Rise Above – Abdal Hakim Murad – Eid Khutbah

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Oh [Music] Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha la luna abidor Allahu Akbar kula Mazama saw ammonia after allahu akbaru collimator akame sahibaan want our vocal domina Bettina Burton was her vocal America Audino asthma waka ama of my Malkani oval mortal allahu akbar allahu akbar la ilaha illallah allahu akbar allahu akbar wa lillahi'l hamd al hamdulillah he Leticia halal in IBD tariqa liberty iose our Vavoom adora Amala him in gaza any judy he latina azza wajal elohim yama ad neodo allah him physically sanity new attacker al-hasakah Abaddon 'him in Durrani sahadeva Taha whatever a banal alcott indicator shigera anwar al labor dirty wah - ah mah mah mah doge Ahuja me allah wa acaba who el-hadji Ella beta L et al mohammed oho subhana wa whole masti hokule'a of Madawaska OS Corriveau Alania maletto a dual atossa eyeshadow la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah al malikul ASIMO equality jihad ala kulli shayin víctima de la vaca doll Oh a shadow and Asahi Dena Mohammad Abdu vara solo a chef a whole Musa Dagh Oh Phil Masha Nabil Mottola artisans o Allah s melamine Hajin wala Anwar Nabil Austria bohemian al Baitul Haram e ll Masjid al-aqsa whoa orange abhi he Allah cemre he had focus Emirati miss Haddon wha-wha-wha Tahoe CA data bani adam' el sol ACMA Naveen refer allah jalla wa mata paadam ameen then be he vomit aha wama adraka karma allah wahda me he sure if he had avatar Raja had a feeler haqqa jihadi he Fermat aware now whether taka allahumma salli wa salim ala alika wa alikum muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ladina at hey Baba and home of ridges or Taha Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah allahu akbar allahu akbar wa lillahi'l hamd am about for a you harness it top ilaha ilallah more and uyama come had you sent my homage away is the our govt human a masala : democracy maybe he faiis film oxen analogy do Nafisi happy him Eliza well Karami well mood me morning edgy Donna fee health a better when Emma Allah Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallah allahu akbar allahu akbar wa lillahi'l hamd I'm about qatal allah subhana wa ta'ala well Adina jaha do FINA then at the end of home Selena or in Doha Lana ah so between sort of Allah Allah Aziz Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in surat al-ankabut as for those who strive for our sake we shall surely guide them to our ways and Allah is with those who have Saburo we've come to the end of the Ramadan journey and we've been led by the compassion at hand of a rough man to tread through this strange and difficult land and we've reached the land on the other side because life is in cycles and circles after every spring there is the autumn after autum though is the spring after every sunset there is the sunrise after every day's fasting there is iftar after Ramadan there is the aid and it is a time when Allah wishes the believers to be joyful not because we have just completed some kind of endurance event some sort of pentathlon and we cheer ourselves and praise each other and strut around with our gold medals no on the contrary this is not a time for pride it is a time for gratitude but father was a partner to Allah's help in these times of abstention we would have achieved nothing at all so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is telling us good news he tells us that he is with the sovereign in the law Hamas or believe that despite days of abstaining from some of the most fundamental of our needs something that no animal could ever achieve willfully and I'm also just there munching like a sheep spending its life looking down munching at the grass human beings are capable of looking up and that is what makes us human beings this is what makes us allows holliford this is why he says soprano atala of God columnar Benny Adam we've enabled the descendants of Adam not because we just month from pleasure - pleasure are here as my new car here is my fancy holiday here is my swanky salary I'm sitting back and enjoying the spectacle of my bank balance or whatever it is is the human munching of the boring old grass of dunya instead Ramadan tells us that we can look up unlike anything else in creation we can say no to our passions six seven eight million species on earth only one can do that by the earth lava meant azúcar we read this in the Eid prayer successful is he who purifies himself and he also said soprano to Allah but Allah homines that care what God a carbon and a sir huh he who purifies it has triumphed hmm he who smudges it a basis it is betrayed and this is the way of human beings and this is the reality of our lives it's what doesn't appear in our CDs but it is that for which we are judged whether we can look up from our pleasures and see the heavens and feel ourselves rising and defying that law of gravity which has everything else in this dunya in this world of wish you had in its inescapable grasp we can rise up we can fly to be like the angels for those few short hours and this is the great lesson that Ramadan has inescapably taught us that we can do it sometimes we think the ego is too strong my passions are too strong I like this pleasure I like that pleasure it's what I live for the lies have a Ford or a team if I just munch on grass once more he will forgive me but Ramadan teaches us that we can do better than that we can embark on this difficult test from dawn till dusk maybe 18 hours without a drop of water and without a single bite of bread we can do it there is