Rise of the Tomb Raider by BIGHONKINBURGER in 1:22:40 - SGDQ2018

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I've saved up quite a bit this year and plan on donating every day this week let's save some frames and kill those animals and with that it sounds like our runner is way so I will throw it over to studio who's going to be running rise of the Tomb Raider good luck studio hi let's okay I can hear myself can you guys speak do your thing hello hallo hello let's get the introduction there's gonna be a bit of a long run so we should get to know what the counts behind me alright my name is Joe but I don't know why the hell I'm here but I am so it's good hi I'm bystander Tim I run to murder 2013 but a lot of glitches are still the same so I'm here I'm sample and I still don't know I'm here okay I'm actually not sure why I'm here either did you guys mean for me to run this or was it supposed to someone else like what's the well like most of them can't come because they're across the country they're across the world alright am i good to start this thing okay so I will start time when I am able to skip the first cutscene that actually leads to gameplay so let's go ahead a few seconds this game does have some loads on it but also it's okay let's go in three two one it's a long one go whoo let's do it one got you distilled yes to do so loudly I could hear it through the headphone so shout outs to that guy that guy's a champ all right this is rise of the Tomb Raider it's a pretty normal game not really a lot in terms of bitchiness we do some mountain climbing kill some bad guys you know you do the normal kind of lower crop things no dual pistols in this game but it's okay first things first got to scale this mountain we are with our good friend Jonah who was about to go ahead and you know get scoop with us by these spooky mountains happens to everybody and this is you know the introduction to the game it's a little bit slower you know walking and talking just introducing you to like hey it's a mountain good recognize mountain will get knocked down a lot of bad stuff happens lower in this game so I need check one setting really quickly okay that's the setting is fine I think yeah I think we're all good all right and let's see and now we're in the air yeah definitely good standard just how it goes yeah this is kind of this is a normal playthrough of rise the Tomb Raider I mean we are climbing the mountain yeah chief raiding tombs or climbing mountains we go this is this is how you do it right this is how I play it for the first time I'm about you guys but yeah we're we're out of bounds playing very out of bounds we're gonna do that a lot but this is a very out of bounds II game with very complicated out-of-bounds get a face full of snow right here yep and a lot of this is about loading the next area so I just had a run through a lot of snow really slowly there's a really bad pun there of snow lis just want to point that out and that's still a crime that will low the next area and let us keep going on our merry way climbing this mountain takes I think 10 minutes if you don't do it it's like seven or eight to get where this skip takes four or five this oh well hopefully it doesn't take four or five minutes everything about this is super cranky and weird because you're not supposed to be here no hates to the devs for that that's that speedrunning sometimes the camera really wants to fight you because it won't keep trying to point in bounds and we are clearly not in bounds okay these are the scary jumps where my odds of dying are pretty high one scary jump too scary jumps one scary run the last scary run will the game crash well most died so that's also scary will the game crash yes in crash pre reliably but not all that often all the practice all the playthroughs have done so far in the past like two months I think I've got in one crash though now that we finally started we got it it should have made an autosave worse come to worse I've got a backup autosave in that same spot so yeah that is the mountain climb though which that it was about two minutes there and it saved about five I guess whoa I guess now that we're here what made those jumps so scary is that when studio hit that first trigger whenever he would have reloaded if he had died it would have placed him in that cutscene triggered that he hit and unfortunately there's no way to get back out of bounds from that cutscene trigger without just completely restarting the game yeah I would have had to load up a backup say if I had by the first section where I fall down the mountain essentially what happened was the game because I was loading on a cliff there was a brief second where I was able to start having Laura do that little scramble animation and I triggered that in the loading screen the reason I went to the menu was because it was gonna be a reliable timing so I went to the loading screen scramble back in bounds or back out of bounds and because I was scrambling in the air to be wasn't lowering my height this next section is actually pretty normal it's not really from actually do this as is we just got to outrun an avalanche it's a normal day in the life of a l-dog I think go ahead and take a donation yeah all right looks like we have a $500 donation from Adam one two seven an atom one two seven says donation he's on point all right so there is some trickery we can do here like a lot of this is kind of paste I can't fall down this any faster she's gonna try and grip what we actually want to fall all the way so I graph here and instead of doing the climb animation it just gives a little bit of a sequence there and this is kind of the end of this section if you jump too much you will actually outpace the falling of the rocks here and sometimes l-dog will just like beer to the side and die so maybe to out this is the first level done no deaths one crash I'm pretty okay with that yeah I think and the crash is pretty like creating random so it's one of those like I should have I don't know I've done nothing differently because I had no choice in that matter the the intro to this game is a little bit slower because it's building up the Lord's building up why she's here why we're doing all these things like why are we in Siberia why are we now in Syria why is the scorpion here as this happens a lot of cutscenes so we can probably take another donation now it even gets a lot faster the most important thing to remember though is that I can fire my gun in like five seconds for no apparent reason and it's just really funny there's no beneficial used to it you could also donation now though alright we have 25 dollars from knick-knack nick that says I picked up rise of the Tomb Raider last summer and I'm excited to see this game at gdq this I really hope to pick up on some strats from the run to make my next playthrough even shorter good luck on the run there is one thing I'd like to point out here where we're actually being introduced to the true protagonist in the game which is Laura's ponytail so there's a setting I don't know what it's called in English because everything is set to German and I don't speak German please don't make me google translate it I think it's like like hair textures hair work and it works it's like NVIDIA hair works they make like a big deal about it and it actually looks really good what it's on but when it's awful Laura's hair physics will just kind of go and like it's it's like she's permanently in a breeze it wasn't going perfectly in a breeze more like a hurricane yeah it's like right now it's just like it's just kind of moving on its own and it won't really stop doing this the entire ride yeah like this right now it's just like it's bobbing in synch with her it's staying at perfect like horizontal level like I'm a big fan of her hair right now it's like magical hair okay there's some writing there believe this game has one of the three languages in this game it's a Russian Greek and it's Mongolian yeah it's something like that there's a bunch of mechanics that we're not gonna use yeah it's like you can do a bunch of side quests you can learn different languages and actually that I really liked this game casually like I really enjoyed it like all that stuff was like that's just why I'm collecting stuff and learning libraries in a way that I've discovered through this run I don't I cannot pick up German by playing this game but like it's actually kind of like it's a neat play through it I feel a little bad skipping all of it but then you know it saves hours section right here this is a little bit more climbing Syria does get a little bit more busted but we have to kind of get to this section that opens up with aiming we don't have a weapon actually like I was able to shoot the pistol but they haven't actually given us the gun in game here there's one trick I might die I just have to jump and grab it on that ledge and it saves a cutscene of Laura grabbing onto the ledge oK we've up coming up we've got a I think 50 second kind of walk section so as soon as I get this rock I think over back to you all right sounds good we have a hundred and fifty dollars from Benson that says long time watcher first time donator saves some money today because of nice people so why not give something back we also have five dollars from Alex senpai that says long time watcher first time donating good luck to the runners on the Tomb Raider games so this game I consider a horror game just because of this team right here there's a scary skeleton this is enough if anybody wants to argue with me at me on Twitter we'll fight I thought that one skeleton seemed was really moving it's not as important as all these other skeletons though that was surely movie there's this one really scary skull everything else just you know this some scorpions this is digitally creepy thing but once you've seen a hundred times it loses some impact this game uses in game time for the leaderboards just because it helps narrow computer differences so I favor reload right there even though it probably doesn't make a difference in real-time it's just one of those habits that I'd have at this point and now now that we're in the second half is here we have access to our gun and this game gets broken again a little bit a little bit let's see if I'm gonna get this that was actually really fast I'm gonna check up the next part yeah I just kind of looked I was able to clip into that trap use it the perspective of Laura lay me down her gun to look in third-person which causes weird flipping issues and now we're swimming by the way now we're swimming I have to not fall out of bounds here that's enough of them to be safe and not trying to again and then this is an entire like tutorial and swimming and like getting out of traps and you just which by the way even though we got out of the water we were underwater the whole time yeah that section of water is actually a lot tighter than it looks mostly because you don't really have an idea of what is solid and what is not solid so studio actually pulled that off really cleanly even