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welcome to our slash I do work here lady if you enjoy my content please post some bear emojis in the comments and feel free to subscribe the first story is called girls can't read comics it's a short one but kind of funny just the absurdity of it the customer as much as my over-the-top reaction it's been a few years but I still remember quite well as it was unforgettable for me I recently posted a rather nasty story that happened recently to me and it felt good to rant about it this is the only other time in my life that I met a really nasty person the guy wasn't entitled so to speak just really dense and sexist it was my very first job I was 15 and I worked in a bookstore specialized in sci-fi fantasy manga and comics this guy walks in and goes to the comics section I let him browse for a few minutes then I ask him if he need any help me equals yours truly C equals customer me can I help you sir C I'm looking for gives me the title and number issue of a Captain America comic from the 1940s or 1950s I don't remember me oh I think we see could you get the comics Pro the male employee who was there most of the time let's call him Mike meet pardon see Mike me he's not here today but I'd be happy to help you see you wouldn't know what I'm looking for meet why see well you're a girl girls can't read comics it's not meant for them you probably don't even know the difference between Marvel and DC or even what either of those are go back to your Twilight crap and get someone who knows comics as I said in my first story I tend to blow a fuse very easily and I get snappy real quick back then it was so much worse than now me sorry being a Marvel fan girl is so offending to you but I'm the only one here I'll go get that comic which is by the way issue no X not Y I stormed off went to get the comic in the back store and walk back front and handed it over to him and I was right about the issue number see don't get so angry over it me I'll get angry if I feel like it after all women are nothing but a bunch of overly emotional mess unfit to do anything but look pretty and serve you dinner right my reaction was the proof of the overly emotional thing but I didn't realized cared at the moment see that's not what said me well had you stopped for five seconds thinking about what would come out of your mouth you'd realize it's all the same girls can't do this girls can't do that it's 2012 for heaven's sake get out of the middle age already give me one good logic reason why a girl can't read or like comics see me that's what I thought have a nice day the guy did came back and he never made a sexist comment to me again but he pulled the same [ __ ] on other female employees and got told off by all of them I know my reaction was too intense but I've gotten better over time and I don't get so angry anymore but the whole there are things girls can't shouldn't do things still pisses me off to no end the next story is called you'd think this happened more often a couple of short ones as it's my first time posting please excuse my grammar I'm on my phone loudly crying face a little background Tilda I work in a fairly popular cocktail bar and have for about 1.5 years so it comes to a surprise to me that this hasn't happened more often my uniform is fairly casual blue or black jeans with either a printed t-shirt with our work logo on it or a branded alcohol brewery t-shirt we have lots of different ones to promote the stock we sell we also usually carry a tea towel and bar blade in our pockets that are clearly visible I'm also the most easily recognizable staff member as I'm the only one with blue hair and facial piercings the first time I had this IDW HL issue was after I became a proper bartender I was just doing my rounds on a Saturday night our busiest night of the week and it was getting close to Christmas last year so we were packed I was going between serving people at the bar and doing sweeps of the floor for empty glasses part of the floor means going into the ladies bathroom and checking stock for hand towels and such on this particular night it was busy enough that there was a line out of the bathrooms in the hallway leading to them is only wide enough for two people to fit now for reference Emme self-explanatory RDG rude drunk girl NDG nice drunk girl during one of my floor runs I went to check on the ladies bathroom to see if everything was in order we have no female security guards so female staff have to routinely check to make sure nothing is broken left behind plummeted on etc despite the line of girls I walked straight past not dressed anything like these girls as I was in uniform went from directly behind me RDG screamed from the middle of the line RDG [ __ ] th ER e s align me I'm sorry I'm just checking the toilets I work here RDG no you don't you're just using that as an excuse to cut in line me look I'm really sorry but you don't seem to understand I'm just here to make sure you girls have hand towels and such at this point I turned away and continued to the bathroom as I heard the MDG who must have been her friend say calm down she works here can't you see her uniform on the way back out the RDG just quietly said thank you and that was the end of it the second time I encountered someone like this I was rusted on for Glassie work just working the floor again it was a Saturday and super busy so we were at capacity for the venue now when you're trying to move around in a venue with 300 people in it who are drunk and dancing it can be a real task getting around people to do your job our bar has tables stationed around the floor for people to sit it and such and so there are a lot of times when the only way to get from one side of the venue to the other is by moving through tightly packed spaces at some point during this night I had only picked up maybe one or two glasses on my round and was on route to another that I had spotted on a nearby table trying to move past someone I got bumped into by a customer and was very suddenly knocked into another remember it's a super cramped space and there's people everywhere so it's impossible to move without touching someone turns out the man I was not into was with a girl drunk and somewhere between 18 to 25 yo who saw part of what happened and assumed that I had purposely pushed her drinking partner the conversation is as follows RDG pushes me from behind so I turn around don't push people me confused and already in a bad mood from a rough shift you literally just pushed ma RDG I don't care it's rude to push people you should be kicked