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hi you guys and welcome back to the channel it's me Alena watching the boond Dos today the last episode we saw was with trying to kidnap Oprah but it never happened they kidnapped Maya Angelou and they had Bill Cosby so it didn't work out at all and it's because our our our adults in a situation are stupid as hell Riley the child he had more sense than they did and yeah it was just a hot Diggy dog mess But Here we are now our our kids are very intelligent but still childish at the same time but I think that's why I like them so much is the fact that even though they're young they they are more so qy they're very aware I would say but yes I'm going to stop talking let's go ahead and just jump right here into the next episode let's go the onler Riley ass Riley was Riley was her I don't get it it says Riley was here is that his house I'm just saying you could make it more clear to people that you were here you're Riley I presume this man is too nice yeah now [ __ ] will definitely know I here but as an artist you must ask yourself why should they care that I was here why is he so deep hey who are you back here that was his oh so that wasn't that man's house well maybe it was another Riley really you dropped these pictures and um you have paint all over your hands you little turd I'd have to arrest you and send you to jail and you wouldn't want that would you no cuz I remember when you got arrested that one time and you was cry that I do that was hilarious that episode was crazy uh is the cop here for me or Riley what did you do huy why would he be here for you exactly uh no reason what was he doing say hello to the bad guy a white man told me to do it oh my Heavens he had who do I look like snitch m a no snitch that's what I said what was up with them they you better get your butt whoop rile this belt you about to eat this belt oh can the images we see do more than hurt us emotionally is it possible to see something so bad that it actually hurts you physically wow why is he so deep actually in 1999 21y old shoa Peterson died suddenly in the 13th Hour of a 24hour Parker Marathon Parker was a funny show I decided I would watch nothing but black people on TV for two weeks to see if I suffered any adverse health effects I started by getting a full physical at the health office by himself these were the rules I was only allowed to watch TV featuring a majority of African Aman performers commercials included commercials included you call that art huh ain't no [ __ ] ever been good at drawing Michelangelo had been Black Jesus will look like what you don't know he should already look like that compared to the Bible but well maybe if you learned to draw on paper you wouldn't be drawn on people's houses I won't draw again ever I know you won't I picked a good teacher for you too bro wouldn't be the crazy same man it is him it's you hey Riley it's sure is super to see you again let's get started let's get started oh and of course some joyful little trees Right There Is it supposed to be B bro because you got in trouble your granddad hired me and we are going to have so much fun he manad then you can go I just got to draw one thing anything you want I'm kind of scared he's giving him free reign to pay whatever he want or Draw you G look at it and laugh I wasn't really trying I could do better if I wanted I love I'm sure in the trash your mama have ra he going to turn around and come back I knew it this little boy here crazy I wasn't even really trying cool hip hop playing what are you doing on the computer he binging too much TV why he trying to like cover it up so he can't see yeah throw this away I don't think you did uh yeah then who drew it I did you got this off my website ooh busted oh I get it is that how you get your kids you get your kids toop when Ain even trying that hard you try hard he mad finished no man damn stop sweating me I mean can I draw can I put damn lines on pages please please please please I think it's time to move to a bigger canvas yeah what is he aiming for as a bigger canvas I sometimes like to paint murals I think they're fun wow you pretty cool you just mad at him I want to paint Scarface shooting like 15 colian drug LS with [ __ ] that sounds really violent that's right if you're really enjoying this reaction I want to see the full uncut version please join me over on patreon there you'll have access to all the shows you see here on YouTube and the patreon exclusives and don't forget before you leave to comment like And subscribe man where Grandad he need a ring doorbell system that's what he needs paints flashlights and a pair of fast running shoes for getting away from the police we're all set let's get started I'm a little nauseous man but no serious problems yet oh my Heavens whoa whoa whoa in his drolls but how people going to know I did it an artist who has done his job well doesn't need to sign his name you don't need recognition someone spray graffito on another house they think it's Riley already oh my God I have to know who did this it's a fruit bow you need to go to sleep in and I don't know I feel okay I guess you need to get some sleep I don't know he might be crazy hey did you see that painting on the Franklin's house yeah what you think nice right he wants recognition I'm very excited about tonight Riley have you decided on what to paint no he mad let's paint a picture of someone you love maybe someone who's not with us anymore Oh you mean like a fallen soldier a fallen soldier now the great artist shows the viewer Something Beautiful about himself that he's never seen before he just watching him do it but you'll never possess anything of greater value than the art you sold whatever [ __ ] I want to get this little boy's bad what if I use one of my aliases that way they won't know it was me but nobody else can claim my [ __ ] many signatures I can't believe it can't believe it well I'd pay a lot of money for a painting like this in my house really [ __ ] going just come by else's [ __ ] after to my sh try to do my sh his voice breaking take it as a compliment why can't [ __ ] do them huh why [ __ ] got to do me why [ __ ] got ride [Laughter] me I got an announcement to make now this is going to come as a huge surprise everyone but I'm the artist they going to laugh at him ain't it I knew it I knew that's going to laugh I'm serious I painted this stop lying boy stop ly what type of t-shirt this man got on I painted this you painted this yeah right and I suppose Gary Coleman painted the he said Gary Coleman in my expert opinion is an ass opinion bettering at swi stop looking at Ault swim why can't I be a talented artist boy you ain't even a talented band he B from everybody wrong where you been just you know chilling you know just doing my little TV watching thing you know you need to go to as sleep you know yo mock the TV [ __ ] what in the world they droing the inbomb a lot don't Grand I left we got any grape soda no we ain't talking about the grape soda yo and it was like just like that the experiment was like over and I Ain really sick nothing this fool you're sure you want to do this yes but I need help help I think you got your point across just fine he s freeze he caught him then I'm going to drive really fast so we can get away from him if that's okay with you that's great I hate how he talks I think it's time we lost these guys Ry like yeah what he got a [Music] gun oh who's that she's pretty let's a picture oh this [Music] granddaddy oh grandma or no those his parents maybe those his parents I had a great time painting with you you keep on painting and God bless trees love paint thank you boy well that's it out of memory you can start cleaning it off now cleaning it off that was a good um reaction to his house being painted he picked the right picture for sure all righty so this is what I think of this episode huie was just sleep deprived all he did was watch black television and homeboy this should just gets and sleep okay there's nothing wrong with watching black television but the thing is he was trying to stay up constantly and watching so that that's just a mess Al together but this whole Bob I don't even know he suppos to bar I'm call him Bob I don't I don't why he have a gun you know what I mean and I hate how he talk and a Riley Lord Heavens Riley but I want to say I think the the picture that he drew well spray painted on the house probably was his parents huh do they ever explain to us whatever happened to them I don't know why I never even thought to ask in the beginning but yes thank you guys so much for watching this with me and I'll see you all in the next one peace out
Channel: AllonaShareeTV
Views: 5,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allonashareetv, allona, anime, reaction, reactions, manga, episode, episodes, review, reviews, blind, first, time, the boondocks 1 x 12, the boondocks 1 x 12 reaction, the boondocks season 1 episode 12, ep. 12, episode 12, the boondocks 3 x 12, the boondocks 2 x 12, rt tv the boondocks 3 x 12, the boondocks episode 12, the boondocks 3 x 12 reaction, the boondocks 2 x 12 reaction, the boondocks season 2 episode 12, react, reacting, watch, watching, reviewing, fandom, fan, series, show, tv, best, grandpa
Id: 1bvBfg3qk5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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