though we took the safe route yeah like that was a little bit those of reliable way to do that I can't get the jump okay but like I said Syria opens up glitches because we really you have now have access to a gun which lets us do a lot more I need to this is kind of tricky because I need to I'm not used to this setup I need to find like a little sliver of pixel that will let Laura Mele up here and then I can jump up here and that skips most of the climbing puzzle in deception so melee attacks have a really weird phenomena I guess in this game where they sort of displaced Laura's model it allows her to climb up services as if they're vertical yes if you're going to slide down it she no longer respects the slide so because that was a it was a slightly hill I was able to go ahead and melee up it this comes into play a few times actually and it's it's a pretty major skip here was relatively minor that's a triple jump let's skip this jumping puzzle and we are good to get swept away there's a lot of water here a lot of water in this game overall also since Colby just knocked over the school sell this gold knocked over but I feel bad for them coming up is a trick that I hopefully don't die on like five times which I'm gonna be honest that's kind of been every trick I could die on so far I need to platform Laura in a section where she does not normally platform I'm going out of bounds for this so there's no real protection protection Spore the game doesn't do anything to keep her in bounds and make matters worse I am on a really strict timer like it really strict could actually affect you in these speedruns timer so for example missing that jump was too slow there's an invisible wall blocking me from going out of bounds to doing this will let me skip and not kind of not do this section the full longways if if I can't get this I will give this a couple tried then resets so we are out of bounds there is no protection for Laura that's the hard part yeah that's the that's actually a lot tighter than it looks mostly because of the way Laura controls in the air and that was actually a really hard trick and I got a second try it I'm really happy about that a lot of this game is just randomly super punishing it's weird yes so that's kind of the I wants a problem but it's just the base of the volatile this one is if you go fast that's good but if you make a mistake you will be punished severely so had every death there you know it's gonna be like 15 seconds by the time you get the part that's difficult after the loading and after I'm actually making the dumps you need to do so a jump there is really punishing and there will be tricks later on where it's like oh you died here well there goes a minute there goes two minutes so I will be doing those incredibly nervously we have a little bit of Auto walking so I think an go ahead and bust out a couple more donations while we figure out whatever this plot is yeah sure we have a three hundred and thirty three dollar donation from mr. cranky cat he says always look for it yeah go ahead and clap for that mr. cranky cat says always look forward to this event every year I love the cause and I'm amazed how this speedrunners turn it every year big shout outs and thanks to the organizers of this event with you this wouldn't be possible without you excuse me meow but I say with us like a what does that mean if we're still doing it but well we wouldn't we know when we're not wanted I'm gonna be honest his name was mr. cranky cat I don't think he was cranky at all alright so first of all check out the hair it is it is having the time of its life it's through the hood it's through it is pulling her dough to the campfire right now this section is like the intro to distil aspects of this it is cold we were any flashback when we were in Syria we're now back in current modern-day tomb raiding times like post avalanche yes this is after all the intro sequence we have to go ahead and get enough supplies to survive for the night this doesn't really happen that often like there's not really survival aspect to this beam for the most part but there's a huge crafting aspect we will engage in it a tiny tiny bit there's a little bit of crafting we need to do but for the most part the skills are going to be used to make us go fast or keep us alive you also get freaked out Laura space I actually like that because it's one of those things where you're only gonna see that if you zoom around and they did kind of get the eyes darting around so I feel like that detail okay this game is a lot of polish and we just got to do a few more snow trudges I wish like I want to just like I want to press so many buttons right now to go faster but it's unfortunately not an option just gonna take those last couple steps into this cutscene and I like to think this all happened in the span of a couple of hours and just Laura just has a terrible terrible couple hours just it's just like a bad afternoon for her so here's a crafting we actually do we have to upgrade this bow to proceed in the game I probably oh I did have enough experience for the for the upgrades I need I need one upgrade right now and that is the roll it's like Fleetfoot or something like yeah we put few it's like they're some words it's it's it's a roll so you jump you roll you jump your roll and this is the fast way to move her around there are exceptions it depends on the surface if it is a really uh like slope downward forces it's much slower versus possibly running sometimes and depending on rollout though it's how we move coming up is a kind of the first I'd say this is the first boss play of the game it does become a normal enemy we got a good friend a bear can't really do much about them right now and normally this is when you get the poison arrows but I'm gonna do some fun stuff to kind of avoid despite cobra yep got time for one while I go ahead and just state my good friend all right sounds good we have a hundred and fifty dollar donation from mr. anonymous who says good luck and good gaming first time donating and watching if you missed any of these prompts you die so I will try pretty gruesome to like you don't want to die here yeah the two QuickTime events are is seeded dodge and remilia attack to hit the bear you got to do it during the the window it's relatively forgiving actually so kinda nice about this game is that there are QTEs but for the most part they actually incorporate into the combat itself so C is a QTE becomes C to dodge an attack in game and we have a little bit more walking we're almost done with kind of the intro section which is there's a lot of walk talk story so so we'll just casually bleed internally while we get some more donations we get a heal and it'll take a little while so yep covert all right let's do it we have $10 from soul wreck who says hey sgdq first time donator here in longtime viewer this is the first year I'm able to donate and buy some merch so here I go with my little contribution keep up the great work and greetings from Spain okay okay one more you can do one more okay sure it looks like we have a fifty dollar donation from CA breadsticks who says wish I was there all right so we now have full movement we now have a bow and I don't wanna fight that bear again so we're gonna go ahead we're taking a different route that bears super scary yeah this is a lightly abstracted from what I think most people do when they first play the game we're gonna look to the back scramble and be out of bounds and that's kind of how a lot of out of bounds in this game works you just look at something well look the opposite of something go third-person with your aim and just scramble back into it you definitely need a few caveats to that that will definitely affect how we get out of bounds but this skips the entire bear sequence so we no longer have to fight any bears no no Bears will be harmed in this run outside of the one we just kind of hit a few times one thing to mention you you may have just noticed him backtracking there was just a load up the next area um the load he was a bit slow so actually missed the loading should be like the the the trigger for the cutscene we can now progress as needed though this is a fairly simple skip he does jump here and you dump there I still find it so stupid that this guy walk is so much harder yeah this does the same thing there was another way around that it was incredibly difficult and like took forever to learn I think it's slower to it is it is much slower it's actually like probably like 20 or 25 seconds slower versus just jumping on a rock jump out here yeah so this skips we're gonna skip through most of the Soviet installation we have to get lured captured this seems very good about its triggers so if you need something to progress in the game you can't avoid it usually in terms of like plotline if you need something to like you know make a jump or move in the future you can maybe get by that here's some friends that was a window by the way yeah that was a solid wall though we did not need to have too much we solid objects in this game have a different meaning this cutscene when I skip it I'll be able to move a little bit before ends so maybe I'll just burn into a guy which I will because it's more fun that way so like we just said about the window like the same thing for the door and unfortunately doing that means I do have to reload a checkpoint right about here because the game did not load everything properly because I you know roll through door instead of doing the normal plot line what ends up happening with this game is that because you skip so much you have so few the resources you need to kind of progress it normally so that would that was a fence yeah that's a fence you can grab the ledge of the the box and then you just I'm gonna be honest like I'm so used to doing these just like you just kind of you just roll through the thing and you're fine oh I cannot die here okay and now we're back first win yeah so um a lot of what happens is use you have so few resources because used to give so many that you have to keep just doing abuses or glitches we should give like three upgrades so far no we've only skipped up four scenarios I think yeah and like everything else is we've picked up and like the end result though is like we're gonna need we're gonna just skip so many upgrades and have some a few resources that we'll have to keep using weird glitches they end up saving a little bit of time so here's that melee swing into a melee seem again to get me up this to get me to show what it's like if I miss that was on purpose so that was what it's like here it's it in succession yeah I I swung my second swing too early yeah that'll happen it's it's like a it's a pretty consistent rhythm but it is a rhythm I want to take a note just like the cool thing about out of bounds in this game is that this is actually a super cool game to explore and not in the tomb rating idea like if you learn the very basics of how to get out of bounce there's actually a lot of cool just random stuff around this I think you could tell it