Ricky's Going FAST! ⚡️ Motorcycle Cartoon | Ricky Zoom | Cartoons For Kids

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foreign [Music] today's the day gotta get ready we'll spin gonna win we'll stop gonna flop I'm doing that I'm stretching I'm gonna break my speed record one lap of the track faster than ever before that's today wait for me little sis good luck Ricky thanks mum nothing is gonna stop me it means to stop you Ricky I'm just dropping off Little Bus near here hi we're looking after Buster today Ricky isn't that right Buster I have police training you can never know the rules of the road too well but rule number two that rule number one Grandpa good thing I'm going to training have a safe day Buster come on inside Buster thank you Buster that's very good manners just following the rules mum always wipe your tires on the way inside the house oh I didn't know it was for that I'll remember that when I come home after I break the record oh can I can I come I love racing I know all the racing rules and I even made up a few of my own um sure let's zoom out uh get your bolts tightened first if you're gonna go that fast you don't want anything coming loose yes Mom [Music] is it true Ricky you're going to do it yeah give him some room everybody let him concentrate look she's got this face face on why are you wearing that hat you'll see foreign [Music] whoops track oh I've been waiting to use my new timer on your mark get set what the track needs to be inspected for any high-speed activity begins [Music] um okay thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] rules being broken so no timing yet number one there are too many Pebbles on the track it's not safe I've got that skate box sweep [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] number two there should be traffic cones for safety at every corner I guess I've got that one remember foreign [Music] I don't think this truck can get any more safe can I go now there's just one last thing oh what now your mother told you to get your bolts tightened you didn't do that oh I forgot but look my bolts are fine they're not rattling or anything I'm sure I can do it no bolt tightening no race it's got this [Music] what are you doing toot hello why it's my job you're driving backwards you should always look where you're going [Music] [Music] no the rules stuff you gotta try this [Music] is this fun am I having fun now [Music] oh no it's set my Swan Ricky you have a record to break Studio get the timer ready it's time to zoom out you can do it Ricky why are you wearing that you'll see [Music] oh I don't think I can watch [Music] [Music] let's see he's doing it this is the fastest he's ever gone that red streak is my [Music] oh no a loose balls [Music] [Music] I'm okay I was going to break the record I know my hat came right off I would have done it if it wasn't for this loose bolt Buster I should have listened to you and got my bolts tight buster pasta buster faster wow [Music] going [Music] thank you faster look out into the last year's speech Rock gadgets go [Music] grappling hook goes [Music] thank you that was close rule six oh I always say thank you thanks guys what were you doing riding around backwards like that it was just the Sun not following the rules for a change some rules are meant to be followed and that reminds me [Music] foreign there you go Ricky good as new hmm hmm faster you're good to zoom Ricky [Music] wow he's doing it Go Ricky Ricky you can do it oh I think he's going to do it he's definitely doing it [Applause] laughs fantastic it's a new record your back tire touch the traffic cone on the second turn that's against the rules [Music] but I'll let it go this time [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] really I got it foreign [Music] I should clean these out once in a while but they're power shots no Loop the ball will go way too far no it won't [Music] that went way too far I'll get it leave it alone no hi Buster what are you doing I can't find my ball I hit it way too far oh that's too bad you should be careful with your ball like me [Music] there's my ball now I'll get yours [Music] wins again oh you saved it it was nothing somebody had to teach that tree a lesson thank you thank you thank you bye buddies this game is back on who's the power shots [Music] whoa that went way too far [Music] no one could understand me that's him what did I do I'm sorry I didn't brush my teeth oh my my bed and for driving slow in the fast lane it wasn't my fault no you're not in trouble although you should brush your teeth we just wanted to thank you for helping Buster get his ball back yeah that it was nothing it it's nothing it was my favorite ball and I thought I'd never see it again and he saved it yes well thank you Luke job well done you should give him a medal a medal for saving a ball my favorite ball he fought the big scary tree and he saved it don't know we'll say bikes get medals for doing things like that well sometimes yes but yes really yeah yeah um what's going on I'm not sure that's a medal it looks like a bottle cap it's my honor to present this medal to one of the finest Heroes this town has ever seen [Music] don't know about find this dumb