Riding on Faith | Moving and Inspirational Drama

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] I don't look at me like that I'm here Aina [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Steven [Music] well I figured it'd be better than you ignoring my phone calls yeah I wouldn't be so sure about that please John I've been trying to get a hold of you for two months I am not selling my horses Stephen how many more ways I got to say that given that you're the former Deacon of a church I'm still offended by the last way you told me no well stop asking look I got a lot to do around here you best head back to your cubicle or wherever it is you got to go we need to talk no we don't John Stephen do I gotta start locking the gate again you know what on second thought I'd like to see you climb that gate in those fancy shoes someone wants to buy the farm horses included it's a serious offer I think you should at least take a look come on gotta say I love what you've done with the place it's a good offer The Carter group some rich outfit out of Colorado to bind up every piece of Farmland this side of Montana the massive John I don't care you should I mean this could solve all your financial problems this place is a fortune to upkeep I mean let's face it John you can't keep running this place by yourself you need help I got all the help I need I'm doing fine balancing Ranch is going to sell and Tammy and Frank they're going to sell next week Frank's my neighbor I would know if he was going to sell I'd ride property line every day yeah when's the last time you spoke to your neighbors John huh in fact when's the last time you had any kind word with anyone or anything other than a horse horses listen better they caught a group once the land John and they want all of it for what I don't know whatever developers want it for houses condos does it matter the point of it is they want the land and considering what happened with the tornado a few years back and how it changed everything in this town I think it's a good offer it's a generous offer very generous I know what you're thinking well good Stephen because it should be very obvious what I'm thinking I miss him too Kathy was my sister a Gemma was my niece I miss them too listen it's your decision whether you sell or not Kathy wouldn't want you to keep living like this you deserve to have a life you've punished yourself long enough it's okay to want a fresh start you know what it's been five years John unless you're ready to hear our former Deacon use some colorful language Now's the Time you head out the door Stephen well everyone misses you John the church hasn't been the same since you left in fact we got this uh this new pastor and I think you'd really like him new pastor was it like the third one now why don't you come check it out for yourself don't kid yourself and act like you're not interested you are interested it is goodbye Stephen I'll be seeing you John yeah yeah okay so everything is set for the price Fest next month right the choir slept at songs oh the youth ministry is going to blow you away with what they have planned it is so good it's so good that sounds good okay uh the menu has finally been agreed on and the mayor and his wife have ours vp'd also we even have volunteers for the photo booth we have a photo booth yeah okay you've only been Pastor here for like a month and this is your first praise Fest here at Walnut Heights things never go well at the photo booth so this is a really big deal I'm dying to hear the horrors okay but before we go there uh what about the guest speaker have they agreed on anyone yeah it's a process okay um well I can help no no no no I'm the pastor here now no no absolutely no can do Pastor Barnett this is the one rare occasion that the congregation gets to spearhead the event you know it's our way of saying thank you to the anonymous benefactor that rebuilt the church after the tornado I don't know we would have done without our Guardian Angel that's what we call them or her guardian angel okay I got it yeah I mean I love that but there's just got to be something I can do there is will you please go work on your sermon oh I'd really rather work in the photo booth do it [Music] no one's here somewhere so just barbecue not breaking into a bank on the lookout what exactly are we borrowing a key for to liven up the most boring summer in all of history so much fun you just trust me what do we trust me for why are your eyes in my kitchen and we just needed a private space to meet about price Fest and our last Pastor did mine is coming in here oh I don't mind just uh ask first yeah Pastor Barnett um all right well we were uh just leaving so really I think that's what they're up to their plan in the process that is what we do here and you believe that who would lie in church God bless you Sister Chloe God bless you you're talking more tests I'm sorry no it's okay just I'll see you later all right okay I can't believe this Frank what are you doing yeah I know you like Tammy so what traitor what why are you looking at me like that for I don't have anything really all right you got me there you go no look we've been through this a million times I eat alone besides you eat like an animal disgusting all right look I'll be back in a little bit take care of you all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey sorry I'm late what are you doing here what do you mean I mean you kind of embarrassing me in front of my friends why is she here you're serious yeah I thought you invited me she wants me