Rick Riordan, "The Tyrant's Tomb"

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[Applause] my why is your face cream oh I don't know it could be because you said don't get splashed or you could tie and then you got smashed Jason getting killed the Emperor's launching an attack [Applause] carrion eaters attacking just try [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey your birthday's coming up April day I don't remember being born in the spring well that's what it is now that's like in four days wait why would Seuss give me a new birthday I remember I had a dream another one yes Meg as the former God of Prophecy I do have visions in my sleep as I was saying Commodus in Caligula we're on a luxury yacht and they were headed this way Caligula had gathered his men and his weapons of mass destruction just in time for the Blood Moon that's in like four days sounds like Zeus has some fireworks planned for your party there must be a warning if I know him it's a threat mean dads are the worst Oh and I remember something else my dream I was in the dark chamber and there were undead soldiers all around me and there was a skeletal presence with glowing purple eyes oh oh just thinking about it makes my belly hurt it must be the person who sent the errata my to attack us they were pretty nasty but you were useless as usual good thing we had some help we did have help thank goodness for hazel and now that we're back at Camp Jupiter we have allies in Frank and Rayna and they told me I should go to a bookstore and see a harpy named Ella and a Cyclops named Tyson yep will you be will you be joining me now I gotta go to the stables I need some unicorn horn shavings unicorn horn shavings for what they're good for healing Oh Meg who really cares that's so nice of you even if you throw your your knives at horrible but you know what I just know you dislike unicorns so they're cute and with just a few adjustments they'll make great weapons weapons you want to make nonviolent magical creatures you want to weaponize them gotta go and so do you don't do anything stupid that's an order yes master why Oh father did you buy me to this unbearable child [Applause] hello DC has everybody doing [Applause] everybody here to have fun tonight we're we're kicking off the tyrants tomb tour of doom okay everybody get your phones out videos pictures tell everybody you're here and they're not okay hashtag tyrants tomb tour of doom okay kids does anybody already got in the book yet did you start reading who's already started reading who knows what's gonna happen this one right here that hand went up first are you excited are you scared you think somebody's gonna die all right well let's find out okay DC give a big welcome to the storytelling of the gods your favorite uncle Rick [Applause] Wow thank you oh my goodness good-looking crew of demigods tonight I see a lot of you got the memo about wearing purple excellent we're doing that in honor of camp Jupiter of course because a lot of the book is taking place there I am so happy that you guys could come out and share this night with me you are among the first in the world to get your hands on this book it doesn't come out officially until tomorrow and you're definitely the first to get signed copies because this is the first time I've done that thank you what a fabulous place to launch the tour of doom we are doing eight cities in eight days across the United States but don't think of it as a bad sort of doom think of it as sort of a happy sunshiny kind of doom because after all what could happen bad in one of my books right I know I know I'm sorry bad things happen in the books it's true and if you read the last one the burning may is that was sadder than most it was sad for me too but I saw that coming a mile away I looked at these evil Emperor's and I looked at Leicester Papadopoulos Apollo and all his not so much glory and I knew that something bad was gonna go down and sure enough it did but we have more adventure to come so hopefully hopefully the tyrants tomb will turn out a little better I think these two pictures really tell the whole story though on the Left we have Lester aka Apollo hanging by his fingernails from a metal beam hundreds of feet above San Francisco with Meg beneath him saying please do not kick me in the face while our old friend Reina Avila ramirez Ariano courageous pry tour of new Rome leads the way boldly fending off a flock of black chickens apparently meanwhile on the right the author enjoys a relaxing vacation in Rome yes I'm a very lucky guy I get to do a lot of travel and wherever I go it eventually shows up in the books this looks like the smile of a man who's come up with new ways to torture his characters and readers that's because it is yeah in fact it was on a trip like this where I first got the idea to do the trials of Apollo I loved exploring Percy Jackson's world and as you know I've done a lot of books set there the Percy Jackson series of course started it all and really that was a story that I first told just to my son as a bedtime story when he was 8 years old and he was struggling with dyslexia and ADHD he did not like school the only thing he liked was Greek mythology so I said hey I've taught Greek mythology for years I was a middle school teacher why don't I tell you some stories just to kind of get your spirits up and one day I ran out of stories to tell him so I made one up I said ok I once upon a time there was a kid named I don't know Percy Jackson and I said and he had ADHD and dyslexia just like you and he found out that if you have those learning differences there's a pretty good chance you're a demigod and my son was