pretty fine I guess how's that say bravest he was Brave too sorry finest and bravest heroes huh I guess I was kinda brave it's for my ball from certain Dooms do really the hero who bravely saved my grandson's ball from certain apparently definitely Dooms what can I say somebody's got to be a hero now and then and I'm happy to help uh yeah okay okay now that I'm a hero okay we won't but let me go in front okay stay back a bit okay [Music] good maybe a little further hi bite Buddies oh this is just my um medal it looks like a bottle cap no no this is my medal for bravery I'm brave now it's late I guess see you later [Music] all right whoa two two if I hadn't been here you could have fallen into that super deep hole and no one would have been here to save you except Ricky oh right are you a rescue bite too Ricky you know I am I've always been a rescue bike really okay good idea [Music] you can't help me you're pretending to be stopped too please help me so I can pretend to save Studio my mum and dad taught me all about the right way to rescue a broken bike you have to be careful first get your grappling hook ready and you could do it the right way or you could do it though I said you have to be careful [Music] another perfect Rescue um you don't have to thank me but it's okay if you do Ricky could you help me out of here on my way why don't you get us some drinks I'll be right up hello hello is anyone there huh I'm here hi radio you sound just like Studio's mum goodness [Music] we've had a big time accident up here at windshield point we need some help windshield that sounds too dangerous for anybody but a real hero I better handle this alone hold on Stooges mum health is coming [Music] where did the big hero go it looks like he left in a hurry come in come in is anyone coming to help oh we need help at windshield Point uh-oh I think I know where Luke went let's Zoom all right [Music] cool it's okay everyone I'm here now you help we came up to paint the antenna but we had a bit of an accident yeah if all this paint Falls it's gonna make an awful mess down there kisses problem what's a row piece of cake [Music] I meant to be good at and have a metal in everything [Applause] nice metal dude there he is [Music] guys my treats are closed we're here to the rescue's free check [Music] gadgets go [Music] grappling hook go help me out DJ forever [Music] it's so heavy oh no the paint cans [Music] [Music] boosted power [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was close [Music] oh thanks bike buddies if you haven't come along we'd be cleaning up paint splatter all day you make excellent rescue bikes But Me by myself not so much I think we all deserve this medal it's a bottle cap we all deserve this bottle cap so Zone will bump fight Buddies oh looks like we dropped a can oh could you uh send it over [Music] whoa that went way too far come on we're gonna be late for school thank you wait toot can you remember what to do I wasn't built yesterday Ricky I know you have to look both ways the bell's going to ring soon don't worry I know what to do whoa [Music] see you later carburetor hello children hello some of you may have noticed our school is in need of a crosswalk guard yeah I nearly late my oil trying to cross the street today [Laughter] what it was scary I'm sure it was fortunately I have a solution I'm going to be the crosswalk guard but I'll need a helper someone from our class no I think I could guess who wants to be my helper the room why don't you just come on up [Music] huh loop I think she was talking about me it's obvious she was talking about me well isn't this zoomtastic we have two volunteers of course we'll have to test your skills to see who will be the best bike for the job yes I don't get it why do you want to be the crosswalk helper rescue stuff is my thing I'm not yours it could be my thing I can have a thing too I can do this [Music] oh yeah well I can do this grappling hook go [Music] I can do that I just don't do here comes Mrs Spike Lee now no matter who wins you guys will still be friends right right of course we will why wouldn't we I knew it so there's no problem May the best bike win oh test one taking little bikes safely across the road ready oh yeah that's awesome keep going you two okay let's go watch your wheels go go go get across let's go let's go careful excellent [Music] Test 2 emergency stopping stop [Music] stop [Music] the final test turning skills [Music] let's get away [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've never seen traffic codes fly before that's because you've never gone fast before Chris proves I'm the best bike for the job police they'd be the best but I'd be oh best I can even do this yeah but I have uh the coolest rims yeah well I'm I'm a blue beat that they said they'd still be friends right you heard them and they will they have to hmm [Music] hey I was here first yeah first off for me come along boys dawdling bikes gather rust coming come in take your seats everybody I'm pleased to tell you that I've chosen my new crosswalk helper it wasn't easy both did very well in the tests but wanted better right does his name start with the letter let her finish please give a good load