Rick & Bubba Bible Study - May 29, 2019

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alright guys welcome into the Wednesday Bible study we're here at the broadcast Plaza and teleport thinks those you to join just watch it on YouTube whether that be live or you're watching an archive listening on the podcast Channel maybe your Burgess ministries.com clicking on an archive whatever the case may be glad you're here men thank for you thank you for being in the room some of the notes you need to think about couple of things for those you that have been wondering you know Andy blanks and I did how to be a man the pursuit of Christ centered masculinity a lot of people that ask me when there'll be a follow-up to that the follow-up is now here it's also called how to be a man but now looking to the example of real men of the Bible we take eight men of the Bible and we and we walk through these men and have try to apply them to our lives from their example of walking and that's now available at how to be a man challenge.com if you want to get a pre-order of that if you order before a June the 11th in time for Father's Day I'll be autographing those copies and put a little something in there to you and sending that out to you so we're continuing that series so this would be the next one and the how to be a man series so grab that and put that in your arsenal and we will may at some point go through that here in the in this room and in this Bible study as well also for those of you that have been coming to the man church services at my home church Shady Mountain Baptist Church in Birmingham you're always welcome to join us the next one will be coming up on August the 25th and that and our speaker will be Greg powers will be doing a big golf event involved in that weekend as well so you might want to find out more about that by checking our church's website but that'll be the next man church service after that we'll get into a new Bible study here right now we're continuing the current Bible study that Bible study is the pursuit of holiness by jerry bridges today we're going to start in part 5 if you've missed 1 2 3 or 4 you can go back and grab those in our archived archive so let's open in a word of prayer lord thank you for today thank you for an opportunity to to open up your word thank you lord for you know you calling us to the standard of holiness that is found in you and and helping us to discern and understand through scripture exactly what the looks like and today we're going to talk again about this balance and we're gonna continue to try to figure this out as best we can with our finite brains and I pray Lord that you'll help us to hear and have supernatural ability to discern exactly this application to our lives today and lord I pray for those who can't be with us I pray for those Lord that are morning that are hurting Lord just seems like every time we see another headline there's somebody else that's in a tragic situation and this falling creation sadly reminding us again that this is not heaven but lord we know one day this will all be redeemed and I pray that you'll be near to the brokenhearted and those who are struggling right now that they will look at this as an opportunity to actually pursue you not to reject you in the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so as we get into as we get into number 5 here we start out with with a very you know we I remember studying this we went through our study of Romans and if you'd like to go back and and go through the study of Romans you can find that at Burgess ministries.com just click on the the media button there but there was a question and we and we really landed I think Romans chapter 6 and Jerry Bridges makes this point maybe one of the most ignored chapters in the book of Romans because it's actually going to call us to a standard that we certainly should live a life that looks like it's transformed by Jesus and and of course jerry bridges if you're gonna write a book about the pursuit of holiness and and no longer being held captive to sin you got to go to romans 6 so romans chapter 6 let's look at our verses today verse 6 and 7 as we read from the word of god here's what the apostle paul says about our situation once we have been redeemed he says we know that our old self and and somebody in line old self was crucified with him talking about jesus in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing that's a pretty powerful statement paul says so we know that our old self that that was our former sinful self was crucified with Jesus in order that the body of sin meaning still that fallen flesh might be brought to might be brought to none thing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin and verse seven for one who has died has been set free from sin I remember when we studied this we went through the book of Romans I mean these these are powerful statements and and a lot of times in kind of what we see sometimes we talk about a lot in this room about being grace abusers in order for you to take Grace and do with it what God did not intend us to do with it you have to just completely ignore Romans chapter 6 you just have to that like this doesn't it that this this book of the Bible just doesn't exist and so this is the point that Jere bridge is made and I love the opening of chapter five when he says this many Christians have a basic desire to live a holy life now remember what we're studying right now we're talking about those of us that have claimed to be justified we have claimed that we have been redeemed notice what Jerry said most Christians have a basic desire to live a holy life but they have sadly come to believe they simply cannot do it so it says most of us have a desire to do it but we've just given up we just don't think we do it and and and