invite you should even find us it wasn't that hard all I did I don't care can you sleep please I thought we were friends we are but what you just wanted to use me to get a key you're not from yours you don't really understand I think I do you don't like them you only know me from church you don't really know me well I know you really like church and I thought we had a lot of fun planning praise Fest together let's go you know I can't I'm sorry I got you mixed up in all of this well can you at least tell me what this is all about the key was to the church's shed okay and I kind of stole some spray paint to do what a little fun called vandalism a little fun you don't have to do this I mean this is like this really cool artist and he kind of likes me if he really likes you then you don't have to steal spray paint from a church you'll just return it or whatever it can just go please yeah fine I'll go but I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do what are you about to do this oh my God who's in there you got five seconds to come out and I'm only counting to three one don't shoot please what are you doing here I I don't know you don't know I was just trying to how'd you get on my property there was a whole lot no then answer the question and tell me what you're doing here I was just trying you know what I don't care leave get off my property and don't come back you understand come on get on out of here get yes sir go don't come back kids [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hi Mr Phillips how'd you know my name uh it's on your mailbox yeah look I thought I told you to never come back here you did and yet here you are it's just just what I just about the stable thing stable thing yeah the one you broke into you know there's laws against that sort of thing it's not like that yeah it's right there next to breaking and entering you seem to be rather good at that if you just stop going full Grandpa for a minute and hear me out you'll never have to see me again 55 seconds okay so you're actually giving me a minute 51. my hat I think I left it in your barn thingy Barn thingy you mean my Stables yeah that I need it it's important that I get it back I threw it away you threw it away yeah along with the rest of that trash you and your friends left out by my fancy damage that's criminal messed if you know but you don't understand I I need it back well I'm sorry I can't help you it's gone look kid I'm in the middle of breakfast if you'd excuse me [Music] don't look at me like that fine wait kid come in [Music] so what's so important about this ball cap my dad gave it to me can't he just get you another one my dad died it was the last he gave me it's a tough break kid so what were you doing in my Stables I was hanging out with some friends it turned out to not actually be my friends they wanted me to do something I didn't want to do when I said no they got upset one thing led to another the next thing I knew I was running with Riley Mitchell's backpack in the woods little Riley Mitchell Carl's daughter I was so scared so I just ran and ended up in your barn thingy Stables yeah that so you're not from around here been here long enough to know I don't fit in yeah well spending all that time with Riley Mitchell is going to make for a long summer she's not that bad yeah she ain't that good either you don't understand what they were going to do with the paint kid I was raised in this town I knew exactly what they were going to do with the paint good thing for you you didn't follow through with it vandalism so I draw the line so what's your name Tessa Tessa can I go now yeah I guess I'll see you at eight in the morning bye 8 AM sharp don't be late if you're going to be hanging around here you might as well earn your key I pay minimum wage bring your own lunch [Music] I hope I don't regret this [Music] happened [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I made it a.m just like you said yeah well there's no gold stars for being on time kid what on Earth are you wearing I wanted to go for something that says business casual but fun what do you think huh follow me thank you I've never had an actual job before well I mean I did some office work for my mom before we moved here but I'm a really fast learner watching right there is a lot of loose gravel see fast learner I also have really strong organizational skills and I can make a mean spreadsheet like it's no one's business so where's the office you're looking at it [Laughter] you're serious I'm serious horses don't like phones and I need you to separate the droppings from the shavings I don't know what any of that means well you take the rake and you separate the wet shavings from the dry ones and you deodorize oh it smells like horse what kind of deodorant gets rid of that smell yeah all right next no no wait wait slow down how am I supposed to remember all this it's all written down this is a long list this will be on the Hitching Post when you're done but uh what's a hatching post my life hi Pastor Barnett what's going on Riley spill it come on finds I mean they were only trying to scare her I mean I should have taken the paint but she shouldn't have taken the back so what are you talking about what do you think I'm talking about price Fest [Music] lady if you're looking for Starbucks you're in the wrong place are you John Phillips look I already told Steven I'm not selling it's a shame that sent you all the way out here for nothing well I'm looking for my daughter Tessa I talked her phone to this location ah Tess is