r/letsnotmeet | To Meet a Predator [15] | Creepy Stories from Reddit

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hello everybody and welcome to another edition of our slash let's not meet if you're interested in more creepy stuff one I have an entire playlist for creepy stories I've read n two I recently put out a video on some unexplained experiences some people from reddit have had but that'll be in the comments down below if you're interested but for now let's get into these Close Encounters with some creepy people longtime lurker first time poster on this sub this isn't a particularly long or grandiose story but it's creepy so I thought I'd share to set the scene our house is about a quarter mile down a long driveway into the woods and completely hidden the house and deck is built on a steep hill so there are many places where you can walk into the house on ground floor through glass or wooden doors but then you can go up and down flights of stairs to reach other parts of the ground floor the same is the case for our decks the whole thing kind of carries on like a series of terraces and I love it because of this we also have several upstairs that can't be reached by one another this means you can go upstairs to the library but to get to my second floor room you have to go back down the stairs walk across the biggest ground-floor section we have and then go up a different flight of stairs it just so happens that this makes my room the hardest to get to I've been extremely sick and out of school for a few weeks and today I needed help I ended up having to throw my phone against the floor praise the case gods for working to make enough noise to signal I needed help after this my dad has had to stay on the couch in the main ground floor area this had me right between a couple of doors on the outside the staircase up to my room and also a staircase down to my parents room where there's another door to walk out onto the deck and another part of the hill and I just laid on the couch doing my thing my mom was a hundred miles away at work and with the open bedroom door I could hear my dad rummaging through stuff I had no idea what he was doing but eventually it got quiet and I heard his bedroom door to the outside to open and closed almost immediately after this an outside door on the level I was on in the opposite side of the house opened and my dad walked in carrying a bag of groceries from the supermarket farther away that takes like an hour all told to go to small town life he started talking about how he went all the way out to the store to buy me ingredients for my favorite pancake recipe and a banana to slice on top and did I want to make them now or should we wait it was definitely rattling because we have two dogs and neither even stirred they were in the garage the whole time closer to where my dad actually walked in I think he just thinks I imagined it because I've been having a really bad day handling my chemo drugs and nothing was taken to be fair my parents room looks like the place where all the good things are in the house there's even a suspicious safe but it's all in the library if you broke in you'd probably search there most to just from its overall mood I know I would sorry if this is kind of long or if you're just left thinking oh this kid just scared herself but I wanted to share and regardless of whether it was my neighbor or the wind or the boogeyman in that room I'm dead bolting everything tonight I don't know I'm guessing it wasn't a neighbor because your neighbor will probably would have told somebody if they had come inside and if it was a neighbor then that means they're creeping in your house too and rummaging through your things I mean the sound of rummaging is pretty distinct I don't think you'd mix that up with the wind or something else and honestly if I ever wanted to film a horror movie someday I might private message this person on on reddit because it sounds like the perfect place for that sort of thing and it actually might have kept you safer the confusing nature of your house that your room wasn't anywhere close to your parents room because of somebody that was breaking in heard you they might have been like oh they've seen me or something like that and try and do something bad to you but thank God nothing that bad happened and you know I complain a lot about being super close to my neighbors but it's stories like this that make me really glad I don't live in the middle of nowhere all right next story I was around 16 at the time of this happening firstly I'd like to explain what type of person I am so my actions might make a bit of sense I'm an average looking girl a bit overweight which for my country makes me really undesirable for this reason I'm not used to males hitting on me or even considered at a possible occurrence back you could say I'm usually the man in our group you know the girl that looks after every other friend while they're drinking and if a guy is being rude or harassing someone I'm the one to shut him down I don't know why I took on this role probably because my friends are way too naive and nice well I'm like that to strangers when I'm alone I always try to be helpful if people look confused or ask me for directions or anything else my high school is in the city center and I take the bus home since the buses get overcrowded during peak hours and I really hate being in crowds of people I normally wait around 30 minutes to an hour to catch the bus this night I watched to another bus stop around five stops before the one to my school so I can kill some time and take an empty bus it was dark and I was the only one at the stop I usually don't have a problem with going out alone at night as I don't have the men bad assault mentality drilled into me so I'm just minding my own business when this 45 to 50 year old man comes up to me he is a very friendly face and smile so I don't think anything of it he asks me something and then I realize he's Turkish I tell him I don't understand so he uses basic Bulgarian words he knows and I somehow understand that he's just asking for directions of course I try my best to explain and after I feel like he understood I expect him to just stop talking to me no he sat disturbingly close to me and started talking to me again in Turkish I try to be polite and politely ignore him as best as I can while nodding my head with a smile looking at the time table for some reason this guy starts asking me for my phone number at this moment I realize that this is definitely not only