no more precious lesson in life then this joyful realization that we can do it with our last health this is his Moriah in the Mahamaya sovereign but we can do it so as we rejoice on the day of Eid the reason for the rejoicing is that we know that we can look up we can say no to those pleasures even the most fundamental of pleasures we can say no to them and we get something better in their stead something sweeter the worldly pleasures if we overindulge only a little bit really all turns to ashes in our mouth where that never happens when one is working for the afterlife the more prayers the sweeter we feel the more Quran the sweeter we feel the end of the days fasting sweet we feel ah this is a large lesson for us seek pleasure by all means Allah wishes us to be happy he is calling us to happiness to Sarada but the real pleasure which is the pleasure of the Roth that which is truly ourselves are not the pleasures of the nafs which is the monkey or the pig or the donkey with in don't feed that feed the spirit this is why we are joyful on that Eid because I lost a partner at Allah with his help has taken us by the hand and led us to this joyful day and taught us this precious lesson these Bereket that come from all of these outward actions how I cared old so I have to G wa barakaatuh so our error that outward actions in obedience necessarily bring about blessings in the interior even if we think our prayers so absent-minded and so many of the things we do are so polluted and we are ashamed to present them to the Lord of the world still just having had our outward aspect adorned by these beautiful prophetic things and avoiding other things that we could be doing that brings about a light in our souls and this is another reason why we are joyful and this is as I've said the most important lesson because what did the holy prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam who loved his Ulmer who loved us so much and will love us at the yomel PMO and he intercedes for us when everybody else is saying never seen F see myself myself he goes before the throne of the Lord of the world in that terrifying place and he pleads for his Ummah this is his love for us a la la la la us alone and what he feared most for us was not this conspiracy of that conspiracy or this earthquake or that natural disaster but rather than us he says our are the weaker never get leti Boehner jungbaek your worst enemy is yourself that is within your two sides that's what's going to take you into misery and into shame and a device and into unhappiness and into a fiery outcome after the curtain of death is parted its within yourself stop blaming others sometimes you recognize there are faults in others but if your instinct to say oh this is from me then you are starting to respond to this prophetic summons performer a car for Allah Almighty he said sir the thing I fear most for my own man eat about all hower or total Eman is following one's own whim I just feel like doing this on a whim I'm going to do this another cake another car another lie another illicit glance whatever it is that the nafs craves in that particular moment and in every moment it has its cravings go against that disobey it be triumphant over it plunge into that battlefield with your red sword stab it to death the Shaitaan that is sitting on the throne of your heart where only the lord of the world should be drive him out and then see what a sort of person you will be the kind of person people love somebody who's in a state of serenity and this tall and Emin thinking about whom I won't think about my Al Queda but let me plan for the next 10 years the next 20 years and I'll worry about this and hope for that and that's just dreaming about the future which is in Allah's hands we tie up our camels but we trust in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and he says well ma t bear all however your sword on your so he explains this hadith following the how're the lo the the preference the win the little blowing of the random desires within us obstructs you from the truth why because it's not about truth it's about your biology it's about your animal nature it's about hormones it's about things that you are not proud of well I'm not all will ml tell you unseal out it off as for long hopes they make you forget that a fear on you could die tomorrow any of us might not live to see the mother above the state we might leave the prayer happy and the bus might roll over us or our hearts might stop beating we all know this has happened to people we know every breath we take every heartbeat that is unobserved without gratitude within us is a divine gift and it could stop at any moment some of us who are here will not be here for that eight next year almost certainly by the law of averages so for some of them this is their last eight for others there may be 50 aides this is in a large knowledge and we do not know where our NGO will take us but we need to recall as we stand before the Lord of the Worlds and he gives us chance after chance after chance to say alhamdulillah rip and adenine and with our Allahu Akbar we are as it were pushing behind ourselves all of those stupid things this great gift 5 times a day we say Allah ho Akbar and behind us we push all of the rubbish because Allah alone is great Allah at all he is greater than what then everything you don't even need to say greater than as you do with anything else he is greater and this is what we do when we make a wall door and we cleanse those limbs that have been doing those bad stupid things when we wash them out that is being saying