Riverdale Season 1 Bloopers Gag Reel (HD)

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KJ - "Lets do it guys." Camera Man - "Okay Go" KJ - "53 Butthole, Take One BTS People - "Ugh ergh" -Casey Laughing- Lili - "Calm Down" -Cami Nearly Spits Coffee out- Lili - "Nailed it" - Cole Being Funny- Lili - "Eigheberdier , Will you give me that one more time?" -Barclay Grunts- "Lets try again" Lili - "Shall we do that again?" BTS Man "Yes Please" Lili - "Okay" Luke - "Let me do that again" Ashleigh - "Let me take that again" -Hiccups- Cami - "Let me try do this one with out smiling again" KJ - "Let me do that again" Lili - "Blerhebleh" Lili - "Let me do that again" Madelaine - "River. Blerblehb" Mädchen - Sings Jibberish Song- KJ -Slaps his chest and laughs- Nathalie - "Alice whysh would she" Nathalie - Sigh - Marsiol - "Iegh" Cami - "So we are going to have a baby shower. What are your thoughts?" Cole - "Come here floof, it's our method doggy" KJ - His abs were all along a lie, he uses a pizza cutter to create them! - BTS MAN - "Carrot concentrate" KJ - "Carrot, concentrate please" Luke - Styles his hair - Barclay - "Of course, you can push your pants up" KJ - Giggles - Lili - Being adorably funny - Casey - Pulls faces at the phone - Everyone - Laughs - Ashleigh - Blows Kisses - Hayley - Pulls a fish face - KJ - "Okay" Cole - Pulls a weird face - Lili - Makes weird noises with her mouth - Everyone - Laughs - Marisol - Hispanic Accent - "Hi Papi you have some explaining to do, I have Veronica here she's not happy" Cole - Fails at blowing candles out - Cole - "Awh" Lili - Laughs - "Disappoint" Madelaine - "As if they don't always" Cami - Blanket falls on head - Madelaine - While trying not to laugh - "Desperate times result in some what tragic measures" Mädchen - Slaps Lochlyn - Mädchen - "B**tard" Mädchen - "How did ya like that slap?" KJ - Fails to lift wheelbarrow full of rocks" Everyone - Laughs - Cole - Licks the popcorn and makes himself and Lili laugh- KJ - Stares and kisses the bear- Everyone - Laughs - KJ - "Are you coming or not man?" Everyone - Laughs - Luke - Scares Marisol - Luke - "Oh my bad" Cole - Looks creepy while sharpening knifes - KJ - Being weird - KJ - Falls and blames it on the ceiling - KJ - Once again falls while sitting on a chair - "Lets do that again" BTS MAN - "Yeah" Everyone - Laughs - Lili and Cole - Slow motion breaking in through the door while laughing - "Haha sorry" KJ - "Wait" - Trips once again - KJ - Laughs - KJ - "Fine" - Trips on a piece of furniture" Luke - "On what dancer, ballet dancer kick the furniture over!" Madelaine - "Sorry!" Mädchen - "Gonna hit me again?" Mädchen - Leans in to kiss Nathalie - KJ and Casey - Holds hands - BTS Woman - "KJ you have a line after that" KJ - "Do I?" Lili - "Epic" KJ - "Epic" Lili - "No" - Giggles - Lili and Cami - "Its gonna be epic" Madelaine - "Obviously! Riverdale" BTS Guy - "Riverdaale"
Channel: TV Promos
Views: 6,743,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riverdale bloopers, Riverdale gag reel, Riverdale Season 1 bloopers, bloopers, gag reel, Riverdale Season 1, Riverdale (TV Program), Cole Sprouse, Luke Perry, Marisol Nichols, Ashleigh Murray, Madelaine Petsch, Camila Mendes, Madchen Amick, Archie Comics, Riverdale Promo, tvpromosdb, Riverdale, Promo, Season, Episode, Trailer, reel, riverdale cw, sdcc, comic con, comic con 2017, riverdale the cw, kj apa, jughead
Id: dw-SEG1HA98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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