Rivet: How To Run Multiple Local LLMs In Your Projects With Ollama! Easy Comparison - No Code

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hello and welcome back to my channel uh today we are looking at uh ways to run local models again um using AMA which has several Pros so first of all it really I'm I'm not sure if this is if this is proven tested but to me it feels at least if you're running it with AMA and not with local U with LM studio um I it it's just quicker it just seems to be more efficient in running models but that is not the main thing the the main catch of Lama is that it can kind of hot swap models so basically what that means is you can have like three four or 10 models installed and it can really quickly load other models in studio you always have to go into the UI and swap the model manually also if you use it in Rivet and so you cannot do requests to 10 different models uh in succession but with uh with AMA you can so it's pretty cool you can just you can run have a rivet graph which has uses like five different local models and different part and it will all automatically be handled and uh it will always only load uh load the model that you need so that is a pretty unique and cool thing and yeah let's just jump straight to it so first of all uh there's not much about installing AMA you just go to the AMA website ol. a and you can download it I mean sadly there is no windows version yet but they are saying it's coming soon and once you installed it you will just see that all Lama lifts up here and that's all you need to care about if you're using rivet usually you would now need to go to the terminal and write some commands and it's not super complicated but um the good thing is it's unnecessary uh the way we will do it now um yeah let me also show you one other page first I have a library and here you can see all the model that ama supports out of the box and basically they have a really really good list of all the interesting and trending models that you will typically need and yeah we will see um it's super easy to install all of them and use them so basically you can pick anything that is in this list and you just need to to copy the names out here and then you are ready to go okay let's go straight to rivet sorry my okay most important thing here is first you need to go to plugins and there is the AMA plugin here just press the add button and then it should automatically install it please note that only adds it to your current project so if you want it in another project or a new one you need to do this again and then if you go to the project settings here you should be able to see it here rivit plugin AMA that's how we see that it's working and um ah sorry I need to go to the canvas then if you go to add here you should also have now the AMA submenu okay generally um it's pretty easy to use but there are some issues so let me first just show you what the issues are we are now trying to uh have some instructions like your professional writer and write something about the topic the user writes asks you about answer in 50 words maximum and let's say we want to talk about C and now we want to use dolphin 2.2 Mistral which I have installed I I will show how to install everything after this immediately but let's first um just see what happens if we run this then we can see that yeah we're getting an empty output it's not working and this has to do with the format here because yeah this model does not need llama to instruct and it also doesn't work with raw you don't really need to know uh we don't really need to go into details what this means but there I I I found a way to to fix this and make it work for every model but basically underlying every llm is somehow trained on getting those instructions in a specific format and as you can see here if we have chosen the Llama 2 template then our text your professional writer and so on is now being embedded in those uh tokens here and then there's here is the what the user wrote and then there end of instructions and this can differ from model to model andama usually takes care of this but somehow the the rivet plugin is forcing us to make a selection and not use what AMA provides to us but as I said uh I have a fix for that I have a gra created graph that will automatically handle all of that for us so yeah let's get started first of all you would go into this graph here get new model because you need to install a model as I said you don't need to go to the terminal or do anything it's uh super simple using this rivet and now um basically we are you have to go to the library I showed you before with a list of models and just pick a name for example Ora 2 and then you press run here here and then AMA will automatically install this model for you this this will of course take some time depending on your internet connection because I mean they are there can be lots of gigabytes thick or maybe even 10 plus gigabyte depending on what you chose so uh you have to be a bit patient so this will run a long time just let it keep running and at some point it will finish you will also get a toast message and Riv it um when it's done then you can go here and run this graph and now now you can see uh what are your installed models and now let's say you installed Ora 2 then Ora 2 should now be in the list as you can see I have three different models doin 2.2 mistol Ora 2 and F installed at the moment and basically then all the preparation is done and we can go to our main graph and there are also some uh instructions here you can read uh but let me quickly tell you so basically we have the same thing again we have our system prompt or instructions for the llm here you can of course put anything in there you like and we also have the user prompt so talk about Tesla cars please also note I'm not using the prompt node here because that adds some more syntax and stuff that not