your daughter is she here well I need to see her well you know what I'll be happy to tell you stopped by as soon as her shift is over shift she works here well you got to get her for me right now honest to God this Washington our teenagers you shouldn't hire a child without her parents consent lady I do not need a parent's consent to hire my staff and what kind of parent doesn't know where her daughter you're implying I'm a bad employer why would she want to work here you know what I don't know I didn't ask her you think this is funny honest to God lady my life was better off before I met either one of you can't believe this well that's her story to tell I can tell you this though I worked on a farm my whole life your daughter is not cut out for this my guess is she's ready to go home far more than you're ready to take her there to learn to ride a horse it's a horse riding for you young lady get over here Riley told me everything I mean and now this Mom I can explain I don't want to hear it talk about it later but Mom not here your responsibilities at the church I got to work on my sermon and you wait a minute you're the new pastor at Walnut Heights yes Pastor Michelle Barnett I got a farm here to run lady so she's not staying I gotta get back to work if that's okay with you Pastor wait here deacon Phillips dick and Phillips Deacon John I wish we could have met in a different way but I've heard a lot about you and your ministry and I was almost respectful event for this community concern for my daughter and I'm afraid that I might have given the wrong impression can we have a redo hi I'm Michelle I work on a farm you don't want to shake my hand lady okay my Michelle but Willow that makes the handshake I formally like to invite you to praise best wait just no may I ask why okay well on behalf of the entire congregation we'd love to have you there it's the biggest family friendly event of the summer my family's dead I'm sorry I really meant no offense you mean now when you keep storming under my property like a lunatic I was wrong but there's no need to be rude no what's uncalled for is this little redo thing you want to do I'll do you one better let's move on like we never met you can find your own way out have a nice life lady no wait what's your stuff we are leaving now foreign part it's not my fault which part the lying to me in the church kitchen the uh sneaking out with Riley or my personal favorite get your job behind my back there's no point talking to you when you get like this I know we've moved a lot from my job and you're constantly having to make new friends go to new schools and you're always starting over I do it a million times over to get Dad back never even talk about Dad it's like you don't even miss him it's been hard and I'm sorry but things here are working out for both of us so I would like you to try okay I have been trying every time we move I try mom you just only see my mistakes sneaking out of the house being chased hiding in a barn it's a staple oh whatever you want to call it stay away from Riley I don't like that stay away from the Phillips Farm too do you understand that you're trying to control me yeah I get that really loud and clear mom I mean it okay whatever there's just so much about him you don't know he's just I said okay I'll be home after the committee meeting with the city another routine I can handle myself can I go now go well this day just keeps getting better what are you doing here it's beautiful I don't answer my question what are you doing back here my phone you said it was going to be near a hedging post we left so fast yesterday I forgot to get it your mom know you're here not exactly but she does know I'm on my way home and since technically I have to pass your farm to get to my house I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if I stopped to get my phone so do you have it my phone I do okay so can I get it back it's up at the house I'll go get it you wait here cool I'll stay with the horse can I brush it no ma'am he's stubborn he likes to be left alone you give me his privacy you understand so are you and we get along yeah we clearly have a different opinion of our relationship hello sorry I spooked you it's okay [Music] [Music] sorry but he's so cute come over here you can see you better from the side reads body language very right here put him right here yeah I think he likes you traitor all right that's enough he said he liked me well horses aren't like dogs they don't need constant attention he'll let you know if he needs some more okay all right [Music] hey uh Mr Phillips now what part are we here didn't you understand right and I'm sorry but I was thinking that oh [Music] I was thinking it's a terrifying phrase when it comes out of a teenager's mouth after all this time my phone has probably died and so I was wondering if you'd maybe let me charge it for a few minutes before I go home no no no but I found without my phone all day what if something happened it didn't please what if something happens on my way home or I get kidnapped what about my Snapchat streak okay fine you can charge it for five minutes if you promise to shut up I tell you what you wait right here I'm gonna go get it you can charge it right over here you understand that means don't move but I have to go to the bathroom of course you do come on thank you so much really quick down the hall to the right no pit stops can I charge my phone first that would be a pit stop I know how to charge a phone down the hall to the right thank you foreign I got some