they were trying to polish the game quite a bit and didn't know what they didn't abusing so quite often in development it can be easier for company to like if you already have the models and textures just kind of put stuff there and like maybe you do all by the way they chosen yes this is the prison section it does not finished loading it is now finished loading this is a there's a lot of really difficult tricks here that I'm very scared for so first we gotta get past these cutscenes the true enemy plot in a video game ok this is my favorite weapon in the game pipe also Laura's incredibly strong and just like she is she is full power of the ponytail yeah and that is the last plate just look at this ponytail like come on that is the last we'll see of the pipe it was my favorite weapon and we only have it for about 5 seconds sounds good work pipe good work coming up though we'll get a different bow I believe we just had like the handcrafted Oh before this is the composite bow and coming up is a very strange glitch because I'm not able to do a lot of actions right now I need to get out of bounds though and see have much time so like we don't have the scrambled s to do used earlier so I need to at the proper moment let go of my aim for a second hold back and well we'll see what happens a lot of stuff can happen here I think I'm just four on the angle this is one of the harder tricks and that like a little bit early there in that it can go even if you do it well it can still go wrong and you can still end up out of bounds in the wrong way there it goes yep so now I've teleported up here I'm out of bounds I'm not gonna fall if I jump how to confirm that and that actually skips retrieving your loop and about a minute of walking and talking yeah it's just a plot there's a projector showing like plot important things oops I need to reload my safe though because I don't have the ability to walk because it was a walk and talk section and I never actually know I have the ability to walk I don't I can't run until I reload you can't you can't run because you didn't talk while you walk yeah it's like you could definitely walk it's the walk and talk not a it's not a run and talk this is the scramble through wall again except we get through one wall I'm gonna go through two and we did additional you can jump on this fun set of lockers and then fall off them all on purpose on purpose and then once I get up here and i have used my good or energy I can fall off again all on purpose these are some round and square objects yeah it's like you what we're actually farming for here is good ponytail RNG yes okay so now I am back out of bounds it actually looks really in bounce till you get up here and then everything just kind of goes yeah what is the floor was anything in to Laura no dog no money lol Croft let's go ahead pop through this floor I didn't actually see how much wood I picked up I don't have enough to make arrows that's gonna be after remember to make a few later we knew it was gonna be won in the marathon yeah so there's some RNG and picking up wood it's either a one or two you need to to craft arrows and I got one that's fine those I'm gonna pick up on the way out of here do you have time for a quick donations I'm just I'm gonna come through more walls there should be some people are pretty familiar with so yeah go for it all right we have a twenty five dollar donation from board game crew that says hey studio can you stay in bounds there are too many glitches and we don't acknowledge this as a speedrun and we'd love to see the full story alright alright just for them let's live another two hours with yesterday you guys okay with that okay I'll be to know if our production is okay with that I heard a very mournful no to my right production just told us not to meme I don't know what they are implying something about no glitches okay oh you got you got that cutscene skip there which was interesting well I got the like okay here's a friendly character he's gonna kill that guy and then we're done looking for a bit and now here comes more terrible events that just pile on each other yeah this is I think for the game it's a little extreme and how bad her day gets because first you know she's captured and she's blown up by the helicopter knocked in little water and like this is the pad beginning of a sequence it just it's just like that we're using water like remember we are in Siberia yeah so it's gonna take about 30 seconds come out of this water covert give us another all right we have $10 from dr. and hair works that says doctor and hair works here I have a PhD in hair studies and I can confirm that Laura's hair is incredibly normal good luck with the run I don't know if hair studies is a real major are you implying he's not a real doctor I don't know I mean I'm not sure if you want to know credit University so this is all part of a prison escape you have left the base we swam in the water overall been a pretty bad time and I just like I love to finish her for this that she gets out and there's actually more stuff coming like this I when I got here normally I thought this has to be the end the seaports we escape we're fine no there's actually still a helicopter chasing us even she doesn't seem enthusiastic about it it's like man this is kind of a scary sequence even though it is a I still kind of a you know a timed running section is you can do a lot of jump roles here and if you mess one up and die it wastes a ton of time so a little bit more safer with the jump roles instead of risking 40 seconds for half a second I'll just do it the normal way every now I think that's a safe trade for a marathon run pop down here hop up here I forgot the rocket like sitting by you the last thing if you get too far ahead you can desync the game a bit like I've died to a rocket that was just supposed to be in the background well you know the helicopter you got it this time it was just there so like why not it blow up alright um back in the freezing water back in the water and now we're kind of out of the walking talk section like this the story's been set up you know who the good guys are you know who the bad guys are there's still mysterious aspects to it but a lot of the cutscene that would explain it we're going to to be skipping and like from here on out there's like no peace in this together yeah like you can kind of get thump lot from what we've done sort of there's bad guys it's we'll see what we'll see what happens to Jonah right yeah like we'll see a little bit of what happens but the games in it weird it was a little beer before it's gonna keep getting weirder and a lot of this is gonna be kind of being out of bounds and trying to overcome the the very strict limitations of what you can do out of bounds because it's very free but it's also you know very broken because not really developer supported I have to first clean up this little Ridge you can see a cheetah or I love you it's uh it's like a tiger or something it's it's a big scary it's like you have big enemies I couldn't remember like I know it's on the cheetah cuz they don't live in his blood barrier look it's whatever it is in German you know okay we're gonna jump press s place and I am now sky walking Laura can now kind of fly on surfaces you can actually get some speed I'm gonna ramp up this wall let's go let's go go Laura go keep going keep going keep going and then slow down because there's death plane ski I don't wanna die so fast animation though yeah so that just keeps a huge chunk of the game and we can actually get a really late game upgrade which is the broadhead climbing areas [Applause] and actually so there is DLC in this game and we use one for the run pay to win for like 30 seconds please it's like four minutes it saves $1 if I use the DLC it's like four bucks let's say it's a glorified DLC no save a minute phase of you'll see and it's four dollars that's what I mean to say I mean I don't use this from apparently I'm a dollar richer yeah so what you have that you need it for is the pistol because when we go out of bounds with the arrow a bow and arrow in the mine you don't have your gun but you're supposed to get it back from a cutscene where you retrieve all your equipment again which also means I don't have any equipment which is why I had to spend that time collecting aerial parts and crafting arrows so because of that you have to you need a gun for different later parts that run and it I think this was you know it's CLC it's a little annoying but it saves a bunch of time and it's it's a really cool skip so it's worth investing in it so I'm out of bounds right now I need to load the next area without falling in bounds be very careful about this that's the look next reloading alright nice okay I need to not fall out of bounds just about a duplicate too far to the left once again it's really tight and this doesn't help that we've barely see lowers Laura's model and all of this nonsense I also did not fall in bounds that's important to is in bounds or out of bounds is a reset at this point so I need to get over here into the mines we are in the mines we have two friends coming up but they don't tell you as a Laura I guess this would be poisonous no venomous if if you touch them they die so our friends we touched them they died I guess I figured out she has cooties or something guys I like this section because you can jump jump roll it really low heights it looks really goofy okay so we now have arrows we now have the body a climbing arrows will need to supress here and the goal is to not spend time killing enemies in this game but dealing with the fact that we have really low resources right now I don't have a lot of pistol ammo I don't have any arrows and this guy right here I need to distract him and then hit him kind of right here and he dies in one shot instead of him to go with this helmet I don't think your arrow I think your arrow hit the box that guy's that we got him he's okay well he's not okay actually that's kind of the point yeah I think your arrow hit that box when you first fired off I think your arrow hit the box so it's oh yeah there it is yeah don't worry don't worry man I got this I got them bumping to do this for a while I'm playing a lot of runs the Tomb Raider lately it's a pretty good game something about being into marathon see that was that was on purpose that was a miss jump that I meant to miss it's gonna affect our energy in the future and I won't have to pick up more lumber that would see that that's all on purpose you gotta cut these ropes we're gonna loop this guy because it can give us peaceful things like ammo and ammo that time and then climb back up here is that era reachable yes yes it is okay and then yes nice so something about this climbing is that Laura actually has really delayed inputs for climbing so if you want to like shift directions and jump you have to shift like a full I'd say half second before or if she will just kind of jump in a in the direction we're holding previously which is really dangerous and scary for certain sections I wanna take