so that's what this chapter is going to talk about says many and I certainly can relate to this this is what excites me about this this study is that we never need to get to the point where we say well this I guess this is just it but many and I have been guilty of this have settled down to a life of moral mediocrity which they find out and I love this this neither pleases them or pleases God you never really feel good about it if you've got the Holy Spirit you you can never comfortably be in moral mediocrity am I am I in my humble opinion if the power of the Holy Spirit is reigning in your in your in your spirit and this it's doing its job of conviction then if you have not gotten to the place that Christ calls us to it's impossible for you to be comfortable with that and he says but many have just settled to moral mediocrity and then what do we do instead of just admitting that we've settled into moral mediocrity we keep making excuses and what does that become that's that grace abuse we talk about well you know I mean look we're never gonna get there and we're saved by grace and we are praise the Lord for that and you know just it's just I'm just always gonna be this way but but those problem is that's not what Romans 6 just said and that's where we have a problem and he says so the promise of what we just read in Romans chapter 6 6 and 7 if we were honest and that's why I'm glad we're in here guys because we're not we're not gonna settle this we're gonna try to hash this out but if we were honest we think what the Apostle Paul just said inspired by the Holy Spirit we will say this is the Word of God this is God's revelation about himself who's writing these words well Paul's writing them but who's really writing God is through Paul and we said we said that's true well then I guess what Paul said is right isn't it well not really I just don't think what Paul said is possible well why is he saying it then why is he saying in him it's not possible so right I said dilemma roster that can't be the truth right either we don't believe the Bible or we're in conflict with it we might agree that there's no other options but now I'd like to say that we're kind of between the two meaning we acknowledge that we are not doing it to the level that the Bible says but we still believe that the Bible says it can happen so now let's figure out how I kind of like that place y'all want to be there because that's that's where we need to be as we move forward many have salt to live a holy life by their own power and then others have said I'm gonna get there and I'm gonna do it solely by my faith in God so either one of those is wrong by the way if it's solely by faith or it's solely by your own power if you just do one of those two you're gonna have a problem and I've tried both and so I can attest that Jerry is right many have agonized in prayer over particular sins and and agonized and agonized and agonize and they have never seen any success Wow he's agonizing about somewhere deep down I have discovered most of the time is that well I'm getting head of myself I'll just stop scores of books have been written what about the secret to a victorious life you know there's a lot of books about but here's the system oh here's the deal in the search for answers to our sin problems a troublesome question arises and this is where we're gonna try to see we take another step on this today this is what this whole studies about what should I look to God for and what am I responsible for myself what's this balance what's this dance because we know that the power that's been given to us over sin if it sits in Jesus but then we have a responsibility if you will to access the power that is only provided in Christ so so let's move forward so many I think this is one of the problems too and if any of you ever been in any kind of competition of any kind one of the biggest mistakes we can make is to underestimate the opponent now we certainly don't want to bring glory to the opponent because like we said a lot of times we're not even talking about Satan himself we certainly can be talking about the dark spiritual battles of the demons under under Satan they're there their Lord but really the biggest problem we have is we underestimate our fallen fleshes ability to cling to our old sinful ways remember what I've told you I've said this a number of times if you're like me though I need something to be said a number of times before I get it but I have learned this guys and I want y'all I know we do it sometimes sometimes we don't that's one of these recordings are important even if you know you're rushing from work I'd rather you be here without a pen and a paper than not be here but that's the reason why we have recordings listen to me as a person who had no good study habits some of these things you're not gonna get until the day you finally write it down okay my wife says I believe in God even more so than ever when I found a notebook full of notes written by you because that was a supernatural thing that happened and and it's certainly true because I'm doing it now because why I realize this as effective if I will if I will go and listen to sermons and actually write down the points I actually learned them I actually can apply them if I'll sit down and write out this Bible study I find that I'm actually grasping some of it but it goes back to this again the the the problem that we have is the spirit was justified and went from dead to alive you have heard me say this but our flesh never got that message the flesh is just sitting there going I haven't been changed by anything so now we'll get into it today even in the part of Galatians where Paul talks about this so now there's a war so let's talk about what what goes on here having it's spirits failure in frustration with our sin problem