Ridiculous Mini v Alfa GTA track battle at Goodwood

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the BMW of Richard sure there is the left front wing of the BMW is savaged at the back of the alpha alpha now comes past the MIDI of Nick Swift coming down into for water with Nick Swift hooks his wheel over the inside Bruce over to you yeah well everybody's going past the mini after that amazing start from Nick Swift I'm sorry the bull clear now is MacNeill because the thunderbolt is being hairy very hard Henry man being pushed super hard by fast starting Mike Jordan Nick Swift getting closer and closer to for erd now that's the battle over fifth place the afro Baio ahead of the mini and yes that will need more than a little polish to improve its load here the leaders are back with us we're watching and the extrude command interpreter that exactly fury on e but first through three go through a new fastest lap - Henry man at 1:32 zero four nine which is a fine effort the others look the chasing Cortinas also sitting there fast as that so any man that more than a second quicker than he was in qualifying on thirty point five oh two was the time which Tom Kristensen posted in winning yesterday well as we've seen year in year out of the scenario he raised such different cars take part in it and certain points when you have a dice around the latter lap the duel one car will be quicker through the tight corners the other on the open sections of this track and that's what we say goes Nick Swift bounced off the curbs that the Kings before some Ares when it's in the corners that's when did well as we saw in the but in the race just before this was the Barry Sheene memorial race we had a little bit server at the edge of the blocks the polystyrene blocks of the chicane a little bit of a banners being peeled off and I sell my sword the weather was clear by MacNeill just ahead of him that's better and as I said mixed with no any attics for yawning well within two feet the little mini behind the Alfre mayor and they're both very close indeed to Richard chores beer W exactly they're closing their mother those might be above that so that's not really sure sorry Richards just got through the kid before some marries and that was one of the back off once a loser that's Adrian bad boy dog who's down towards the chair the committed by the stage but what isn't to be mistaken is just how close the mini is to the ALF rebellion he could not get any closer without touching but just enough speed fan it's very only to stay head into Lavin and for Nick Smith not to think about trying inside like for that for the first part of the quarter will he tried at the sector part but then as they go through the second part you can see the alpha male more grunt away it goes but that of course doesn't trouble the brake pedal too often busy no he doesn't and he certainly really won't be at the end of the lap he might breathe down into the foot well and just a call that very friendly pitching that 7680 very sideways into whooping and seeing if he could claw back the advantage you see how the Alfre mayo can open it out in a straight line you know look at Nick Swift go Bruce like so I think down towards xi corners knees up the inside and he's managed to box the alpha behind one of the Jaguars clever piece of play by Nick Swift he has a quick look in his myris fury on e goes the other side tries to go around the outside him on the king he's got more grunts and he's returned the favor yeah Simon travel can oniy look on and admire as the alpha mayo and the mini go past him or normally out in a reliance favor six Simon trouble one man and his jag as opposed to field rival well then this dog but it's never say die for Nick Swift it never has been and it never will be it was a novel - I saw him touch the brake pedal the lights came on there's a mistake that's just getting ready for Christmas I believe speed to live with the Alfa Romeo but if there's half a child's Nick Swift will grab it particularly if it comes in a corner body bonnet just jumping up the Downs held in place by spats all very sideways through the second part of magic there but Nick Swift in the mini and what don't you do in the middie goes sideways you don't lift absolutely superb these flashing the lights now he wants the BMW users down there to get out of the way and it does obligingly I think that's the Peter James car it is in our past so these books 14 million copies of one of them salt absolutely staggering there it goes first truth yet again Nick Swift is harrying Alex Floriani the battered Alfre mayor damaged it of traffic ahead of him he should be able to pick the cars off one by one as he goes through Matt Neal has got the number 5 mini as his next car to get past which is you're fighting her very sideways through some areas he goes and might Jordan just not living with him at the moment but he could come back with less than four minutes remaining in this race traffic could and major player part let's hope it doesn't let's hope it's on straight racing speed when I say straight racing I don't mean what Nick Swift is doing that sideways racing 76 mini bounced off the curb on the inside now he's unsettled Alex for a yarn in the Alfre mo but he's got to go the long way around caring