Rings of Power - When Destruction Meets Creation

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when it comes to rings of power one can't help but feel biases in the air I smell it in the air whether it be favorable or unfavorable this video is an attempt to cut through the noise and lay things to bear as they really are because I believe viewers owe it to themselves to understand what they are watching and why they are watching it if there's one thing you know about rings of power whether or not you've even seen the show is that there are people in this show of various different skin tones so let's not waste any time and jump into this Hot Topic imagine in your head your favorite movie or series from when you were a child now imagine the entire cast was race swapped you could even imagine the same thing for all TV shows and movies you've seen too for many of us out there we would probably be lying to ourselves if we said that that would not change our relationship with those shows or movies at all as a child seeing someone of your complexion or culture on screen can provide a sense of belonging in the world and a symbolic of being recognized and accepted by the society as a whole for aspiring actors it's a figure of inspiration if they can do it then so Can I some of us had an abundance of this When We Were Young others not so much before we go any further no this video won't be harping on about the importance of representation because this idea is flawed to nor will it be pandering to any audience whether it be majority or minority I wanted to preface this video with that for the sake of bringing up something that some may understand more than others anyway on with the video Ismail Cruz Cordova who plays around there in rings of power being of April Latino descent was one of such people who didn't feel represented on screen as a child but his story was not one of race alone it was about escaping the clutches of poverty and judgment this was never someone who plays a victim for their skin color acknowledging that dark skin can form a helpful or unhelpful bias but someone looking for a fair shot like anyone else he did not want to represent just a skin complexion but be a symbol of inspiration for all those who in his own words felt marginalized and silenced and who wouldn't jump at the opportunity for the role of a lifetime yet no one would know this most of his story has gone unrepresented unknown and all conversation that defends this show whether it be from Amazon or the media supporting them is literally one of black and white the reason for this is the same reason many other demographics of the world go unrepresented in this show including those of Eastern descent because this idea of representation in Hollywood is only about what's popular in social identity politics today so this idea of representation needs to be considered with a certain level of maturity that's because if an adult lacks the ability to relate to someone unless they have the same skin pigmentation as them that is far more indicative that they lack empathy and themselves are racist how wise or cultured will you be if you can't look past skin color and for children they should not be brainwashed with an idea of racial bias either they should be free to have Role Models regardless of skin color gender sexual orientation or any other discriminatory Factor free to draw inspiration from any Direction they choose they will not just treat people more equally but they themselves will be more well-rounded and have more depth too it's for this reason we should consider some degree of care when screaming from the rooftops about skin color Lord of the Rings it seems of late something about this story has been forgotten despite being ever so obvious it was a story of a little guy or a few little guys who were overlooked and seen of little worth yet they were the most pivotal in taking down the ultimate Evil it was a story of a fellowship made up of an elf a dwarf humans Hobbits and a wizard the message of diversity was there in a sincere form without feeling of a need to make any reference to modern day issues or shout about it Cordova's story was of escaping the clutches of poverty and Prejudice it was to represent all those who felt isolated marginalized or not accepted his story is one of inspiration tolkien's message is one of deep meaning unfortunately this TV series The Rings of power is uninspired it has nothing to do with Tolkien nor does it have anything to do with bringing people together and ending discrimination as much as Amazon claim it to but in fact everything to the contrary but first let's rewind there's no doubt about it regardless of whether you like rings of power or don't one thing both sides can agree on this show has been polarizing there's plenty of great content out there discussing criticism of the show so I will only offer a brief overview here of some of those points for the sake of foundation but instead look at just why this show is so divisive was it a coincidence or is there anything else and how the success or failure of rings of power can influence Western entertainment in the years to come the size of the critics state that the series is not faithful to the source material and the message of Tolkien it's poorly written and generally just boring there's also disapproval of the use of allegory first let's define alacord a story poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning typically