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disclaimer fun facts with Squidward you're not depressed it's just no stupid video games not how I raised you and abused you you're constantly until you cry well good evening ladies losses and lassos and welcome to click today we're gonna indulge together in some are / insane parents to make ourselves feel more sane we're not though but I do hope that you enjoy this video I will never forget when my sister hit my car and she and my mom kept it a secret from me I noticed it while on campus and filed a police report and everything I called my mom crying and she really had the audacity to say I hope they find it did it sweetie it bees your own mom honey I have no idea who could've smashed your car oh what a good family 12 year old me creating the perfect family in the sense while my parents argue in the living room that is that is so dark my mom flossing to internet because I wasn't a medal of doing homework and forgot to text her back this is just one example of her holding the internet over my head for every little slip-up I make I have a podcast today so I have to get ready and also do my other homework okay please know that Jay is coming to dinner at 6:00 we're going to be extra nice and calm because he's having a rough time Kay okay huh okay please don't force me I'm in the middle of doing homework for drama how about you answer my texts sorry I normally turn off notifications while doing homework so I can focus is that okay no it's not text me back oh okay sorry can you can I please do my homework I'll turn off DND on my phone I need the internet to do my homework wait wait it took you three minutes to reply like and she just some plugs to Internet my god I mean this is this kind of parent it's like you need to pay attention to me all the time oh my god why are not focused on homework this is must be the least likable parents I've seen in a long time yikes your kids are not some kind of power fix they're not supposed to be or 24/7 IT support or you can always call their kid they have a life they have homework to have responsibilities respect goes two ways fun you have until tomorrow to move back home living with your girlfriend will not be tolerated or else what you don't pay my bills you don't have any control in the matter no control I am your mother you will do as I say be heard tomorrow we will have the police remove you from your home go ahead and call them and tell them how that goes for you by the way you are going to be a grandma not that you'll be involved in their life whatsoever oh all that suction burn it's like hey by the way we're having kids not that you'll ever see them but you know have fun what kind of attitude is this what what is this I can understand that you as a parent have concerns about your child's partner I think I think most parents have gone through that at some point that I've had teenagers and stuff but this is not the way to do it being overly controlling about it will just create a reaction in the opposite direction they won't listen to your more they will just rebel more so yeah don't do this this is bad for everyone my friend is in an abusive relationship with someone who recently sent me death threats and began threatening suicide if my friend didn't do what she said I informed her mother of what the abuser was up to and this was her glorious response I have screenshots proving both the statements if you wish to see police inform your daughter descending a death threat to a person is a criminal offense and she may be hearing from the police in the coming days or weeks have a nice day my name wow what a mature and well thought-out response I can see where abuse are against her narcissistic personality from that's how you respond all right cool but but I'm not a good parent without spanking my kids if you can't parent without spanking your kids you were never a good parent it's like all right can't be a good pet down right unless I'm allowed to whip and starve my dog what it's very contradicting I can just replace this and say I can't be a good parent without being a bad parent what bus feed a family youtuber has ignited a firestorm after admitting to rehoming her adopted autistic son famous youtuber rehome child she adopted because she has special needs after making money off of the adoption videos are you serious are you bouncing a challenging oh my god you're bouncing around a special-needs child for clout that must be one of this yummiest things I've ever seen someone do when you super cloud and I've seen a lot of scummy stuff on this platform in here for a long time but this with a small child my god thing's strict parents think they're teaching you how to behave what they actually teach you how to listen for footsteps how to appear busy how to manipulate someone into calming down how to lie on the spot I can't laugh at this it's too close to home it's the same thing I said before if you go to extreme towards one end of the spectrum you will get an extreme counter reaction on the other end if you want your kid to be responsible and moderate be moderate with your parenting that's you know really the best recipe for it mom accused of dressing daughter nine in a Playboy bunny costume for men to do the noughties warning a distressing content a mother in the Gold Coast Australia is accused of tying up her daughter dressing her in a play what are you serious I'm not a very religious man but sometimes I do wish that God was real just if some people could burn in hell I Love You Blair and Blair and my sweet Blair good night you are my world always got arrested for meth and Child Protective Services took her kids her response to not tell anyone what happened blame their dad who now has custody and tell three out of the four of her kids that she loves them what about the fourth one and whatever there are so many things wrong hi guys sorry about the pic I was wondering if something like this silicone rubber could be used as an arm made with the shoulder for children okay first thing vaccinate your vagina gremlins