r/IDontWorkHereLady - The Most Entitled Woman Tries To Make Me Help Her, Knowing I Don't Work Here

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that go into other businesses and have irate customers mistake them for employees and today's story is entitled woman tries to make me help her even when she knows it is not my place of work then harasses me at my actual job back story I am a teen services librarian in a public library that caters to one of the largest school districts in the state the people here view themselves as from a higher pedigree than others and have the personalities to match this story happened last Saturday after work and then floated into yesterday I was at the mall doing some shopping for some of the summer sales granted I didn't realize that I had my nametag still on but it has the library's name and emblem on it as well making it obvious that I don't work in any of the stores anyway on with the story cast me e department store employee M manager of department store II W entitled woman s my supervisor at my job LD library director story I am finally out from working a busy full day from opening to closing and decide to go to the mall after it is only about 20 minutes away and still in the school district boundaries when I go into a store I'm approached by a few of the teens I associate with it work very often they ask me some questions about upcoming events and I answer them to the best of my ability after another few moments we part ways me continuing further into the store to browse around combing through the clearance with hangers of clothes hooked on my arm I hear a woman huffing a little and feel the hard two fingers tap on my shoulder if I didn't know any better I bet she wanted to gouge out some flesh with those acrylics she had on excuse me I have to chase you to the other end of the store after you help those teenagers and don't even offer to help me while this woman doesn't have the Karen haircut or appearance she makes up for it in personality she moves her sunglasses off her face to the top of her head while I guess trying to give me a mom glare I look younger than I am ma'am I don't work here I'm a librarian and those routines who I see almost every day I'm sorry that you got the wrong impression I try to stay as professional and calm as possible while she may be rude I refused to be entitled woman Huff's rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over a chest whatever you still represent the library then even when you're not working you help people get SH at work so you have to help me now I blink at her for a moment not really getting that logic without me physically being at the library no I don't have to do squad for this woman at this point I don't even want to volunteer to help her find an employee anymore like I was planning to do in the first place I do notice the keychain in her hands has the mascot name of one of the elementary schools in the district though ma'am again I don't work here I'm sorry but it's not my job right now to help you in this store it takes everything at this point to keep the calm and serene tone of voice going unfortunately my explanation still doesn't fly with the woman she literally stomps her foot like a five-year-old and gets louder as she goes on no no no you are a civil servant that means you serve that means that you listen to what I tell you and I want you to help me now by now people are staring making me turn a little red if I was back in my teens I would most likely have hidden the clothing racks next to me can I help you ladies a cute little employee comes up to us she's in her late teens or early 20s and is eyeing the situation like it's a horde of snakes but I give her mental kudos for having the cojones to step in at the end of that tirade giving me a ha look what I'm gonna do now look entitle woman turns to the employee thank you yes I need to speak to your manager here and have them go through the cameras here this be pointing to me has been impolite unwilling to help me and discriminatory to me for the past ten minutes all right at best it's been maybe two or three oh whatever of course I'm sorry I have no idea what had happened I just got in employee flounders looking between us I feel myself get a little more red and getting nervous with the involvement of a manager innocent or not confrontation is not my strong suit and I have a horrible expression of looking guilty even when I'm not most times according to my boyfriend and family manager now comes over she's a woman I recognize from visiting the library as a patron though I never interacted with her she smiles at me also recognizing me hi you're from the library right in the teen Department I smile realizing that I have an ally in my corner and just not not that I would have a chance to say anything else entitled woman instantly steps in yes she's from the library and is refusing to help me entitled woman makes her voice sound all meek and sad when you were previously able to possibly hear her from Mars a minute ago manager looks at me and I give a droll one in return getting pretty done with this situation at this point entitled woman is so busy trying to make yourself look like the sad little victim here manager meets eye contact with entitled woman and speaks to her as if to a toddler slow and making sure that each word registers to her so let me see if I understand you you acknowledge and understand that this young woman is not an employee of this store but a librarian she's not liable to help you here but you still want her to absolutely seething entitled woman hisses a breath out between her teeth yes and she represents civil servants even outside of work she works for the state since I am also a citizen of this state she must help me when I need it manager also has that same silent reaction I did at this woman's reasoning and insistence that I help her manager takes a deep breath it's not her job to help you outside of her work and especially in a place that is not even her field of work I will personally help you myself today entitled woman makes a move to speak again but manager whips her hand up to make her stop mid breath and looks at me go ahead and continue shopping I'll let the cashiers know to give you 25% off your purchase today I only nod and smile before almost literally running away into the forest of clothes my purchase was made and I think it's the end of it nope no it's not fast-forward to earlier yesterday Monday my first day back after the weekend my supervisor calls me early this morning before my shift is even close to starting hello hi original poster its supervisor from public library I get worried since she sounds a little angry I'd like you to come in early today before your shift we need you for a meeting with administration please oh okay of course I'll be there a half hour early she hangs up leaving me to sweat the morning out until I walk into work I am told to go into library director's office and I'm now very worried that this is something about my job performance here hi original poster library director greets me pleasantly supervisor is sitting with her at a small conference table in the office please have a seat and join us I closed the door behind me and do as I am asked I feel my body reacting to my nerves and starting to shake a little knees getting wobbly sweating a bit honestly I think at this point that I'm getting written up or fired or both I even feel my eyes start to burn with unshared ears at the prospect you can breathe original poster supervisor says sounding more kind than on the phone earlier she's always been a stern