like yeah as though Percy Jackson was born I did the five books in that series and then I went back to Percy's world with the Heroes of Olympus series but I didn't want to do the same thing again all over I didn't want it to be like just Percy Jackson 6 7 8 9 10 11 I know I could have done that and a lot of you guys would have been totally happy with that but it would have made me a bored and if I'm feeling bored I'm afraid that eventually it's gonna creep into the writing and it's just not gonna be the same so I said okay let's shake it up a little bit let's have seven demigods and they're all taking turns telling the story at the at the beginning that sounded great yeah seven that's a golden number I like that and then I realized as I began to write seven is a lot but somehow I managed to juggle them all and get them all to tell their version of the story and then I said you know what I want to go back to Percy's world one more time but I want to do it differently again and on one of those trips I mentioned I heard the story about how in mythology twice Apollo the God had been punished by his dad Zeus and sent down to work as a mortal slave for some kings of Greece and I thought wow first of all I didn't know Zeus could do that that's kind of scary secondly what did Apollo have to do to get grounded like that so the idea of writing from the point of view of Apollo I like Apollo he's the God of all kinds of things but let's be honest Apollo's kind of full of himself right he's kind of a jerk you know and I didn't want to write a whole series with just this guy's like yeah I'm cool I met a monster killed him yeah yeah there was no big deal I thought that would be really boring but then I said well if I have him go down and be a hopeless mortal that could be interesting okay now we're talking a hopeless geek with no talent these are my people I can write about this I like the fact that Apollo goes into this series and he thinks he's all that any concerned student finds out yeah he's and he's really not and not only that he's got a boss who's this 12 year old girl and she's telling him what to do and he's just really miserable he goes in all these quests she's got to fight these evil emperors and kill these monsters and do all this stuff that normally he would just tell the demigods to do but a strange thing is happening as he goes through the books he's finding out that this being human thing is really hard and hopefully he's learning a little bit during the process especially in the last book where man things did not go very well now tyrants tomb were on the fourth book he is heading to San Francisco to the Roman demigod camp of Camp Jupiter yes Apollo gets out of the plane he gets in the car and he's hoping for a nice relaxing drive up the California coast not so much this is a live shot of Apollo going off the side of the cliff with Meg next to him and a flesh-eating ghoul a urina Masson the hood of their hearse yes they're driving a hearse some of you may be able to figure out why this is not a spoiler this is just chapter one there's so much going on they get to camp Jupiter things are not going well there they have this thing happening where zombies are like attacking the camp and nobody's really sure why soon they find out there's the tyrant in a tomb and they don't know who the tyrant is or where this tomb is but he seems to be the one behind all the zombie attacks so they're going to have to figure that out also I do have to just warn you the the artwork that you're going to see and the presentation is taken from a lot of different places like there are some that are done for illustrations for promotionals there are some that are done by John Rocco who did my cover for all the books thank you thank you some of these are from Reed Riordan comm which is Disney site that they created for me as a great site and they have their own kind of artwork and some of them are from virya who is thank you who started out as a fan artist of my series and then I hired her and now she's my official artist for my website so you may end up getting artistic whiplash looking at all these different versions but as I always say just remember we'll roll with it and the best image you will ever have is the one you create in your head when you read it no screen can ever beat that so what else is going on for Leicester in this book well here's here's an example of the artwork I'm pretty sure that's not virya that is the Civil of Kumai one of the ancient Oracle's that used to report to Apollo and do his bidding and that is Apollo on the left and the Sybil on the right and Apollo is apparently like oh god she has dirt what this is the picture of basically back in the old days Apollo being Apollo thought that the Civil of Kumai was really cute I wanted to go out with her and she said no I'm we you know it's like a working relationship here I don't want to date you and he says no come on man I'll take you to Olive Garden get you some breadsticks the Sybil was like I'm good thanks I've heard what happens to your boyfriends and girlfriends they like go up in flames and turn into trees and stuff like that this is all good you know I'll give you any wish you want if you go out with me and the civils like Yeah right I bet you wouldn't give me as many years of life as there are grains of sand on this Beach the paw was like done snaps his fingers now come on Olive Garden's waiting she's like whoa I didn't agree to anything hey man no but thanks for the wish since you know you can't take it back thanks for the extra life I'll pollicis okay you're gonna be that way about it fine you can have your extra years of life I didn't say