this guy out with arrows because he is it is a stealth kill if you had somebody with an arrow and not in the arm they just die if it's stealth mode and then this trick let's see if I get it oh boy you got some eyeballs there yeah depending on your graphic settings you might you might see Laura's eyeballs every now and then this is a relatively difficult skip hopefully it goes I was a little insecure because it's related to your FPS so if our FPS was just under what we needed it would have been very difficult to actually get out of bounds there I'm gonna jump from here this times really annoying you're not supposed to make it so the game offers no support like you can't climb there normally and then let's go ahead slide down this row if you played this game casually you'll know this section this is where you have to open the door to a lost city it's a very long-winded puzzle yes it's it's a decent public until the doors already messed up this is the final section and the final thing you'll normally open the devs didn't intend for you to come here first it's supposed to be the last and last only so by open by opening this door this part of the door we will actually open everything and not have to do the other two switches I think that's it I did not count properly if I've got the voice lines that's a good sign there's a rope here as we picked up in the prison yes because he goes long I don't feel ah but you'll see Laura pick up some roping like look at it so remember that this door is not supposed to be open and the game will do something a little bit funky as a result we've loaded up with water though to get the crane to fall and burst up with the Darrow you got resources there yes and there goes the door okay so check scape sequence there's quite a few of these there they're all in timers initially enough but outside of the ones in Syria that timers aren't timers aren't released Gary because the role will save enough time and there's usually not a major out-of-bounds section for it so remember that door its back oh and some rocks are there too the door does not load render properly I think it reloads itself because it goes well you haven't actually destroyed me because there's three other parts to this so it might be also because you reach the other side as well exactly there's some trigger and there was this like yeah the store is real and exists except it doesn't come in okay this is the most precise out about stuff in the game a lot of them you can actually kind of loose with this one is a little bit tricky for me just because I'm not super familiar with this setup what's fun is if you get her out of bounds [ __ ] people just kind of like that full lounder cuz she's not really in balance like she's trying to get out of bounds here that full 360 ponytail swinging okay alright it should be relatively fast to get her out so I have a pretty good idea pretty quickly if it works or not between these two guys alright so I guess one thing we can't talk about is yes we are running on PC because a lot of these tricks are PC exclusives due to the high FPS however it's super finicky in the fact that you need to you need to have your FPS at exactly 100 FPS the community agreed on it because there are some things that having higher than 100 FPS fixed in the game by the way [Applause] yeah and so like having the right fps helps there I think this is actually a tricky game to run on different setups because of all the graphics settings that work on one setup may not work on the other so things look a little bit different from my home PC and I just fix things every a little bit harder I really only becomes an issue with I'd say that skip and maybe one coming up in the future so hopefully it's not a problem we'll just say uh that was all intended and on purpose the game has trouble loading here because we're not supposed to be here this is not surprising but I mean hey take some time and enjoy the scenery yeah go ahead we don't need lower in the shot this would be a beautiful scenery it's a beautiful game go ahead and do it we see it's good to keep platforming although we'll come back this section again it looks really good this is my favorite part of it floating trees and if I turn to the side the ground will load back in some toy doesn't know what to render because it's not loaded properly so here's a little yellow patch it's a campfire that games back and we're going to go through the archive section you normally have to do a lot of plot stuff there you like you like help some villagers out and then you go in I think when the village gets attacked yes essentially like they're fighting a war with karenina and you support them through it but that all that and takes a lot of time and really we just want to go ahead and go on up so like I said this game is good about story triggers I just need to go ahead and do the final section of the story here and we'll essentially complete what I need to progress so we don't really fight the war we just kind of do our thing by entering through the back the reason we actually had to deal o that area was to get rid of some blockers that normally exist there to keep you from progressing on until you've already been here before so this a little finicky and then turn to the left wait maybe we'll get some eyeballs here definitely yeah or not it's hard to tell what this one's up so I might be stuck in the wall I think kind [Music] I'm gonna try that again yeah there's some there's some good eyes there we go and that should be unfortunate uh yeah I think the the thing about this game like doing in a marathon is just how inconsistent it is like without the same setup you not only have when you're doing runs yeah so like now we're out and we're swimming again we're swimming on water someone in the void that is the entire next area you can actually go walk on the kind of blank spaces in front of us there's physics on it you can actually I would if I was more comfortable I would actually walk around and hop back in and what's the scary thing to do because don't want to fall out of bounds as it is a dangerous place to be there's a lot of water here because there's a water escape section that you would normally be doing to escape this game and actually just be part of the route but look at that later is how we leave these underwater archives the broadhead climbing arrows come in huge impact though because uh we go through the tomb where there's all my bonus I'm sure if you revisit I forget if you revisit this in the story oh you don't revisit it but I think this you can and I think this is this section right here where you supposed to revisit the tomb no I think this is like a separate thing later on yeah yeah well no it's op on the pot though you don't have to actually come here I believe honestly the plot is so like all over the place it's it's not part of the run but if we clip through this break it takes us into the tomb and this this is the big part right here this is how we kind of skip all the war and all of the things that we don't want to do there's a door right here it's kind of the normal clip you scramble back whoops the right aim your bow and just vamoose so we're gonna be gonna meet our I'm gonna say the worst enemy of the game barrels we need these barrels to blow up some structures like that the problem with them is that they're a little bit inconsistent physics wise so we blew up that first world to let this drill free I'm gonna go ahead and drag them twice just to be safe that's like one didn't do anything I don't care I want to make sure that barrel reaches to me just hope and pray chat just open / a so 150 experience we got it the barrels on its way home there's some more browse to navigate ones already in place we got the we got the second one in place and we need three total so we got to grab this ther guy this is where the physics get a little bit wacky because the barrels will sometimes it's going to do what they want so this is a physics puzzle you test umbrellas cute the letter R to the like beam and then when I dragged here hopefully okay both barrels one that's exactly what we want because it balances it out and it gets a second barrel it gets a second barrel up up it's really struggling he's like yeah I want to go ahead and cut this guy just let it flip through because it's funny just just like that around here and then I can shoot this barrel and then just cutscene I'll knock the other barrel down to the water these are not skippable you can see the brillo like traveling along so it's actually not that much waste of time because we'd have to let that barrel get along anyways it was a bit far back so I did take a while to reach girls really reload your gun alright this is the first section of the game where I can softlock the run and it's scary but this is a pretty consistent trick so I'm setting myself up for failure by saying I'm gonna do this the first time oh yeah so we need to get out of the archives we need to shoot this barrel as its animation plays I'm in front of a campfire so once the statue lands I'm gonna go ahead press a button I have bound to the sit and you skate video at the same time press left here once skip this cutscene as it fades press Enter I'm in the menu to choose a location for a teleporter that location and the game's gonna be really weird because we're gonna see nothing we're gonna see nothing we're gonna hear some sounds what about like I'd say now up like arrows yeah there they are that is Laura dying it is a time section so Laura can't actually stand around and she was standing around it reloads us at the campfire we teleport while we load and by getting back up we have now teleported so similar I chose the right location which I did you'd be really on if I didn't we could have a really long load because the game had nothing pre cached we're ready for us to actually enter this area and we will have completely left the archives if everything went well I'll let you know in a few seconds maybe you a few more seconds it's it's a long look over to give us a donation it went well and that circle spin time for that donation yeah toss it out we've got a go to the infants of the archive slow the next area so it's gonna be a little bit so give us a donation alright great we have fifty dollars from grant Parker that says rise of the Tomb Raider game dev here had to donate during a game I worked on thanks to everyone for playing and running for an awesome cause also Lara says kill those animals if you've seen any shadow the Tomb Raider uh game plays so far that is that is for personality now she is all about those animals dying all right this is a back up if you missed that first jump let's see if okay it was scary in practice because if I was pressing a button incorrectly but now we are out we're out of the archives we have our good friend Jonah now that we visit the archives one more time he's here you're back from the mountains and we actually have another lunt low time this is loading up the entire Mountain section that we were in before so as its loads like these cutscenes are all fast