Riley Gaines Calls Out Karine Jean-Pierre During Tense Hearing On Domestic Extremism

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and I want to say to our Witnesses thank you for being here for standing up and and showing us your your courage uh I'd like to focus a couple of questions um and ask Miss Gaines to respond you know the the evening that the attack on you happened I mean I think the whole country thought how is this possible you've had the courage to speak out on an issue that is very personal to you I have three daughters and to think about the issue that you're talking about and standing up for what you believe in the freedom of speech the first amendment protects your ability to do that um and yet San Francisco State University president Lynn Mahoney wrote a letter sympathizing those who attacked you and I I can't imagine how that has made you feel I know how it's made me feel no it's um we've used the term domestic terrorists a lot in in this hearing and that's constantly something I get called by these same left-leaning protesters who again for simply saying women deserve fairness we deserve safety and we deserve privacy and we deserve respect and I get called a domestic terrorist all the time so this term for Me Maybe I have a skewed perception of what it means um but yes it's been um I don't know again it's just disheartening to be in the position I'm in feeling like I'm asking for the bare minimum I'm feeling like I'm asking for something that is so simple that we all are entitled to yet I'm being you know held hostage and there's one more piece I wanted to mention about this night that um I haven't really touched on I briefly touched on it in my testimony but the verbiage outside the room when I was still giving my speech these protesters the video doesn't do a good job showing of just how many were in these stairways I mean it was hundreds of people but these people they were outside the rooms and one side of the hallway would yell trans rights are under attack and the other side would yell back what do we do we fight back and they kept using the term we fight back and so after I'd finally been barricaded and I was in this room for a couple hours and they kept saying it I'm like why do they keep saying we fight back and we've talked a lot about the stemming from the top in regards to um Trump and January 6 and and Tucker Carlson giving the license to people to basically do whatever they want because but we're not talking about this on this side of it because the day before this incident San Francisco State the bite Administration press secretary had a press release a press conference where she says word for word our trans Community is resilient and they fight back and I find it so ironic they were using the exact same verbiage we fight back they kept saying it continuously and so I wanted to put that on the record because we've talked about it a lot stemming from the top on the other side but I think it's crucial to understand that that that goes both ways well Ms Gaines thank you for your courage thank you for standing up for what you believe in any sort of threats or violence or intimidation is Despicable it has no place in our society and to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle real courage lies in being able to stand up even when it's not popular and even when you may not agree with it but being able to stand up to a bully and that's what this is this is about a bully in our society for a narrative that some don't agree with and it doesn't matter which side you you stand on but you have stood up to that bully and I applaud you for doing that and the country is watching you in your leadership and we appreciate what you're doing Mr chairman thank you for holding this hearing and standing up to a bully we should all condemn any violence that happens and I think that that's exactly what this hearing is about and I yield back well done Mr filger the gentleman yields back I
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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