hope for the new crosswalk helper huh hello starting to say the crosswalk gets Luke how could this happen I was so much faster I'm sorry Ricky but the job of a crosswalk helper isn't just across quickly it's to cross safely maybe you can try again next time oh you would have made a great crosswalk Helper but Luke will be good too right [Music] we're helping Luke [Music] Lim helping Mrs Barkley great really is there any chance you might possibly maybe be just a teeny bit jealous jealous think I'm jealous pretty much pretty much well I am here they come [Music] oh I'm not sure Luke's ready for this sometimes I stay at school late just to make sure I don't get stuck in the middle of that [Music] I can't even count of them they won't stop moving [Music] we've got a stalled bake I'll take care of her you held the others across okay where did you come from huh across the street [Music] what no wait stay here too don't cross the road hey respect the badge toots [Music] please remain I'm not calm but somebody should be [Music] [Laughter] so many bikes I don't think I can do this Luke's first day of the job might be his last day on the job oh dear Loops panicking I know what to do if a friend runs into trouble that's what it's time to zoom in and help Ricky to the rescue [Music] um I mean take it slow and say it's slow and safe [Music] hey it's easy until it gets hard no problem you can do this I can how I was kind of thinking I couldn't toot remember that whistle thing you did this morning oh yeah that was great you should have seen the look on your face can you do it again only any time I want huh oh oh yeah thanks Tate go Luke you take the lead I'll follow behind and we'll get everyone across let's go [Music] well look at that Ricky and Luke I am impressed awesome we have fantastic especially you certainly are in fact I think our school could use two crosswalk helpers what do you see Ricky oh [Music] but if we're gonna do this job I think there's one thing we really need to learn nobody's stopping for those whistles try it like this thing how can such a small bike make such a big noise almost had it how about this I can stop for that [Music] hold your horsepower what's your job while you're at the park with Ricky listen to Ricky and what's your job Ricky take care of toot make sure she stays safe and has fun yes Mom hello foreign [Music] first guys the spoke spinner the forkluster why do all the names sound like you're gonna need repairs after hello I'm gonna like that and I'm gonna buy that oh and I'm gonna like that two times you could do those or you could go on the ramp up oh yeah yeah all right no toot it's pretty high and you're pretty little it's nothing nothing anybody could do it then how come you haven't I have a squeak I just got new spokes leave me alone well I can do it I can do anything that's right you can anything like the junior bumper oh doesn't it look almost sort of fun bye no it's not see just give it a try Okay toot I'm supposed to keep you safe today and this is really really safe okay that's it toot isn't this fun bro big bump coming up come on guys twisting it look fun doesn't it [Music] um yeah way to not fall over you never know when something exciting might happen how how long do we have to keep pretending this is fun Ricky yeah let's go pretend the spunk Bender is fun that's a lot easier because it is fun I wish I could but I'm watching toot she really wants to ride the junior bumper for a while longer are you sure about that huh [Music] huh [Music] that's the full Buster dude that's a big kids track fantastic oh no this is how scared she is don't worry I'm coming [Music] [Laughter] don't be scared toot your big brother's here it's fun [Music] [Music] you can't just pick kitty rides for me all day I promise mum I'd look after you so I'm going to look after you [Music] shoot right no way foreign [Music] [Music] good yeah I'll I'll buy you an ice cream this is better than ice cream [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] guys have you seen her two I mean I know where she is because I'm looking after her I'm just I'm just wondering if you've seen her did to take off on you because you were spoiling her fun I was not [Music] but yeah she did I was doing my best to look out for her she's only little she may be little but I've seen her jump higher than you you guys have to help me find her Studio let's see if you can spot her on the zoom cam go [Music] I don't know Institute anywhere well it's not like we'll just bump into her [Music] hey look he's just bumped into her [Music] not the ramp up [Music] yeah can you get the wrap up lift to come back down [Music] oops that didn't work I need another plan [Music] okay I can do this well I'm a big bike maybe not that big that's my little sister up there she must be so scared of course the zip line working to the rescues check It Go come with me I need your help [Music] bathroom [Music] leave it alone [Applause] [Music] whoa the ramp up is really high oh thanks Lee oh I'm okay [Music] toot the ramp up it's a big bike ride I know yes and and Mum said I should listen to you and I didn't right that's what I was gonna say and I'm really really sorry and whoa have you seen