r/maliciouscompliance - "Okay, I WON'T work!"

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake in today we are going to be looking at the subreddit our such malicious compliance where people conform to the letter but not the spirit of a request my classmate could pronounce French words so he played a tourist in my final year of high school I decided to remake French out of boredom and curiosity in that class I had a classmate who was very hardworking but could not for the life of him remember how to pronounce the words a quick note this isn't so much malicious compliance as it was working the system but I thought it was cut and wanted to share it with you all spelling no problem grammar he would love it and act like it was child's play but speaking it he would butcher the words more than an idiot believing Spanish is just English words you add o at the end to for example the French word for boy gasps aw he would say gar cone unfortunately for him part of our grade was made up of speaking exercises we would have to write and act out before the class this stressed him a lot as it could affect his grade a lot and he wasn't sure what to do then an idea came to him and since we were all in the same group and I knew he was a hard worker I told him we'd do it so the day came when we had to present our skit to the class and we set up we would do in a restaurant chapter so we acted as if I was a French girl meeting her American friend who was visiting the moment he started speaking in French to our waiter the class burst out laughing we pretty much played it as a comedy as if he was supposed to say things wrong the whole time and I would just have to say I'm sorry he's American as if it was the answer to everything our French teacher wasn't completely happy about it though she was laughing a lot when he on purpose ordered a Poisson dish instead of a fish dish and we just acted horrified he got a B for it and was told it was a one-time deal he never got higher than a C on the verbal tests but she did give him a lot of lead way because he was trying his hardest well I don't know what he's doing now he did pass the class with a B+ and he was only taking the class to meet the two years Second Language that was required to graduation I worked for local government in the printing Department over the years we caught many mistakes before jobs went to press our customers were usually extremely grateful as we saved money from their budgets and sometimes sped them the embarrassment to so when we were told to print a very high profile document from the chief executive for every householder in the borough I gave it a quick once-over lookey I did because there was a bad spelling error on the front-page headline if published the press would likely have a field day it came to us via the communications team so I called the comms officer responsible and was expecting her to be grateful on the contrary she interrupted me before I could even tell her what the mistake was and Hartley declared that the document had been double triple quadruple checked even checked by the chief executive himself and the eye presumably because I was a lowly print officer must be mistaken yes I was angry and I was sorely tempted to let the job run unaltered but I figured that the comms officer wouldn't be the one getting in trouble it would be whoever signed off for the final proof probably in the Chiefs execs office and as the print unit the public would assume it was our fault no way not having that so I fired a quick email hi Karen regarding our conversation earlier today I called you to let you know that there's an error in the headline of the hugely important document but you assured me that I must be mistaken just to confirm that we'll begin printing regardless as per your instructions regards Michel gravy funnily enough we received a very hasty call asking us to put the job on hold does this guy mention what the mistake was cuz I'm really curious as to what it was but I don't think he says it anywhere teacher forgets about me guest on a new one by my mum so me and my classmates went on a field trip to a science museum about one year ago and I being a curious little kid asked a lot of questions my teachers kept getting more and more short-tempered with me until finally one of them snapped and tells me to and I quote sit down and shut up so I sat down and wait to be allowed up after 30 minutes a worker walked by and asked me what I was doing there where are my parents and the saw she calls the school after finding out I was on the field trip my teacher comes in dragged me to her car and takes me home there she tells my mom how stupid and terrible I was I finally broke down crying and yelled that I was told to sit down and shut up and no one came to get me and the teacher says it was just common sense at this my mum's face turns tomorrow red and she flips out on the teacher for not being responsible and blaming students for her stupidity and told her if I didn't get an apology it would be brought up with the principal and the teacher just ran out red-faced PS I got that apology isn't the point of being a teacher to answer the students questions not to tell them to show up when they ask you something I don't know but you no need to prove that you're the Alpha of the group might want to rethink what you're about to do this story was told by my manager but it's just too good not to share here I work in a steakhouse that is fairly popular and every now and then we host a bigger barbecue experience dinner for around 25 people at a time it was a fairly ordinary Friday night and we had a reservation for a corporate dinner everything had gone quite smoothly and people were generally happy when my manager went to take the food order the presumably head honcho of the group senior manager or something pulled him aside at the table and requested that he would be served - or you can eat spareribs I guess you're already catching on to what this guy isn't yet my manager at first sight convincing him back that they are all-you-can-eat spareribs there's no need to order - well the guy even after hearing his co-workers chime in with there's really no need he still pushed onwards trying to prove that he's the Alpha of the group he didn't care that there's no need he can eat both of them he just needs to absolutely if you insist well that's what he got he finished one rack didn't even start the other didn't order extra ribs paid for both the rest of the guys apparently looked very smoked the rest the evening as my manager told me later to be fair sometimes I do get really hungry I need to theoretically infinite quantities of ribs I are just when you really really hungry want any beer sure I work in a pub which has about 30 types of beer sometimes people come in just asking for a beer I always ask if there's anything in particular they are looking for so they can get something they would enjoy I usually have a default beer if there are tourists or just want a standard beer however the place I work at used to have a very very sour red ale white rabbit red ale we were told that if anyone ordered it we would ask if they had had it before and give them a taste of it most of the customers that asked for just a beer would get the standard beer but there was a few customers yelling I just want a beer who's got so hard sure needless to say no one enjoyed that beer most of them brought it back claiming I was off it didn't taste right that was the reason we let them taste it before buying it usually no one could really say anything because they asked for a beer and they got a beer you're mad we didn't do it in January let me back date for you I work phone service for an auto insurance company a woman just called in mad because she didn't see her discount for taking her mother off the policy from back in January I did the research and sure enough mum got her own policy and we never updated her status on this one customer was so insistent that I corrected the error that I did so effective the date the other policy was bound when I came back from hold I told her I'd corrected our error she fairly crowed with the light that weed messed up and she'd been right her righteous tone ended abruptly when I told her the back dated increased billing if you've just been quiet about it you'd have saved money the last agent probably broke protocol and left mom active because it would have meant an increase squeaky wheel gets the grease no phone no work my dad's co-worker is an older simple man that doesn't have any social media and only uses his phone for calls / texts and emails this was around the time that the iPhone 5 was the newest thing my dad's co-workers job requires him to walk around to large factories meaning he wasn't at his desk very often so the best way to contact him was to call such text him for many years he used his personal phone which he paid for and paid for each month's bill one day the phone decided to die and become unusable he then went to HR to ask if they could buy him a replacement since he only used it for work HR refused and told him it wasn't their responsibility he then proceeded to simply go on without a phone this meant that the only way to contact him was to hunt him down the emails wouldn't be read and answered later and any information he would bring back would be delayed due to the walk causing other workers to wait to proceed with work within two weeks HR had so many complaints from the other workers that they called him in they told him he had to be his desk to answer calls and to learn to properly communicate my dad's co-worker argued that a good 60% of his job required him to be away from his desk and it was simply impossible for him to stay his desk two more months pass without him having a phone then one night he got a call on his landline from his boss's wife she said that she would buy him a phone out of her own pocket because her husband his boss kept coming home angry and annoyed about the worker that never had his phone on him in the end he got a brand-new iPhone five fully paid for by the company hey everyone I hope you're all having a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you did and you're not already subscribed please do consider doing so so that you never miss out on another video if you want to check out some other videos then click on screen right now or check out some of the playlists I made on the channel but thank you again so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 178,185
Rating: 4.8971548 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/malicious, r/compliance
Id: DJMiUftkf2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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