there's ugly filthy things and we cleanse ourselves and we face the lord of the world this is his gift to us make of this opportunity what you will you can go into autopilot and not think about anything I'm going to say Allah Akbar you don't really mean it or you can make yourself master of the situation and the veil of this wonderful opportunity so this again is good news but for for 10 a laurs book revealed in the month of Ramadhan can be seen as the story of this great battle yes it's the story of the battle between light and darkness between truth and falsehood between God's law and human win but it's also the story of the battle between the raw and the nafs this as it were greatest battle according to the hadith each one of those prophetic stories is a retelling of a battle that happens within each one of us every day of our lives there is Musa and there is Pharaon there's Ibrahim and there is named root there is no and there are those who laughed at him and his disobedient son there is this opposition those who look up and follow the light those who looked down and prefer just one more munch of the grass of the dunya this is the real story of human beings this is what matters because this is story between our animal nature and what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala calls us to be those beings to whom which the angels can bow down that great mystery with which Allah spoke begins how can they foul down not to their munching not to the Hauer not as enough sand Marah besought but rather to that thing which Allah says well the earth ehi mirror okay now we have breathed into him something of our spirit the noble part of us now this is in a sense how we should be reading a laws book but even the anbiya are they even Wilson learned they are human they are not kind of passionless beings unlike the rest of us look at the story for instance such a beautiful story of Satan a Yusuf alayhi Salaam you can read it as a story of the battle between the soul and the ego between the upper and the lower aspects when they tell their story to their father the brothers have been telling this very ugly disgraceful lie sibling abuse and they tell the lie to the father he says somewhere that's the home and force of home camera your egos have deluded you into this thing for sovereign Jamil so sweet patience how does he deal with this how do we deal with our egos how do we deal with the egos of others we can lash out like little children because we've got summer or we can control it somebody jostles you on the Hajj you can jostle back or you can say may Allah bless you brother and that is when the spirit prevails over the ego and so it is in all of our human interactions and then in that great mysterious test in the life of Sydnor Yusuf alayhi Salaam who is in the land of paganism in Egypt all alone the solitary monotheists a slave owned by a pagan in the state apparatus a fairy on ik Egypt his master's wife suggests the Unser jest able to him difficult situation but what does he do hmm what does he do in that situation what are wider to let hee haw Fe Beatty ha are Nevison she in whose hand he in whose house he had settled sought to attempt him from himself well the locket in Edward o Allah take a telic she locked the door when she said come on the situation of domestic abuse people have been abused the weakness and the dependence of employees of servants have made it's an ancient story and here it is to God's prophet all alone as a monotheistic in the land of Egypt but he says Mahad Allah Allah is my refuge this is his impulse but well God helmet be he were happy hallo Allah Allah airborne ah he considered her she considered him but for the fact that he saw the proof of his Lord and the anima have different explanations for that so even that anbiya they're human when we read their stories we realize these are also human beings these are not kind of detached angels with their impulses with no humanity and this is part of the beauty of the Quran and we can relate to these stories but in these stories we are told that the real champion the hero the warrior is the one who like a true man or a true woman rises above these impulses rather than saying oh yes all right I'm weak Allah over for a regime Our Lives forgiving on October although I've had Jo give sadaqa whatever it is that we do to try and give some kind of ugly religious legitimation to something which is the defiance of the Lord of the Worlds so as we read the Quran we should apply all of these stories to ourselves within each one of us there is an e brahim and there is an emote there is a Musa and there is a film every day of our lives in every moment we can choose to do the beautiful thing or we can choose to do the ugly thing even if the ugly thing is just wasting time killing time with daydreaming so the poet says for in Marathi we saw him at our thoughts Minjae Lee herby nadir ishe be well Hara me man leave me rod Dejima fame in variety herkimer urology mouth will clearly be lure me so the poet is saying that part of me which is constantly inspiring me to do evil is not listening to my sermons because of its ignorant and doesn't listen to the sermon of my growing hair and my stooped back even that sermon is not going to stop it from following its own inclinations who is going to help me control this stallion that is running away beneath me where are the reins that will hold back the stallion of my ego feller Tyrone Bill ma rcus Raja in the armor you probably shall return nahee me don't think that by eating a bit more you will defeat the appetite because food as regularly