this guy's gonna take this last was gonna take forever though so we have time for donation now all right well we have quite a big one we have $1,000 from MAV one-five-zero MAV says I've been an avid watcher of GDQ for a few few years going and I'm excited to see the new tomb raider being run love having our donations going to a great cause good luck to all the runners all right we are in Lockett Auckland but we're gonna try an escape as much as we can this is a section where John has been captured he's having a tough time so we're gonna help them out and it's we're getting on what is gonna I'm gonna say this one of the scariest parts of the run for me most of these sections if I died it would be about 30 seconds to a minute which it happens you know it's it's not great you just kind of deal with it yes coming up is a section which I don't know why I'm telling you guys a few bands but if I die towards the end it's gonna be about three minutes lost and there's even starting the trick is difficult it's actually I'd say one of the hardest sequences in the game but first we have to go ahead and get to that section so this is you the stogie prisons that we escaped from earlier the advantage here is that we don't really need to do anything to progress the plot besides like get where we need to go I'm gonna go ahead and skill up skills in this run or like I said there used to make you go faster or survive actually that would be monolithic said that in but two runs in one night fry the brain it's still it's still correct yeah so we need this to go faster just to go faster this to not die just to not die that gives us a little bit more resistance versus damage it gives the way to kill some enemies and it will hopefully make them this game a little bit simpler coming up is a little snow section like the deep snow we trudge through before before but you can roll through most of it you just do a few steps to the various there also coming up is a split call it's called the Jonas split even though he's not in this cut in this section because lower just says right there and now comes the hard part so I've gotta get out of bounds first and that's what makes this tricky is this entire section is done out of bounds so I have this is my setup for it different runners have had different ones mine works for me so I like it okay we are now I believe we're on the roof okay got a roll we gotta get out of here which is tricky because that doorway will actually block us even if we look like we're on the other side of it so I need to roll to the side and then out of it anyway where she gets through this is just to make the camera like meet back up so studio has full control yes gotta kind of jiggle the camera a bit and I'm out of bounds it's also a softlock section I do have a backup save because coming up is a checkpoint that if I hit will reload me and I have no way to get back or or progress so sign up this mountainside down this mountainside trying to fall in bounds see okay yeah or fall out of bounds but on the right surface we're solid a bounce rosaldo bounce this is the very obvious section where you can tell what's happening and just got to keep progressing through all these very very easy visual cues the team doesn't expect you to be here so the trees are incredibly rude but they're super scenic yes this is the easiest scramble up amount in the game you just press back and I think I'm going the right way yeah so I was here for a second there okay so just like a bunch of birds in the back yeah they're confusing what the heck is she doing there's only person recognized if she's like running around out of bounds you did not die here everybody I didn't die I'm really happy about that okay I need to figure out where I am okay there am show us the hogs voice actor and I'm where I want to load properly know what they're not load properly all right we gotta go to that jump I jump I gotta play again die don't die please I think I my approach a little bit weird on that one get back here so once again full of like very noticeable landmarks yeah I'm very careful about this just because I don't want to die like I don't wanna die in the section it's very easy to die in the section for it looks like there's like a lot of walls to walk on but sometimes there's just big old pits because they don't expect you to be here so they don't have to make this continue to continuous in any sort of way and now we don't even have Lara anymore yeah Beck if I get stuck in between this tree it's a soft look I did not solve like the game well actually you can reload so it's not it's just a reload at that point this is a scary section for me I need to get her across this wooden bridge and the problem is is those wooden planks they have holes in them and they're the real holes like a lot of games might cover them up but it's there are there you don't you fall through them that's scary I don't know if I get out of this actually I'm gonna do it again but I didn't fall okay okay need to be very careful about this falling here's okay I think it's generally alright this section is not playing nice yeah I don't expect it to I expect this section to be rough I need to run across this as a thing so I'm getting pushed to the side which is unfortunate I have to you can jump across as well but I it's much riskier in my opinion so I'm going to keep playing this a little bit cautiously man tomorrow so let me let me across let me get a good cry it's like I'm in the end of this section actually which is what's scary about this okay once again this looks pretty simple but it's a lot tighter than it looks yeah this section it's like I said it's okay to fall for generally just because you don't you fall but you can get back up there it's a letter later steps that are scary like even here I can actually just go around and go back and bounce back out of bounds 9 bad sign bounds we're gonna consider out of bounds in bounds it wouldn't wouldn't have for never in bounds ok ok we got past that and I'm not pushed in so we progressed so coming up is just a bunch of death plains so if I jump I'll die so I'm not gonna jump at a certain point it was running down a hill if you know the path you don't die if you don't know the path you die so covert gave us will give us a good one all right well here we go we have $10 from pi calls up that says hey studio it's me PI call stop rise of the Tomb Raider was one of the first games I actively tried to speedrun in no small part to you it's amazing that you guys are able to do this every year for such a great cause been watching for years in light of that I decided it was finally time to donate now that I can so from this wall dad community donation goes to runners choice setups to all school dads and school moms all right that is a big scary section over I could have fallen through the cracks at the very end and gotten stuck there but it didn't happen so hooray and now we're gonna get a lot of red alright I need to kill guys here this is a combat section there's a set way to do this I cannot see anything I missed my first shot I'm totally about to die I am totally not dead so one of the apes' I got was to let me do that some and completely scripted section because it had bounced into a bad position the combat in this game is a little tricky because we don't have any good weapons like you only have the bow and the pistol but yeah the bow and the heavy pistol from the DLC and like you normally upgrade all that stuff and like the bow gets really good and the pistol gets pretty okay and of course you would have had the shotgun and ESL right yes and so like you like these are big armored guys you could shotgun I think you get armor piercing ammo yeah you do yeah it's been so long since I've done the normally that I forgot it's really one of the only things I'm ashamed about is that like a lot of the combat is really good and you just kind of skip it yes so because of that we have to use some extreme measures which is gonna be the gas cans to kind of blow people up as a group I take out these first two guys because they are in a bad position a good position to kill me so we fill up this gas canister we throw it hopefully don't hit the one of the rights might be able to fart aside I did this is scary I might die here yeah it's not gonna go well I feel I'm not dead yet I do not have any cloth which is a little interesting I should have gotten someone from the canister earlier but I'll be able to pick them up for a section I eat on I'm sure glad I tried to kill there okay so a few that guy shoot that guy they throw this canister I hit the I did not hit it okay cool that was really close okay so that guy on the right is aggro that's fine I need to shoot that guy okay yeah that gas cast the canister and then that's that section over okay I'm short one cloth that I'll need to heal with later this is a longer loading screen because we're going back to the mountainous area so cobra muffin give us another one all right well we have $25 from gluten classic oh that says I've been enjoying this crazy glitched run of the Lara Croft cut catastrophic misfortune simulator keep on aiming floating swimming and other traveling through walls go studio I feel so bad for her in this game because she has such a bad time like it really is just like I this video game character that's not real is just getting destroyed and it's just it's a little bit too much for me the reboots like really did the reboots in general are just really bad about that it's just like Oh like to be fair Uncharted also like that where it was like Nathan Driessen I have a terrible terrible Friday and we're not we're unapologetic about this he's got a free weekend this is a section where it's faster to run because the ceiling and the slope makes it really bad jump rule it's not a loss section like this though let's just let's just appreciate the addition in the sequel because tumarae tour 2013 doesn't have a run button okay rod hood coming girls let us good over here louis jump over here let us jump up here and let's see if I fall to my death it's possible it's a very short death though so I don't mind it too much you can make that jump if you missed it there's a checkpoint literally right there and it's it's something very easy to attempt and like mess up on with in-game time but because deaths would be bad here fulbe it's a little bit scarier this is the oral resection I skip a cutscene by jumping up there I need to jump up here and then not fall off will be the goal okay I need to make sure I don't actually trigger the cutscene just because it's you you can't move probably because of the camera move and that little legs a little bit mean sometimes Laura's very kind of forceful in a movement sometimes but it can be hard to make precise movement so I need to jump up here that was a the extreme jump that went a little bit too far sometimes when I get higher up with the jumps if you try and climb up you can sometimes get a little more height what is how I do that double jump sometimes and a little bit crazy this is probably this is probably