we're delighted to be told that God has already done it all and that we only need to rest and Christ finish work now that sounds pretty good because I've heard that a bunch of times you know right there I like that but listen but after struggling with our sins to the point of despair this new idea is like a life preserver to a drowning man almost like hearing the gospel for the first time but after a while if we're truly honest with ourselves we discover we are still experiencing defeat at the hands of our sinful nature you're struggling and then you hear hey you don't have to do anything Christ has done it all certainly true when it comes to Redemption and you say you tell me the victory over sin - well he's provided victory over sin so I don't have to do anything and you're like man who I've been so tired of struggling with that but then after a while when you try that you're like okay I'm not seeing any victory so I I don't really fully understand what I'm talking about so we begin to think that our sinful nature must be in us it must be worse than me than it is other people yeah I remember so vividly going into the first time that I had a teenage son and my wife was clueless completely clueless about about about boys as they're trying to work on that Alfred stage of becoming men after testosterone arrives okay and he was struggling with lust and and I had discovered some things that confirmed he was and I went into his room and I shut the door and it's the first time I had a teenage son and I said hey first thing I want to tell you is I completely get this and he just looked at me said what I said every man that you see his struggle as struggled or is struggling the same thing you're struggling with including me it was you can just see a relief come over him he's like so I I don't there's not something wrong with me I don't have this disease worse that it feels like it must be the worst case there's ever been and I said no no it's not this is here's where we're gonna make the turn but we're gonna talk about what we're gonna do to win this battle and we took you know that every young men's battle and every man's battle that great book about every struggle that a man goes through with lust and and how our flesh wants to corrupt what God and God meant God God gave us a desire for intimacy with with our wives that's a great thing but what happens as always as we'll talk about a little bit but your sin nature takes that in corruption and so we begin to walk with that but to the point is you got to understand that this problem that you may be struggling with every single fallen person struggles with this but that doesn't mean you just give up and know you don't have it worse than other people you may not we night may not struggle with the same sins as bad as each other but we all struggle with sin so what do we do about it so I like this he says years ago in the book and this was good he says years ago a fellow Christian warned me that Satan would try to confuse us on the issue of what God has done for us and what we must do ourselves I hope I have your attention right here because this is big I have come to see the insight he had in making that statement lack of understanding on that issue has led to great confusion in the pursuit of holiness amen you are right Jerry it is very important that we make this distinction for God has indeed made provision for us to live a holy life but he also has given us definite responsibilities that's big okay so it's almost like you've heard me talk about before we have been given nothing we can do to be given act given power and access to the power to be holy we can't makers we can't be holy but what's happened is when we've been justified God says now I will bring this full righteousness as we talked about last week in Christ and I now will make that available to you but you got access it so let's look at some of the examples of that Romans 6:12 therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you may obey its evil desires remember we've been looking for here a lot and the Bible will you see words of action members submit resist come near action action action well here's an action word therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you may obey it seasonable evil desires do not let is something we have to do don't let it so it's a let me give you some other examples that helped me when I was studying this this week think about when Paul's talking to young Timothy he uses date words like flee so the wrong thing to do let's say we're facing sexual immorality the wrong thing to do was to say well I'm just going to stay here because God's accomplished it God's not gonna let me sin and God's gonna make sure nothing happens no God said for you to take your body that can move and where you're sitting here with the porn on the computer the magazine in your hand the woman at the office or the woman you've met for lunch and he said you take action if you truly want to be holy and get up out of that place and go God didn't pick you up and make you leave he says I'm telling you to get up and leave I'm a conviction to leave but you got to leave that make sense are y'all with me on that do not let it rain don't come under its power refuse to be under it's its power it says the experience of holiness is not a gift we receive like justification now that's big so the gift of holiness no we're not told Matt we're not talking about justification that's a gift but we do not receive holiness the same way that we receive justification it's something that we are clearly exhorted by God to work at action we don't just sit around and say let's see what happens our flesh laughs about that what a terrible plan and we also what have to get to the point that we truly desire to live the holy life versus a sinful life what what