anything about health or youth so you can stay alive as long as there are grains of sand on this Beach but you're gonna get older and older and older have fun with that so what if the civil was still around today what would she look like after four thousand years and how would she feel about Apollo hmm so Apollo's got that to look forward to great reunion not only that but you have met some of the Emperor's the evil triumvirate they're trying to take over the world in the series well you thought Caligula was bad you thought Commodus was bad in this book you get both of them together combining forces and they're coming for camp Jupiter and Apollo they're coming to wipe them off the map so there you've got Caligula and there's communists otherwise known as the dude who's gonna play the Joker which really is kind of the same role I guess Wow it's gonna be a tough ride fortunately Apollo is not alone he has friends like meg McCaffrey Meg I love her the daughter of Demeter a dual wielder of golden scimitars and the Lord of all chia seeds she is ready for battle you're also gonna see some old friends in this that you might remember from the Heroes of Olympus for instance hazel Levesque Hayes the daughter of Pluto she is back in a big way in the tyrants tomb and some of you have been asking me online about that old curse that hazel had where she used to be able to summon precious metal but if you tried to spend it hmm bad things would happen to you some of you have been asking is that's still a thing you will find out in this book also in this book you will see Frank shine that one's by birria yes the great shapeshifter now pry tour of new Rome Frank Jiang this picture he is like halfway turning into an animal as you can tell and as soon as I posted this online one of my fans said hey look Frank has the Second Amendment the right to bear arms like that's even worse than my dad jokes that's a grandpa joke which by the way my son tells me a grandpa joke is a dad joke that has expired there you go you will also see Ella the harpy Ella has a photographic a bibliographic memory as she's been trying to help the Romans put back together to civilian prophecies well she has a new home at in new Rome and she has a bookstore and of course like any good book sir she has a book store cat that's Aristophanes the book store cat who as Apollo puts it is so large he looks like he ate all the other book store cats also of course Ella has some help trying to put the prophecies together Tyson the Cyclops yes peanut butter you may notice that Tyson is sporting some new ink what's that about interesting well if you've ever wanted to read a prophecy from a cyclops this armpit you're in luck this is your chance that's all I'll say about that you're gonna meet some new friends too one of my favorites Lavinia Asimov Lavinia she's a Roman demigod her mom is terpsichore the muse of Dance she's into tap dancing she has bright pink hair as you can tell she has enough gum for everyone in the auditorium to don't worry and her favorite weapon is the manga ballista which is a giant Roman version of the crossbow bolt man.you ballista basically translates into hand cannon yeah so you'll be seeing her in action and of course we couldn't go to new Rome without seeing our old friend Reyna Reyna is back she's important obviously she's on the cover of the book and there's a lot of questions about rayna's prophecy - from the Heroes of Olympus you know that there was a prophecy about her heart not being healed by any demigod by an immortal and a lot of you have been pondering what does that mean and will we ever find out what happens yes you will in this book you will find out what it means and as you can tell from rayna's expression she has zero time for Lester's foolishness so that's a look at the tyrants tomb but there's oh so much more going on can you believe it's been 10 years since the Heroes of Olympus started not even Percy Jackson the Heroes the second series been almost 10 years that's amazing to me I can't believe it's been that long but to mark that occasion Disney has decided to re-release the Heroes of Olympus series with new book covers because they do that from time to time just to kind of freshen it up and I know you know if you grew up with one book cover that's kind of like your cover and we tend to feel very attached to those I know I still have the covers for the Lord of the Rings and the Earthsea trilogy from back in the 70s because I don't you know I don't want new covers I want my old ones and that's totally cool but this is a way for new readers to come into it we found a fantastic new artist nyla McGruder who has done a new look for us so they're gonna look like this when they come out I especially like the blood of Olympus I think she did a nice job with that one so those are routes starting I think like today and also if you know anybody who hasn't read the books they're also doing this thing it's like kind of a sampler pack they're putting out the first of each of the Greek and Roman books together like lightning thief The Lost Hero and the Hidden Oracle and then a bigger sample are packed with all of those plus the Kane Chronicles first book and Magnus chase soap I mean for a lot of you guys you've already got the series you've read them so this isn't really gonna help you but if you know somebody who hasn't read the books and they kind of want a taste test this is a great way to do that like think of it as like the snack packs that they have the variety sizes you know and you're not sure if you want the sour cream Lay's or you want the nacho flavored Doritos here you go so that's happening but what I'm most excited about