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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and for amazing stories are here so subscribe hit the like button and here we go the first story is crazy Karen screams at me in the middle of Walmart so I work at a rent-to-own furniture store right down the road from a Walmart so come payday I usually go straight to Walmart after clicking out our uniforms are made up of black pants or jeans and various blue shirts however our shirts have the company logo embroidered on the top left near the collar I've been mistaken for an employee a few times but most people just laugh it off when I tell them I don't work for Walmart yesterday though this Karen wasn't having it last night I was finishing up some last minute Christmas slash grocery shopping I hung around in the electronics section for a little while waiting for an employee to come help me as I've been interested in getting a new phone but it's the holiday season and they were absolutely swamped no big deal I go to push my cart filled with a few presents and groceries and I honestly just want to get out of there because the customer traffic is getting to be a little too much for me thanks to my crippling social anxiety I don't do crowds I'm trying to gently push past this woman but her and her car - right in the middle of the aisle taking up as much space as she possibly could and I barely ding the corner of it excuse you she says reeling back and regaining her balance as if I hit her with a brick oh sorry I mumble I try to push past her again I've been waiting here forever she'd been waiting there maybe a minute she certainly hadn't been there when I got there just a few minutes before there's a video game I need you to get for me in case you don't know Walmart keeps all of their video games in lock glass cabinets and you need an employee to unlock it for you so they can grab the video game and immediately bring you over to check out the same four controllers consoles and accessories I point to the logo on my shirt I actually don't work here I work at company name the Caron side and tap your foot I don't care if you're on break or whatever just give me a videogame I can't I don't work here you'll have to get an employee you are an employee karen says getting louder no I'm a customer shopping just like you I'll be going now I try once again to push pastor I know the manager of this store and they won't be happy to hear that their employees being rather disobedient this woman rammed her card into mind to stop me from walking beside her instead I tried to turn around and leave that way she's not having it I demand to speak to your manager I'm on the verge of crying at this point I just want out of this situation my manager is at home and I don't work here I just want to check out and go home this is what sets her off and when the screaming begins I just want video game for my son it's for Christmas why do you want to ruin Christmas for me and my family I'm sobbing now I can't handle people raising their voice at me I don't work here I cried her yes you do get me video game one of the employees in the electronics finally gets through the line of people they were checking out and come over to investigate he looks at me sobbing like a child and then to Karen and his shoulders slump like he knows what's going on what seems to be the problem here he asks me I try my best to explain that this crazy bee is screaming at me and somehow thinks I'm an employee but I'm blubbering and I can't get too many words out so karen takes it upon herself to tell the employee what happened your coworker here is being extremely rude she's been cursing at me and slammed her card into mine several times to get me to move I asked her to get videogame for me but she told me to F off No I yell but that's really all I can manage you to choke out the employee looks down at my shirt and sighs ma'am this young lady doesn't work here she's an employee at company name Karen puts her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes so hard I thought they might roll right on out of their sockets I just need someone to get me videogame for Christ's sake the employee leans on my shopping cart we're pretty busy over here I don't know if you're aware but Christmas is in just two days I'm sorry that we were unable to get to you in a timely manner but being impatient isn't an excuse to verbally abuse other customers just because their shirt happens to be blue you people are insufferable I'll have you know that I'm friends with the manager and he will be hearing about this I'll be taking my business to gamestop she starts to walk away and I think that's the end of it but no for her finale Karen pushes her cart over sending everything that was in it skidding and sliding across the floor she stormed off like Karen's do but not before the employee could wish her a happy holiday I think the employee as soon as I could get the tears to stop flowing and I checked out as fast as I could the lesson I learned not to go to Walmart under any circumstances during the holidays update a lot of people in the comments have been suggesting that I my shopping online due to my anxiety believe me I used to however my therapist suggested that I start doing my shopping in the store as its detrimental to my mental health to feed my phobias by not facing them other than work I don't go out much but I've been taking baby steps to do in-store shopping and every once in a while I step way out of my comfort zone to go see a movie or something with a very small group of friends the second story is I'm not in your army back in 2002 I was doing contractors security in Kuwait tension was high after what happened on 9/11 and security was tied no soldier was allowed off-base alone being someone who does security for the military they expect you to conform to the same grooming standards haircut clean shave etcetera and I was still very young 23 one evening I went out to dinner with my girlfriend at a local Chili's and enjoying myself there was a table with some noticeable Americans and they were definitely service members I really didn't care anything about them apparently one of them was keeping an eye on me so eventually my girlfriend went to the bathroom and I'm sitting there alone and all of a sudden someone starts speaking to me and they're right behind me he's older maybe in his mid-30s man what's your name son me turn to him and I'm a bit rattled by someone approaching me why do you ask man you seem nervous for me just asking your name me sorry it's me man what unit are you with me confused by the question but answer anyway si si man not familiar with that military unit you know you're not allowed off-base alone and judging by your age you're not supposed to be on base at all now I look young at 23 I look barely 18 and with a high in tight I look like just out of basic training me I'm a contractor man I've worked with many contractors here and none are your age sorry you're gonna have to come up with a better excuse I start to get defensive me why are you off-base why don't you worry about yourself than others man Do You Know Who I am I'm name and rank I can't remember but officer and I work directly with the installation commander me whatever leave me alone I'm not in your military man what did you just say at this point he puts his hand on my shoulder leans over to me about to speak more man give me your ID me get your effing hand off of me that's assault man 2 what's the problem man young service member off-base without permission I stand up and push his arm off my shoulder me keep your effing hand off of me I said manager you need to take your conversation outside you're disrupting others my date returns girl what's going on meet a