the most vertical wall we're trying to ascend using this climbing method yes and it's a pretty rough trick just because there's a few sections where if you if you miss it no Dobb you just fall at the beginning makes me feel bad so and getting on this first leg right here is tricky just because oh that's not the way I normally get up there so that's cool hey we take those yep yes okay and we're gonna crawl out of bounds right here and this leads to a water section this is the water that we were just in on the way into this area and it's lots of swim out of bounds over here this is gonna skip all the oral resection was a very long actually pretty fun puzzle and I just have to press E a little bit more distance with Laura if you jump and this is a scary jump so yeah I brought to the camera which I should not do got scared there we missed the jump so we're gonna fall to our death this reset will it's a little bit long of a load because it's taking us back to the point we were just at but it's already it always supposed to be spawn some of this area because about far removed once again that jump was just really tight because like the platforming in Syria Florida's very difficult to control in the air it's like she has a surprising amount of air control I guess she can do a lot in the air it's actually incredible for a 3d video game character like you're not locked in really at all but it does it does mean that she's kind of she is still not the easiest person to move okay that was a lot cleaner yes you take a couple seconds it took a couple seconds to balance her out so one attempt to get out of bounds this time which is nice okay and then all these jumps lead out of bounds I think she eventually dies if you fall here okay made the jump and then we'll wait we'll wait we'll wait and then the next area loads I'm gonna say now mmm incoming you coming okay okay I've just been off the trigger there we go there's the rest of the game [Applause] so we've had a couple crashes I'm taking us faiths option here there's a very risky and dangerous way to get through this area it seems about 15 seconds I'm gonna say little bit about that I am in a cutscene so I can't run so I'm gonna safer option it's so glitchy here where you first meet the ancient guards that have immortality regarding this area there are Bros hey man what's up you're not supposed to go up here so they don't have any collision nor do they react to you whatsoever so I'm gonna go ahead jump here and crawl back in bounds this is gonna give me an item that's very important it gives me the grappling hook for some reason going through this cutscene or going to the checkpoint by it will give you the grappling hook normally you loot in chests normal you have by now you actually needs to get through the out-of-bounds area wasn't before they had the bridge so we can go ahead and grapple which will be you out you need to beat the game it's a few key places it's nor instead of going through the cutscene you can actually trigger the side of it which will just refer to the checkpoint which gives you the grapple and then from there you can do some crazy out of bounds that are I'm not the best at and they're already risky by themselves instead we just come over here I mean we meet a good friend with a very big nose and let's see you've got a little bit more climbing so you can probably toss that another Ganesha all right well we have $20 from cat's worth that says studio help I have a word question also have my first ever a gdq donation love you cats worth it cats worth is a very cool dude who I wish he could be here right now on the cash replacing one of you I can tell you which one are you amongst ourselves nap kidding so we have to so we that break is it like a kind of a teeter totter bridge you will normally bounce over on it but instead I'm able to aim down sights and I can avoid the part that will actually force you out oh then you jump out of bounds you know you get out about to do the normal stuff this climb up here is interesting that I'm actually not gonna scramble or do any movement it's entirely camera control and aiming so if I look to the left a little bit slowly that's right if I look to the left of reel of re-aim I start going up and then I have to try to navigate her in a way just through the aim there's a little bit of button pressing unfortunately it's being a little mean to me right now like I'm gonna blame it well enough to yes even though I don't think it's actually I think it's just me okay what's happening here though is the collision of Laura and the wall it is getting real messed up there it goes not quite I've been too far to the side which is a little bit strange it's kind of putting me off at least we get some good eyeballs on there yeah get the the eyeball perspective you can uh you can make it all the way up without jumping but if you get close enough you can you can jump to cover that last bit of distance from a little bit short though let's try looking down see if that helps mm maybe okay right now we got a nice long bridge here it's got a roll across this bridge there's some nice movement in that I can if you double roll its tape sometime because it's the little ledges will actually let you get a second rolling I'm gonna merely attack here and then I'm gonna freeze for a second this will go ahead and stop off all damage so Laura dispel from lethal Heights and was totally cool about it just drops like a rock mm-hmm try and clip out of bounds flipped out of bounds that's nice though that woman's taken me a couple tries before but like a lot of this is just kind of memorizing that weird rock that if you aim at will let you get out of bounds and coming up is the entrance to the lost immortality city it's been sealed away for like a thousand years actually like mm I've got the talent for this game but it is definitely over a millennia and we'll go ahead and uh kind of get towards the end sequence of the game there's a grappling hook that comes into play there yep what you need to get over here and we got some some screwy walking so good gives the bad donation what's a bad donation like I said a guy's forgiven last time what's a bad one I'm glad you haven't prepped it because I know they filter out the best we love you whoever this is though all right that's what we hear what's on these things you can't I've got it we've got $50 from unfriendly blob it says I'll donate a hundred another $150 if studio starts pronouncing Lara correctly for the rest of the I am so sorry that doctors thought Bors will not be receiving that money okay Lara Lara right I'm gonna try I make no promises because I my brain just immediately goes to Laura mode the second I try and say something while doing anything I have like PTSD of a certain section in 2013 because one of the characters just immediately chose Lara get up here and then like repeats it over and over again because you're busy somewhere else out of bounds okay let's go ahead actually this is funny because this suctions all she all intended like this that's not even like what the game will see fit to be there quickly yeah there's a lot of cool exploration in this area okay so this this is fun you're supposed to get through this gate later because of that there's a trigger that if I cross through the gate and reload it will now load the entire next area so the assumption there is once you get through the gate you've completed everything you need to which is generally true a lot of extra healing so I've now got a for healing and only only need three four runs but I had the cloth so I'll pick up the berry and we're back at it bounced again and we're back to reloading that was intentional so we need to get her we need to get to the beginning of the ascent I think there's no made a huge fight sequence here once you try and get through the main doors yeah it's like it's a huge fight sequence you get like another one of those trebuchet I love trebuchet there's a time place for them they can hurl you know what it's like a 60 kilogram boulder like 300 meters I think like really it's like they're fantastical things there's gonna I walk right out of here little uh well there did they're quite okay they're very they're very great things that are very large miniature birthdays are unheard of I guess so we're out of bounds the surface here is a little bit odd because you know it's not really mapped properly and we're gonna use that to our advantage there's a wall here that if I try and jump through will not let me but if I run that I can run through it kind of by jumping a little bit late here and we're still out of bound or sold we're just going around the area with the door which voids all the trebuchet this one's a little finicky because this wall is not meant to be um whatever I'm doing climbed in that way and have an FPS truck as aerial loads that's fine and then hopefully there are death planes so if I go down I died I died this one's been really finicky I'm not sure why but like on this machine we had a lot trouble with it yesterday so hopefully it's okay it's going to be a while to get back there so I'll take another donation all right - you shall have we have twenty five dollars from all Nate that says studio the power word awesome crew is enjoying your moment in this Sun keep up the good work misty PWA alright with you one day I always welcome back maybe if I show up to raid on Tuesday I'm am I getting an invite I don't I don't think I am at this point no I'm sorry alright he had to get around you're washed up man okay I'll get back into one was this like a one alright we have a hundred dollars from our RM who says who did it better Lara Croft or the Skyrim horse greetings from a fine thread the thread MP quote so I think the thing is it's not about which is better it's about combining the two so if you take the power of the skyrim horse and then you take the like the out of bounding power of Lara because the Scarb horse really only only handles its slopes so if you combine these two you've got like a super power that can't be stopped by any walls des plaines maybe not not sure about the death plans all right take two this time it's personal okay you can fall the bottom that's fine we got yeah I didn't mean to but it is actually easier if you fall at the bottom just because it gives you time to position correctly this is the final ascent what's my time at by the way 109 109 go 110 110 okay we might still get under estimate it's been it's been a dicey run a couple errors couple very minor errors on my part you know the smallest things all the crashes but hopefully we can get through it here in the next few minutes the final sense a really fun section because it's kinda it's a lot of districts like a largest movement you know there's the fortress under attack and that's when I definitely come to play later but the enemies aren't really in this section like the fighting is exposed being elsewhere it's just it's just a lot of like very creative platforming and just moving around we actually have glitched that much or out-of-bounds that much this isn't