imparted simply increases our appetite more you have today will have tomorrow until you become like most of us nowadays overweight and then a bird is harder than you have hot difficulties diabetes all of these things again from the nafs and the last blessing is that he's calling us to something better than this one let's look up Tiffany into her Millville shed by other hobby rod are you were in tough Tim ho-young Fatih me the nafs the ego is like a baby hmm if you ignore if you just leave it alone it will just continue to drink the breast milk it's only when you impose on it the pain of weaning that it grows up this is how we have to be we can't be children constantly looking for treats we have to be able to say no the great lesson of Ramadan another poem poem says very beautifully in order to console us when we are saying no and momentarily we feel sad that we haven't got that pleasure yeah nestled in them tall furry letter j IE malama wa e d Jordi Molla Chiara voila intimate Lagoon father Alba Murphy delicate curriculum at marine well in Batam inner turtle with journeyman yellow kill elimination re estate osomon normative awfully well da cunha Raja ducky Martha an affiliate re in an auto in Dayton away on Yahoo stock a little Madonna weary worid oh allah almighty vocal norm fairy become the rock Beeman muttered all day ie her she'll carry mu and Naruto home watchin ah slowly Mindell minbari Yara Billie's on Don Jaime Longworth Iran but dental ho MGB he yes are my cannoli Arjuna thought like Oh auntie Roo Tasha and yep ah Hashima and Maura Bobby this is a poem which the poet who lived in Yemen 300 years ago may Allah o Allah heal the hearts of the people of Yemen that the poet is saying speaking to his nurse o my nafs and my soul if at first you don't get what you want don't panic but hasten to the banquet which your Lord has made ready for you and if something for which you're asking proves slow to come then know that very often in that slowness are the best gifts received and if there should come from your lower self from your inwardness something that is calling you to that horrible condition of despair we might know how they say depression then wake up from the slumber of heedlessness and make hope your pasture which you never leave for your makers gift take subtle and uncounted forms how beautiful is the huge range of the gifts that he gives the people came to the water of life and all of them entered it and how many there were who were drinking deeply from that water how unlikely it is for the one who is al Kareem the generous to leave them thirsty when the basis of all generosity in the world is from his spring so it's good news if we say no to that pleasure Allah will give us greater pleasures don't think that his storehouses will ever run dry if you say no to a human being maybe he'll never will give you something his resources are finite but if you say no to the ego Allah will give you more because his storehouses are infinite and never run dry so in this joyous day of eight let us remember this blessing the great gift of knowing that with Allah's help we can say no to that within us which just munches and indulges and these are all of the problems in our lives and that we can say yes to the voice of a October October to Allah and we can rise up and we can become stronger and better and we can walk tall as a la scala fir on this earth let us learn this lesson in sha allah allahu allah allahu akbar allahu akbar la ilaha Mamu anemometer ferrati alamo after us allahu akbar khan Lamar Tocqueville common bar in Imam vocal Donahoe t-mobile and C share ocam allahu akbar allahu akbar la ilaha illa allahu akbar allahu akbar wa lillahi'l hamd alhamdulillah here open atom in Hualien muttaqeen de calais l-'alameen a shadow la ilaha illa llah al malikul khan Mubeen muhammad rasulullah saw the conversion I mean Ozzy come on Ozzy be to Allah the in the hey Rosie well here common of the turtle of all phenomena that in beta vocal ability in valhalla Vocaloid on alert in vino Alamo and Allahabad America memory of him American missile that he was any other in a mimosa Dina was saw him in the college el fna in the law Hamid salona a lender be yeah you had latina amanu sallu alayhi wasalam artistry man allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad commercial later Ali Ibrahim o other early Ibrahim in the caja me Ron Magid Mubarak ala muhammadin wa ala ali muhammad khmer barakatuh Allah Ibrahim o other Ibrahim ethylamine in the caja million AGID along attackable see Yemen are rocky Yemen were holdin a Mossad Rudin ah but a tomatillo what an alligator became awesome Europe and an amine what al hafi misery has a net in a prominent in a field dunya hasana fulfil our collective asana machina other bernard what a defender tomorrow yas easier of yellow Jalali wal Ikram omitting I already knew Islam Yael Jalali wal Ikram it now Aladin islam Udolpho lolly wolly chrome amid other demon Islam or Fatima volatile mori muslimeen illa llah Maliki turban was on that he settled and beer even more saline asadullahi phone were under who alaikum billion Novato 5103 world barakatuh insha allah allahu akbar allahu akbar la ilaha illallah allahu akbar allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd wasalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato [Music] why not [Music] [Music] both Allah [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cambridge Muslim College
Views: 85,420
Rating: 4.9211822 out of 5
Id: p6lCovU4X_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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