a moral or political one many statements came from Tolkien of his disapproval of the use of allegory he wanted his work to be timeless as opposed to a pop culture sensation in an interview running up to the release of the show The showrunners issued the statement it was very important that what he was creating was not an allegory every single Choice we've made at every turn of making the show has been to be faithful to the aspiration let's see shall we episode 4 shows a scene in which a reference is made to elves immigrating to the island of numenor and taken the trades of the people the man instigating this being farazon who is depicted as a populist what gave rise to the fear of elves taking jobs was Galadriel washing up on their Shore so to speak and not wanting to do anything but returned to the mainland ever since so given the context this was absolutely nonsensical and a disingenuous depiction of what caused the divide in numeral unfortunately though there should come as no surprise the showrunners themselves told us that the factionalization and subsequent downfall of numeral should serve as an important lesson for the world we live in today the very first episode depicts arundir as the victim of racism being told when are you people gonna let the past go accompanied with racial slurs too this is a rather clear reference to slavery with a white man wanting the black man to let go of the past transgressions and referring to elves as you people as opposed to elves such that the audience don't know whether the racism is against black people or else at this point we've seen enough to know that it's pretty clear we've been lied to the use of allegory is in fact a rather Brazen and is even something that runs through the show in more subtle and subliminal ways Galadriel the leader of the show is immediately shown as Fierce and highly capable in combat a stark contrast to those in her company who one would expect to be War veterans to be out on such an expedition who are weak serving only the purpose of pins to be knocked over by a troll a one-off action the scene at the start of the show sure why not but they will make a sustained effort to Showcase her martial prowess showing her escaping prison by effortlessly shepherding four heavily armed numenorian guards into a cell and escaping in an air of smugness and by schooling numenoreans with patronizing lessons of sticking them with a pointy end of The Sword in a scene which only serves the purpose of establishing something of very little relevance that could have been dealt with off-screen the new menorans by the way are supposed to be a cut above your average human and it's for reasons like this the show was so sluggish whereby episode 5 finished in the same place episode 4 did with them setting off from numenor albeit under different circumstances as for galadriel's character she's aggressive authoritative and demanding and talks down to all those she interacts with she boasts multiple accolades which other characters make a point of echoing to with a sealed or dubbing her the scourge of the Orcs in summary it would seem they've just hand-picked generically strong traits and assign them to Galadriel making her a one-dimensional Lone Hero on a stubborn war path of revenge against Sauron there's no real thought depth or notes in the character which would be found in Tolkien and quite frankly to be expected from an elf thousands of years old Galadriel for example is one of the strongest wielders of magic in Middle Earth and so great potential was there to explore her Incredible strength in other ways instead of telling some kind of compelling story for Galadriel first and foremost they wanted to establish just how remarkable she is and almost all her scenes primarily serve the purpose of reminding the audience of that then the show was just built secondarily around it a similar blueprint is used for Bronwyn like Galadriel not be being believed about the rise of Sauron bronwyn's voice was drowned out by men too so she could prove them wrong and become an established authority figure herself and be the voice to Rally the villagers in defense of the tower for the sake of a relevant comparison of a high budget fantasy Drama Game of Thrones had many strong female characters though absolutely nothing like what we see in rings of power they had a vast range of strengths wisdom intelligence courage leadership political skill social intelligence the ability to command respect and Authority ambition great combat skills you name it they even knew how to leverage their femininity from time to time to get what they wanted and some had a darker side too contrary to this show which feels much more like a box ticking exercise given my corporate it's all but forgotten of the story it was supposed to tell it would seem in the name of female empowerment many of the characters are dull unrelatable and synthetic rather ironic really and really much of the criticism can be deduced from similar Reasons by playing Within These certain guidelines Everything feels so fake and dead as if the show were written by an AI and when that happens I'll viewers just don't even care about where the show will go but hey we get some boxes checked on a spreadsheet somewhere and we certainly get allegory so let's explore how much that's worth having powerful admirable beautiful characters represent the correct political ideals in our world and weak characters representing the other