a bit more momentum but then of course he doesn't bother braking when he gets down to that the inside he would go should work for him beautifully engineered that past and he waves to fewer let's just go back past where you got the Grunch at and that's exactly what happens of course they saw the VFW out there as I'm assuming that yellows are in at this point but very sporting from Nick Swift cometh from the Theo Paphitis Anglia again [Music] passenger lamb round Google did now that Nick Schiffman he would feel like well he wouldn't bother looking at the windscreen that wouldn't be look like comedy bit like win walking either thoughts absolutely terrified see here again how well-engineered this pass was by Nick Swift running in sixth place in the 76 mini cooper s he turns a crossing tops through the there's no pop through some berries we're into the final three minutes this race I think very Arnie and Swift their battle for fourth fifth place will rage right the way to finish there four seconds down on Richard shores out from a oh but the battered out from a hazard sorry Richard Shaw's BMW has the Alfre mayo got enough left in it I think it probably has but you know in next clip he will never ever admit defeat until the checkered flag has fallen so he will be closing in again at the moment when he gets close I think he's just tries to get a peek right past the 1/2 for Nigel web Jaguar which went wide to let them through and then grass and scenaries knowing Nick Swift if we try and various things down here to throw fury Arnie off the scent exactly they'll pull something very special into the chicane on the last lap or maybe at would cut corner down by the super shell building that iconic backdrop yes he's offered about five different cornering options over the past handful of laps none of which more or less stopped for most of the race running on three cylinders here comes the the mini attacking the Alfa a game all-out after this he's running with the boot closed on his mini but the number 17 Mini with James Martin it's open I haven't seen the picnic hamper but that's something that isn't according to plan for the second just come past us out of gear that was the car of Johnny young of that was well-placed chuckling yeah each place yesterday with Steve sober on board now the biggest gap between the alpha my own inferiority and Nick Swift's mini is now on what is probably is this the final lap but no it's the pencil one nobody takes through into some Mary's well that was did I just say that's the biggest gap we've seen I think I did and then immediately sweet pass so you said he was saving the moves pulled it off beautifully now what confer Yanni do in the alpha male as he attacks back in the first part of Lambeth the dope again he has to dab the brakes lightly here and swiftest plasters part of the throttle but then flash at the frost on the alpha male is more effective you could see it closing closing closing they're coming up to the king will he be able to sweep past and take the lead before they get yes does buy the cake he doesn't buy the king now what's going to happen down at woods at eight seconds until the checkered flag comes out man's already on his final lap point five between his pursuers so now there's the official sign on to the last lap we go [Music] surely they're touching up there I think he was inspired by the push cars in the gasser display so break Alex she might've moved it's damaged already it is a really matter down the inside Nick Swift and as they go through first weeks over the grass but he was expecting there the first three are all through submit out tonight a double victory here for the Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt is Nick Swift attacking Alex from fury on e and you through the chicane then for the final time comes Henry man in the Holmen and moody Allen man racing Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt and a double victory for that car out of the box this weekend fresh from restoration it was a club racing car in the States for quite a long time and through honey he's on one of the minis but not close enough to be able to make the difference Nick Swift looks like it would be thwarted in his attempt to rest that's fifth place from Alexander fury on I heard you say he's nothing to give up but he's the one on the back bumper now in the guy over the line more or less pushing him through the finish but he has to seed and in fourth place was number 100 Richie sure after all that fifth Alex fury on E and sixth Nick Swift but the top three gold silver and bronze gold fittingly for the red and gold topped
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 2,535,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorsports, Automotive, Auto Racing, Classic Cars, BTCC, British Touring Cars, Motorsport, Cars, Grand Prix Racing, Fast Cars, Classic Car Racing, Racing, F1, Formula One, Revival, Classic Motorsport, Goodwood, GoodwoodTV, Endurance Racing, Goodwood racing, classic formula one cars, vintage car racing, historic motorsport racing, Mini Cooper, Mini Racing, Alfa Romeo, GTA, Alfa Romeo GTA, 1600, Mini Cooper S, Goodwood Revival
Id: XpU8-jA7bf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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