a lost foreigner I try to shut him down saying I don't have a phone don't ask why I thought that's going to work I finally give in and give him a random phone number he says something else to me again again in Turkish and then the worst thing happens all this time I'm looking at the minute the bus will be coming in I'm praying for him to please not try to call the number well he does and he shows me and asks why my phone isn't ringing my stomach just flipped I tried to think of something fast then I remember I have my old motorola in my bag I usually brought it to school to give to teachers who collected phones during class I also like playing games on it fortunately the battery was dead so I just pretended that's the reason the call isn't going through I see this guy try to argue but at this moment the bus comes and I get on I sit on the seat behind the driver as always after 10 minutes I get this weird feeling I don't know what it was but I felt watched so I looked around but since I'm in the front seat I can't exactly see everything luckily our buses have this gigantic mirror on the inside that shows the whole bus I look into that and I can clearly see him he's sitting on the last seat his legs clearly visible I start to panic I'm still not sure he's following me but I'm also a very cautious person so I can't really ignore this I start checking for him at every stop and he's still there I get paranoid and I say screw it and get off the bus the stop was at our local mall and luckily it was open until 10:00 p.m. I decided to go in and if he follows then I'll try and sneak out he follows all right you have to understand that in my town almost nobody goes out after 9 p.m. so the mall is closed to empty I look around thinking of ways to disappear on him but there's just no way the malls an open space there are three floors all almost empty I'd be easily spotted anywhere now you'll probably say you should have asked the security guard to help know in Bulgaria we don't do that that literally never even went through my mind the security is just some grandpa that walks around all day they don't actually do work or anything if it were today I might not be as stupid but back then this wasn't even an option in my head and besides the security wasn't even around so I do the most logical thing I can do and decided to utilize the knowledge I'd acquired in the previous week you see the mall had a cool corridor system behind the stores it was completely unmarked by any signs and if you didn't know where you were going you'd probably get lost because it's just endless white corridors that lead to empty rooms for storage or some other stuff well me being an avid anime fan loved going around these corridors and pretending I'm a ninja from Naruto on a mission sixteen-year-olds am i right so I can proudly say that I learned the right path to the back stairway of the mall because I was smart and obsessed with the idea of being a spy I decided to lure this creepy guy in the corridors and then just go out from the back end of the mall I firstly entered H&M and pretended to look around just to see if he was really stalking me he didn't even try to hide he stood outside the store just staring in I really got scared for a second but then I remembered I'm like the best double-oh-seven agent out there so it just continued walking around the mall I finally entered the corridors and at this point I booked it to the staircase I ran out and then didn't stop running for two bus stops I tried looking back but there was no one so I proudly decided that I'm a hero and went home today being a 21 year old grown-up I just think about how stupid that is and I'd probably be 10 times as scared today than I was back then well I hope it never comes to that oh my god that is terrifying like oh I'm glad that you had a really good plan and you were able to get out of there but like Jesus just a couple things the title of the story was like hey I learned my lesson of like don't be too nice to a stranger but I really don't know what else you could have said to this guy or not said to this guy to like not have him be creepy towards you I mean if somebody starts talking to you it is really really hard to just straight out ignore them and like if you ignore a stranger like that that could make them angry and maybe that would get bad so I don't know what the ideal way to handle this social situation would have been and just a few things of advice for anybody that might get themselves in a similar scenario I know that anxiety around about being around a lot of people or being in a claustrophobic situation or something like that is very real and a horrible thing but I think if you have the option between being on a crowded bus during the day or late afternoon and being on a desolate bus in the middle of them or not in the middle of the night but like after it's gotten dark out I do think that you might need to bite the bullet or you might want to bite the bullet and maybe work on some coping mechanisms and just try and find some sort of Zen there on the bus that's crowded because it's better than being alone with the wrong person at night and also when it comes to a mall like I'm like I'm so proud that you were able to like do this sick thing of going into basically the back rooms of the mall and losing this dude like if I wanted to film a horror movie in the mall I'd pick one with creepy back rooms that sounds so sick and also I know that the security guy might not have seemed like he wouldn't be able to help you and you said that you might like go and seek him out later but like for other people you can go into a store and find an employee if somebody's following you and maybe just whisper to them what's going on and they might be able to help you in some sort of way but let me know if you have any strategies I'm specifically interested in this one if you have any possible coping mechanisms to somebody that might have a problem being around a lot of people or in like a crowded area like a train or a bus I know everything might not work but if something's worked for you let me know anyway scan on the best of your abilities guys make sure you're drinking more water and I'll see you very soon peace
Channel: Cuestar
Views: 123,037
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: r/letsnotmeet, r/, letsnotmeet, creepy, stories, reddit, creepy stories from reddit, creepy stories, scary stories
Id: duMVwsWreeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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