side as caricatures has been used since the invention of propaganda but were we ever surprised to see social political rhetoric in this show from the very first press release the three main words used to describe the show by the showrunners were epic diverse and filled with heart while also comparing their ability to that of Tolkien himself stating they had the ambition to write the novel Tolkien never wrote the same idea of diversity is echoed in a PR attempt by Amazon which featured influencers who are supposed Tolkien the super fans getting Early Access sneak peek but it was incredibly apparent that they were picked because of the minorities they represent with Amazon giving them talking points on equality diversity and Powerful women on screen it would seem in the eyes of Amazon if you are a minority you're only allowed to talk about the topic of being a minority and nothing else there is no real talk of the show or their love for it in fact in the run-up there was rarely any Talk of the show at all because in all promotion this idea of diversity and the need to represent the world we live in today was all they wanted us to know and if I were to cover all such instances this would be an hour-long video of only that and surprise surprise the exact same topic Rises to the surface once the show airs too so both inside and outside the show attempts were made to turn them world of Tolkien into something fitting a certain social political aesthetic and it's also apparent even to the many of us like myself who make a point of staying out of all conversations pertaining to politics here it is praying upon us all whether we wanted it to or not in an attempt to draw us into a culture War we never wanted to be a part of and did that narrative certainly take off in the media from this the question arises why embed the TV series with allegory and political messaging and why lie about it especially if it's so obvious while the media backlash defending the show is rather telling in which a one-size-fits-all narrative was created that stated all criticism just boils down to racism still Little Talk of the show itself to be found here the media does what it likes to do and evolve the conversation to a political State whereby liking or dislike in the show was akin to making some kind of political statement about yourself though whatever that statement is I'm not quite sure and Amazon certainly put every effort into ensuring this narrative would Prevail aside from owning IMDb they deleted thousands of negative reviews of the show funded hit piece mainstream media articles against fans tried buying off Independent Media such as YouTube creators and encouraged activism both in support of the show and against critics they then projected their own behavior by claiming it was the critics that coordinated a review bombing against the show and the showrunners themselves even labeled fans as fascist adjacent admirers it's no wonder Tolkien fans were being called racist the finger had clearly been pointed in the direction the Money Paid it to and this is why so much of the media is already compromised if they want to keep their exclusive access and connections they must do what Hollywood tells them to and in this case it's the praise everything representative of the right political cause regardless of whether the thing they're supposed to be critiquing is actually good or bad this renders much of corporate media's so-called opinions a redundant source of anything not totally skewed with bias but what if this can be forced down the throats of viewers too well this would lead you to believe that millions of Tolkien fans had been outed as racists and really the implication that a politically correct and diverse show should be praised on this basis alone and be immune to critique what this means for viewers is if they don't want to be seen as a racist and all the negative connotations that go with it they'll be forced to act out of fear capitulate and jump to the defense of Amazon this widens the goal post infinitely and it's merely a matter of whether or not you're shooting in the right direction all things that would come between Amazon Hollywood and their payday are now demonized if you have an opinion that goes against corporate agenda you will be dubbed a racist and ostracized rule by love or by fear either you'll love what you're given or you'll be scared not to and that's great for business it's both lucrative and low risk we're certainly all too familiar with Hollywood and it's love a remix what else would justify the billion dollar cost of the show unless it was a sure thing because in the corporate world money like this isn't thrown around without good reason and that's why if Amazon can successfully propagandize this large investment it will be a billion dollar Domino to fall creating a Cascade across all TV and movies setting a present for things to come Hollywood will love that because they can Bank easy low risk money by using cookie cutter formulas and representing whatever social political views are hottest at the time this has nothing to do with thinking in terms of viewer enjoyment but instead conditioning viewers into assuring Returns on a financial investment and of course it will mean every viewer losing because all valid metrics are out the window having any kind of taste will be demonized by the media and you should be left to consume what you're given sounds a little extreme but this has long been