good news I'm busy really looks like it look they caught a group doubled the offer please John we both know you need this in fact you deserve it okay especially after what you do with the insurance money I don't want to talk about that that's the thing right there you don't want to talk about anything ever you still haven't processed it John I mean it really hurts me to see you lose your faith I lost my family what good did Heaven Faith do John I'm done talking about this time I at least consider the offer all right they're gonna buy the land from you or the bank when you default on the mortgage I've already said no you know I really miss Sunday suppers here after church yeah yeah it was nice I'll be seeing you John all right [Music] and come out now I didn't hear anything okay well I heard a little bit but I didn't understand any of it so did I technically hear anything but I am curious about what I did here charge your phone for five minutes five all right I got stuff to do don't touch anything what's your mom back door where's that exactly I'll find it thanks well we need to talk uh is this about your daughter no it's about me I want to apologize for leaving my baggage on your doorstep I should have handled that better I know your policy on redo's but can we start over well yeah I mean we can grab a cup of coffee sometimes well no the Tesla's just had such a hard time yeah oh it's just been hurting me for so long that I was just shocked when she started opening up in a horse far I mean well who the [ __ ] it you know never in a million years I am expect my daughter to be on a horse farm let alone her sneaking out of the house yeah well she's she's an energy full kid oh man I know but but did she ever talk to you well you know she talks about her dad how about what happened no not really just well I hope you can even get the job here in the first place well you know she kind of showed up and was here so I just felt like it was either she's going to work for me or she's going to hang out with those kids all summer and that was not a good option that's just defiance hi Mom what are you doing here what is she doing here told you to go straight home oh give me that no Mom if you ever want to see the outside of your room again I wouldn't say another word all right listen and you you know she was the whole time why didn't you tell me that have you ever do you Gavin on it's an amazing man can get a word in edgewise excuse me you heard me Tessa we are leaving now no Mom just ones please listen to me so you can lie to me again if you don't think so Dad's hat is gone I've wore it every single day since he died and I bet you didn't even realize that it's been missing I have a million questions about him that I know you'll never answer just feel like you stay so busy so you can numb yourself so I just figured that I could do that I need this I don't want that for you baby it's it's just not even that I like it here Mr Phillips he listens to me yeah sure he's crabby and a little messy but he listens to me and he doesn't treat me like a child don't treat you like a child you don't treat me like anything but a liability mom I like working here today I got to work with horses and I liked it and Mom I really want to stay here I really want this to be my origin story I'm sorry for everything but please don't take this away from me three days a week only and it can interfere with your church work you understand yes ma'am come here I don't suppose I get a say in any of this very much so yeah I can tell yeah you're welcome see you tomorrow Mr Phillips yeah all right I guess so cool all right get [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what on Earth you doing here at 6am there are no gold stars who are being on time good can you hand me the hose [Music] can I try nope [Music] [Applause] [Music] lunch nope [Music] midnight new jobs take care of the Stables not take pictures with the horses I finished early yeah we'll find something to do like what you know what I really don't care just stay busy [Music] thank you [Music] can I try that nope [Music] can you teach me how to ride a horse nope can't say that either I don't know what's wrong standing one lunch and before you say no I made an extra sandwich and I promise I won't talk I meant especially for you it has a lot of meat and cheese so it's very manly actually my mom made up she's a really great cook you should ask her to cook for you sometimes you'd totally do it what on Earth you watching wow I thought if you weren't going to teach me how to saddle a horse I might as well teach myself not on that you ain't you can learn anything on YouTube even if you can why would you want to I'm gonna regret this come on all right look through the back the back side of the strap there you go and pull it tight 50 times well you're doing great kid you should be proud of yourself have you ever fallen off a horse yeah that's part of riding what do you do when you fall get up and get back on I bet my dad would love this I miss him my mom and I don't really talk about him ever sometimes I don't think she does miss him you know it's like every move we make we leave a little bit of him behind and now it feels like there's no trace of him anywhere do you miss them your family yeah every day tell me about your dad he shared the loudest at my volleyball games so annoying he always helped me with my homework when it was hard sometimes we watched movies instead of doing my homework because it was hard he always let me eat as much ice cream as I ever wanted he was