every model might be trained on so let's just keep it as better keep it as text it will automatically be added um they will automatically be added a username or whatever how the model needs it to be and now basically you can yeah um connect as many models as you want to run this into to this array here so if you only want one I mean there's no issue you can just disconnect everything and just just use Ora to or uh that also works and this now runs into a subgraph which handles all those issues let's first run it and let's see I mean this will not take a while of course because uh it's needs to load fre pretty big llms I mean they also gigabytes big and they need to be processed and let's wait a second for the result and then we will uh take a short look what this is actually doing here but the idea is basically that you can just use my subgraph to put um everything in and then it will work out of the box and everything is being taken care of [Music] okay I hope it will finish soon so let's actually take a short look what's being the issue ah it's F yeah yeah f is a bit of a problem candidate because it did not it does not care that we wrote we only want 50 words it gives us a wall of text so this wall of text just took very long but basically look at here uh we now have our um we now have our responses we have one response by dolphin 2.2 mistro where uh we have a short text about Tesla cars we have one from Ora 2 and we have one gigantic text from fi that's also why it was running so long because fi is a model that's trained on logical reasoning and actually it's not yeah it does not like those kind of tasks um it's also it's even trying to uh build some case here about uh a car which is not white or silver and so on so it's a reasoning model it doesn't make sense but as you see now all everything is is working perfectly we are getting proper responses as we expect them and we can use them so let's take a look what we are doing here um yeah um mainly what we are doing and you don't need to understand in detail I just want to give you a short idea is um as I said AMA is actually handling uh those usually handling those proper prompt formats for us and that means that we can just for every single model let's maybe go to the first one to Dolph and 2 to mistro we can just use the API which we're doing here to get the template and as you can see for example this is the template that um that that dolphin uh 22 is expecting it wants some IM start strings and system and then now here the instructions go in and here the prompt goes in and we are pulling that we are getting that from theama API and then we are actually building the prompt as it should be here and now let's look at another example this is Ora 2 now this actually looks the same but f is different I think yeah um fi is very different again you see here they want a completely different syntax um and but this is also taken care of so that is mainly what this graph is doing it's and then we are running this um into the AMA shed and we are saying that the format is raw because we built the correct format ourselves yeah mainly that's it um I created two more inputs but they're optional just to show you here one is the context window size so for example if we wanted F now to really Force to give us a short answer um we can just maybe put this to 100 and shoot it in because now it only has 100 tokens and then it will be stopped so now we should not have to wait this long and we should not get a wall of text um that's one way to handle a models which are yeah not behaving as they should let's take a look it's still taking pretty long um okay but now it was quicker yeah now we can see that even fi gave us a pro a reasonable answer you see here so this is actually an an a way to get the models to behave uh which is not so usual thing to do with shed GPT but with those local models it makes sense to do this as you can see here as well and then I also um added the temperature because it's a useful parameter um so this is the same as for CH gbt if you want to have it creative if you can add a one or something in the F value is 0.88 or if you want it to completely stick to to this uh prompts and to the stuff it should do and it should have no creativity then just send a zero in here and it will behave and if you need more settings um you can of adjust this here and either change it directly in here or activate the the inputs for other settings as well like top p is Maybe something that people are using and you could just create a graph input as well and move it there yeah but basically that's uh that's it uh this way you can run any you can run lots of different local models which is super helpful also just for testing I mean it's hard to tell what model is good for which case now you can just uh send everything in parallel or at least sequentially in all those into all those models and and um yeah it's pretty easy to to test them out see which model is strong at at what of your tasks and uh yeah what you should use or not use and yeah that's it so have fun with that I will share this graph of course um I will actually remove this negative example because it's not helpful um but basically um yeah you can just use my subgraph here this is the main important thing you should may maybe want to import in your project and just one note about it if you want to send an array of models in here so more than one model at the same time you need to have this split activated when you call the subgraph so that uh it will be run for each model otherwise it will not work or you can only send in a single model okay but that's all for me I hope this helps and as always please like subscribe uh and leave me some comments see you
Channel: AI Made Approachable
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Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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