's see nice nice focus yes yes for now on no talking on stage no talking on stage starting right now VIPs close your eyes by the way I'm gonna talk to the audience audience if you didn't get bent that is okay with me I simply pick random people to be honest from different parts the audience the chairs those people are sitting in do nothing in the hypnotic process if not a process happens in your mind so if you're in the audience and you want to participate the show now is your chance close your eyes and follow along the ideas a couple of things are going to happen with your eyes closed all of these things will happen the only question is how quickly you will notice them the quicker you notice them the quicker things will happen the first thing you'll notice VIP is is that with your eyes shut you become very aware of your hands on your legs you're also very aware of your feet whether or not they're in shoes or in socks you notice that feeling that pressure of your feet on the ground of course that feeling is always there but now you can feel it you notice the back of the chair the seat of the chair you notice the people in your left and your right either because you can actually feel your arm touching their arm or simply because you're aware in that very human way that there's another human next deal notice how you can relax into your chair either because you simply relaxed or whether or not it begins to feel heavy in your chair different parts your shoulders dropping your arms now becoming heavy make your legs feel heavy and loose let yourself feel loose in your chair adjust yourself in any way and complete the adjustment down notice how heavy your eyelids are how loose and relaxed they are how relax the muscles of your face are notice the sounds in the room all the big noises like my voice but also all the little noises people whispering the sound of the air conditioning at the other end of the room you can tell now for the first time the direction it's coming from notice the feeling of the air circulating in the room now the idea is your first task is simply to relax your body and all of you are doing a very good job of it in fact I'd like to show you what a good job you're doing by coming by and raising your hand when I lift your hand by the thumb notice how heavy and loose you can make your hand how your hand is heavy and loose loose and heavy that's very good loose pant heavy that's good loose and heavy that's good heavy and this lifted let it drop or fold it up loose and heavy good now VIPs excellent now the ideas as I go past you and lift your arm heavy that's good dad notice how you can adjust in your chair you may find yourself lean against somebody as you lean against somebody or somebody leans against you that simply an opportunity to relax even more knowing that you will not fall out of your chair because your chair and your neighbor will keep you in your - that's loose and if somebody leans on you or you lean on somebody as you lean on somebody or somebody leans on you notice how that allows you to relax even more as you lean on somebody or somebody lands on you notice how you relax even more again notice the sounds of the audience they're doing that because you're doing something very good they want to see you do more [Music] even that's good we're ready to speak out to react they cannot believe how well you're doing whatever you're doing though even deeper into that place [Music] [Music] [Music] holding everything even Holden and eat the onions we've relaxed our bodies very well deeper stuff now it's time to relax our minds but before we go on to the mines I want to point one thing out notice as you relax your bodies as your bodies will loose at length there is what the set of muscles that is working hard which is the muscles that keep your eyes shut it's almost as if the more you relax the more your eyes locked shut that's exactly the way that works because there's a special set of muscles that keep your eyes shut during sleep they start locking your eyes down the second you begin to relax the more you relax the more your eyes lock down now that you relax completely your eyes are completely locked down that's just the way that works if you know that you're completely relaxed if you know that your eyes are locked out if you know they your eyes will not open even if you try to move your eye eyes behind your eyelids you can go ahead and move your eyes behind your eyelids knowing your eyes will not open in fact you can even you know that lock you didn't even try to open them knowing they will not open the more you try to open the more they lock down knowing they're completely relaxed and loosened the process of locking down now that's right see what you did that's cool you have you stop experimenting with that take a deep breath you're gonna go even deeper in a second I'm going to touch a couple people on the shoulder first thing if I will touch with the shoulder it's your chance to go twice as the relaxed young deep right there that's why we practice just dirty I'm gonna touch a couple people on the shoulder right now you know what I'm gonna wait I'll tell you why daddy's continued relax if with from now on with each breath you take in the rhythm that is personal to you you'll find yourself go even deeper more relaxed into this space that we're gonna call sleep you can remember what this feels like because each and every time I say the word sleep this is the place I want you to return to physically relaxed I shuddered locked so really take a moment to examine and memorize exactly what this feels like how loosen relax your body is how lock your eyes are how focus your mind is I'm going to talk to what is contained relaxed agreed audience one of the things that I like to point out is that we all make snap judgments all the time this is the thing that people in hypnosis don't have to bother doing this is why it knows it's relaxing because all the time our minds are working like supercomputers because we're trying to focus on 16 things at once