and you can see me smiling and holding some of these babies here just in the last year I got to start my own little publishing company as part of Disney publishing it's an imprint called Rick Riordan presents how did this come about well over the years a lot of you guys have had some great questions for me like for instance I write about mythology Rick would you ever do Aztec mythology would you ever do Chinese mythology would you ever do Hindu mythology there's so many cool world mythology's that you could do adventures based on but in most cases I knew that I just wasn't the right person to do that like I love Hindu mythology but I didn't grow up with it I don't know it from the inside and I thought you know instead of me trying to like take over all these world mythology's for myself surely there are great authors out there that are writing stories kind of like Percy Jackson but authors who are like from those cultures who know them in a way I never could and so instead of me writing them I said why don't I take my spotlight and I'll shine it on them and let them tell their stories so that's what we're doing with require ten percent I don't tell them what to write I don't get the money from it it's all their deal they're telling the stories but I can safely say that if you like my stuff my editor and I have picked these stories and we're pretty confident we can say you'll like these too a lot of action a lot of humor a lot of gods and monsters the same kind of you hopefully like in my books so we started with a series Arusha by raja she has been on the New York Times bestseller list two books are already out and they're three more coming out just has done a fantastic job exploring Hindu mythology then came there's some of the art work that they've done you can find all that unread we're done - oh and I forgot we have sponsorship yeah yeah I found out that Arusha gives us a sponsorship for this so let's see if I can get it to work are you sure and the end of time is brought to you by and wisdom cookies everyone knows that books are great because they have so much knowledge but they're hard to eat and try snacking them on the go wisdom cookies pack the nutritional properties of not one not two but several ancient texts Wow and their Pandava licious so when you're staring down the end of time and searching for the celestial weapons there's no time to make bad decisions and there's no time to eat several large books so have a cookie a wisdom cookie well there you go wisdom cookies good stuff and then we came out with the second series from JC Cervantes Jennifer Cervantes who rice a fabulous series it's set in New Mexico but it's about Maya mythology and Aztec mythology fantastic stuff her first two books are out also both the New York Times bestsellers already and here are a few of the characters you'll see from that series you can find out more on read Riordan calm and oh wait more sponsorship I love commercials the storm runner is brought to you by New Mexico of Enchantment spend your next vacation in a place of breathtaking natural beauty vivid culture and absolutely no plague of supernatural reckoning New Mexico's got it all take a walk through time reach new plateaus or simply take in the streets say did you know that New Mexico has volcanoes what do you imagine lives inside a volcano there's stuff that lives in them let's talk about other stuff where'd you get that gorgeous turquoise that's the DEF CON maybe I'm feeling a little bit Oh are you scared of demon come visit New Mexico where there's nothing to worry about since we've been running that ad their tourism is through the roof then there's dragon pearl by you and Holly which is so awesome if you can imagine Korean mythology meets Star Wars that's what this is it's its Fox spirits in space Spurs opens also a New York Times best seller fantastic book and do we have any characters will we do there's a few of my favorites Min Soo Jin Han Yule and we have a sponsorship deal from them - dragon pearl is brought to you by ki it's the life energy that flows through all of us it's flowing through you right now and your friend Jerry it flows through dogs and hamsters it flows through this rock and even this old Jinju transport but it doesn't always flow perfectly hey maybe you can help by learning more about geomancy and the foundations of all principle recent coherence learn this and more at the thousand world space forces if you've ever dreamed of leaving your planet for bigger and bolder adventures the thousand world space forces is for you [Music] join today and live tomorrow sign me up [Applause] can you tell I love these books that's so cool to see all these different authors doing different takes on folklore and mythology and doing so many different cool things with them carlos hernandez said one of my favorites Alain Gaby break the universe which is set in a Miami middle school and so one of the characters discovers he has the ability to reach into alternate universes and pull things out into our universe can you imagine ways that this might get you in trouble just a few yeah so that is an amazing book here are some of the characters from that series I liked this series so much I shared the book with Rick's from all kinds of alternate realities and they all loved it although I'm not really convinced román Rick knows how to read nevertheless great book and coming next month oh I'm so excited about this Kwami in Ballia is going to blow you away with tristan strong punches a hole in the sky comes out in just one month and this is based on african-american folklore and West African mythology and this book just I don't even know what to say about