Rigging and Slinging methods

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g'day folks welcome back to Curran's training today we're going to have a look at how we're going to swing a stillage now there's a number of different ways you can swing a stillage we're going to start with one of the most common ways which is to double wrap it a lot of sites you go to now will require a stillage to be double wrapped keep in mind if you are going to double rapid storage particularly if the storage is going to be full you're going to need some nice long chains six to eight meter chains are great for it all right so we'll start with double wrapping and then I'll show you a few other alternatives all right but to keep in line depending on the site you work with um we'll start with a double wrapping because that is one of the most common ways sites require you to do it nowadays okay so to start with we have our hook placed over the center of the load it's easy to place it over the center of the load before you sling it so if it's sitting over the center you know it's going to go straight up all right so we'll grab one bit love that all right now what we'll do is we'll go around the bottom of this leg on the inside of the outside all the way through okay now we're going to walk around feeding this underneath all right it's not easy than trying to just swing it under the light right so I'll trade this around walking around the house okay now I'll grab the camera we'll come over the other side and we'll have a look at how we're going to do it on the other side here we are on the other side okay we've got the hook that we fed underneath the load right now we're going to go from the outside in fact all the way through see that chain you go straight underneath the load like that okay once we've done that we can throw it over and essentially we're going to do the same thing again so I'm going to go around that leg I'm going to feed it under and then come back to this side so I'm going to go inside and look at the end time again and I'm going to walk back around with this chain okay on the outside back to the inside so you can see it's running under that load twice now from here I'm going to go on the outside of this leg I'm going to grab this leg coming down here on there just remember whenever you're putting your hooks on back of the hook face the center of the load the chains around so that hook is sitting in the center of the load as well okay now I'm going to do the same with the other side so I'll start from the inside I'll bring it around and we'll go back over again sorry above this leg here so once again we're going to go on the inside of the leg around to the outside okay and then we'll just walk around with this around to this side okay once again go back to the inside and pull through [Music] so that made adjusting straight underneath and do the same thing again so walk around with it again so now you've got your two legs underneath there and then you come on the outside of this one foreign okay so now you can see I've got the two legs supporting it they're both underneath the storage itself we've got this one on the outside it's going to stop them sliding in okay so I will quickly lift that up and we'll see how it looks all right we'll put it back down and then I'll show you another way we can do that as well foreign that's a common way you gotta find on a lot of sites and how they require the um chains we okay so it keeps everything nice and secure okay now we'll go through another couple of um ways we can do it right so first of all undo these foreign so for the next method we don't need quite as much chain so I'm going to just rope the crane up a little bit and saves trying to bite all that loose chain okay so we'll go and rope up now for this method I find it's pretty quick and easy still keeps everything down pull down tight and locked in if you don't have quite as much chain to double rapid this way is ideal because it will still lock everything down okay following that we're up if you need a little bit um more chain I'll show you a another alternative as well okay so this one which is quick and easy okay we'll go from the inside of the legs to the outside of the leg pull it through and throw it over on the outside okay we'll do the same with the other leg and then we'll go over the other side we'll have a look what we're going to do here foreign okay this time we're going to go on the outside back to the inside just like that around the legs pull it three and then all we have to do is we'll take the hook and we'll put it back onto the ring straight back on the ring like that hey same with this one so the other side remember from the inside to the outside on this side on the outside back to the inside through and back onto the ring out here okay now to make sure you've got it in the center foreign that way as the crane ropes up it'll cover up nice and evenly on both sides of that chain okay just like that all right so we'll pull that up and we'll take a look and see how that one looks now okay as you can see it's still being lifted by the stillage it's still got this chain on top pulling down on all your life okay so that's going to stop anything from sliding in or out you have this chain on top that's still pulling down has the same effect as double wrapping okay so that's the second option all right now there's a slight variation to this one if you don't have enough chain to go back to the ring rather go back to the ring we can put it back onto the other chain but if we're putting it back on the other chain we just need to make sure we're binding the center before we go okay so let's do that foreign so we go from the inside to the out throw it over on the outside back to the inside now if you don't have enough chain to go back to the ring okay you can always put it back onto the train here in the middle of the light out of the center okay same again on this side look over the center all right and we'll just take a quick break up on that and see how that one's looking and once again you can see right here yes and these trains still lock and get down but if you don't have quite enough okay you can realize you're supposed to bite on here making sure you get that bite in the middle of the load so it sits relatively flat okay so I'll show you one more very similar to the first one second one we did except we're going to be using four legs of a chain a lot of times you might have four legs hanging off the crane and it's rather pointers back up into getting out of the way nice quickly and easily you okay so we'll put this back down swap our chains over and then we'll have another today right down right again so we'll just take these chains off I'll grab some Cooling foreign here's another little heavy tip for you something I see quite