r/IDontWorkHereLady - She Is NOT An Employee Here!

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welcome to our slash I don't worked here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and the first story is Karen expects a fifteen-year-old kid to do everything for her precious daughter ah Karen's I never thought I would meet one in the wild but I did kay is Karen Kady is Karen's daughter and M is me at this time I had pretty much just turned 15 this story takes place at a small art store near my home this store is fairly small and only has three employees working in it I really like to draw so I come into this store maybe once every second week and me and the three employees were on fairly good terms I had just gotten off school and since it was a pretty nice day out I decided to take a slightly longer way home so I could stop by the art store I was walking the entire way with my headphones on blasting some music and I kept them in in the store I did quiet the music down a lot so if anyone needed to say something to me I would hear it now this store didn't have a lot of customers at once I think the most I've seen is five including me and this day was no different there was a guy maybe a few years older than me looking at some paint markers and then there was the Karen and her daughter I didn't think anything of them since they weren't doing anything yet I quickly went to the section with a bunch of sketching pencils and began picking out the ones I needed now I'm a person that hates all confrontation all avoided at all costs I get nervous and stressed easily so if someone tries to annoy me I will try to ignore it Karen's daughter appears in the end of the shelf I'm looking at she looks at me for a while before walking up to me she tugs on my shirt and I look down at her and take out one of my headphones me can I help you Karen's daughter I need markers I looked at her in confusion for a moment me I'm sorry but I don't know what they are that was not fully a lie telling someone in an art store that you're looking for markers is pretty useless Karen's daughter looks at me like I've grown a new head Karen's daughter you need to find me markers I want markers at this point she's raising her voice a lot and I really don't want a screaming child in front of me so I quickly grabbed the last pencil I need before turning to Karen's daughter me I'm sorry but I really can't help you I then plugged my headphones back in and walked out of the pencil aisle I quickly moved over to the section where they have some Copic markers some very good but also expensive markers after I found about than I needed my shoulder was roughly grabbed and I was turned around I then came face to face with a very angry Karen I was a bit shocked from being grabbed so roughly so I didn't catch what Karen said me I'm sorry what Karen now looked furious the hand that was resting on my shoulder now grabbed and yanked my headphones out Karen how can you just wear headphones in here how irresponsible are you I was now very confused and was getting extremely nervous me lady I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about Karen oh don't pretend to be innocent you don't get to just ignore my kid and then act like nothing happened now do your job and help my daughter me I'm sorry lady but I don't work here I was just getting some supplies for myself I weakly lifted up my hand that still had the pencils and markers in it this was not the correct thing to do Karen looked ready to slap me Karen don't you try to play innocent young lady you obviously work here what so now you're going to help my daughter or I will inform your manager about your behavior me I'm sorry but I don't work here now please get off me this was finally when one of the employees noticed me and Karen and came over employee is everything okay here Karen no this girl was ignoring my daughter you really need to watch out for the young people you're hiring some young people will just slack off now I was really starting to get annoyed and tired Karen still hadn't taken a step back and was way too close for my liking me I already told you I don't work here now please take a step back the employee looked at me and then at Karen before they got an angry look on their face employee ma'am please back off the customers or I'm going to remove you myself Karen finally took a step back and turned her full attention to the employee Karen how dare you she was clearly the one in the wrong the employee looked over at me and could easily see that I was starting to shake employee my name you can leave I'll handle this I quickly thanked the employee before walking around both of them and Karen in less than 10 seconds I was at the cash register where I quickly place all of the items I still had my hand before quickly booking it to the door I could hear Karen yelling at that poor employee before I left I didn't go back to that store for around a month but when I finally returned the same employee came up to me and started to apologize for Karen's behavior apparently she had continued to yell at the employee until they had to remove her and her then crying child from the building another story is yes I'm