r/MaliciousCompliance - Just Do Your Job And SHUT UP! - #530

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hello and welcome back to the kcc channel i'm rob and today we'll be jumping into malicious compliance our first story today comes to us from packrat2488 try to be lazy and get me to do your job i'll let you fail let's jump right in this happened two decades ago some background my first job was at a fast food chain i worked hard impressed the store manager and got myself promoted at the time i was still 17 so i was promoted to team leader with implication that i would get promoted further when i was older i was still in high school so i worked the evening shift which started at 4 and ended at 12. the evening manager was a good guy who also worked hard and as a result had gotten promoted to store manager position at a different location since they needed a manager and i wasn't old enough they hired a new manager who i'll call karen so karen is hired and starts shadowing the current night manager learning the ropes after two weeks he departs and she is now set to take over that's where this story really starts i normally get in around 30 minutes early one of my responsibilities is to make a position chart which tells the workers where they are working that night i need to hand it off to the manager for approval before posting it as i arrive i notice one of our night shift workers is already there we'll call her jen she is sitting in the lobby crying and being consoled by other employees i always found her to be a bit manic but she was a nice girl she had a rough home life so i didn't hold it against her come to find out she had just had a large fight with her mother which ended up with her getting kicked out so she is effectively homeless good reason to be upset i ask her if she needs the night off she says no she needs the money i can't disagree and head off to get started for the night shift the night manager typically runs the drive through register after day shift leaves there are a few reasons for this first this means that the manager has control of the drawer and money for the entire night this eliminates the possibility of employees having short drawers second this also puts the manager as the person interacting with the customers i lived in a college town so drunken guys drive through all the time and just want to chat up the pretty face behind the register third it gives the manager the least amount of responsibilities as far as cleanup so given what i know now i make up a position chart and place karen on the register and jen on a friar where she can get help if she can't focus i walked to the office to hand off the chart to night manager and was surprised that he wasn't there he normally is in at least an hour before shift to make sure everything is ready that's when i remembered this will be karen's first night alone i groan inwardly this is going to be a trial by fire kind of night the day manager is there but no sign of karen it's now 10 minutes to shift and even day manager is wondering what's up i filled daymanager in about jen show her the chart and ask if it looks good she agrees and i said i'll post it for now and karen can sign it when she gets in i had just finished posting the position chart when karen shows up looking frazzled she heads for the office without a word to anyone meanwhile people start getting into position and ready for the shift a few minutes later karen walks up pulls my position chart and replaces it with a new one again she walks off without a word according to the new position chart jen is working the drive through and karen is working nothing her name isn't there she has another employee working two positions and the whole shift working effectively one person short wtf i head to the office where karen and day manager are talking and ask for some clarification i explained there must be a mistake no that's right but you're not in a position and worker is working two positions well how am i supposed to be in charge if i'm in a position day shift and i just stare at her blankly you need to be in a position you are accounted for in the labor calculations well i have six years of management experience and i have never needed to fill a position to get the job done things are going to change around here we do things my way now now she just spent the last two weeks shadowing a manager that walked her through every step of the job she knows she should be in a position and why this shouldn't even be a question she just wants to spend the shift sitting in the office and everyone knows it at this point dayshift manager and i are sharing horrified glances at each other i tell karen that she'll need to go get people moved around if that's what she wants because it's her plan she gives an exasperated sigh and heads that way i turned a day shift and plead with her to call the store manager and let her know what's going on she agrees i head back to the line and start working after short time later day shift pulls me aside and says that the store manager said it is karen's shift she is in charge she makes the decisions then she leaves for the night the shift proceeds to implode in a spectacular fashion less than an hour in the employee working two positions is so far in the weeds that orders are taking three times as long to get out the drive-through is backed up and the guy stuck at the window waiting are trying to flirt with jen who is having none of it and getting more annoyed by the minute as the wait gets longer and longer the people are becoming more and more irritated as they get to the window and they are taking it out on jen things are starting to get out of hand and karen is nowhere to be seen i go to the office to let her know we need help and find her watching a portable tv i start to tell her what's going on and she cuts me off she tells me to get back on the line do my job and stop bothering her i was about to try and explain when i just thought you know what screw that cue malicious compliance i turned walked back to the line and watched the situation unfold 30 minutes later a car at the window is giving jen an earful about how long she has been waiting she calls her worthless and jen goes off she takes the large strawberry milkshake next to her chucks it at the lady and calls her a fat ugly see the lady and the inside of her car are covered in pink goo everything went so silent you could hear a pin drop then the lady starts screaming jen closes the window on her and walks calmly to the back the lady peels around the front and comes in the front door screaming for a manager i go and knock on the office door karen appears looking pissed and annoyed she tries to snap at me but i tell her she has a customer at the front asking