right now all of you are doing what I'm doing in that front part of my brain that does snap judgments which is making determinations about who's going to be a great subject in there those that show I'll be honest I don't know yet I always find that I'm wrong about a couple people but I'll tell you what I think I'm seeing because I think I think you think you're seeing it the same thing too let's see I'm gonna start over here going this way much better excellent really good can't tell you not sure pretty darn good it always happens in clumps I don't know why this I've talked to people in like higher education or why it happens in clumps I'm not sure then again really good this is obviously pretty damn good I think we're finishing up strong a lot of good volunteers excellent by the way give a nice hand for just never do let's relax the mind like to relax the body in a second in a second you know have you focused on a number that number is going to be 100 I'd like you to imagine the bigger prize like in the outside at night then I'll say the word deep I don't want you to drive that number out of your head make it disappear like turning the light off at night I say number that I say tea for you make that number disappear here we go 100 deeper 99 deeper 98 t / 97 deeper notice how quickly you can see the number 96 deeper and make it disappear 95 deeper haven't gone it is gone for good 94 deeper now the numbers come even faster 93 Danny - 91 you make them disappear as soon as I say that maybe 89 now the numbers come in clumps now rest to the 80s see them all and make them disappear 70's and 60s disappeared 50s and 40s make them all disappear make those numbers disappear till there's nothing but space empty space where something used to be that's navigate these it is time to start the comedy show this is the way we start the comedy show first I snap my fingers three times so that when I ask you to open your eyes and I want to again you'll be able to one two three now your eyes will open when I ask you to in a second you're going to open your eyes feeling alert in the lake everything will look and feel perfectly normal just as it did when you sat down in your chair everything you're looking filled earlier on when you said that a chair except stay right there devices in a second you will open your eyes in a second everything will look at filters we don't accept when I say the world is sleek to you only when I say the word sleek to you will you return to this physical and mental relaxed place you will wait until you hear the word sleep to return to it notice how wonderful the feeling is you'll really want to go back there you'll be waiting eagerly for me to say the word sleep to you I may touch you in the head or the arm or the hand to make you sleep or whatever I do it will be your opportunity to return if you understand you he's not your heads that is some business [Music] [Applause] they feel good what is your name we haven't spoken yet are you excited to be in the hypnosis show fight look at me you see that guy what just happened that was really weird would you hear it her backside get my nice hand everybody I get an even deeper even deeper even deeper what is your name sit back in your chair and all you to fall out again look at my finger [Applause] clearly his butt is magnetic and the floor is magnetic as well this take your hand and put it in the chair notice how cold it is let me every other hand look at me give him a nice stay right there [Applause] stay right there put your hand in this back [Laughter] [Applause] yeah just like that designated touch they say slaves freed slaves they slaves slaves they sleep sleep sleep I didn't tell you to wake up sleep designated driver he's in a second we're gonna start the comedy show your one and only job during the comedy show is to make the audience laugh that's what we're only here to do the more you react the bigger reactions the more you make sure that you can see what you're up to the bigger laughs you'll get from this beautiful audience that loves the show so far in a second you're going to open your eyes for the first comedy skit next time you open your eyes you'll no longer be the age you came into the gymnasium as the next time you open open your eyes you will be five years old five years old and you're on stage because you're at a school assembly you're on stage because the teacher the principal that's me is convinced that you guys are the best kids in school that you are the best behaved children in the school and that's exactly what we're gonna be but when I'm looking at you you'll have your hands on your laps will be smiling and waving like little angels like little boys and girls ready for their first day of school but of course when I turn my back and talk to rescue auditorium you'll do exactly what real five-year-olds do lose patience and lose focus you'll make faces you'll make noises we'll try to make people in the audience laugh by doing silly stupid stuff remember - a five-year-old there's nothing funnier than a fart noise but of course you don't want to get krump by the teacher so don't get out of your chair get it clocked by the teacher out of your chair and also do not get faces or punch [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] good for you [Laughter] but I will tell you [Laughter] [Applause] excellent work yet deeds well done big piece in a second you can open your eyes you'll no longer be 5 years old you will now return to the age you were at the beginning of the program everything will look and feel perfectly normal to in fact as far as you're concerned the show has not yet begun you simply walked on stage sat down for a second close your eyes you're waiting for the hypnosis show to begin everything look and feel perfectly normal - except when I tuck in the back of my shirt when they tuck in the back of my shirt you will suddenly discover that the back of my pants is gone the back of my pants is gone instead of the back of my pants being there there's nothing but what God gave