woman but I guess she realizes that I am scared SH las' I do actually take a few breaths realizing that I've been holding my breath original poster we received an email to the administration account regarding you from Saturday library director starts off still kind and calm the schedule says you were on and the time clock has you clocked in and out you were here but the camera feed shows no confrontations and the phone calls you answered were very short in length what exactly happened I am given the email to read regarding me right away I can tell from the speech pattern that this is the woman from the store the entire time I am reading it the mantra it's that be from the store it's that be from the store is on a loop in my head this email rips me apart in my character in a professional in a public environment and how I'm supposed to cater to those who are in the school district I can tell you exactly what happened in regards to this email but it was while I am off the clock and no longer on library premises I launched into the story by the end both secretary and library director are giving me the same blank face blinking expression that both I and manager from the store had we all laughed it off and they told me to let them know if she comes into the teen area and gives me trouble if she sees me crazy lady returns Friday nights are the busiest night of the week as far as programs go I'm the librarian who ran the program last night streaming panels all afternoon from the comic-con in San Diego and orchestrating an adventure time in Steven universe marathon I'm sitting in the program room working on the technology the HDMI cable stopped working so I had to go under the table and fix the connection and change the display settings on the laptop once it shows up on the projector so my back is to anyone walking in the room since Monday however I did have a haircut and got a massive amount of highlights right away you can't tell it's me from behind from behind me I hear someone walking around and seeming to chuckle to themself it sounds like a woman I don't see her I think she really did get her a fired she mutters - either herself or someone else mom let's just go this is the teen section a little kids voice comes from behind me also I'm too young to be here it's fine for right now hon we're just looking around she sounds nice to the kid we'll be out of here by the time the program starts up see the librarian there is working on the laptop to get things ready maybe she will know about the other woman it sounded like she was going to say another word but stopped herself since she was with her kid now I'm still playing like I don't hear it's confirmed to me that this is the woman from the store excuse me do you mind if we ask you a question her tone is more Stern when addressing me though of course silently I get up and turn to meet her gaze her mouth opens to continue talking and it stops some kind of weird croaking sound came out of it not actual words weirded out and confused I can't say anything either for a moment you she managed to do a squeaky screech after a moment pointing at me I noticed the color of her acrylics changed from puke green to construction-worker orange how dare you show your face around here I can't believe you still have this job of course I work here ma'am i smirk thinking of a comeback I am a civil servant am I not I serve the library community why wouldn't I be here I use her own words against her she sputters for a moment while I walk over to the phone in the room to call my supervisor who I hope to catch before she left it ranked for a bit but no answer it was a little after 5 so I'm assuming she went home Plan B I call the general teen office number for any full-timer see one from my first story comes in while the woman is calling me a pretentious B and whatever else her child is all the way at the door slumped against it looking sad he looks maybe in fourth or fifth grade original poster you okay see one asks rushing in she's holding her stomach from her hurrying she's pregnant now crazy lady turns on her are you a supervisor she looks like a kid in a candy store now I'm not the head of the department but I am a full-time librarian what can I help you with she asks glancing at me I keep my face neutral now not wanting to stir the pot more that one pointing at me has been disrespectful to me each time I've seen her I sent an email and clearly it seems nothing has been done your administration is clearly a joke the quiet realization comes over see ones face news of the story spread along the grapevine like wildfire and everyone knows to be on their toes around patrons right now ma'am original poster is one of the most respectful employees here see one also gets Stern herself if something happened away from the library there is nothing that can be done that is between you two personally however if something happened here today then that is a different story yes she screams a bit too eagerly yes something happened I asked her a question a minute ago and she attacked my son kid looks up from the door with wide eyes clearly not expecting to be thrown into this no mom quiet I'll take care of it she hisses at him before turning back to see one check the cameras and get security I want to press charges for assault on a minor I feel myself getting red like I said regardless of me being innocent I'm going to look like a deer in headlights a moment later of c1 calling the cavalry another teen Department full timer library director and the assistant director and the guard I am friendly with all come down the assistant director and I are talking about what happened while the other teen Department librarian are using the computer in the room to get the feed see one in library director is speaking to the woman in her son I wouldn't worry original poster the assistant director says in her heavy German accent I don't think you would do anything like she claims but we still have to take these things seriously I nod teary-eyed from the drama thank you I understand the camera feed has shown to everyone in the room and it is clear that we only said words and no assault was conducted on my part I told both library director and Siwon then what I told the woman and how it translated from last week library director told the woman that clearly this is harassment and she will be put on a three-month ban from the library if her son wants to come someone else will have to bring him she will not be allowed on library premises once she was escorted from the building by the guard I was given an informal warning though on how I addressed her regardless of the past issues what I said in how I said it does not reflect the librarian the best light to patrons it stung a bit but I guess I understand that's a wrap of the drama subscribe if you enjoyed this story and hit the like button if you liked it
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Views: 104,926
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Keywords: i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, reddit stories, i dont work here, best of reddit, funny, STORIES from Reddit, IDWHL, stories, daily reddit, karen, IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, Reddit Cringe Stories, I DON'T WORK HERE LADY, idwhl reddit, from Reddit, r/ i don't work here lady, I work, employee, customer, fired, r/IDontWorkHereLady CUSTOMER, r/IDontWorkHereLady KAREN, FUNNY STORIES, Entitled Woman, THE MOST ENTITLED WOMAN, entitled tries, entitled, entitled karen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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