since established by a man who said it better than I he was a friend of Tolkien and like Tolkien was a lover of Mythology languages and stories his name is one you might be familiar with C.S Lewis and in his novel The World's last night wrote in the highest aesthetic circles one now hears nothing about the artist's duty to us it's all about our duty to him he owes us nothing we owe him recognition even though he has never paid the slightest attention to our tastes interests or habits if we don't give it to him our name is mud in this shop the customer is always wrong sixty years ago Timeless words is relevant today as they have ever been so why is the rings of power so Rife with allegory and why has all discussion around it turned political at its heart there is a massive conflict of interest Tolkien created for the love of creative expression Amazon are looking to make money by any means necessary in the case of rings of power they thought they could shortchange viewers by making a PR campaign calling it a TV show and saying it has something to do with Tolkien but at its core this could not be any further removed from Tolkien misrepresenting The Creative works of others to intentionally push your own message is the worst thing you can do to tarnish their legacy this was never about paying homage to Tolkien but weaponizing it into propaganda this has nothing to do with the celebration of great fiction but twisting it as a means to serve a political agenda she wasn't written with heart but with cunning and certainly no shortage of Deceit and animosity towards Tolkien ferns because the Tolkien fans would always be the ones putting up most resistance to the narrative they decided to make an enemy of them when the show was in pre-production and as viewers it serves as an important reason as to why we should drink from a source of Purity instead of such tainted Waters sure we all love to be blown away with expensive CGI and cinematography we can sit in awe of an epic battle scene but stories have existed far before the use of CGI before TV and before they even had a written form because for many of us we seek something in these stories some truth meaning some mystery intertwined throughout the journey to be unraveled with an end payoff but no such thing will be found here there's no story really to tell there's no grain of wisdom no underlying values it's just a PR attempt to extend the political Battlefield and lapse up all the attention that comes with the polarity but what if you agree with the messages and think using TV shows for activism is good there are many out there who don't care for Tolkien and don't even watch the show but will like it because of the message much of the cast and crew are coincidentally or not coincidentally activists who cannot care less about the original material and they see it as a chance for a Payday and a stage to express their personal views a rather bitter pill to swallow for Tolkien fan becomes as no surprise given the rife narcissism in Hollywood answers can be found by delving into another famous pop culture event this year in which a public trial took place between Johnny Depp number heard herds allegations against debt reduces reputation to tatters he lost millions in movie contracts and was ostracized from Hollywood and labeled a perpetrator of domestic abuse and dubbed in his own words a wife beat her the media support came out in waves in favor of Amber Heard heralding her a brave figure standing up for women and driving the name of Johnny Depp into the ground further to support heard was to support domestic abuse victims to support death was to support perpetrators even though there hadn't been a verdict to not believe her was to be a slight against women as a whole as the trial progressed it became clearer this narrative was false Amber Heard made false allegations against Johnny Depp as a means to get money and Garner sympathy and attention by victimizing herself and riding a popular social political cause as much as the media would try and damn Johnny Depp the public support and trial verdict was so significant that they had to do a 180 though there were still those that would insist her innocence Hurd was an activist and became a symbol for domestic violence victims and victims as a whole but really it was outward Beauty to hide an ugly inner truth had it worked it would have been a great PR campaign for her she would be heralded by the media hero a symbol of feminism and the media certainly wanted her story to be true the reality I've heard was quite different in her deposition she actually had contempt for victims of domestic abuse regarding them as a doormat too weak to stand on her own two feet she knew nothing of the hardships and Trauma that domestic violence victims go through what happened was a step back for women less real women who are victims of domestic abuse will be believed because they may be likened to herd and their very real accusations called into question really she was just proof that if you screen something loud enough from the rooftop soon enough people will start believing and forming a necro chamber in the same vein Amazon and the media have been screaming racism too drawing attention away from the very real racism that goes on in the world all said and done the point is clearly there is much to gain and very much a lose as a consequence of riding social political movements Amazon wanted to be a symbol of diversity and female