me my butt sticking out of the back of my drawers it is grotesque it is disturbing unfortunately you're stuck in your chair you're glued in your chair you can't move your chair and you can't leave your chair also VIPs when you hear this noise when you hear this noise sorry not the feedback so now you will suddenly feel an uncomfortable feeling coming from your right ear and a comforting feeling it's almost as if the person next to you stuck their wet finger in your ear it's gonna bake you shocked and amazed you're gonna look at the person next to you punch them sticking their finger in your ear alright once I get this fixed I'm sorry everything okay okay yeah all right hi sir you're right it's disgusting okay all right hello I see oh oh my goodness oh I'm so sorry I'm Mike hands did anybody see anything that was a little bit weird just a second ago no you didn't see anything sir deny deny deny that's what I always say good news good news I've had a had a repair made the back of my pants is back let me just show you it's gonna be safe nothing but black denim like when I walked in okay all good so sorry that that is terrible unfortunately the fun of I can see is gone the fun of my pants again so really it started here in a second and I'll be honest I'm excited I'm excited I gotta say it's it's not even that I get to come out this late at night you're saying and it's exciting I'm not sure you can tell how excited I am but you know I'm pretty excited about the whole thing anyway I'm front of my pants is back from a [ __ ] spot give them a nice head well done I really appreciate that through all this craziness you all stand in your seats and tenth relax oops sorry [Music] yeah yeah this is a termination dose it's called economy which means that we are always at some level involved in our own safety so even though he's falling either share no bonus every time he does he does it away that's actually safe for his face back of his head he's actually under control he's relaxed but he's actually doing a fall in a way that's safe no one ever Falls unless they actually football the stage or something in a way that's not under the control people don't hurt themselves every kind of happened 20 years we have peas then I said you know from your eyes until they learn to wake everything looking feel perfectly normal to you except except what's next in order oh except for this it is time for each of you to have an opportunity to talk to me on the microphone this is the right side of time introduce yourself to the audience either star of the show I can't wait to meet all of you before I can do that I need to teach you magical terms and a couple of magical things these are things that are gonna make you more powerful and more creative simply by knowing them the first thing is the magic number tonight's magic number is three five seven weddings what's the magic number three five seven is the magic number because in a second when I ask you to count your fingers you'll count in the following fashion 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and so on let me say that one not that again nice and slow 1 2 3 those are the same as always 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 5 7 right below 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and so on these are the only numbers you're gonna need do you know what numbers you're gonna know twenties number is simply a space if you look for a number it's simply a space like between a and B which places the letters letters are important also notice by the way that keys as you sit in your chairs comfortably in relaxed leaning on the person on your left with your right notice how easy it is for you to remember your name how easy it is for you to remember your name it's like something that's in your pocket you know just where it is but if you he is in a second when you leave your chair you're gonna find that by standing up your name is gone it is simply disappeared like one of the numbers you may disappear before the minute you stand out of your chair come to the right before your nap but your name is gone if you look for your name there's simply a space in fact find the space right now that's the space you're gonna look your name will not be there but you look for your name your name is gone of course you sit down your name comes back to you that's because you only have your name you're sitting in your chair just like you are now that proof that it's working already know your name while you're sitting in your chair sir special assignment for a special person person I am touching now on the shoulder squeezing the shoulder in a second when you open your eyes you have a special task which is every time you hear the word microphone the word microphone I'll say the sentence lights please come to the microphone I'm get you to stand up and come and talk to me for a second that's because you're gonna discover a warm spot on your face even now you can notice warm spots on your face in a second you're gonna come up and get us piece of bandage for the warm spot on your face that is a a razor cut it's not scary or it's just annoying and you'll want to cover it with a red little red a blue piece of tape to keep it from bleeding on your shirt and other people's shirts if you understand nod your head every time your the work right front you'll come up for another piece of tape person I'm touching now person I'm touching down person I'm touching now and personally I'm touching now you have a special assignment as well your special assignment is this every time you hear applause and laughter you are gonna know that applause and laughter is for you also person I am touching now if tell me here applause and laughter that applause Alaska is for you people love seeing you on stage your friends and classmates love the fact that you in this show every time they hear applause and laughter you want to stand up and wave take little bow acknowledge your personal fans in the audience other than that VIPs remember 