r/MaliciousCompliance "If you had done my laundry I wouldn't have."

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welcome to a new video let's take a look at some new malicious compliance stories the first story is called no phones at work the nature of my job requires me to be in different parts of the facility at different times there is a schedule in our shared Google Drive so you can easily find where I am scheduled to be there are also phones in each of those places we use our cell phones for email and text communications throughout the day my boss is constantly having her secretary text us to relay pieces of information our company policy literally encourages the use of cell phones for work-related reasons they don't provide devices to check emails so really it's the most efficient way to communicate rather than leaving your post to go to an office with a computer my boss is a complete nutcase she gets in these moods where everything gets her off two weeks ago she was in one of her moods she had her secretary email a schedule change to all of us employees then she walked in the room my coworker and I was in my coworker was on her phone reading said email the boss walked out with an annoyed look on her face like five minutes later we get a passive-aggressive email from her saying there have been complaints that several of you are using your phones throughout the day her company policy you are not to be on your phones Thanks I was totally confused wondering if the policy had changed so I looked up the policy no change still said they encourage the use of phones for work purposes I decided I could be just as ridiculous she is the primary person who contacts us throughout the day anyway so I began leaving my phone in my car I check my emails at 6:55 before I enter the building she doesn't come in until 7:30 so I don't get her emails until the end of the day it is going on two weeks now she can't be bothered to pull up the schedule file to get the room number when she needs to contact me so she asks someone else to do whatever nonsense she needs to be done it has proven to be far more stressful for her than for me I secretly laugh when someone says the boss send an email and I can reply I didn't see that because I don't have my phone update one a conversation came up while I was with two co-workers about the original email and how passive-aggressive our boss is I reminded them of my petty response they're going to try and join the no-phone Club update to the no-phone Club is down to just one other person one of them quit the job altogether I'm still holding strong the big boss hasn't seemed to notice although we do talk in person quite a bit more she's a great person so that's a win as far as my direct boss is concerned I think next week will really be a test it will be the first full week of being short-staffed last update I'm alone in the no phone club again but that's okay the last month has been great a co-worker of mine said she talked to our boss and told her that I don't bring my phone to work anymore apparently the boss got mad and talked to the big boss I don't know what was said but I haven't gotten any texts or emails from my boss since it has been great she has only contacted me once via corded phone she has been doing her own work and has stopped asking my co-workers and me to do her chores it's interesting how much work we were doing for her and how often we were being pulled from our duties the way I see it the whole thing has worked out well for my co-workers and I we aren't getting texts or emails to come to her work for her we are far more productive than we have been over the last two years despite being very short-staffed I have gotten used to not having my phone and have gotten over the anxiety of not checking my email all day all in all it's been a win-win I think the next story is called exactly as you specified every year an external agency requests data from our company the first time this happened the accountant liaised with me on the requirements and the format I would send it to her in to facilitate her data entry to the agency web page after the first year and realizing this would be a yearly occurrence I created a script in template the accountant would give me the dates and a few other specifics and I would send her the data within that day this year the accountant was on leave so her boss took over and talked to me over the phone I need the data for this specific event is it the yearly request sure could I have the dates and specifics no no this is new you need to give me this data from that table I didn't bother to take notes since I was sure it was that same request and already opened my scripts ready to input the new date requirements yes that's what they asked for every year I just need the she interrupts me no you are not listening to me do I need to speak to your boss this is a new request she paused to breathe and I quickly apologized no sorry please tell me what you need again at this point I already knew I was going to maliciously comply why else be so polite she repeats her requirements and this time I take detailed notes since she was so specific in which tables she wanted the data from as well she takes an ordinate pride in knowing the backbone of the system and how it works who was I a lowly tech peon to tell her otherwise I apologized again and promised to send it to her by the end of the next working day since it was as she was well aware really complicated and urgent too since there was a submission deadline I took a coffee break and a chance to quickly update my boss about this priority request and that my other tasks had to wait till this was sent out to her I told my boss what she said it's not the same yearly request there were apparently some changes but since the documents were so sensitive I could not review them I only had her word on the requirements and since it was so specific I would give her exactly as she wanted she should have gone to my boss first if it was a new request but she decided she would bully me into giving it to her urgently my boss didn't want to get involved and sealed the deal for me give her what she wants so I spent the next hour extracting