how hard this is I probably should have let you have more fun I just wanted to keep you whoa this is really high yeah I think I want to do the zigzag again that bump was high enough yay I don't think there's another way down what if we do it together ever I think I know how to make it safe and fun Studio I need Zoom cam to bring you something [Applause] [Music] ready toot I am a viewer then get set go [Music] [Laughter] having fun now toot way better in the zigzag who went all these the bravest bike I ever saw it was amazing you guys have to try it if you have a big brother to go down with you yeah I think I'm gonna do the ramp up too [Music] you know what once I get my handlebars fixed as soon as there's all air in my tires why why not so windy out [Music] leave me alone [Laughter] [Music] that's the Ultra Mega beam from issue 87 it gives steel super strength wow I wish I was that strong day you're the strongest bike I know I don't know good morning class hello for you to have some bad news Well I'm sure you're all expecting to see the school float in today's handlebar day hero parade [Music] fantastic well the bad news is that the float had a small accident I don't know what I call it a float because that thing sang right to the bottom of the lake oh anyway but even if we could build a new Fort Maxwell wouldn't be able to pull it anymore oh Sprinter spoke pulling the float out of the lake Mrs Buckley we can build new floats DJ will pull it what no hi you could use that old trailer in the park it's pretty big and heavy though oh I hadn't thought of that DJ is very strong do you think you could pull that DJ huh hmm I'll try yeah [Music] this is so much stuff we can make an awesome float with this [Applause] it's big dust makes me sneeze remember Mrs Spike Lee said the parade starts when the school bell rings three times three times got it okay buddies this is for the handlebar day hero parade it's all about heroes so I think we should make a float about steel awesome who else that's one Bell let's get to work [Music] [Music] perfect how's it going DJ gotta pull everything down safety first I don't even think it's so heavy maybe I can pull this thing hi Mom and Dad what do you think of this eh the ultra super beam Cannon wow it looks like the real thing we brought it for your float oh is it heavy nah not really oh and it really works oh a little dj pull it a real float in the parade a real huge heavy float that's my DJ we'll see you at the parade yeah see you later [Music] I'm not so sure about this I can't do it but you haven't even tried I don't need to try I'm not strong enough I'm not strong at all you are you're DJ you're the motor with the most let's hear that [Music] that's not of the room yeah bro s guys who's the strongest bike around DJ DJ DJ [Music] here we go come on guys let's put our Wheels into it I knew it I knew I wasn't strong enough oh you just have to keep trying I'm just not strong enough I can't do it I just can't oh wow oh [Music] I got it DJ are you okay this Ultra Mega beam doesn't really work like in the comic does it [Music] [Applause] just gonna try one more time [Music] it does work like in the comic it gave me super strength but it's just a mother it doesn't matter as long as it's working Two Bells we've got a hurry DJ let's get this close on the road oh wow [Music] oh dear I'm sorry Mrs Barkley but the parade will have to start with or without the school float they'll be here any minute I know they will it's all downhill from here or because of the Ultra Mega beam That Thing Really Works [Music] time for the parade to begin Mrs Blakely oh the parade is moving we have to get down there fast [Music] Ricky it's getting faster I don't believe I can stop it but we gotcha DJ [Music] Ricky to the rescue rejected gadgets go ruffling hook goes [Music] super strength DJ I'm trying we have to make it lighter oh I've got it [Music] thank you that's what gave me super strength oh [Music] okay we can't hold it much longer but the Ultra Mega beam isn't real I don't have super strength yes you do who pulled the boat all the way here you did even without a real Ultra superbeague [Music] I did [Music] I can do it [Music] see you're doing it [Music] I'm sorry Mrs Binkley a schedule is a schedule wait [Music] I knew you could do it I'm sorry kids but you're too late will 43 of the pretty courts needs that no Fort shall join the parade once it has begun moving along the designated route you can't argue with a parade code oh I'm so sorry tears you tried no let's clear this street no I'll do it you pulled that thing all this way that's right he did steal awesome eh is that the ultra super beam from issue 87 yep well you know the parade code is really more like guidelines than rules hurry up now you can still catch up to the last float yes everybody looks still awesome he's the best hero I don't think steel is the hero they're cheering for oh look at his kids I told you DJ would do it today DJ DJ well done DJ strong and steady that's my little bike [Music] Professor Muffler crunk you may have gotten out of bike jail but you'll never get away from still awesome [Music] [Music] oops he got away [Music] to you [Music] thank you [Music] still