River Rafting On An Air Mattress

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Kress I'm going mattress surfing today okay don't tell me you're floating down the LA River that that's depressing that could be cool we should do that I'm just killing this enjoying nature oh shiz I'm gonna hit Oh major snare itch guess who's back with another weekly video guess who's back once and banana these guys today we're going Metro surfing some of my favorite things to do but I'm gonna go to a very very remote part in the Los Angeles forest because it's been raining so much that we can actually float down some of these rivers because it'll be deep enough on a mattress there's one of my favorite things to do so I always keep a couple mattresses around the house so I can go float Gress I'm going mattress surfing today okay I love you doing - say bye and give me a kiss and act like you love me so much yeah I should totally expect this now BAM and he's tried to make me go mattress surfing no I have made you good mattress I know you've tried it No you've done it I have yes ma'am remember in France Oh like when people got France they usually go it just some villa or like hanging out do some wine we went mad for searching and my phone fell in the water in a French River this was five years ago no three no five maybe four look for yourself well time flies unconventional dangerously it's not dangerous grade this water is literally to you tell me you're going to do these things I'm like reliefs Mike good he's getting it out of his system and he didn't like stop talking about all like that's my first reaction I'm Molly I'm scared for him but you used to when it's new things for sure but like when it's like mattress surfing in the LA forest or like there's no huge rivers yeah that's what we're going don't tell me you're floating on the LA River that that's that could be cool we should do that I've gone down the LA River before what okay I love you no we're going to the cleanest water man can find in LA it is the LA River just the beginnings it's the tributaries leading to the LA River hello mister do you want to go hey you cannot go didn't you want to know yeah you're just a baby Maui's you guys know what it is you've seen it you know it and it's time no look I was being extra I was doing a little extra on that one I really do think that they enjoy this more now this this was too much and Christmas going to be pissed when she sees this on camera later on I feel a little bit bad no nothing she made these last night and they are amazing okay this is five minutes later and they still are having the time of their lives scavenging alright baby yeah baby don't you a going water shoes crappy goodwill wetsuit that'll be me and then I have a waterproof suit for you I don't normally go all out like this I'll usually just wherever I'm at say that's a beautiful river and then I just buy a mattress and then just go down the river I think we're good I need a belt I got to get a belt hi babies you're gonna babies I always have this dilemma whether I'm gonna let the dogs in the house or keep them outside so when they look at me like that with those faces right as I'm about to leave and I do that stutter step I'm gonna dry you after let you in because I know that's what you would like also we needed towels so we can just use these towels oh you already know you're so smart how did you get so smart your dad taught you are you home skillet what do you have deer down your ears are you kind of weird am I asking too many Christians baby you come back you know what to do now come here hey honey me come here you big fat baby chill and look at this he always does stupid she gets attention he thinks this is attention so he just home sir cuz he's stupid come on stop this is so embarrassing it's really not like a sexual thing it's like you know that you're not supposed to be getting attention so dumb yeah nice yeah big dummy baby baby baby baby give me that towel she's weird and then she'll this hump in do you think you can have this your misbehaved who taught you your daddy I love you cheese I bring a Gatorade oh my gosh it's big all right this isn't making the cut let's get out of here we're out here in what's called little Tujunga Canyon this river small it's very small I could have gone to big Tujunga it would have been a lot better but I was walking down here my property that I buy is actually just on the other side of this mountain range I was over here and then I saw this beautiful creek and not many people come up in little to hunga I am going to float on a mattress down this bad pretty unobstructed look at this solid Rapids and this is pretty much like just like an untouched Little River it's usually barely flowing but because we've had all this rain it just looks so appetizing I was like I want to just lay on a mattress and float down so it's not gonna be this big rushing river but it will be wide enough to float down see now that looks nice you see how appetizing that looks it's just wide enough to float can you see now it's not very deep and there are a couple snares here and there let me walk by with the put the pole and go here we are little Tujunga River like to a shitty pan of me I'm practicing can you hear me I'm like welcome to the Little Tujunga River where the rain has fallen so much that it is rushing full of water but anyways look it's pretty nice it's it's a very high chance that we are going to pop these within the first five minutes or so but I mean doesn't this look great like look at this perfect little river this is Los Angeles people like this is 25 minutes from the heart of Los Angeles and nobody does this nobody uses a lot utilize this utilize this tonight alright let's get me like to see these are giant oak scissor so so old that's I believe called a sugar pine I actually saw a couple Douglas fir up here which is very