it it's so cool well you can kind of tell just from the cover the book is even cooler than that so that's coming out next month be sure to pick up a copy so many other things coming out next year looking ahead Rebecca Romijn horse is doing a book on de neige otherwise known as Navajo mythology that's so cool harue Shah comes back with book 3 the tree of wishes Sal and Gabi fixed the universe I should hope so comes out after that and Powell of Santiago and the river of tears is based on one of my favorite folk legends that I knew growing up in South Texas la Llorona the weeping woman and I guarantee you when I heard this first we used to go camping in Texas I never slept at night because I was so afraid of La Llorona and as soon as you read this book I'm hoping you'll be just as terrified as iowa's so all of that is happening and if you want a little bit more about Cam Jupiter there's also a companion book coming out this is a shorter book but it is a diary by a pro bacio one of the young people just going through Camp Jupiter so you can see day-to-day what would it be like if you were part of the Roman legion Wow all of that is happening and Leicester of course will be back one more time for the trials of Apollo the fifth book which will be called the tower of Nero [Applause] obviously I don't want to spoil anything for you since you just got the fourth book so all I can really tell you is we're going back to where this series began which means we're going back to New York which means camp half-blood who will you see from camp half-blood you'll have to wait and find out but you will see some friends that you know not to worry about that Wow and that's a lot of stuff which brings me to my favorite part of all Q&A now when you guys came in a lot of you filled out questions on these cards and Stefanie and seal my editor and publicist who were the two that were hamming it up here earlier they have picked out the most confounding the most amazing the most original and interesting questions to stump me with these are your questions I have not read them yet but let me see how I can do answering them okay this is from kam what inspired you to make so many diverse characters PS no matter how much I read I can't spell don't totally spelled everything right in that sentence I don't know what you're worried about it totally fine well I mean there's a lot of kinds of kids in the world right I mean we're not all the same and it's really nice to be able to read a book about kids that look like you right I mean you will kind of want to know that and you know obviously I'm just a no white guy you know and so I I don't you know I don't know everybody's experience but I do think it's really important to say yeah absolutely you know what whoever you are whatever your experience is you are absolutely welcome to be a demi-god absolutely I see you and you're important so that's that's the short answer [Applause] Taylor Taylor would like to know if you could trade lives for a week with one of your characters which would it be who's the safest Grover no he has to eat ten cans geez Annabeth no Matt no are you kidding in a bet has all kinds of and she's like always fighting for her life and I'm not smart enough to trade places with her geez I don't know probably maybe Connor stole in the Hermes cabin then I you know cuz I can goof around I can do that pretty well I think that's what I'd have to go with or maybe Magnus chase from the I mean I gotta say living in the hotel Valhalla that's a pretty sweet life I wouldn't mind doing that all right this one is anonymous it is what when you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up shockingly I wanted to be a writer no seriously I did and a teacher I wanted to do to both of those things both of my parents were teachers so I am a really lucky guy I got to do both of those things and I loved both of them and I still do III don't I don't teach anymore but I kind of feel like I'm still a teacher in a way it's just that I have millions of you guys in my class and I don't have to grade your papers Wow Taylor Taylor you're killing it tonight you got picked twice randomly does personally know how to swim correctly or does he depend on his ability to control the water you know I have to say I I keep thinking I've seen every possible question I have never seen this question so good job I don't think he's ever been trained well no I take that back he when he went to high school the last high school he went he was on the swim team so he must have had some training in the actual different types like the the breast broad stroke and the backstroke and all of that I don't I don't know swimming but yeah I'm sure he had training at some point Michael would like to know are there any special changes you had to make last minute like anything you decided to take out for special reasons hmm not often but occasionally I'll give you a for instance in the last Olympian the the fifth Percy Jackson book yeah my editor at the time I was working with a different editor and and she was wonderful but she really thought that the book was getting too long and she says she was worried that things were gonna get out of control there was this one scene that we decided to cut looking back on it I kind of wish we hadn't cut it and you can find it on my blog if you're really interested I mean it's not very long but there was this one scene where during the Battle of Manhattan when aired the whole cities asleep and Percy and Grover like running around trying to save everybody at the same time they stumble across Nancy boba fett the bully from the first book and she's asleep in the stream and Percy has to look