for the manager karen rolls her eyes and heads towards the front oblivious to the crap storm that is waiting i went and found jen huddled in the back crying again i tell her to get herself together and head back to the front when she is ready i head to the line where the now purple-faced lady is screaming at karen about dry cleaning and upholstery cleaning and i want that girl fired at this point i can see that karen has finally realized that things have gotten way out of control she is trying to calm the lady down but she is having none of it eventually jen comes back to the line and lady starts in on her again calling her all kinds of nasty things karen just stood there and let the woman berate her jen just kind of deflated in front of us watching her crumble like that just broke something in me i walked over to jen and said just quit you're better than this job and you can do better she looked up at me for a moment then smiled she lifted her chin walked to karen and said i quit handed her name tag to her and walked out karen started apologizing to the lady who now seemed slightly mollified then karen started badmouthing jen to her saying how she was a terrible employee and how we were all happy she was gone that's when i decided i was better than that job too i looked at karen and said the only terrible employee here is you and i walked out two other employees walked out right behind me we all met with jen in the parking lot and went to an ihop where we sat and speculated on how karen was getting along jen told me that was the first time in her life anyone had ever stood up for her the next day i got a call from the store manager asking for an explanation apparently karen had struggled the entire night with service afterwards she had been there most of the night trying to clean and prep for day shift and had done a piss-poor job the story she had given the store manager was that jen and i had planned everything with the intent to set her up because we didn't like her and wanted to see her fail karen had basically blamed the whole incident on jen and i the store manager told me she was investigating to get all sides of the story so i told her a few hours later she called again and informed me that karen was no longer employed and asked if i would be coming in that night i asked if jen was getting her job back she said no the whole shake debacle wasn't something she could overlook i said then my answer is no she was surprised she tried to negotiate with me i told her my price was jen getting her job back she said she couldn't do that and that was that if you're wondering how jen turned out i married her we are very happy and have four children managers like this karen only get away with what they're doing because of the employees that feel like they're stuck in their positions and they can't leave because they need the job i honestly wish walkouts were a more common thing it would definitely let corporate know what the employees think of the managers and what they're doing do me a quick favor and take a look down below the video if that subscribe button's still red it means you're not actually subscribed to the kcc channel please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories our next story today comes to us from unfocused mychi just do your job and shut up no problem let's jump right in the software company i worked for got acquired some people were let go some were added and some teams and functions were restructured prior to acquisition we had a multiple hat situation where you basically did whatever was in your capacity teams played to each other's strengths and one person would generally take a client from the first demo right through the configuration implementing and training phases of the software some of us had strengths in technical areas others had a decade plus in the client subject matter clients would give us some feedback or wish list we'd talk amongst the team about how the functionality could be added or changed make a functional mockup and then bring that to the development team for polish and integration into the production code it worked wonderfully like 100 positive feedback and nothing broken when it went to production we had a good rapport with the dev guys and some of us were able to write queries or code portions that would save them from having to ask a billion subject matter questions when we weren't dedicated to a task we'd handle support calls clients would call up receptionists learned who to pass things to based on clients and the nature of issues and resolution was typically instantaneous unless the problem required research clients loved that and had the understanding that if we couldn't resolve their problem right away it was because we needed to look into it after the acquisition the parent company reorganized things into a much more rigid you have one job type of scenario the trouble was with the people they let go i was the singular remaining source of a lot of the capacities we provided it left me working with the sales product improvement and concept production evangelism implementation development data conversion and support teams initially i didn't mind wasn't any different than my previous role things started nicely enough with the company ceo genuinely asking would you mind helping x team with y project and he'd pick up my travel bar tabs and toss me a day off here and there it was a fair exchange and he treated it as though i was doing him a favor but at some point all these other departments expected then demanded my time instead of people asking when i could help them on a project i would just find time blocks added to my schedule for various things a couple of times i was supposed to be chairing these meetings and having things prepared and no one even bothered to tell me around this same time i noticed a lot of recommendations i made when asked for input were being overturned by people in new roles who had no idea what they were talking about as in literally had no exposure to the subject matter and had never even seen the software plus no programming or logic or database experience so my input is demanded but also ignored and this was causing more demands on my time when things were broken or didn't meet client expectation plus the new dev team i was working with made every excuse not to act unless someone went and confirmed and fetched everything they needed the external demands on my time had increased and i had coincidentally hit a few walls with my actual job in that clients were unresponsive and couldn't get me the data or access i needed to complete tasks but that didn't stop my boss from demanding documentation and results and documentation about the results there was no such thing as waiting it's your