out me they won't kick me out I were RDG you're such a [ __ ] I'm going to make sure you get banned from coming here me you can sure as hell try I work here so if you don't shut your trap I'll get my friends over there gestures to the security guards by the door to kick your ass out now leave me alone I'm trying to do my job the look on her face was priceless the next story is called unclearly security here's a little backstory about three years ago I worked as security for a multinational shipping company will call them besties ex cast M me s my supervisor T tow operator T's tow supervisor C cop we had issues with non employees parking in our lot and leaving vehicles while they carpooled to other jobs there was a car pool parking lot on the other side of the road but I digress it had gotten to the point where employees and truck drivers weren't able to find parking it became such an issue that eventually ops and security had a meeting and decided to issue parking passes that went into the windshields of employee vehicles making it easy to identify who should be or not be parking security officers weren't required to get passes because we had our own reserved spaces after about a month and a half most employees had passes issued we started tagging cars without passes with warnings notifying that soon we would start having vehicles towed there were a few employees who procrastinated getting stickers but after the warnings the rest of em got their passes a few weeks later we started having cars towed that didn't have passes in the windshield at this point we had all the employees vehicles in a database that we could check the tags if a vehicle is parked illegally I would call for a tow fast forward about three months and we get to the purpose of this post the towing company we contracted with to remove vehicles is in and out three four five times a day so they are getting to know me apparently they hired a new guy who took the initiative and decided to cruise out lot and check on vehicles I come out to check the lot just as he's finishing hooking my car up my car that is parked in a reserved space for security M excuse me who called for a tow T I cruised the Loch to check on parking passes this car didn't have one M you aren't authorized to do LOC checks we call when a vehicle needs removed t it's already hooked so nothing I can do it's going to the impound m no it's not that's my car T it doesn't have a sticker it gets towed M securities vehicles are exempted because we have our own parking spaces t it doesn't have a sticker it gets towed at this point I'm getting beyond pissed so I call my supervisor on the radio and ask him to come to the parking lot s what's going on t this car doesn't have a sticker it gets towed M that's my car I didn't call for a tow s sir why are you here if you weren't called T I was checking the lot for parking passes s okay but why did you hook a vehicle from the reserved space T it doesn't have a sticker it gets towed s securities vehicles are exempted because we have our own reserved spaces you need to release the vehicle T let me call my supervisor he calls his supervisor and puts the phone on speaker T's once the vehicle is hooked up my drivers can't release a vehicle without payment s your driver has hooked a vehicle up illegally we didn't call you tease once a vehicle is hooked up my drivers can't release it without payment I'm fuming mad at this point so I yelled if my car is not dropped in the next 30 seconds I'm calling the police T's once the vehicle is hooked up my driver can't release it without payment s how much is it t 135 million dollars I'm not [ __ ] paying 135 dollars to get my car back when it shouldn't have been towed in the first place T's once a vehicle is hooked up my drivers blah blah blah so I'm done being patient I called the police non-emergency and told them my car was in the process of being stolen they dispatch an officer and hang up s T and T's are all talking still while I was talking to the dispatcher M cops are on their way put my car down T I can't my boss said to just wait for the cops so we wait about five or six minutes then a cruiser shows up the cop comes to me and asks what's going on I tell him that t showed up without being called and hooked my car for not having a sticker I explained that security's vehicles were exempted since we had our own reserved spaces I emphasize that T was not called C sir you need to release the vehicle t's still on speakerphone once my drivers hook a car they can't release it without payment s you weren't authorized to tow this car anyway C sir you need to release the vehicle without authorization to tow you are committing auto theft t okay I'll drop it T's to T do not drop the car without payment C tells T to hang up the phone he does and then finally drops my car security now is required to have parking passes now - although px canceled the towing contract with that specific company let me just say I hold no ill will toward t he was just doing his job but if security tells you to drop a vehicle that you're towing from a business for which their security you should probably do so the next story is called you were taking to a teacher' while I was doing my postgraduate degree I was offered a job as a full-time lecturer I think that's professor in the u.s. complete with tenure I was happy to take it I found somewhere to live about six miles away in a small coastal town I still live there I like it I would drive to work each day because the buses were not very frequent and took about 45 minutes to the other side of campus whereas the car journey took ten minutes and I could park outside my office many students lived away from campus and my town was popular as it was quite cheap many students took the bus because they couldn't afford cars and parking for them was restricted anyway the disadvantage for them was the length of the bus journey so it was common to hitchhike from the entrance to the campus the layout was such that anyone waiting there would have to be going to my town and it would only take ten minutes having been a student myself I would pick up as many as I could there was actually a queue of course we would chat during the journey and they would nearly always assumed I was a Stu - there were some embarrassing moments when they said things they would never have done if they knew I was actual staff they would criticize my colleagues sometimes but fail to recognize me outside class there were also fun things where they were discussing stuff among themselves and were surprised when I gave them detailed university