he looks down at her and Grover looks at Percy says what do we do it's like do you want to draw a mustache on her or personally thinks about it and how easy it would be to do something like that but he kind of realizes how much he's grown up since he was 12 and now he's like I don't you know I don't really feel any kind of anger toward her he says now let's just move her out of this street out of harm's way and they continue on but I really like that scene ah anonymous asking the real questions cats or dogs I have them both I love cats and I love dogs so really hard to choose but my little dog speedy kind of has taken over my heart so she's pretty special to me bren-bren would like to know am i making another magnus chase book oh well okay you know I won't be honest with you after I finished the fifth trials of Apollo book I'm not sure what I will do next I'm sure that I'll keep writing because I love writing books and as long as you guys want to read them I'll keep writing them but I don't know let's let's find out would you guys like another magnus chase book okay alright duly duly noted I will I will take that under what's your philosophy when it comes to writing I'm supposed to have a philosophy how many hours a day do you write and what's your editing process okay cool question also do you do nano write a National Writing Month I don't I think it's a great way to get started on a manuscript I can't imagine finishing one in a month but hey if you can do it fantastic go for it my process is changed a lot over the years first of all with writer's block best advice I can give you on that first of all make a map of what you're doing I learned that the hard way like outline yeah that's good it doesn't have to be like really detailed it can be just like a line for each chapter but it gives you something so you don't get halfway through and say I don't know then write the whole first draft do not stop you're going to think it's horrible probably it is horrible mine is every single time I do a first drafts still keep going anyway doesn't matter just finish the whole thing the whole book then you can go back and revise all you want and what you're gonna find is first of all you know how to revise now that you finished the book and second it wasn't as bad as you thought it was so try that that's my process how many hours a day that really depends like Percy I'm very ADHD some days is a lot some days it's a little Katherine would like to know how his writing changed the way you read oh yeah excellent question I do find that if I'm reading middle grade stuff it's it kind of feels more like work for me unfortunately I love it but I'm always looking like hmmm how did that author do that mmm that's interesting I'll analyze that and so I find that I read more yaa I read nonfiction I read adult mysteries most of the time just for myself what has been the hardest thing about the writing career deadlines you'd think I would have this figured out by now right nope every time I start a book I'm like in a panic I'm like okay I've just been fooling everybody for the last 30 books I have no idea what I'm doing I have totally forgotten how to write a book but every every time somehow I managed okay Carter would like to know where do Romulus and Remus Raina's dogs go whenever they disappear the woods I don't really know I mean they do kind of disappear a lot what book are you reading right now and are you liking it would you recommend it to me and Henry this is Henry in East Henry is 10 okay right now I'm reading several books I usually have like two or three going at the same time and I don't know if you would like them or not they're kind of violent they're why a books well I don't know would you consider them why a one is called the dragon Republic it's a fantasy book that sort of said in a a fantasy version of China it's really fantastic but it's very very violent the other is the Priory of the orange tree which is another fantasy more I mean it's this is kind of a fantasy I mean it's it's it's good for yaa it's good for adult readers I I don't know if you'd like it or not but it's got dragons in it and a lot of really cool characters and final question Zachary what inspired you to write the trials of Apollo well I've always liked Apollo even though he is a bit of a jerk and I really like punishing the gods so I figured let's make him into a hapless mortal and make him fall all over himself and then I'll feel better about me so I guess that's the answer you guys were fantastic thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the new book [Applause] okay guys give it up one more time for uncle Rick Rhoden thank you thank you also to politics and prose for allowing us to come and have spend the evening with you Margaret orto and her staff your great thank you so much everybody at the listener auditorium thank you so much enjoy your t-shirts get home safe and have a good evening [Applause] you
Channel: Politics and Prose
Views: 37,457
Rating: 4.9645052 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson, The Tyrant's Tomb, Rick Riordan The Tyrant's Tomb, Rick Riordan Apollo, Rick Riordan Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan Presents, Rick Riordan interview, Rick Riordan Trials of Apollo, Trials of Apollo, Camp Half Blood, Disney-hyperion, Politics and Prose, Rick Riordan Politics and Prose, heroes of Olympus series, rick riorden, Rick Riordan Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan books, The Tyrant's Tomb by Rick Riordan, Riordan books, apollo rick riordan
Id: jiHGj5LN1oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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