empowerment and lead you to believe they are ending racism let's see what really happened here by being in a video Amazon have a means by which to develop a face identity and set of values these values will be whatever makes the most money while adjusting for risk and this answers the questions why would Amazon hire writers with hardly any experience why isn't Galadriel calm wise and measured like Kate blanchett's galadual from Lord of the Rings but on the contrary angry and stubborn why is she unrelatable unrealistic unapplicable because she herself is allegorical because really she's the attractive figurehead for corporate social politics her anger is to be felt Second Hand by the audience to stir them into activism supporting the show and going after critics and they certainly made a demon of those critics galadriel's Journey will be something of a fallacy whereby through her rage and self-righteousness she will unite the peoples of Middle Earth and we've seen his work already as she did nothing but insult the new minorians yet still managed to unite them and Inspire devotion in them to join a cause against an elusive enemy with that Force she will form the last Alliance and lead a battle against an evil who be likened to the wrong political views today there was no story to write but there were orders to follow so much for female empowerment they're just Pawns in a game and now we return to the message of Ismail Cruz Cordova what was dear to his heart was not just representing his Heritage but being a symbol of inspiration for disenfranchised science people as a whole his story was one of significance but as it was didn't quite fit the social political movement Amazon were going for it was Julie stripped of every ounce of sincerity it had reducing it to a soulless piece of propaganda in order to fill corporate agenda and deflect legitimate criticism and so they could use him as a symbol of allegory for racism in the past and present of the world today there was never any standing up for minorities but attempts to dehumanize and misrepresent them and reduce them to a skin color Alone by devolving all conversation to only that there was never any empowering of black people or women on the contrary they are slaves to social politics and corporate greed that's why you will see very very little in the way of actual praise towards the actors because it's almost as if they never had a role to play at all as first and foremost they are marketing tools as opposed to actual actors their names will be tainted with controversy they'll be seen as social political symbols once this show has run its course they'll be thrown out by Hollywood and their careers will suffer also Amazon could cheap their way into praise and shortchange viewers not just by taking Nostalgia trips and recycling previous storylines but by riding the cocktails of identity politics too and they were determined to racialize the conversation every step of the way just five days after the first episode aired Amazon's PR team released a statement on social media reading we the cast of rings of power stand together in absolute solidarity against the Relentless racism threats harassment and abuse some of our classmates of color are being subject to on a daily basis we refuse to ignore it or tolerate it JRR Tolkien created a world which by definition is Multicultural a world in which free peoples from different races and cultures joined together in a fellowship to defeat the forces of evil rings of power reflects that our has never been all white fantasy has never been all white Middle Earth is not all white bypoc belong in Middle Earth and they are here to stay finally all our love and fellowship go out to the fans supporting us especially fans of color who are themselves being attacked simply for existing in this fandom we see you your bravery and your endless creativity your cosplays fan cams fan art and insights make this community a richer place and remind us of our purpose you are valid you are loved and you belong you are an integral part of The Lord of the Rings family thanks for having our backs on that same day they were ready with t-shirts and logos donned by three original trilogy cast members complete with a slogan you are all welcome here and hashtags to promote the show and this post alone was a massive hit on Twitter on the part of Elijah Wood he's more than happy to help make the post in the name of such a good cause how else would they so willingly promote the show unless it was under the pretense of something as significant as fighting racism and thereby creating the narrative that by watching and liking the show and promoting online you're somehow ending racism and now Amazon and Galadriel have given the audience a cause to fight for but in essence this post is a display of the exact same narrative as before whereby it's a chance to talk about diversity and like before use people of color as tools at every opportunity after all how many shows and movies have we seen in the past featuring a cast of various different skin complexions when did they ever feel the need to make such statements this statement states that tolkien's world was being gate kept by white people but when was this ever the case in the past when did you ever see a single article about this before rings of Power Hit the screens they would have the nerve to say you are all welcome here yet poison the show with the most exclusionary divisive and polarizing