secondly I think a doctor can tell the difference between a plastic silicone arm and a real baby's arm you know just the body temperature will be off that's like one thing oh please mr. doctor stick a needle in my baby's arm oh yeah give me the right no no take the left arm take the left the Y now hmm this is our family candy policy after a plentiful trick-or-treat harvest this year for every piece of candy the kids eat they have to match it with three balance of Nativity capsules to put in the perspective it's like saying sure you can have those eight pieces of candy today as long as you finish those three gallon buckets this well assorted salad uh-huh that sounds healthy the kids love it and it's just as easy as that hashtag balance of nature hashtag healthy food hashtag trick-or-treat okay that looks like a very low quality brand is balance of nature a MLM company this post has two tone of one yeah it has a membership fee it's like seventy dollars after you pay to twenty four dollars membership fee luckily it won't kill them because it's just vegetables in a capsule I mean nasty dried vegetables devoid of any actual nutritional value and thirty of these cost seventy dollars if you're what it's like two bucks okay okay we need to get an anti MLM deep dive because this is a huge scam if you just dry up vegetables put in the capsule and sell them for two bucks a pop okay yikes yeah there's typical like facebook moms stuff I know how vitamins work oh my god when mater concentrates enough it becomes a black hole so when you cook stuff hard enough it becomes black because it's so dense with nutrition that when your mom goes from reading real news to believing everything on Facebook its evolving just backwards my mom screams at me when I play the wrong note to my piano or cell oh and I'm scared 99% of the time I have a similar problem I'm so sorry I can relate my parents get mad at me when I'm not good enough this is the worst it's not even a serious thing like playing an instrument should be a creative fun a relaxing outlet you know 99.9% of us will never make a dime or work as a musician so why I put this kind of pressure on something like that that should be like a switch off a hobby or something to enrich your culture and the other part is why would you be so upset about your child failing it's like they will be too scared to try if you keep pushing it like this I mean the people I know that are the best at doing stuff the top of the line in their work or their hobby or whatever are people that are passionate they do it because they love it that's when you stop counting the hours that's when you can grind without it feeling like a grind this will make it feel like a grind before it has reached any level where it needs to be alright mean and over yikes parents mother well now make me suffer and wait to see what the doctor said really that we capitalists paid for you could at least tell me what the doctor I paid for said just to torture me more Annie you win you win I hope that's what you wanted I was getting labs done I'm still here oh my god I once blocked a hit from my mom and she told the whole family that I tried to fight her what do you what he was right to fight her like I think it would be pretty visible if he like tried to fight her you usually toss a punch if you like actively try to fight some what children absorb up to 60% more radiation than adults every parent grandparent and caregivers should think about this and research the dangers as they continue to deploy 5g an own immune system suppressor and dangerous technology it and around our children's schools due to 5g being uninsurable for health and safety the onus and then falls on the head teacher who has the responsibility /do didn't care of your children this is just that stupid time when they said that the C virus was correlating with 5g towers because oh if you look at where the disease has spread the most it's also where we have a lot of towers or maybe it's because this disease spreads were there lots of people and weather lots of people there also lots of cell phones which means a lot of cell phone towers maybe Karen maybe that's why but no I know statistics because I am on a Facebook page of course Karen I forgot that fact I'm so sorry my mom giving my sister a party for racing her grades from a D to an a me who's had all a since fourth grade I mean positive reinforcement is amazing just remember to reinforce when someone is already doing good as well they don't need to be like crashing and burning and then recovering for you to celebrate it me looking through our slash and saying parents to know how to respond to my parents write that down write that down so you think your parents shouldn't ask for respect when they don't earn it I do and I'm tired of pretending that they should I feel like this is a general thing respect is so watered down nowadays like every everyone deserves common D on first contact you know that's that's the baseline you know kindness of humanity but respect should be something more it's something you earn it's something you earn via Trust we have work by standing up for someone that's how you earn respect it's not something you should have by default it's like oh man I got your mother cream pied so now I deserve your respect no matter how much of a garbage parent I am is like no no no getting a child not caring for it is not respectable it's the opposite you this child didn't ask to be born you took on that responsibility and the respectable thing to do is own up to it my mom all the love and support I have given her before and since my dad passed my brother's absolute minimal effort when he's home every four months I think it's kind of that hard-to-get mentality just a shame it happens in families to no privacy over here she's 11 everything is my business love a cellphone is far from a journal I take mines daily good to know I'm trying to find the boundary you can always clone a phone but certain tracking apps on it link it to your phone install security software and my favorite remote control access