manager call the police these people are bothering me and putting their hands on me manager can you take this outside man to me give me your ID now I pull out my wallet and my Kuwait civil ID every resident like myself has one US military do not me this is my ID I'm a resident of Kuwait I work here I live here in a low voice I'm not in your effing military manager I have to ask all of you to leave now I grabbed my date throw about 20 KT for the bill on the table and make a dart for the door my date at this point is nervous thinking something is going to happen where the police will be called dating in Kuwait is not really legal single man and woman can be suggested as having a relationship slash sex outside of marriage I told her what is happening then the three men come outside after being kicked down by the manager man I'm not done with you I start to walk away with date he and one other man follow me they are too smart not to make a huge scene they wrote my license plate down and I flipped them off as I drove off two days later I get a call from my lieutenant telling me to see the security manager who's wanting me to come to the office to speak with me about what happened come to find out the person at the restaurant put a bolo out for me my description and my vehicle told the security manager what happened he told me I could have handled it different and told me to go to the lobby and wait I'm in my uniform looks just like them however they are tan where they are in desert uniform my name tape says security forces not US Army and last my company patches on my shoulder the person who confronted you is coming to see me now and the PMO will be here so I did waited in the lobby he did show up in uniform and one of the other men the other man said something priceless man 3 is that the soldier you were talking to at Chili's while pointing at me the man just looked at me like he made a horrible mistake never saw them again I was asked if I wanted to press charges declined told them the punishment that the military if they do get punished is fine with me the third story is I don't work in Walmart but I do speak high school Spanish so this happened about a month ago thought I'd share I'm a marketing director for a local pizza chain and a floating manager when needed I wear brown slacks a belt and a smooth black collared t-shirt with our logo on the left and my shiny gold name tag on the right about once a week if I need any groceries or whatever I'll swing by Walmart after I close the store still in my uniform so I'm in the meat section with a basket half full of stuff wanting to pick up some beef that I can turn into jerky because I love making jerky I'm looking at the different cuts in prices when I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn to see this very short kind of meek-looking Hispanic woman early 30s and quite attractive looking at me somewhat apprehensive Lee she said something like perdona Mae you you um ayudame net Shay I need oh ah yo no se que como and then she just kind of trailed off with the helpless look on her face possibly expecting me to read her mind or go find someone who could now I took four years of Spanish in high school and although I look as white as your average Canadian stereotype I managed to retain enough of it to muddle through on a good day me as I'm putting beef round into my basket lo siento Senora pero no trabajo Loki I'm sorry man but I don't work here and I pointed to the logo on my shirt she didn't even look at it because as soon as I spoke a little Spanish her eyes lit up and then she started talking super fast in Spanish about whatever it was she needed help with I caught about one word in ten hi you de okay she needs help with something um o no puedo that means I can't okay so she needs help because she can't do something or find something or I don't know D I wish I was fluent again I try to clear things up Senora Yo no trabajo aquí también yo no um no intend err - rapido por favor habla linty mente speak slowly a new look of understanding comes over her face and she realizes that she just spit a slew of Spanish rapidfire - gringo who's barely able to ask John de esta la biblioteca but my built-in customer service self comes out and after half a minute of hand pointing and some very slow simple sentences I figure out that she wants a Blanc of cheese it's up high and at the back of the shelf standing at about five foot nothing she was helpless and in need of a hero that night in that moment I was that hero so I smiled grab the cheese and handed it to her and she thanked me profusely in Spanish as I awkwardly nodded and said de nada and then both still smiling we went our separate ways her with her cheese me with my beef round I actually wanted to ask for a number but I am shy and in that moment I couldn't remember the word numero stupid brain the last story is I'm just a student Karen I was cleaning some kiln shelves off in the ceramics studio during open lab hours a student her mother came into the kiln yard and I overheard the students say oh my pieces didn't get fired not my business I'm just a student and I'm wrapping up my last personal firing of the semester a few seconds later there's an aggressive almost painful tapping on my shoulder why didn't her work get fired who's supposed to be ready to take home today student mom that's not my teacher this goes unheard or ignored by the mother me sorry I'm just a student here I don't fire others work mom we need her work done by Friday she's graduating and we're leaving the state you're so selfish for not putting her stuff in that kiln I saw how much room you have in there student looking absolutely mortified behind mom me explains that I was firing porcelain and that her daughter's work was low fire clay and would have melted in the kiln also state that I'm not allowed to fire other students pieces unless given the go-ahead by my professor mom that is unacceptable get off your fat a and fire her work I paid $1500 bs by the way for this class and she's going to take home everything she made me goes back in the studio mom following me into the upper division area which is off-limits to most people get back here I ignore trying to wrap up a couple bolts so I can put them in my bag she then notices all the work in the advanced space and starts touching it mom why aren't the intro classes given projects like this for how much the courses the content should be better student mom we need to learn the basics first also ignored I'm now blocked from exiting the space by a very angry woman who's got her hand on a sculpture my classmate has been working on all semester she keeps telling me I'm lazy and that firing takes no effort because it kills herself regulating our kilns our gas and need constant monitoring over several hours finally my saving grace arrives our shop manager who's kind of an a-hole with the short fuse but who I appreciate deeply for all he does appears behind her I can see the student pale a little bit knowing what's coming lab manager what the f are you doing in the advanced space mom starts going off again my lab manager looks calmly at me and tells me I can go he clears the way and I take my chance and just as I'm leaving the studio I hear him start yelling justice at yes but my god thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 74,046
Rating: 4.8865981 out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, r/, reddit i don't work here lady, r/ i don't work here, idwhl, idoworkherelady, STORIES from Reddit, Mistaken For Employee, r/IDontWorkHereLady walmart, ATOMIC KAREN, KAREN THINKS, WALMART, r/IDontWorkHereLady KAREN, karen, wal-mart
Id: 9oDK37qtS6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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