rare so I took a clipping and I put it in some water so I could grow my own Douglas tree I just like trees I've always liked conifers I don't know all right look at these now so a lot of times too when I come out I'll bring a stick that's like long enough to use as an oar see like this is this is probably pretty good sometimes it'll bring just like one just like push off the ground so we'll grab one for each of us and then we wait you really want this to be fully blown up there's a lot of pressure this guy's going to come tell us some we got to this year do you own this oh you own it sorry about it we're just going to the river well we'll go up early in front of the property okay cool thank you I'm gonna look on Zillow to see the property lines and then I can tell where the freaking public property is and he's not gonna tell me a god dang thing because the river I know for a fact is not private property it's publicly so as soon as I'm on the river he can kiss my rear honey cool I'll respect it but I don't cross here but I'm gonna go on the public bridge that goes right down to the creek right there that I can publicly access so in fact this whole thing get in the car drive up and I'm just gonna put it up here oh that's private property that you don't own that you tried to say that you did but then you were like even even if it wasn't mine so why would you say that number one number two this river is public and this bridges public so I'm going off of the bridge and did the public River off of the public utilities that I paid for number three there's not a fence there so legally in LA County code I'm allowed to cross over it if there's no fence without being sued so your fault for not having a fence up didn't see the sign what's up you just saw today there's a bear today thank you this lady just said that she said be careful guys there's a bear over there like trying to scare us dude first off if I see a bear I don't care dude there's a bear I'm gonna go like this and it's gonna go running cuz these people do these people if there's a bear oh well there's a bear like I will be scared out of my mind if they're legitimately as a bear the likelihood of there being a bear is like 10% because this lady probably just got a call from our homeboy saying there's people out here and they want to go on the public River it was like hey there's people out here and they're trying to go on the I'm the public River right now I told them you can't access the public River by going over the private property that I don't own so try to scare him by saying there's a bear and that's what happened guaranteed but if there is a bear then that lady was trying to save us and I should have listened and then that's sad that I didn't and she was actually just a nice person if there's a freaking bear oopsy-daisy I'm going down this river you can't stop me I feel for the private property I'm not I'll I'm all for private property rights I don't want people coming on my private property didn't see it I got off but you're not stopping me from going oh my gosh this public river looks so appetizing right now like literally I'm in the public it looks good oh dude this rivers chilling and there's some sweet little Rapids over there so we will head up the river here my feet are already soaked oh it's like deep over here this is nice I'm gonna put it right here alright guys this is the rib oh and this is it guys float and kind of just spin around and just go down it that's that I shouldn't have brought my phone though that was a huge mistake we're just chillin we're just floating guys are we're doing Rapids we're going Rapids no prob on the mattress are you kidding me I'm on a public river oh shiz Oh join in the phone yes over that rock let's go oh shiz I'm gonna hit Oh major snare itch made your snare itch I'm gonna I'm gonna rip I'm gonna rip see dip right here I've done I'm done and dipped I shouldn't have bought my phone cuz I would have been able to get through that I was a little appetizer for what's to come oh baby its coldest nips Oh [Music] so I'm just chillin like a villain just laying back just enjoying nature and I haven't seen a single bear so oh shoot that's something you don't want to do is have the side hit the other side because then your raft can pop but it is nice and just like a chill spot like this to just relax taking the sugar Pines been around naturally this isn't stuff right here this is the stuff hitting a couple Rapids no probs like this is seriously ideal and anyone who doesn't do this is missing out seriously like you know at home this looks fun it's just something that you're gonna choose to do maybe not but once you do it once of course you're gonna keep doing it this is gonna be oh see I got the first droplet on my back now I'm not pissed but I'm a little upset I mean this thing moves this is a just quite the river it's better to spread your weight out like if you lay down you don't snag as much on your knees but like yeah this is what I do I just kind of like to float down rivers and explore you kind of like want to put your weight like this so you dispersed it even more going over tight stuff like this I'll probably do that so I can not snare and you kind of just spin around and then I'll flip myself around keep going a couple Rapids here spread out just like that I mean it's you have to admit it's a pretty efficient way of uh of traveling all right no this is my few goodbyes for a little bit forever how about I'll see you later okay hey take care of Kristin for me the dogs get one scoop in the morning one scoop in the afternoon okay all right tell them I love them tell them I love them okay okay all right I'll see you later okay I'll see you later okay see this is a very efficient way of traveling on public property okay I'll see you okay I know this is nice now this is what I'm talking about right here oh man I've