information generally it was all good-natured though it lasted a few years but then I succumbed to the genetics of my mother's family and my hair went white at the age of 34 it's also very messy here so I looked like a mad professor they stopped getting it wrong after that otherwise I'd have got away with it a lot longer the next story is called you just assaulted the chief operating officers son I used to work in a summer student program at a fortune 500 company that hired around 150 interns from may august the work itself was pretty monotonous but for the most part everyone pretty warm towards the interns save for Jamie Jamie was a plump woman in her mid 40s working in a team supervisor role two levels above entry level in the operations department for about a decade now I don't know whether it was that she'd been working at this level for too long or just didn't like the young faces but she was an absolutely bitter wench to the interns aside from calling us little shits brats Tod's and a slurry of other abusive language she would also ask interns who weren't on her team to do random tasks for her this ranged from grabbing her papers from the copier literally 20 feet from her desk running errands and demanding we drop what we're doing and make a coffee for her now out of respect most if not all of the interns on the floor would comply to prevent a scene but she had this idea in her head that since she was a supervisor she was all of our bosses she would constantly leave her desk to walk the floor and monitor the summer students spitting slurs at us if she caught us as much as glance away from our monitors in contrast to this she would constantly brown-nose to the managers and senior managers trying to curry favor by helping take care of the interns suffice to say she was an angst-filled B asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk but me myself I was a quiet young lad who hated unnecessary attention from others so I didn't openly volunteer that my mum was the chief operating officer she worked up on the executive floor so I rarely saw her aside from occasionally at lunch and carpooling so aside from her upper management friends few people knew I was her son so all was well until the end of my first month it was sometime in the morning when Jamie stopped me on my way from the bathroom and demanded that I stop wasting time and get her a coffee from the kitchen with two stevia and two milk not being the confrontational type one went and made it as asked for with maybe just a smidge of extra milk in it when I brought it to her she half yelled finally grabbed it and sipped it she then said it's wrong and shoved it back in my face with enough force to dislodge the cheap lip and spilled coffee all over my dress shirt she yelled something at me but I couldn't really hear it as I felt the coffee tbh I'm kinda glad I added the extra milk because the scalding hot magma would have been so much worse without it I [ __ ] screamed and ran to the bathroom crying taking off my shirt to get water on my burns my upper chest was so red I immediately called my mum sob splaining what just happened my mum whipped downstairs came to the bathroom pulled me out and was greeted by three large security guards she told me point who did it and point I did what followed was my mum telling one guard to call 911 - to detain her for assaulting an employee Jamie's face was flushed and screamed like a banshee as security apprehended her she kicked and screamed all the way to the elevator police came got the videotapes corroborated my story and she was taken in all cool but the icing on the cake was that she was originally going to be charged with second-degree assault but the interns were interviewed about her and confirmed that she actually abusive to us this was proof of premeditation so her charges were raised to first-degree assault I hope prison treats you better than you treated the interns Jamie the next story is called Model UN chaperone in college I worked in our Student Centre doing event work our Director of Operations Kelly was a lovely woman who looked young but actually had a master's degree and was number two in charge of the building the director number one was extremely busy and loved how she calm we handled things for him we had massive Model UN conferences where the college students would rent most of campus and bring in high and middle schoolers the younger kids paid decent money for a weekend of fun resume fodder however they ran a mock feeling new independence with college kids and a few adult chaperones obviously this was all hands on deck for the staff the director didn't want to work weekends so Kelly was in charge of the entire building as she excited a room a student running the conference thinking she was a student grabbed her by the arm and demanded she returned to her classroom and to stop causing trouble she was not pleased that the students physically grabbed her and Confused her for a high schooler in her building the next story is called I turned 30 next year this yet another Baby Face story some background I am male 29 years old 6 feet tall and I have a master's degree I wear business casual outfits to work somehow people think I am really young I have no idea why this is people aged 22 to 24 constantly think I am some younger guy had awkward moments with some of our working students as well it happens to both men and women and it has also led to very awkward situations outside of work especially since I don't dress as professional then so when I started this new job after like two months on the job I was getting lunch at the cafeteria with some colleagues the cashier around 50 years old suddenly asked me if I am under 18 and whether I am an intern or trainee I was caught off guard and just said I am 29 years old and work here as a project manager the guy was really embarrassed and apologized saying he thought I might be eligible for a discount the craziest thing that I remember now was when I went to print out my master's thesis and they asked me why I'm not in class meaning high school if you enjoyed the stories today then please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and like the video thank you
Channel: undefined
Views: 14,243
Rating: 4.70892 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit funny, malicious compliance, r/entitledparents, redditbear, readingbear, idoworkherelady, r/idoworkherelady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkherelady, darkfluff
Id: XmJk4oPPvVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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