River Fishing Goes HORRIBLY WRONG!!! (I Made a HUGE MISTAKE)

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look where we're gonna be fishing today out there I've never seen anything like it this is gonna be awesome let's grab our backpack we've got exactly one rod today let the adventure begin all right slippery Rock right here nice and easy whoa a little bit mucky on the bottom let's see how deep we can get without falling in I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it to the middle per se but we can at least travel upstream because I need to make it about half a mile up to get to that real interesting spot you saw at the beginning of the video well we make our way up there we will go ahead and make some casts and we'll see what kind of fish we can find out of here got some nice healthy grass in here I believe this is hydrilla I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that as we go along and we'll probably find some fish hiding in it oh that's number one that's right that's three minutes in the fishing it's good it's good what the heck do we oh it's a little small e there's nothing better walking up on a new spot you've never been to and catching a fish right off the bat look at that fish gone with both trebles huh got your buddy using the old square Bowl crankbait nice chartreuse pattern and these dingy conditions one to about 11 inch small e nice and thick that is a super good sign for today this fish is looking very healthy we don't never let it go all right that's number one nice try to upgrade oh that's another one oh it's a baby well the real challenge for today is where am I gonna find the big fish on this entire River all right little dink number to see but just nailed two fish out there we need to try to make it those Islands there seem to be some fish stacked and there could be some big ones but can we do it safely in this water that I cannot see the bottom at any moment I can just go in over my head right there look out deeper and we're really literally right off the bank it gets extremely deep that is the very dangerous thing about by waiting a river that you don't know Oh big drop-off oh geez ah holy Oh weird super deep right here guys literally it drops off that's the dangerous thing about creeks I look I literally went from two feet of water to up to my neck right right there in front of me huge drop-off this place I can really tell you it's very dangerous we have to be more careful I saw just popped out of my bag real freaking baby calm down my phone's down here it's definitely down here [Music] guys if I don't find this phone I can't call anyone I don't know how to get home I'm an hour and a half away from home we're in deep doo-doo we have to find this phone I mean I dropped it right around here I can't see anything this water is literally complete mud it slid down a rock into deeper water it's got to be around here it has to be around here I mean where else could have gone to I keep searching let's go that's not talking let's freak it go baby and what's freaking under a rock it was under it's somehow gone under a freaking rock put my hand down here I felt it let's go oh I would be so screwed look at that iPhone 10x baby I'm not sponsored by Apple this right here IPA waterproof it's still working let's go the only good news is now that I'm aware we might as well go swim over there and try to catch some fish off those Islands see what we can find let me explain what just happened I was climbing this extremely wet slippery area I'm you guys can't see the bottom but it's all rock all slippery rock I climbed up here put my backpack right here I slipped right there I slipped right here as I put my backpack down I slipped my phone was in see I mean this is why you guys cannot it's extremely treacherous here this is why you do not underestimate River fishing especially muddy rivers my phone was right here in this tripod it hit against a rock released itself and it's dropped all the way down slid down dropped underneath the rock I was panicking a little bit there but at least I at least we're not in like 10 feet of water that would been real tricky so here's the plan now we are now going to swim out over to those islands I'm already completely stoked it doesn't even matter next time I come out here I will definitely be bringing a watercraft but today we're gonna be getting a little bit wet see how deep it is and not too bad nope getting deeper oh we're going under guys let's get to that Island number one I got ya deep it is it's real deep these rocks are probably sitting about eight feet of water so I'm gonna have to do some bottom fishing for sure and number two look at this guy's look at all this water that we can fish right here absolutely beautiful I know there's some big fish around here we're gonna catch him my hands are shaking right now because the winds are blowing 20 miles an hour at 60 degrees I'm soaking wet every day has been a hundred degrees and then one day I decided to get soaking wet freaking sixty degrees snip this off brutal out here usually this would be a beautiful deta fish but you soaking wet does not feel good fish Oh frickin freezing out here I know there's more official over here I don't know how much more I can last in this wind I mean if it wasn't windy I'd be okay but this win is making me so freaking cold time to make you bad guys oh gosh this water is so much warmer than the air I need to get kick off I want to try to get back as quickly oh my gosh the water feels so good Oh air attempts like sixty degrees water temps probably 82 83 84 degrees Oh feels like a warm bath in here here's the plan guys we're gonna swim back over there start with my hands shaking and we're gonna try to not get our real wet and then we're gonna try to find somewhere to fish along the bank I think if I can cover water fish a square bill crankbait along a rocky Bank I can find some fish that's the plan let's try to execute it make sure there's no rock I don't want to bang my face in a rock there's a stump right here if I jump off go that way I should be good keep the real out of the water [Music] okay if we can squeeze through here there might be hope a little bit more of hard for you can work and then we should have somewhere to maybe fish I'm not leaving this spot feel like it what the hell was that that's an eye catching one good fish one good fish is all I want just to make this trip worth it oh oh that's a big fish something just hit me right at the rock I need please come back please come back please come back back oh there it is gosh dang it oh gosh what the heck that's the fish it hit me this got to be a freaking joke dude I'm fishing a deep diving crankbait dives 10 to 12 feet deep smashing in the rocks get hit that slowly comes out I don't know what to do guys I don't know how to catch a fish today everything is against me so freaking unlucky today I don't know why my luck so freaking garbage I put in the effort hopefully I can get rewarded with one good fish that's all I ask for not leaving I don't care how cold I am I don't care how much greens I am NOT leaving until I get one decent fish out of here I'm not a quitter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 1Rod1ReelFishing
Views: 423,524
Rating: 4.7862077 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, #fishing, 1rod1reelfishing, adventure, summer, crazy, insane, epic, water, catch, catching, outdoors, river, wading, fail, mistake, big, creek, swimming, lost, fall, funny
Id: o0XfdRvmpxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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