the best yeah sounds like it how much I don't know about him I don't remember like why'd you keep his motorcycle in the garage why did my mom get rid of it even care she does you don't know that oh come on kid I mean if he was as good as you say he was and I'm sure he was trust me she misses him a lot she thinks about him every day probably just still too hard for her you know is it hard for you yes too many questions you avoid too many questions yeah well do it again how many times am I gonna have to do it well until it's second nature then I can learn to ride midnight nope [Music] nope [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you are you ever going to talk to me again and say what I should be the one mad at you you know well you weren't supposed to be there either were you do you want to know why I'm spending my summer here at the church I got into a fight like I've gone to several fights but it's actually the fight that I tried to avoid that handed me here but anyway I got accused of spreading rumors about my friends and instead of asking if I actually did it they just believed it to be true and and classic Walnut Heights tradition they just all came after me and like like everyone like all of my friends and whatever anyway I tried like ignoring all the social media and like everything they would say about me but some point like enough is enough and decided to defend myself and I'm the only one who got in trouble just you yeah it's another classic tradition so 150 community service hours and that's why I'm here not to make a new friend want to know why I'm here because you're the pastor's daughter and you don't really have a choice a science project I waited until the night before to start a science project and I waited until the last minute to tell my parents about it I'm almost Furious but my dad being the Diplomatic one offered to get me my supplies on a rainy night which he never returned home from some idiot T-boned into him on the way home angry and I've disrupted every school I've ever been to every job my mom has had I can't make friends because of a science project and at first I thought this place would be the same that I would start out promising myself to do better and then backslide classic Tessa tradition when I met Mr Phillips I don't know he just didn't treat me like a child he treated me like the person I wanted to be tired of hating science projects well maybe I do need a new friend and I'm tired too I'm sorry me too I have an idea but you should change first why [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if you clean the bathrooms deal all right fine I'll clean the bathrooms but you have to clean the pantry looks like something exploded in there foreign [Music] what are you doing here what does it look like cleaning uh-huh who told you to do that you did you told me if I finished my work early to find something to do so I did hmm how'd you get in kind of seemed like the key under the plant type of guy and I was right I couldn't do it by myself so I got some help hi Mr Phillips now I know what you're thinking but it's your fault how was any of this my fault cause this is the first time in years I felt at home anywhere and I already told you I like to clean so it's your fault well keep the music down somebody's cool with us being here I never know what that means so where did he go I don't know he's like Batman in that way um Mr Phillips well you won't get is everything okay I'll be in a minute can I show you something yeah go on I'll be in in a minute kid wait right there okay close your eyes I'm not closing my eyes oh are they closed not for long you can open them now foreign I found it in the back of the closet and I was thinking of buying one with my next check what do you think [Applause] Mr Phillips if I did something wrong I didn't no no you know what I want you to keep it there was also a pair of boots in there that were really don't push it kid get out of here go get it hey we need to talk I knocked but nobody was home your daughter's not working today I know I wanted to speak with you I talked to Stephen what did my idiot brother-in-law tell you everything yeah that sounds about right John I am not talking to you about my finances go home hey wait what the I don't have the patience or the insurance for this get on off my horse not until you talk to me well I'm fine I'm fine don't say I didn't warn you I know how you feel John imagining what you could done differently running through your mind the anger and the restlessness the loneliness and the grief self-sabotage so you feel my pain I know you're the anonymous donor who funded the church John yeah well he can't keep his mouth shut he's not the one that told me you did well your actions did I read everything you've done for the church John used to love this town and when they needed you you stepped up just like you've always do you felt guilty about not being able to save your family so you saved the church as the next best thing no you don't know what you're talking about I think I do I couldn't touch my husband's settlement money and it's been four years and it's unbearable and without Tess I don't know where I'd be you know what you should probably tell that to death you heard me she needs somebody to talk to about her father and by somebody I mean you say that she tells me a lot of stuff whether I want to hear it or not you should be having these conversations with my daughter you shouldn't be involving yourself in conversations about my finances oh God what are you doing I'm fine