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and your name stays in your seats goodies we understand all your instructions including those with special instructions please nod your heads very good take a deep breath 3 2 1 eyes open [Music] how you guys do it I think it some of these nice people on stage let's see how about we start with this shuffle right here come up dear sir alright superstar superstar are you doing really good yeah yeah keV like good time tonight you favor look at me now look at the audience now look at me tell me your name that's a tough one let's start with something simpler I don't have stop you'd hold your hands up a finger both fingers wide hold my hands up fingers wide well can't please I don't have my phone I'm good now let me ask you first we don't have the counter now but do me a favor when you came on stage when you can use me buddy came to the gym tonight how many fingers did you have how many fingers when you when you came here tonight you want to want to be counted we'll just come together here we go [Music] Bertie so how many fingers do you have I don't know but it wouldn't be that mean I call him in your nickname but definitely not your day do me a favor put your hands down straight down shakes and when you sit down if you remember your name you may come back to the minute put your hand up [Music] [Applause] alright one second just one second it give something else a chart do me a favor every hope your hands up like this gentleman dead you don't know same it ends up just actually count your fingers one two three five keep going like that miss I'm gonna talk to you come on up here to microphone not to make sound good all right stay later [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm excited I'm excited too oh sorry okay did you get your fingers yeah how many fingers did you get you can tell me the truth you did marry now that's very good and that means very confusing [Applause] it's exciting they're excited right now so you're having a little trouble with your name yeah I can't remember yeah you know what he couldn't rip her either but you know it now don't you okay go when you sit down if you remember your name you up and tell us okay young lady thank you so much comin up here sir I don't know why did you come up why did you decide to come up you don't remember when you came up here you do something with your name was it telling us your name what's your name go sit down good [Applause] [Music] did you miss did you come up yet can you come up for a second yeah on this side make sure you close to the microphone good down [Laughter] yeah really - I see yes but you didn't get a control let's get around I understand [Music] [Laughter] so did you count your fingers how many fingers did you get - Wow was that okay with you let me see okay you did it just start with your start with one I start from 1 to get here 1 7 and 7 is 14 there you go they get 14 that's the gun you have the wrong number you see - we gotta start from one of both hands you get the 14 step better now wow she's a little pissed off I see that is you got some attitude what is your name seriously you can tell us your name right now just spit it out but it's the most obviously in the world your name go sit down do you remember your name good you mother pearcy Shona it's not I don't hear the microphone well what's wrong now sir what [Applause] [Music] but sir are you doing you feeling good did you cut your fingers you get to 12 yeah I know shut up oh yeah quick ready here let's start with your name do you have to worry anybody at stage of the wall or ID or anything that has their name in it no you don't know your name that's too bad um don't sit down for a second then let's really when you remember it did you know your name thank you wanna be appreciated hi what's your name sit down that's fine stay right here that's my phone now you would show your bit me in the show right it's on the nose what is your name seriously it's like the more you work on it it's I know it's one of those things like this it's do me a favor sit down for a second yo your name not good coming up here well I didn't hear you said what did you say your name is sit down that's okay that's fine all right how you doing sir you feeling good give it up here get some fancy that's nice yeah I'm excited to meet you hi I'm Peter and your name is just leave him there for a second all right is that free to have some fun get some energy before you do that though I need to tell you a good story this is the quick story there are two kinds of people in the world who are those people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah you know flip again way down here look at me no you stay with this okay once they when it's all right he wants to see the rest of the show VIPs in a second you're gonna get up if you choose to move around before you do that any time you good story here's a good story there are two kinds of people the world there are those people who change their minds they get excited about something that I've got a couple of months or years they change their mind for example you might want to play this meant that you change your mind you learn a game like a chess that you change your mind this makes fully rounded people have many interests that are fun to meet at dinner parties but there are other kind of people they choose one thing often very young often before they really should and they stick with it their entire lives sometimes people like this become experts in their field and sometimes those people come famous for being experts I'm talking about people like Tiger Woods the Williams sisters I'm talking about people like Kobe Bryant practice from when he was a small child I'm talking about smart people like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg or the owners of Google from Russia I'm talking about Bobby Fischer's plays chess most people think one thing when they were very young they never stopped working on it by the time that age you are right now they were considered among