please help me Muffler crunk move backwards but I'm scared still I can't yes you can crunk with my steel awesome controller to help you you can do anything move backwards [Music] my steel awesome controllers working like a charm it's making Muffler crunk do exactly what I command thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh uh Ricky what are you doing uh you know trying out one of Steel's uh flips uh trick kind of things oh Pain's still awesome can I play I can do that too how is that oh not bad tooth come on gang time to roll [Music] [Music] shouldn't you uh go home with mum and dad me and my friends we're gonna do cool bike stuff cool bike stuff come on too let your brother have some time with his friends you can play with him later thanks Mom gotta Zoom come on and then Steele was like I'll use my steel awesome controller and Muffler crunk did exactly what Steele told him no no tell me everything but don't give anything away yeah but tell everything and the mother Clunkers like my bad my days are over and steals light dude what are you doing here hello I'm here to play still awesome with you guys toot you heard what mum said we can play later this is later even later than later okay gotcha later I could do later they close my specialty I'm all about later anyway I was saying that skills controller is so fake a remote control that makes bikes do whatever you say give me a break yeah stuff like that in movies it's just pretend Ricky or I've known that since I was like seven how old are you now seven I guess you're right but wouldn't it be cool if a gadget like that was real actually what well you guys were talking I did a search in a gadget database I found controller just like that [Music] Studio listen to me we have got to try to do this it could change the world as we know it or at least it was something really cool to do this afternoon foreign like this just Hammer that on there good that's it I give you the bike controller whoa and they said it could not be done who said you did oh yeah okay so who wants to be remote controlled oh really nobody want anybody wants to I can't even control myself so I'm pretty sure nobody else could tears mind being remote controlled does it mean I get to play steel awesome with you guys well yeah but I'm your bike Ricky Bring It On cool suit awesome too good for you I know okay here it goes toot roll backwards [Music] am I doing it roll backwards oh that remote control is a whole lot of remote and no control did I make it wrong no you made it right I guess it just doesn't work oh well it was worth a try see you later toot had my parking rake on let's try again two it's not [Laughter] please fine roll backwards rolling backwards [Music] it right it's work it's working unbelievable unbelievable it's right can't believe they believe it I want to try grow fast rolling fast bring us DJ's Michael please getting bike ball [Music] thank you this is great can your sister play with us all the time Ricky yeah sure is that okay with you toot yes what I'm hungry please get us some food getting food where's food what food Gotta Be song food pizza getting pizza where's she going toot I think she's gone to get pizzas it's only little she's not allowed to ride into town all by herself [Music] maybe the remote can stop her food that's too far away on the bright side we might get a pizza Lou how can you think of pizza at a time like this how can you not it's Pizza which way is pizza [Music] [Music] [Music] she's on the pizza statue to get the remote I was just crying in the movie but now I'm stuck it's okay dude I'm here I'm gonna help we all are yeah you can count on us bike buddies toots come on down toot nice and easy we're right here to help you toot oh we might get pizza [Music] the pizza place is right there I I can't yes you can toot with this remote I mean with your big brother to help you you can do anything steel okay here goes come on down a bit yes don't tumble on those toppings are you all right I come on you can do it yes [Music] that's it keep going slowly stop it [Music] okay [Music] you did it toot oh thanks Ricky I shouldn't attract you what it says a little remote controller didn't work dude just wanted to play with us and I should have let you you're pretty cool after all pretty cool did you see how she moved yeah that was some extreme coolness it would have been even cooler if you actually got the pizza this is cool you can play with us anytime soon toot eat pizza eating pizza
Channel: Ricky Zoom - Official Channel
Views: 28,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle, motorbikes, bike cartoon, cartoon bike, motorcycle cartoon, cartoon motorcycle, bike race cartoon, bike cartoon video, motorbike cartoon, ricky cartoon, cartoon bike race, cartoon bike video, dirt bike cartoon, bike cartoons, motorcycle cartoon video, motorcycle cartoons, cartoon bikes, superbike cartoon, ricky zoom, ricky zoom full episodes, motorbikes for kids, Ricky's Going FAST! ⚡️ Motorcycle Cartoon | Ricky Zoom | Cartoons For Kids
Id: dRWtX_O_BMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 4sec (4084 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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