often when riggers are taking the ring of the I'll stop the hook up high they'll be reached to try and get it off bring it down to a nice comfortable level makes it easy adjusted rabbit and pull it off just like that okay now before I take get rid of these chains I'll bring them over here Okay so just another little tip when you're using chains with shorteners like this quite often you'll stick up to the chains and you'll see the shorteners facing each other like that now if you do come across that what that does is especially as the chains get bigger makes things a lot more difficult you got to use the shorteners to fighting it all the way okay so if you do come across the chains and the shorteners are like that all right let's put them up that way around and that way it's nice and easy just to drop the chain straight into the shortener doesn't foul on the other chain okay now another little um hint if you are going to be working with larger chains so if you're working with some 26 or 32 mil chains you'll notice all of these links will have a weld in them okay now if you're going to put them in the shortener it's always a good habit to have that world facing up because what you'll find on larger chains is if you have the weld facing down quite often you're going to be going to look for The Boilermaker to borrow his hammer to try and Bash those out because they do get jammed in there so I'd say just good habit have the shortness facing out and to try and remember to put the world facing up all the time okay so I'll go and swap these over I'll go and grab some uh four legs and we'll have another quick look at this tillage again okay so here we go we play a lot a little bit easier once again we'll take this hook up a bit higher it means we don't have to fight all this for this chain down here okay so just ripen up so now we're going to do pretty much the same as the last one we're going to do the same thing on both sides [Music] okay to the outside and just put that one in the middle okay now we're going to go around this other side we'll do the exact same thing we're open the inside to the outside foreign this so what do I love about this method is it safe quick and easy okay you'll see you've still got these chains on top so all the way down to lock everything in there as well okay hooks are just handshakes on each other like that okay so with the handshake they're only ever going to be pulling on the bottom of the wall okay so there's no adverse effect on the hook there either okay do it this way every time it's going to pick up level okay so that's our stillage okay so while we're here what I might do because I was quickly setting up a steel plate and we'll take a look at that okay so I'm doing this one simple depending on the right side [Music] pull them through and you're all set to go so here we are at our steel plate now one of the most frustrating things I see as a crane driver and watching a lot of rigors is if they're going to go into something like this they bring the hook down way too far so if you bring gonna bring your hook this far down the walls at six times I've changed it all out big and there's a good chance that sooner or later they're going to end up crossed over like that okay so handy little tip okay I'll tell you hook up and have the books just a little bit on the plate all right it makes it nice and easy to find them and pull them out okay so what we're going to do before we do anything is we got is we're going to rope up a bit first and I'll show you how much easier it is chained down here okay so we're going to rope up so we've only got a little bit of chain down here makes it nice and easy to just pull them out to where they need to go well you're not flying through all that big loose trade okay now another thing I want you to keep in mind so if we have a look at our blade clamps here okay now I'll bring this a little bit closer so we can have a look at what it says on the plate okay so hopefully you can read that there so the working load limit on this is 1.5 ton per pair okay so we have two pairs that doesn't mean that we can lift three ton because remember in Australia we only ever count two legs those characters carrying the waste of the load unless you're on a spread about and then that's a different scenario altogether about a one and a half time per pair we're only ever going to count two legs so that means even though we've got four of them we're still only good for 1.5 ton okay now these are spring-loaded so you can just pull them open and you slide them on like that now if you're working somewhere a lot of mine sites you'll find a lot of bisselloid plate now this law is a very high tensile Steel and if you try and use play clamps on a bizaloid plate they will just slide straight off all right so you've got to find another means of seeing it quite often you'll find they may blow a hole in it with the oxy put a shackle through it or they may just get some extra long chains and wrap the plate itself we're on there's more than one way to skin a cat but keep in mind play clamps are no good if you've got Biz light if you're not sure you can grab a nail punch try and punch a mark in it if it doesn't Mark it good chance the play clamps aren't going to hold it either okay so we'll put this one back on now when you're putting them on you try and keep them uh evenly spaced across either side okay just slides straight on like that it's in line with the one on the other side uh hooks going on making sure the back of the hook is facing towards the center of the load okay nice and easy to grab them without getting crossed over the because we don't have all that loose chain down here okay so all of our hooks have facing out the latches are facing out nice and easy to grab them and put them on you don't have to worry about all that loose chain you've got you've got very little chat to get them crossed over I don't have all that mess to start with okay so that's our steel plate nice and easy we've just making life easier for yourself okay all right so that's all we'll get covered for today but I will try and get some more videos up soon I know it's been a bit of a Hiatus for us but I have been extremely busy useful okay so thanks for listening don't forget to like And subscribe I'd like to keep updated with any new videos coming out okay thank you [Applause]
Channel: Kieran's Crane, Rigging and Construction Training
Views: 47,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crane training, Dogging course, Dogging training, How to, Kierans training, Plate clamps, Rigging, Scaffold, Slinging, Steel plate, Training, crane hand signals, crane machine, doggers, loads, slinger signaller, slinging loads
Id: ibMAKpN05K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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