topic of them all politics in an attempt to turn fans against each other they made Relentless attempts to silence all those who would disagree with them and intentionally antagonize Tolkien fans leaving them with a choice of either like the show or be dubbed a racist they play the game of social identity politics and try to draw out sympathy when it backfires so the audience will support the show no we're not all welcome here you're only welcome here if you're willing to show for Amazon for their TV show and repeat the same census rhetoric on how Amazon and the show is some Beacon of social justice and moral Authority that's the real cause Galadriel is fighting for that's why Amazon took every measure to antagonize fans because this was all an attempt to draw out racism so that Amazon themselves can be seen as a victim of discrimination and like Amber Heard be the noble hero standing against these evils it's rather fitting that Sauron used deceit and false promises to manipulate people into unwittingly bringing about their own demise as it seems Amazon are all too familiar with that part of the story in the same vein this show gives the promise of ending racism standing for female empowerment and any number of political ideals but what does all this incessant talk of skin color really achieve to answer that I shall call Upon A wise man how are we gonna get rid of racism stop talking about it I'm gonna stop calling you a white man yeah and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man this was Morgan Freeman talking about putting an end to race Consciousness stop attaching color labels to people stop the racialization of society but that never fit into Amazon's agenda just like tolkien's views didn't either if all you talk about is the color of skin that itself is discriminatory it divides people into categories and when people feel divided by labels they turn against each other and that is exactly what happens here because we are left in a situation where both Tolkien fans feel offended and people of color feel offended too that division creates attention and that attention makes money and that's why the media turn everything into a matter of politics because nothing is as divisive as Politics the more all conversation is politicized the more divided we are just look at America because it's divide and conquer not unite and conquer no we were never all welcome here but the truth is this really does make you feel sorry for minorities they didn't just misrepresent and tarnish the legacy of Tolkien they made a mockery of women and use those of color as pawns and a means to instigate hatred because by doing so it lends Credence to their movement and gives people a reason to Rally in defense of the show out of sympathy without it how could they release these statements and get the pr that came with it and that's a really heart-wrenching truth about what it means to play this game of social identity politics in TV and Amazon are a business that saw money in it in the same notion how do we get rid of this show that was made with the most insincere of intentions stop talking about it then they will fail here and we will take away the financial incentive they have to cheat viewers by playing games in bad faith in short why is it that I'm against this show when this show was made they're putting out a little bit of hate into the world and that's something the world doesn't need and all this time they would want to be hailed as a hero despite the attempts of Amazon to represent all critics as scum we knew that was never true as much as they try to wish it into existence so I want to end by turning conversation away from one so divisive their claims of hate will be silenced with love to our fellow humans shown every day and we will continue to show show regardless of race gender or sexual orientation whether it be our family friends or loved ones who are always there or as simple as smiling a cashier or bus driver listening to new music TV or movies trying food from a new culture learning a new language having an interest in the lives of others and sharing Harmony and connecting over the great many things that unite us whether it be standing up for real Injustice on the streets if we saw it or Simply Having a favorite movie character or Idol in general who happens to be of a different color culture sexual orientation or gender to ours they wanted us to forget that which brought us so close together and all that we had in common so they could Rebrand us racists and divide us so they could extend the political Battlefield and carve out their own territory we owe it to each other to collectively see that they should fail for most of us there is never a bone of racial hatred or discrimination in our bodies and as much as Amazon and the corrupt media would wish it never will be thank you for your time spent watching this video
Channel: Low Temperature Hands
Views: 63,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rings of power, amazon, lord of the rings on prime, rings of power review, amazon exposed, lowtemperaturehands, rings of power allegory, rings of power politics, rings of power social justice, rings of power woke, rings of power finale, rings of power diversity, rings of power exposed, rings of power woke trash, lord of the rings, rings of power, low temperature hands
Id: Ykjcej3EBOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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