a computer geek but I don't work here so this is my first and hopefully last post here a little back story I'm five-six 180 pounds and currently disabled and have to walk with a cane my cane is wood shaft with a solid pewter handle this is important for later prior to being disabled I was always active and fit in the military and in martial arts for years I also have mild PTSD I'm also a big-time computer geek and dabble in electronics so I spend a lot of time in a computer parts store that's close to my work one day a fellow coworker asked if I could help him build a computer so we head over to the store so there's me coworker employee fellow shopper manager cop one and two raving lunatic wife and hulked out steroid husband me and co-worker were going through the motherboards CPU and memory and discussing different stuff fellow shopper overhears us and asked me a question about hard drives I said I'm sorry but I don't work here but we are heading over there anyway and I'll help you if I can fellow shopper oh I'm sorry I thought you worked here me no problem what's your question we discussed various brands and speeds and stuff he leaves in me and my coworker about to leave when we hear umm excuse me aren't you gonna help us coworker and I look at each other and we're confused so we turn around and there's a man and a woman in their mid 30s she's fairly good-looking but definitely a blonde from a bottle and he was a huge hulking mass of muscle me are you speaking to us woman yes don't you work here the employees wear black pants with long sleeve white button-down collared shirts with nametags I'm in blue jeans in light blue polo me I'm sorry but no I don't work husband interrupts me look you f and P you better help my wife we've wasted enough time waiting for you now I don't like confrontations but I also don't like to be pushed around which is what he was trying to do my coworker knows me very well and was trying to lead us away he knows I don't put up with crap from anybody me if you'd please stop interrupting me I'm trying to tell you I don't work here and point to employee who is at the end of the aisle he does go ask him for help woman bless you help that other guy me he was polite and pleasant to deal with you are acting like an entitled cheerleader who thinks she can get whatever she wants nothing against cheerleaders my wife was one woman don't effing why we know you work here me I'm not lying I do not work here now excuse me and leave us alone me and my coworker turned to leave again when husband grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around I nearly lose my balance due to my disability PTSD kicks into high gear husband jabs two fingers into my chest and starts to say something I grabbed a hold of both fingers twist and pull with a common self-defense technique it's quite painful since it can and will break your dislocated fingers this dropped him to his knees needless to say he was shocked and not fully understanding what had happened he tried to recover by putting me in the nards I do not know why but maybe he's into putting his head into other guy's balls remember my cane from earlier I simply move it to intercept husband's head he slams his forehead into the forward edge of the puter handle he blinked a few times like he's seen stars or Tweety birds and falls over backwards I giggle a little every time I think about it woman starts yelling and screaming help call the police repeatedly along with other profanities employee has seen the entire thing and tries to intervene and calm everyone down but woman is having none of it woman I want that man fired now he attacked me and my husband manager has now arrived and is trying to figure out what has happened before I can say anything woman says I his employee at Turner hubby manager points to employee and said this employee woman no more on him pointing at me manager he doesn't work here woman what he was helping other customers husband who is now getting to his feet and has a goose egg of a knot right between his eyes and it's now fifty shades of red and wanting revenge but employee and manager between us so he resorts to throwing items from the shelves I'm not sure if the police were close by or have been called at the first sign of trouble but they show up minutes after the whole thing started as soon as woman sees the boys in blue she goes into full hysterics and it's now claiming I tried to rip her and hubby was defending her I just shake my head and roll my eyes cop one is talking to me and co-worker and employee cop two is talking to woman husband and manager at some point manager and cop to go to watch the CCTV footage all the wild woman and husband are glaring at me and yelling you're going to effing jail and such cop one told him repeatedly to shut up and remain silent I know they had the right to remain silent but not the ability yes I love the Tator fellow shopper walks back over and starts talking with cop one it turns out that they went to school together and fellow shopper toll and what he saw cop 2 returns and tries to place husband in cuffs woman goes into full-on bee mode and grabs cop 2 by the arm and tries to fight him cop 1 now tackles