from your phone take away the power and freedom love you some people are so desperate for a power fix that they will literally be a dictator in their own home with like small children that's pretty pathetic them pathetic okay so we know God is using this virus to further his agenda first no elective surgeries so no no abortions allowed how else is he using this Thank You Love for using everything it's like that one post where the teenage girl said like yeah my Christian mom said that that this whole quarantine is because I stayed up late and this is God Way of punishing us yeah sorry the entire world it's because I stayed up late you might want to rethink how much of the center of the universe you actually are I don't think the whole that's the revolve around you FEM and this is just like false correlation yikes imagine the heartbreak and frustration I must feel when I found out about your daughter's birth through a friend on Facebook sorry who is this your mother I see using another person's phone I had no choice I had down all I can't with you and this is how I find out that I'm a grandmother do you mean the same way every other stranger on Facebook found out yeah that sounds about right I'm gonna ask you again not to contact me goodbye excuse me I'm your flippin mother don't you understand how much pain and suffering you've cost me over the years we need to sit down and have a talk what pain is suffering we haven't spoken in like four years that's right I've had to pretend with friends and everyone here at work that all of us okay everyone keeps asking about you and I always say you're doing fine I'm lying to them every day and it breaks my heart you have to lie because the truth will only reveal what a terrible person and mother you were excuse me I have to lie because my pile of garbage son decides to care to stop talking to his mother I gave you everything yeah you you've never had to ask for anything after your father died I did everything I could to make sure you and your sister were fine you mean you did everything you could to keep us quiet and distracted it wasn't even two months until you started effing Scott yikes Wow the naree do you have yeah the same nerve to tell you that my father wasn't replaceable you jeopardize the future of your children's mental health for some peepee you can't frickin talk to me like that this is exactly what I mean you're killing your mother with your poisonous talk may God have mercy on yourself your father was a terrible man he abused me you should want your mother to be happy I was young when we got married I was so naive he took advantage of me wow that's a new low even for you my father was a great man and now you've crossed a line for the last time by trying to poison the one good thing about my childhood don't message me again final warning you're never going to be a good father so you know your daughter is going to grow up and being the person that sells the naughties like her mother she is only with you for your money I hope you real flip and happy because it's only a matter of time before you come crawling back and that's the final flippin nail in the coffin you are a mentally unstable sad excuse for human I've had to rebuild myself over the years because of all the damage you've done to me and yeah you're going to be alone for the rest of your life and you will die alone no one will miss you and guess what I've accepted a new job in other province so I'm packing up my family and we're moving I'm taking in as well you will never see us again goodbye good on you for breaking free from family kimby so incredibly amazing and I hope that's what the future holds for you it can also be incredibly toxic and you've done the right choice you're with people that love you and you cut all the toxic parts of your life all the kudos to you I wish you luck mom if you want privacy clothes your gosh heck door May closest door mom you weren't supposed to do that join us join our you weren't supposed to do that my parents don't talk to homo people my parents asks me to hand over my phone me looking at this cord realizing that I've been talking to a homosexual person for two years delete delete delete the people have to do this is such a shame I I find it incredible that people still have these beliefs it blows my mind your grandma called today she said you showed her our messages also you took me of the Netflix Hulu and HBO now huh if this is how you want to act I can make life hack for you with the family for advice of a couple of hundred people have decided to give you the exact life you deserve you don't have access to anything that is mine and I honestly could not care less about your doings with the family what gonna call pop up and tell him not to put me in the will you know Sarah is going to get all his money right good luck with whatever you intend of doing and yes I did show grandmom she is my rock of course I'm going to tell her everything I have your birthday cards that came in to mail with quite a few checks in them so you may want to change that attitude I will also put ballot down and say she isn't doing well if she really mean something to you will apologize this is your last chance straighten out the attitude and quickly mx okay so you're holding stuff hostage threatening to steal your money and threatening to kill what I what I assume is the family dog because they won't apologize that's not how an apology works you don't hold the gun to someone's head and say apologize that it's that's a far away you get from a genuine apology gee he hikes you have stooped so low so so so so low I called Carrie she is going to give me Bella tonight if I need to I will get a restraining order for you for no contact everyone is disappointed me right now it's not me Mom it's you if you need help we are here for you I get never and maybe being stuck in the house is affecting you but you need to get help don't ever threaten Bella again she did nothing wrong as far as for the birthday stuff keep it I helped sigh my name for advice we will not be contacting each other