the best in a sense that you can open your eyes and you will be among the best at one thing and what does that thing it will be the best at dance the second one of you will become expert dancers you will know you're expert dancer than you're here at an expert dancer competition you show that you are the best dancer not in this room but in this part of the United States maybe in the entire United States maybe in the entire world based on how you dance tonight so VIP is in a second I will you open your eyes you'll be dancers the people on stage next you're also dancers you take dancing very seriously because of course it is your field of interest the other people on stage your competition you respect them for being excellent dangerous but you know that they are the competition I will explain the rules the dance competition - no y'all dance there's a reason you don't want to dance tonight because of a physical ailment or any other reason feel free to stay in your chair but keep in mind if you do not dance you cannot win the big competition that means money fame travel those big ones exorbitant money fame and travel VIPs you better stand on your heads good take a deep breath three two hello heavenly dancers head of dancers can we have one whose love for the dancers everybody their names are listen up fun to explain the dance competition rules I know some of you have come from long distances to dance or feel free to stand up and stretch out in front of your chairs that audience yourself dance competitions gonna work you are going to be doing the judging of the dance competition so for the next couple minutes make sure that you see and judge each and every one of the dancers on stage now make sure to make sure that you see them well some dancers listen carefully between each song there'll be a freezing moment are we on the word freeze it is important that for that moment you freeze in place so the audience can see your ability to freeze this is part of the dance competition so unique part of this particular dance competition alright if we stand in front of your own chair the first piece of music will start I'll be out of the way remember to freeze each piece of whoops that's feedback alright here we go dancers listen to the first piece of music and dance over the island rhythms let's see those violent resonances [Music] [Music] nicely done let's go back to your great parents music [Music] let's go back to your own childhood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go classical I know all of you have a background in classical let's try some ballet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] stay frozen while I discuss with the judges Oh babies you get some very good news I've talked to the judges and they've decided because everybody danced so well it would simply be impossible to judge a winner but here's the back news we will now have to go into sudden death overtime another word time for this I'm going to use some extra skills skills who are not knowing you're ready to use your acting skills acting skills because the next time the music begins you'll no longer be dancers now I need to see your skills as actors they'll do that by acting in the final scene of this upcoming movie the gunfight at the OK Corral you will all be gun fighters in the final gunfight so when the music begins you'll have your hands on your hips waiting for the gunfight to begin you'll move around the stage in front and behind the stick chairs where the audience can see getting ready for the gunfight but you cannot start the gunfight until I say the word draw until then simply stare down the other gun fighters find a good position make your strategy decide who you can scare just with your face and then when you're hit or draw you can think take your fake guns and your fake holsters and have a big movie gunfight don't worry if you get shot it's all in the script member if you get shot the sickly opportunity to your big slow motion death seemed for the audience and the cameras that are harmed somebody might just get the Academy Award tonight if they do a dramatic enough density VIPs this is the music [Music] [Music] stay on the stage [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very nice the IDS stay stay lying on the ground but I need you to go back to your chairs but please only go back is stick your chairs onstage in slow motion [Music] Swedish [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] because I can hold your finger up at your finger because I'm about to tell you a story the other finger look at that to tell you about that finger that looks like a regular fingers that seems like a regular finger but the idea is that is not a regular finger no that is a zombie fingered a zombie finger that wants to touch you on the face and put you to sleep in a second that finger is going to start moving towards you and when it touches you on the face he is going to put you to sleep but you don't want to sleep so it's so as the finger gets closer to you you're gonna fight the finger now keep in mind the figure is strong you cannot hurt the finger don't even try to punch the finger all you can do is keep it away from your face with your muscles VIP use the finger begins to move now [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's even stronger even stronger [Music] last couple of seconds even sugar did you sleep find it to the last second even spoken out Titusville give them a nice hand everybody that can't be comfortable that is how you know that they're not actually passed out that they're absolutely focusing wait yeah these are the second I'm going to bring you out of your hypnotic trance allow you to turn to your friends and discuss how it felt to do this wonderful experience so I need to give you a couple suggestions that you'll take with you while you are here in the auditorium first suggestion is lucky enough something you can take with you for the rest of your life or as long as it's YouTube and that's this from now on you will know that you are