large amounts of raw data and pasting him into Excel screw formatting and Leia she knows what the raw data looks like Auto calculated fields and date ranges pivot tables to organize she never mentioned that how would I know how could I guess I send it early a large zipped Excel file email to her and my boss on the urgent data requested I send it the next day just before our lunch hour I knew she would see it before leaving for lunch and would want to check it for a chance to parade me as soon as possible if it wasn't exactly what she asked for spoiler alert it was exactly what she asked for she never spoke of it to me again her team wasn't happy that she was late to join him for lunch they have to walk past my cubicle I waited for the accountant to return from her vacation and gave her a few days before I asked her how this year's submission of the external requests went she was concerned was I on leave too the boss was manipulating a huge excel file and didn't look like anything I've sent previously she thought perhaps my boss has given her the data since he wouldn't know what we had discussed and worked with previously turns out it was the same yearly request the boss spent a few days tediously doing what my scripts already do and she could have just copied and pasted from my scripted data the third story is called secondary school student council this happened approximately eight years ago in the United Kingdom my school was and still is one of the most underperforming in my city I'm convinced this had to do with staffing and poor management one of the school's higher-ups wanted to establish a student council to raise the morale of students and generate more income for the school after all the members had been elected it quickly became clear that this was just an additional way for the school to justify more money from the local authority to buy stuff that was needed every idea the student council suggested got shot down some was sensible others were not so sensible we were essentially puppets so the school could get more money by being seen to be doing good stuff without actually playing a role in the school system eventually we were told that we had to buy outdoor bins for the school grounds this is not what the student council wanted to buy with their precious budget we were told by the vice principal we did not have a choice and he expected the order to be completed as soon as possible this is where the malicious compliance kicks in rather than by 15 to 20 professional-looking bins for the school ground we found the glorious hippo pin this was the first thing all the student council was united on buying we placed an order as instructed and it is fair to say that the staff was livid that they did not take a tighter control the next academic year the student council was dissolved the next story is called blame me for your cheating I dated an idiot before my husband he was from the cheating kind we'll call him Chad about six months into our relationship some girl from another school went into a rage that chad was cheating on her with me she spammed everybody in her address book with the news and left me some wild and crazy voice males generally lost her at very publicly on him upon confronting Chad with this shocking news he made a terrible mistake he decided to blame me for his cheating if I just did the laundry and made dinner more often he wouldn't have cheated on me how these things are related is baffling but it definitely got him on the Express train 2x town we didn't even live together so it was an especially odd choice for the blame and shame game I did however have keys to his place and malice in my heart you want me to do your laundry I'll do your laundry I swung by the local big box bath store and picked up the cheapest bright red towel they had you know the one that will exude dye for its entire lifespan as a towel turning everything that will ever get near a pink then I loaded up his washer with my towel in everything white I could find in the hamper underwear socks t-shirts you name it it was going to be pink then I executed the tackiest breakup of my life do you think being dumped by text message is bad I did it by post-it note right on the lid of the washer I left up with route type message just in case the number of names I called him after that blame and shame attempt hadn't made it completely clear he had sort of run away before I got all the way to where over it worked even better than I'd hoped because he didn't come home for a few days he bugged out to visit his family for a long weekend to avoid the heat from women and all their friends by the time he got home he had a damn pink mildewy mess in his washer based on the angry voicemails I got guess Chad didn't really want me to do his laundry after all the next story is called expensive disasters ensue this happened a few decades ago at a plant complex involved in national defense work the existing contractor decided to leave when the contract expired and a new company came in of course the new company's managers came in with the attitude of this place is a mess we're going to run it our way which is the only way needless to say this attitude did not sit well with many of the long-term employees they knew their stuff quite well especially the site-specific knowledge needed to keep the plant running one of the things the new company wanted to change early on were the standard operating procedures plant wide because the written procedures inherited from the old company did not comply with the style used by them to this end they brought in a bunch of technical writers to rewrite the procedures the right way however none of them had any knowledge of the specifics regarding the procedures they were rewriting and had no access to the areas the procedures applied to as they didn't have any security clearances it took over nine months to get him at the time one of the most important procedures which were rewritten covered power outages in a production build handling some really hazardous stuff which required gloveboxes controlled air circulation patterns massive air filtration etc when the riders finished the procedure they handed it off to the building