woman who does a full faceplant into the carpet she ended up with a blue lip nose and a black eye so woman and husband are both in cuffs and Comp 1 asks if I would like to press charges I'm usually not a mean or petty person and I really enjoyed the show but they deserve it husband ended up charged with disorderly conduct assault as well against disabled resisting arrest and vandalism woman was charged with assault against police officer and resisting arrest manager and employee offer us a huge discount for our troubles in the end I would have helped them if they would have asked nicely I've been back to the store several times and joke with employee and manager about it the next story is angry towel lady I'm a fan of this sub and have had occasional I don't work here lady experiences wherein folks have made the honest mistake of thinking I worked at whatever store we happen to be in upon politely being told no they all apologize for their assumption walked away and that was that I've even helped people when I knew what they were looking for no biggie Matt said I work with the general public and I know how nuts some people can be many are just Deaconess looking for a fight this just happened an hour ago and I'm still laughing about it after work I drove to a home goods store to buy some new towels I was in jeans flats work polo and had my purse and I had a shopping cart with me I was looking at towels and deciding which ones to buy when a lady came down the aisle and stood near me she grabbed a towel and carelessly tossed it back onto the shelf in a crumpled ball this store shelves are usually pretty disheveled exactly because of people like her who can't be bothered to put stuff back properly I selected a couple towels and the lady suddenly sucked her teeth and annoyance turned to me and this was the interaction that took place towel lady this store is always such a mess me ignoring her towel lady how am I supposed to find anything with this mess me still ignoring her as I continue browsing through the town section towel lady you're not even doing anything why aren't you actually cleaning this mess up me giving her a confused and annoyed look excuse me towel lady you're doing a terrible job here this aisle is a mess me I don't work here towel lady then why are you wearing that me blank stare towel lady raising our voice you're shirt me it's a polo towel lady it's a uniform shirt me yes but not for this store I turned back to the towels and she lost her SH towel lady you are incredibly rude I know you work here I've seen you here before I ignored her again and finalized my decision grabbing a few more towels and dropping them into my cart before heading out of the aisle towel lady began screeching you are so unprofessional I'm getting a manager have fun cleaning up your sh I turned slightly to see your grabbing handfuls of towels and tossing them to the floor before storming off I calmly walked toward checkout and upon reaching the line I saw town lady at the front shouting at a cashier about the store's horrible customer service I was next in line I was called over by the other cashier when towel lady saw me she started pointing at me and screaming that's her she ignored me she wouldn't do her job and clean up the mess I had had enough of her SH and responded you mean the mess you made I already told you I don't work here so I'm not sure what else you expect from me she gave me a death glare one of the cashiers was like a deer in the headlights while the other calmly said ma'am she doesn't work here the manager showed up at that moment and asked what was going on towel lady again began shouting about customer service woes than pointing at me the manager looked at me confused and said which employee are you referring to towel lady pointed at me again I was busy paying for my nice new towels manager um she's not an employee here town lady was suddenly at a loss for words and actually looked embarrassed on my way past them I told the manager you might want to check your security footage of the towel aisle she threw a tantrum and tossed merchandise all over the floor the manager raised his eyebrows in surprise and towel lady looked stunned as I walked out of the store and laughed all the way to my car I wish I could have stuck around to see what happened next but I had to get home to make dinner I hope you enjoyed these stories if you liked them don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications bye
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Views: 143,181
Rating: 4.8652697 out of 5
Keywords: i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, reddit stories, i dont work here, best of reddit, funny, STORIES from Reddit, IDWHL, stories, daily reddit, karen, IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, Reddit Cringe Stories, I DON'T WORK HERE LADY, idwhl reddit, from Reddit, r/ i don't work here lady, r/IDontWorkHereLady KAREN, entitled karen, Entitled Lady, entitled, subreddit, Walmart, Entitled People, Entitled, She Is Not An Employee Here, Employee, Not An Employee, customer
Id: 2o1rd7I2YRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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