wanted to get a clipping of a sugar pan for so long though right here try to cross the river because there's a huge there's a huge like river bank on this side that you can walk down here I have an idea hold on you're fine I'm gonna spin you around I'll grab the edge there you go good job what I do for my camera guy guys now this is unfortunate this is a hanger that if somehow I made it all the way down the river from somewhere else so we're gonna do our part today Oh Oh in the honey if you have a situation where we have to cross again to keep filming we were gonna happen well dude you gotta get the thing in the water first nice try to keep your feet dry is the point of all of this I keep your feet dry did you find this beast Oh our staff broke lazy dude my glorious stuff is done oh it's very deep here that's why it's slow moving now did I just go over an inch of water where you thought it would have been impossible absolutely Oh shoes now this is where you have to do the kick method boi-oi-oi-oi-oing now am i floating or am i floating I would love to buy that house right here on the river chillin should I have gone to the other side absolutely now should I lift this up and go to the other side 100% I should do that am I going to do that cuz I'm stubborn and I'm gonna pick the path that I chose make it work 100% now am I going over literally two inches of water on a mattress 100% but did I just prove everyone wrong 100% am I gonna rip over this 100% all right we're getting into some serious Rapids over here boys ohh oh shoot Oh hitting it with the frappuccino wraps ohh oink Oh Oh babes I'm laying back chilling not a care in my single world playing Oh Frick Oh bouncing around spinning just getting it poppin just getting it rat city rap rap city oh the raps we are hitting the raps food what's good fam we spinning oh we're doing it on a twin oh we're twinning oh we're spinning and twinning excuse me but I think I'm twinning right now oh shoot I think i'm mattre serving and I think I'm twinning Oh shunka had a rock pop shuvit not happening you know the fact that it can go down this deep with a human on top is pretty neat and now that's that's why I like it it's not it's not hardcore rafting but it's like you're getting out in nature you're on the river it is a bit of a challenge but there's no life being risk you know what I mean I'd love to buy a lot out here and build like a tiny house I want to get a clipping of this I want to get a clipping of this uh of this sugar pine but it's it's probably 67 years old so the likelihood of it taking from a little clipping like two inches is very very rare but I think I'm gonna try at least let fall on my back I have this life preserver oh this is sketch dude this thing's rotted I don't know if you can see this right here but it's okay I'm good hello big tree I love you thank you for growing him not catching fire like all the other ones did you're very smart and strong and that's why you need to be propagated I don't know if this is a sugar pine I think it is so we'll just take a tiny little snip right here off the end I'm not really an expert at this stuff but I want to be one day so so much easier yikes that's a fall all right we did it did you hear me whispering to myself I was always I was I was thinking in my own brain how people must be perceiving me like with what I'm doing right now and I was doing like a thought experiment in my own head about like talking to someone about it and I whispered in my own head now I may be a little eccentric I think that's what I was saying out loud something like that I'm gonna buy that if I get the gwap when the rabbits are really big though which I've done like the one in France that I was talking with Kristen it was actually a traumatizing experience because like we flipped off a few times it was a class it was a class-three Rapids that we put on a mattress do you know what that is right there this is the matching glove to my other glove and the tracker I lost it while I was out here oh yeah it's fun we just went down we were filming a little bit to see if we're like he's crazy they're like this white guy only white people it's about to rain really bad it was just starting to rain a little bit so we're gonna head back but if the rain gives up we might have one last special surprise before we go home don't tell me you're flooded LA River though that could be cool we should do that all right let's get out of here well it's dry and this was supposed to be the surprise so I've actually been here before there's a tunnel underneath here and I've like surfed I had I used to have a kayak like a whitewater kayak and we like surfed a little bit but it's dry so we're just gonna have to go to the pool and send her and that'll be it that'll be at the end of the day all right this is the glove that we found with the rip guess whose twin was sitting right here wishing that I had a pair oh we're twinning I came back for you and you two I guess weirdo beans you ready you ready to do it I think it's gonna be a lot of fun me and you are gonna go under raft me and you is honeybee gonna go in there ass are you ready do it are you ready are you ready yeah you know okay here we go what [Music]
Channel: Marcus Johns
Views: 79,310
Rating: 4.9812579 out of 5
Keywords: Marcus Johns, Kristin Johns, river rafting, white water rapids, air mattress surfing, floating on the river, floating down the river, la river, Los Angeles river, air mattress on river, air mattress down river, floating down the la river, floating in la, marcus johns vine, marcus johns vine comp, marcus johns vine compilation, marcus johns vines, marcus johns sometimes i just dont care, air mattress on lake, air mattress float on water, funny vines, vines, marcus, kristin
Id: aa9FD9uPUak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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