engineers all of whom had at least 20 years experience and scheduled a test of the system simulating a power loss and bringing the emergency generators online to power the building the old timers looked at the newly revised procedure over and noticed some glaring errors they notified their bosses at the new company only to be told that the procedure was fine as written in their input was unnecessary when the test was run it got to a point where the building engineers asked again are you sure you want to do this they were told to comply with the new procedure to the letter they did as they were told and shortly afterward there was some nasty sounds from the generators a few scary electrical arcs and the generators became a few tons worth of scrap metal the management was livid looking everywhere for someone to blame not finding anyone they decided that it was some sort of subtle sabotage on the part of the building engineers for the retest after the backup power system was rebuilt they decided to post a manager at the elbow of every employee involved in the test to ensure that the procedure was followed exactly to the letter the building engineers again expressed their misgivings but complied with their orders as they had been given dire threats about what would happen to them if they deviated in any way from the procedure despite the micromanagement the tests had exactly the same outcome as the first one dramatic arcs bad noises fried equipment and another million-dollar outlay to fix everything the post-mortem on the second test established that the procedure had indeed been followed exactly with no divergence from it anywhere faced with this the managers finally went back to the building engineers whom they'd been blaming for the failures to solicit their input it seems that the core problem was what they tried to tell the managers at the outset a critical step was emitted one which specified that both generators had to have their output in phase with each other prior to bringing them online the procedure was quietly rewritten with the input of the building engineers and the third test went flawlessly the last story is called no exceptions I never appreciated the saying Pennywise pound-foolish until I started working for my current company most of us work 8:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday some of work 7:00 to 5:00 and take off early on Friday others work a bit later 9:00 to 6:00 some show up 5 to 15 minutes late and stay another five to 15 minutes if there's a deadline looming it's not uncommon to see people in the office at 6:00 or even later we're all honest about our hours not that it truly matters is we're all salaried we make sure we work the overall hours were supposed to no one relies on us to be available but we all have our contact pieces of information available if we are needed anyway for the most part it works nicely people are happy and work gets done most people are happy I should say the bosses they're never happy they don't like the flexible hours we've grown accustomed to and want to put a stop to it not too long ago a memo was sent out our business hours are 8:00 to 5:00 every day everyone is expected to be here at 8:00 and leave at 5:00 no exceptions Jon who drives through the worst traffic in North America was a fan of the flex hours coming in an hour late and staying an hour late meant he was sitting in lighter traffic each way Mary who has a toddler would be in a few minutes late because of said toddler daycare dressing the kid feeding the kid whatever it was having a few extra minutes was helpful myself I was good with the 8:00 to 5:00 sometimes I'd be a bit late sometimes I'd be here just on time the market 5:00 wasn't something I align myself with I'd routinely stay late to get some extra work done or to get ahead some nights I'd work at home too no exceptions they'd learn to hate those two words we sure did but we complied need to stay 5 minutes late to finish off this proposal that has a strict external deadline no it's 5:00 no exceptions wake up to bad traffic due to weather looks like we'll be late I guess I'll work from home today or take a personal day no exceptions meeting running late sorry it's 5:00 no exceptions I felt ill one morning and woke up a bit late later than I wanted to and late enough that I would have been about five minutes late to the office was I sick enough to stay home from work probably not I could have powered through it and I wasn't contagious but I was going to be late called in sick no exceptions does the client want to visit at 7:30 no sorry we're not available until 8:00 No exceptions my personal favorite was when my boss yelled at me for not responding to his email on the weekend for something urgent sorry it was outside of work hours no exceptions what was the email about he wanted to know if I could go to a site visit that week on Thursday at 7:30 why that was urgent I have no idea and 7:30 sorry outside of working hours no exceptions I'd like to finish this off by saying that this rule has been revoked the bosses have seen their mistake apologized for it and reinstated our flex hours but I can't despite having productivity and morale plummet the bosses still have this rule in effect Pennywise and pound-foolish and we comply maliciously thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you did please consider subscribing to the channel for more content let me know what you think about the stories in the comment section below have a great day bye bye [Music]
Channel: PenguinStoryTime
Views: 19,742
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, r/, r/maliciouscompliance fresh, r/maliciouscompliance sorrow tv, r/maliciouscompliance storytime, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance pepsi man, r/maliciouscompliance reaction, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, r/maliciouscompliance fresh story time ep. 1, reddit, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, reddit r/maliciouscompliance, reddit stories funny, reddit stories entitledparents, reddit stories animated
Id: LTpZ8t5MTvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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