out of bounds though I'm able to get out of bounds by choosing the the left thing to swing on I got a it's a pretty precise jump got jump one this one I have to not fall off which the game loves to make you fall off there and then that is the out of bounds and we are back to the back on track three cheers the tiny out-of-bounds Q out of bounds okay it's actually faster it's faster to wall come there than jump I believe just because if jumping can actually put in a really weird position coming up is my favorite speed tech where it's lots of intricate and difficult movements you know it's one of those crazy things where you have to do things like press the spacebar a lot and if you just press the spacebar a lot I'm gonna go to the top of this and I'm not gonna get knocked down by a boulder crazy tech crazy hard Tech and then you press the spacebar a little bit more this is the final ascent they actually save a couple seconds by not falling by that Boulder which is nice so here's the action I love this thing you can actually fall down there if you messed up if I mess up it doesn't die which is not gonna happen not possible and the actual spilling here a little bit weird because it's the same kind of wall climbing we've been doing most of the run in the ice but what makes this tricky is there's a rounded corner here oh oh I'm actually can't reload there so we fall on the ground I guess the fold is just kind of tramples to that point we somebody somebody else spelt with this too actually so I'll take a little bit slower luckily we don't have to do the climbing section again I need to I need to not get hip beyond the wall on a boulder lander will a little animation to play I'd ever noticed how long the screen when that guy was climbing up here you can skip a little bit of this fall by pressing by crouching and falling off and normally she's recovering from the fall instead we just made a tiny tiny bit of progress I'm just gonna climb up the rest of this there's a way to save a couple seconds here if I jump but the camera angles really deceiving and you'll sometimes just hear the side and die so it's this favor option slightly slightly a little bit slower to just kind of shoot your top right I believe you'll see Laura get a more or she just did if you don't have it a fan of the game will actually give you some yeah the game is really good about making sure that you can progress through some because just like that yeah we gotta shoot this guy alright the boot doesn't work it doesn't good work but just doesn't cut it so we just treat this guy punch I later say if you don't do a quick enough he does kill you but the strategy there is just you feed him so fast that it doesn't get a chance to move his head around this is a I need to really point out that like I really don't want to die here which is a terrible thing to say in a speedrun but if I die here those enemies that we're fighting each other no longer fight each other they just buy me and they're very good at fighting me it turns out they're actually like I'd say experts of fighting me the reason I have healing items at all is honestly for this section I pop yeah it's I feel up yeah that's a little bit important yeah so normally you you you want to have three up here in case of backup I might still die if the enemies are very rude which is very possible because I can get shot off this wall and still shooting at me I didn't kill any enemies there and no we did not die ok chopper fights coming up this one's a little bit weird in that it's kind of cutscene yet you can't you can speed up in some ways for example he's gonna fire a capital shot hopefully I should I hit it and that lets me damage the the helicopter right away reload and I skip the helicopter falling down animation so now I've got some arrows I've got some explosive arrows well both those these guys grab arrows look these guys I got it that was that was very close I think I missed the guy on the left like you can control this extra quite a bit to stop some of the random spawns you need to kill all the soldiers here but the problem is you need to not miss but doing so will cause the plane to spawn oh I'm burning from arrows ah hello friends I don't have to take care of somebody up I'm sold I think being burned okay I'm on the verge of death which is a little bad gonna heal up for a second to make sure I don't die I didn't have to go find the last guy who was just pleasantly joined us I believe this should trigger the next section now yes so we have to do what we did before which is hit this guy or shoot a explosive catapult shot as this guy's below the the shot the annoying thing here is he could fly like out of the shop like he's in a fairly annoying spot right now and hopefully we'll try and approach us behind the wall they're still loading the cannon shot or the capital shot so it's not the worst I've also had some bad experiences here but just kind of died for no reason I will see if happens okay so he has just done a big movement so I should be able to I knew not die okay alright second shot we need to we actually kill the plan though that's how that works and we need one more shot for that Hey at least explosive arrows make this pretty easy yeah there's one annoying thing which is you can sometimes pick up two and or one instead of two whoa come on come on man did you just go through that guy's leg a little bit this is gonna be tight Department have any explosive rows okay so that's the sequence and there we go okay so that is the combat section done I still have to destroy the helicopter this final section though most of the arena gets destroyed so I'm now down here and instead of waiting for the our friendly catapult sprouts I can actually shoot it five times explosive rose and die unfortunately I got I think knocked out of the air by the rocket instead of just taking damage which Walter cut the copper get a couple shots on me and it ate up on my explosive rose too Oh Oh that blew up never explained that I'm gonna grab some arrows just in case because it's a good chance I don't have explosive arrows for for just dying see this is the thing is like i sometimes i just died here I'm not sure why the games just like you're gonna go down okay if worst comes to worst I can just do this the normal way which I hate the view but he was being a little finicky right now hi mr. Chaddha gamba mrs. proceed Hey well I got one explosive out of that one there you go one again yeah I need to pick up the arrows I think what happens is the damage on the helicopter will outpace the animation on screen and I've only been seeing this light here but really just means I got a knock messed up and get hit this is really hitting home how finicky this game is once again emphasizing that like there's no really there's no really gain but if he dies it's just a very immediate time loss so that's okay he'll go up or down and this is the final kind of normal MOOC fight I need to get better aiming sorry got some nerves on me what's the time at you're about twelve forty seconds to estimate I'm on the crashes so I need to hit those two guys in the head and then I really wanted to make sure I called the archer first I've had some issues with the spawning gear whoa sorry normally you have an explosive arrow but because I had one at the start of the last sequence it's kind of it's making it hard to kill these guys that guy should be easier but his head's blocked by ruff and actually can't see us let's go get one good Chokin before the end I didn't actually done one of those occasions in a while if their parent Li a really bad idea because everybody just kind of kills you it turns out so this is the one I promise I just need to actually hit these arrow shots the fully charged arrow actually does pretty good damage but the pom is like I don't have a lot of ammo and if these guys trying to like try and hit me it's very hard for me not to get hit okay now I can probably take care of these guys right here at least one of them okay so I have to kill two sets of these guys Wow well the flower hit me okay the fire did not hit him though oh this part is the first-year respawn three times so this was gonna chase me again which is fine if you lost sight of me for a second I don't have to kill three more guys that guy's nice I'm just gonna line the shot up for you then I dismiss spots there you go and then the blue fire that wasn't Lee killed them pops back here as well okay so that is that sequence done now we just have the final boss fight which funny enough the way you killed the final boss is the way you damaged that bear yeah the bear and the boss are one of the same some very weird banjo kazooie this boss is weird he took our weapons so we can't hit him so when so we have to run around in a really goofy way he stops for a second he lost sight of us so now we can melee him time for a quick donation uh not really there's not a whole lot of left yeah I gotta throw this can I not pick up the can so I hop on this wall I did get the boss to turn around the other direction he's currently looking at us was unfortunate if I get around him here's bill to give in the back there we go all right that is the funnel boss down kind of we just got to rip the bow back I'll give the read on the last bit of this right here I'm gonna donation which is gonna shoot him once reload to skip the death animation and then we go finish the game time for donation right now all right well unfriendly blob with another 150 dollar donation saying as promised Thank You unfriendly blob Thank You Lara and time nerves aside that was a really good run yeah there was some jokes there were some crashes I think we all made some good friends shouts unfriendly blob and shoutouts to Li me specifically and the rise or Tomb Raider discord because they're super useful and super awesome people and leave me especially set up this like for our tutorial that was just awesome for learning the game yeah that was rise of the Tomb Raider little rough but feeling pretty okay I think we're good to go yeah all right adios all right one more round of applause for our runner yeah all right that being said as we set up for a next run we are going to have an interview coming up for the horror block crew so we will get to that in just a bit but looks like we have a good number of donations here so let's go ahead and read a few we have a $25 anonymous donation that said love to rise of the Tomb Raider casually thanks for the very fun run studio yeah that run was awesome we also have five dollars from infernal translator that says Lara Croft exit stage left pursuit by Bear all right and it sounds like our interviewees are actually ready so I'm going to throw it over to sue me it's for that interview hello everybody you guys are watching summer games done quick 2018 live from Bloomington Minnesota and I am here with pessimism and Maxie lobes so guys first up we have the Tomb Raider speedrun but then we have the Resident Evil HD remaster run by you pessimism and then we have fear by you Maxie lobes so tell me how are you guys feeling right now I'm