I'm fine no you're not you took a nasty spill out there what time is it gotta get to the church this has got to be worried about me well you just need to lay down the rest now don't fight me on this you hit your head don't let you go to the hospital no I mean I fell off enough horses though you need to rest but then you don't even spending all that money on the emergency room you're fine no I'm fine well I talked to Tessa and she's fine so just rest thank you but I well you can't drive right now but you can yeah just rest and whenever you're ready I'll take you back all right are you okay well if you're not I can go in alone I'll be fine absolutely it's been a long time welcome home it's gonna be okay okay let's do this [Music] foreign not outside I'm not going to stress about it tonight I'll just I'll deal with it tomorrow you know what I think it's in the perfect spot the perfect spot it's just here whoa what you're not taking into account is all the weddings that's taking place out here all the family photos the Easter egg hunts all the Sunday Gatherings where people had pictures this spot provides the perfect light and at night when that moon's bright it just lights this spot up it almost looks dreamy huh [Music] hi Mom I shouldn't have been here I can't be here I got John yeah can you still put this deal together yeah all right do it I'm ready to sell pastor Pastor did you hear anything I just said oh yeah it's a great idea let's do it so cancel the baptism yeah what mom um Chloe can you give us a few minutes thank you we'll talk about baptism letter you've been avoiding me I know but I'm sorry I've just been trying to find the right words to explain what happened it was a mistake and I'm sorry mom I saw what happened okay I was trying to find the right words to explain why it shouldn't have happened why I'm not you deserve to be happy no I don't um it's just you don't get it of course I don't you never talk about Dad he's gone but sometimes I feel like I lost both of you no baby then talk to me I want to talk about Dad and I want you to be happy Mr Phillips is awesome so are you you're so sweet oh you remind me so much of your father you know that I'll try okay so what about Mr Phillips oh no honey that was a mistake I hate no that just it shouldn't happen and heard from him in days I know he just needs some space you just have to give him some time we own that promise me promise me I promise all right I'll see you later thank you Tessa what are you doing get down off my horse trying to get your attention by stealing my horse you listen more when I'm breaking the law well so you think this is funny you could have gotten hurt fine I taught myself on YouTube you're unbelievable and you're stubborn I've been calling you yeah I've been meaning to return your calls you're a terrible liar go home is this about my mom or are you tired of me is that it it's complicated yeah been hearing that a lot lately but from where I'm standing it's pretty simple you me and my mom all found something good in each other through our grief I can't be the only one to see it and I refuse to be the only one to accept it you fell off your saddle Mr Phillips it's time to get back on your horse what are you doing loving you and I'm going to keep returning every day until it's no longer complicated can I watch some videos on how to write a tractor too you are unbelievable we'll talk about this tomorrow at work all right go home really yeah go home wait one more thing five minutes then go home it's your mother let me guess she doesn't know you're here no Michelle [Music] before you say anything um that cursive is bad just really bad I mean it was right you're great but it shouldn't have happened it was a mistake and I am sorry that was not that's not what I meant to say um kissing you has made me realize that I'm open to something more I want to try again and and speaking with Tessa has made me realize that Tessa is just completely incapable of keeping [Music] mom I know what you're gonna say but but what but technically you broke your promise too you said we should both give Mr Phillips face and you're here too and your point is oh Mommy clearly likes you why wouldn't he know what you're doing can I say something I mean I must be out of my mind what I'm about to say but I'm ready to try again too but can we do it after dinner I'm starving [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] Fest could be even cooler if you came back as a guest speaker well I'll think about it kid whatever you learned on the internet we're about to unlearn hey John trying to call you all day oh no I got the papers right here ready for you to sign about that I changed my mind wait what do you mean John I call off the deal no you need this I mean this is a great deal I mean financially well you did a good job buddy but I'm a Rancher I know how to keep the lights on so tell you what we'll see you Sunday night for dinner dinner 6 p.m don't be late okay all right John [Applause] see you Sunday for dinner [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 720,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Riding on Faith Movie, Riding on Faith Free Movie, Riding on Faith Full Movie, Riding on Faith 2023, 2023 Movie, 2023, drama, drama movie, horse, equestrian, 2023 movie, Free movies, new free movies, full movies, Deep C digital movies
Id: HFqmHhEuxng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 17sec (4757 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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