anymore yes that ballets might talk to you can't just ignore me I do know where you live I'll call the cops and say you stole her and broke into my house I am calling hello the family's going to be down with you no wonder if you don't have a boyfriend I don't get how parents can be this toxic it's like this weird thing but it got the child only to get a power fix and that when the child is finally owned to make their own this session it's like no you can't leave I know that's not how it works scientists when you are angry you emit light my dad when he finds out I'm still alive someone being younger than you does not invalidate their opinion well this is worthless context I sent up putting our dogs in their kennels at night wasn't fair so my dad said I had to find a new place to live what you said this morning to your dad was a hundred percent out of line and you know it and kicking me out was an acceptable solution got it if you were out of line play period there is no scenario in which the dogs overrule my need for a good night's sleep when I have to work I get it I was out of line I'll find somewhere new to live no you will come home and apologize to your dad for what you said no of what I said was wrong I get it but I'm not going back somewhere that kicked me out so readily not right away at least give me some time to get my thoughts in order it's kind of you know that that meme we know with the girlfriend and a boyfriend from like 2012 which he's like yeah the choose your video games but me and and he goes on this big rant like I'm not breaking up with you because you maybe choose video games I'm breaking up with you because you trivialize the relationship so much it's kind of silly and overused but but this is exactly that case you have already shown that the relationship between you and your kid is worth so incredibly little that in practice if they would leave a dirty tray in the kitchen you would kick them out of the house you have shown that the relationship means so little and they can sidestep such a miniscule amount for you to punish them for it that's not how you expect someone to come back and that's not how you build a trusting relationship with a young adult I'm so lucky to have same parents my dad doesn't believe in global warming my mom doesn't trust flu vaccines my dad yells at me for having a meme as the background on my laptop obama it's not even a bad meme uh-huh moved out and asked for my ten point seven k back and my mom responds by saying i owe her money for racing me he rates eighteen six months ago congrats starting from that point you could do whatever you want to do at the time legally we don't need to support you whine apartment bedroom cost at least $1,500 per month and sit really one apartment bedroom do you mean that one single bedroom in an apartment that is a ridiculously high rent per month i don't i don't care where you live that is insane if we're for one bedroom utilities and food probably costs at least $500 a month the living expenses for six months is about 12 K already we also paid for the following expenses for your counselor cost college occupation fee a base theme but that is it that there miscellaneous expenses the list goes on please do the math I mean it's kind of like Oh IIIi decided to have a child oh my god they needed food oh what a rascal how could it ever do this to my financial situation I don't typically you know you don't pay your parents back cuz the next generation probably has kids to you know pay for and raise for and take to school and stuff as well um not saying that you shouldn't take care of your parents if they are in financial trouble or if they grow old or sick of course you should take care of them but but this kind of expecting your child to pay back everything from their childhood it's just insane it's absolutely insane my parents me their adopted child there's this new pet I'm starting to believe my dad's adopted me so they would have less chores to do around the house and so they could play dress-up yikes my parents you think Forrest interactions improve our relationship they trying to do anything by myself oh all right people how should we make our kids behave beat them yeah let them talk to them in a calm voice apparently this is the reason that cost my dad to yell at me for over 30 minutes on how I've failed and why he doesn't understand what's wrong with me from where I came we don't show you how these numbers but according to the comments it to be average which is pretty freakin decent and don't yell at your kids for forgetting not like straight ace what are you doing the only time grades matter in my experience is when you want to search into the next level of education if you want to go to somewhere very specific and fancy and maybe if you want to after that get into some very prestigious like management consulting firm that is about it apart from that no one will ever look at your grades they will look at your finished degree that's that's pretty much it you have a diploma or not that's the important part so yeah if you wanted to go to a fancy place sure grades matter but this is not the way to improve it there's not way to mentor it cease my dad me learning Java it's just a video game whoa getting a phone it's house to getting be on a test and corporate needs to define the differences between this picture and this picture my parents their death a better punish can take away his gaming privileges because that's what is causing him depression take him to a psychiatrist and find out why he didn't feel happy lately my parents where ladies losses and Lazos I do hope you enjoyed this video and that you have an amazing day down below found links to patreon discord in all those amazing places I do hope you enjoy and I will see you in the next one take care [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 857,509
Rating: 4.9622898 out of 5
Keywords: satire, reddit, meme, memes, subreddit, rareinsults
Id: TG-HuE2_VVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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