very anxious ready to knock it out of the water though anxious but excited so if you were to go like a ratio of anxious to excited what would it be 43 I'm going 37 43 and 37 that is a very specific number from both of you so what is you what is your most anticipated part of your speedrun no spoilers though the gliding the gliding that's a good one so you don't se the flying I like that one the gliding and the flying alright well I did say no spoilers so I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see what the gliding and the flying are but we also have a bunch of questions from you guys the fans out there watching so let's start off with the first question by Jackson d77 which says pessimism and Maxie lobes how did you both find out about speedrunning and how long have you been speedrunning I actually found out about speedrunning like I would be at home playing Resident Evil 2 doing Leon there with a rocket launcher that's all I started doing that I found switch and then GDQ and speedran long six years six years that is a long time how about you Maxie well he's been doing it twice as long as I have started about three years ago found gdq on youtube I was very shocked that I didn't know about it before it was I was into it immediately so I just picked up some of my favorite games already for in Silent Hill 2 and just started trying him out had a ton of fun you know racing against the clock awesome awesome so you guys are both horror game aficionados right alright so let's go to our next question then which is kind of related have you actually been scared by the games you're speedrunning and this is a question by two shy shy mmm two shy shy I would say a couple of games that I speedrun you know good really good horror games fatal frame is the one that scared me the most when I played that for the first time I actually had to stop after the first ten minutes turned on turned on all of the lights you know very spooked yeah when I was a little kid jazz hands inari too when going down the hall it was scary for sure okay that's definitely one of the scary parts for me as well so keeping with the horror theme our next question from writing David is what horror game would you do best in if you were in it and I assume that means if you were the protagonist of this game what game would you survive Resident Evil 2 why because the zombies are predictable and the bosses are not difficult unless you get lucky on some parts yeah that is fair what about you Maxie you know I'd probably go with Resident Evil 7 simply because you know Ethan drives and he has a car and he's got keys how about driving back home I like I like that answer these are both very unique answers so how about this question from amaryllis Misaki which says what is your favorite horror film day of the dead 1985 why is that it is the music the actors the gore everything great great movie awesome I'm gonna go with the shining that is a classic oh you got some clap from the audience for your ass the classics don't pessimism I love your answer to David all right so we have a question specifically for pessimism what got you into speedrunning Resident Evil HD specifically um I was running Resident Evil 2 of like six months and I started streaming and I saw the HD remaster was being made as I go I want to run that game so I looked up agile any % run and the rest is history so hmm we have time for about one more question so tell me this question from SAS aimbot says what is your favorite horror run you'd like to see at gdq one day fatal frame well yeah judging by your last answer definitely thought it was fatal frame I like to see medieval medieval these are classic games so we're about to wrap it up so for all of the people in the audience for the viewers for your fans for the people in the audience tell us any you have any shoutouts any last remarks sure I'd like to give a shout out to gdq and all of its associates for making this event and giving me the opportunity to bring this game and everyone else bring their game so I like to save much love to all my viewers who have supported me throughout my entire streaming career and I think that's a much love but everyone who's going to watch the run much love thank you awesome yeah all the nazi party peeps out there if you're listening posting doggies in the chat I know you got all those dog emotes I know it thank you guys for supporting me for so long and every single game that I run you guys are super super enthusiastic about it and shoutouts to all the people who come to gdq and make this feel like you know more than just a bunch of dudes who just dudes and gals want to get together in speedrun games it's more of a tight-knit family now that's something I look forward to all the time all right that's awesome thank you guys so much for all of your help thank you so much for coming to view this interview and good luck in your run thank you thank you so covert muffin back to you all right that just makes me even more excited for that spooky block coming up a little bit later on but up next we are going to be watching tomb raider by Baek ski 93 and I'm very excited for that run as well that means that we have a ten dollar donation from Theo Shirin Berg that says when I was a kid named Laura people used to call me Lara Croft as an insult years later after I actually played the game some Tomb Raider games I've realized that Lara Croft is a great character and her games are definitely some of my favorites I'm happy to watch my favorite games get broken and if my name is pronounced about right I'll donate another $10 well Theo I hope I made you proud alright we also have $25 from BM bow-bow-bow that says donation we also have $15 from Knick Knack Nick that says shout out to the announcer for being the first person to pronounce my nickname correctly here is $10 for that and another $5 for swag thanks Nick knack Nick we have a $20 anonymous donation that says GQ time is the best time of this year rip sleep and thanks to all the awesome speedrunners and everyone that makes this awesome event possible thank you anonymous muscle gonna take the time to plug some of our sponsors we have the Yeti supporting games done quick events since 2012 they have official merch bond sir four games done quick and you can check out this official merchandise including sgdq tees and more over at the yeti calm fan gamer is another one of our sponsors for this event fan gamer is a video game merchandise company designing and producing official goods for darksouls undertale persona 5 and more all profits from the gdq merchandise sales are donated directly to Doctors Without Borders new official merchandise from dark souls undertale persona 5 hollow knight and more can be found over on fangamer dot-com / gdq that means that we are raising money for Doctors Without Borders during this marathon Doctors Without Borders MSF is a medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries around the world MSF is a private International Association MSF provides assistance to populations in distress to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflicts they do so irrespective of race religion creed or political convictions you can find out more at Doctors Without Borders dot or that being said we have $25 from berchie that says gaming is what truly brings everyone together glad to be a part of this me too Birchy this is awesome all right we also have $5 from juju girl that says love seeing Lara Croft on gdq the Tomb Raider games are dear to my heart and wow we have a 200 dollar donation from Kenzo demands oh it says I absolutely love how much this great community does for charity happy to be a part of something so amazing thank you so much cans oh the Manzo Beck boy 9:01 - donates ten dollars saying love GDQ thought I would donate can't wait for the SMM race and that being said we do have plenty of runs coming up if you would like to see exactly when your favorite Speed games are gonna be featured on the schedule just head on over to games done 'quick calm /schedule and it will automatically convert to your time zone and then automatically update based on if we are ahead or slightly behind schedule but don't worry all of those runs are still going to be showcased we have $10 from Rison saying this is my first time donated to gdq I've been watching for years and figured I would show some love thank you so much Ryan and speaking of the schedule for this event we actually are having a couple of our runs shifted around so if you were looking forward to that splatterhouse and splatterhouse to run by soured one that is actually going to be moved to Wednesday and that being said the kid chameleon run instead is going to be taking that spot on Tuesday so make sure that you head over to games done 'quick dot-com /schedule to make sure that you can keep track of those runs that you want to check out all right we have a $20 donation from anonymous saying GDQ time is the best time in this year rip sleep and thanks to all the awesome speedrunners and everyone that makes this awesome event possible thank you so much we have $50 from Ren the faceless saying been watching for a few years now and have to donate every time these runs are impressive 50 bucks to John Morris because who wants to see Castlevania without a whip and that means that we do have lots of various bid wars going on which are very exciting the Castlevania bloodlines character choice right now is in the lead actually for Eric lekar day with 1431 dollars if you do want to see John Morris be able to be the character that is played as then the difference is about five hundred dollars so make sure you keep bringing in those donations we have $15 from 50 cosine 8 that says thank you for an amazing sgdq again so happy to be able to attend for the second time that's awesome I'm enjoying this event 250 cosine all right we also have humblebundle as a sponsor for this event which sells games ebooks and other digital content through pay what you want bundle promotions the humble store and the humble monthly curated subscription service customers choose how their payment is divided between the content creators and charity and humblebundle over one hundred and twenty nine million dollars has been raised for charities across the world since 2010 you can go check those out over on WWE humble bundle comm slash monthly one of our sponsors is also world 9 gaming from PCs the arcades and consoles old and new world 9 gaming aims to provide the highest quality video gaming experiences to events in the Midwest and beyond with our dedicated staff tournament expertise and expensive collection of games and consoles world 9 is ready to take your event to the next level for information on booking and upcoming events go check that out at World 9 gaming dot-com
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 262,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: YdeTP5LPnqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 32sec (6212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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