duty to call and harass the powerless client until whatever third party involved enables whatever we need i was really unhappy in a job i had previously loved every day was worse than the last and then i got my employee review it was top notch and yet i got the same cost of living raise as everyone else it particularly burned my butt that the sales guys were getting commission on sales that i effing made and i was just shafted at the original company effort above and beyond was well rewarded i doubled my starting salary in a few years time for hard work now i was miserable overdrawn and got nothing for it i was having daily arguments with my boss who was completely indifferent to all my commitments and refused to understand that i couldn't compel third-party companies to do my timely bidding to get client data or access out of nowhere i get a call from the head of the data conversions department he says a few of his people have noticed some high level solutions to dev or data problems in the team's chat come out of some random guy from implementations in no time then he was talking to a pre-existing client about converting a set of financial data from a legacy system i had converted some building code fire planning and police data from and they asked if they could have me do it specifically because my conversion of their other data was flawless and i granted them some change requests on the way through to make their lives easier simple changes to record type names for easier identification clip leading spaces or extra zeros so they could put reports in excel stuff like that he said the client wouldn't stop effing gushing about me and he was floored to hear that i had done the whole thing myself where his team typically breaks the responsibilities between five or more people he offered me a position on the spot and i told him i was interested and i'd think about it he told me i could start doing some part-time stuff with him a few hours a week if i wanted it that way then he told me he saw the bs i was dealing with and said he'd get the other department off my effing plate i liked him right away my current boss then interrupted our call seeing me talking to that guy on our in-house phone app and demanded to know what i was wasting my time on then she proceeds to berate me about open orders and my lack of documentation about their lack of progress you got time to bs with him but you can't call a client i tried to tell her for the millionth time about all the expectations from the other departments the obligations they leave beyond their allotted time frames the inability i have to force other companies to do things for us no matter how many times i tell the client she told me i'm done with your excuses just do your job and shut up i called the conversion's head right back and asked how soon i could transfer to his department full time he said evan yesterday man this is such good news i was just talking to assistant department manager and he about crapped his pants when i said i think i got you part-time take the rest of the day off have a beer to celebrate i'll handle the transfer and we'll see you in the morning and that was that i did as my new boss commanded and had a beer to celebrate a wave of relief came over me after months of tension the following day i told the vampire department and my previous boss in no uncertain terms that i was done helping them it went unacknowledged and they continued adding things to my calendar so i deleted them did my job and shut up things got ugly i'm not super talented or anything but i was literally the only person they had for a lot of things and things went to crap most of it requires institutional knowledge i had spent years acquiring so they couldn't even hire someone to do the things and rather than come ask me for help people made demands and attacks and i got flat out belligerent about it in an email with the ceo cc'd the support manager asked why i couldn't be bothered to help them anymore i said for the same reason you can't be bothered to clean the toilets or re-cable the building not my job previous boss told me to just do my job and shut up take it up with her the sales evangelist guys tried to go over my head and asked my new boss if i could do some of their demos he said sure if you come over here and do some of his conversions numbers tanked for the departments i was previously involved with support in particular they went from a two-hour average resolution time to eight days sales for my product line went down from 85 success to less than 25 ceo reported that sales dropped over 60 from 85 don't know the exact dev and product went from 100 customer satisfaction to 60 implementations has been completely unable to install certain components which led to at least one contract cancellation and demand for a refund and in true storybook fashion my previous boss's boss the one who gave me my previous employee review and who is a childhood friend of the ceo told me privately that the ceo noticed all the departments ops stopped working for suddenly saw their worst numbers in company history weird and asked anything in particular that pushed the guy over the edge previous boss's boss explained that i was pissed about the review and raise having nothing to do with merit or effort the demand from other departments unrealistic and impossible expectations and the idiotic requirement for documentation so this year and going forward there are two criteria for yearly raises individual output and department output no raises for people with negative performance numbers upon that announcement some department heads up and quit and others change positions internally meanwhile i have written a few utilities for my team that have saved thousands of hours of manual work our numbers are soaring where they were previously up and down and my new boss is driving the whole bus full of our laughing butts all the way to the bank the whole telling somebody do more work then we will consider giving you more money doesn't really work what you really need to do is give them more money and then tell them to do more work an employee will be a lot more likely to accept more work if they're already getting paid higher i mean what's the point of doing more work if there's only a chance of getting a raise come on thank you to both ops for posting their stories in the malicious compliance subreddit they are linked in the description down below please go check them out check out one of these other videos and if you haven't yet please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 57,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash
Id: ZdiBAe1gwrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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