an excellent subject for hypnosis that your mind is work creative and functional that even you realized that whenever possible you should always look to your mind for solutions that seem impossible or on reachable your mind has amazing powers that you have not yet discovered that when you can keep forever as far as I'm concerned it's true now the ones you'll keep while you're in the auditorium in the gymnasium in the clubhouse first one is this one when you wake up you'll feel absolutely learned it awake refresh is if you slept for hours waking up naturally and taking a run around the block so your blood is pumping through your veins the wake of absolutely wonderful feeling absolutely no wait unfortunately you remember anything about the last hour and 15 minutes until you take a sip of liquid water juice soda anything water fountain until you do that you will not remember anything about the show only what you take your first sip of water or other liquid will you suddenly remember everything about the show and tell them the show remain an absolute blank to you you'll feel wonderful your love was fun we will not be a little member if you think about it nod your head if you understand VIPs good secondly some individual suggestions for individual people person I am touching person I am touchy now when you wake up feeling alerting away absolutely refreshed and ready to have fun the rest of the night you will realize you need to thank you for the show you'll come up to me shake my hand for the show that you'll go back to the audience to sit with your friends you'll suddenly realize you want to thank me even more enthusiastically she'll come back the second time shake my hand more enthusiastically and thank me again try to leave the stage you'll realize you still didn't really thank me of the way you want you'll come back a third time really thank you these guys think they really shake my hand a long and until you guys come out of time and you'll finally get the courage the other thing you really want to do - thank you for the show slap my butt like a football player you understand nod your head good person I am touching now when you wake up you are gonna leave the stage you are to the audience to realize you need to come back to tell the truth about hypnosis you'll come back on stage you'll tell me audience into the microphone that hypnosis is fake nobody on stage reset the ties the hypnosis is impossible and that way you can be to convince yourself and the audience of the truth about hypnosis you will go to the bathroom proudly hopping like the little bunny rabbit that you are a proud little bunny rabbit hopping all the way understand not your hand good person I am touchy now on the shoulder person I'm touching now you will come up with me after the show and thank you for the show tell me how much a good time you had then you'll go back to the chair you're sitting in right now and try to take it into the bleachers as a souvenir of tonight's show I will of course stop you from taking the chair to this interview in the bleachers you'll bring it back put it right back in the same position go into the bleachers and then come back to try to steal the chair and bring it to the stage of bleachers two times before you finally give up if you understand on your heads you try to steal the chair three different times good everybody else waking up feeling alerting away except everybody else every time you hear my name every time you hear my name Peter Rose you will jump up and down and yell Peter Rose rules like it's a rock concert every typing every name Peter gross rules like it's a rock concert also person I am touching now when you hear my name the first time you will talk about it out of your chair yeah Peter gross rules you'll come onstage you'll go over to the camera which is over by let's see move by the microphone there's a camera you'll go right into the camera you'll yell into the camera I love this show it was the most amazing show I've ever seen do that each and every time you hear my name Peter Rose good everybody else waking up alert late here's one wake up you wake up the same we light the back back down simply by jumping back with your five looks how they get to five from zero you'll feel alert awake your eyes be ready to open you'll be ready to jump up out of your chair or out of the ground take a big bow and take your pose doing it so we start with zero zero take a deep breath begin to have the suggestions of tonight's show dissipate like clouds or like with helium floating up into the air now I said the word one take another deep breath you begin to sit on them either in your chair or on the floor with your eyes shut beginning to feel your energy of your body churning through your body blood rushing to every corner of your body across your face and close your chest and your back now I say the word - and you'll begin to feel your mind become clear like a clear day with no clouds now I say the words three begin you fill your mind and body coalescing together the energy of your mind enters your body coming together rushing through your body like circuitry energy going through your body like electricity getting ready to stand up and jump up and down take it down get up head back down thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much before we get going it you want to say something I will be on for another minutes if you want to have specific questions about hypnosis in your life you want to try to find the outline the easiest ways by remembering mind me my name is Peter [Applause] [Music] just my pleasure honestly miss beg my name thank you [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: yannip1234
Views: 69,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, high school, rmhs, misster rmhs, hypnotizing, all night party, fun, funny, dumb, crazy, jokes
Id: 8v8SwnbCGh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 54sec (3954 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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