did James teach us in our study of James most of stuff you do you just do question Walter and I can tell you in my own life the problem that I have with sin if I ever have a sin it's only because I haven't been sold yet that life away from this is truly a better life that's what I'm hearing this fall in creation I still know if I don't know if I like having to discern what movie I'll watch that's burdensome I don't know if I want to never be involved in the break room and and some course joking I like course joking you know these are you know I don't really want to have to worry about what my motivation is even when I'm doing the right thing can I just do the right thing and if I'm a little full of myself for it and I like when people pat me on the back about it or it brings attention to me I I don't know that I want to do things did not get any credit for it see that that's that mentality you also got to get to the point that you're sold out I don't know if you know this but you don't ever accomplish a goal that you never said you know if I if somebody says if God says I need you you're going to be ten on holiness and my go get set at a five well what's gonna happen I'll be a father you know I'm a 5 5 s all I wanted I don't want to be a 10 I don't want to be a 5 because the tea is gonna require sacrifice attends gonna require me to fight but here's the thing that I gotta get and I'm with you on this we're on this journey together I have not arrived and therefore I'm saying come to where I am I haven't got to the point to where Paul guy that says you follow me because I'm following Jesus I'll do everything right because he's doing everything right that's where I want to be and one day by golly I'm gonna stand here be able to say that with with all the confidence under under his authority but I'm on a journey right now just studying this study I'm thinking little things in my life that need to go little things need to be adjusted but I have to adjust them but Jesus gives me the power to adjust them everybody with me well you know what he just said he think about it it's about goes for that thing again about your children we know what our children should do but we can't make them do it but how about this we give them what all the information we give him all the ability to do it I mean it was it was interesting I had a talk with one of mine yesterday who's kind of moving through the system I said on this next stage here's what you got to know and then this was I'm trying to follow the example my Heavenly Father I love you that'll never stop but the question is gonna be whether I approve of your not that's going to be the question and I said let me tell you where I stand on my children if you need me I'll always be there for you I said but now when it gets to me helping you get to places financially with influence things that I can open doors I can open I don't open doors and I don't give money to people who don't follow Jesus I don't I don't finance those things so if you if you decide you want to go your own way you certainly can make that choice but I will not be financing I won't be opening doors I will not be endorsing it and I will not be approving of it but I'll always love you the question is what I approve of you and for my approval you got to do things my way and my way is going to be the Lord's way and that's kind of the deal you see how we see that as earthly father's and so the second thing therefore in light of what I have already said talking about Paul and in Romans 6:1 - you know if you look at 6 1 & 2 I love when I ask this question Paul literally asks us this question shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase I like the pockets it look let me say is that what is that what you really think the plan is so the grace is so wonderful do you I'm gonna ask you a question do you think God would really say please keep sinning so you can show how gracious I really am and then he comes back says what certainly not I like that Paul say that shows you Paul Newman's a ministry he shouldn't have to say certainly not but he knows we may not say that so what he's doing is he is gonna go ahead and answer the question the way we should answer it and that is what that's a note right that's men's ministry don't ever let men think the men don't need you and answer the question that we're going to answer it for ourselves because you know what sadly sometimes we don't so what he's saying is that is not the plan then he goes on to say this if you look at Romans 6 now 3 through 11 let's read what he says here so first of all he asked that question but look at 3 do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death we were buried therefore with him by baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father we too might walk in a newness of life that sounds an awful lot like what we say at baptism you know why that's why we say it right here for if we have been United with him and a death like his we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like here so I'm gonna say amen to that we know that our old self was crucified which we've are covered with him and ordered that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin for the one who has died has died had been set free from sin now if we have died with Christ we believe that we also will live with him we know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again death no longer has dominion over him for the death he died he died to sin once for all but the life he lives he lives to God so you also must consider yourself Rick dead to sin and alive to God in Christ and here I'm gonna go and go to 12 y'all mind if I go to 12 because this is big let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey its passions so so if we have died to sin then he says we will not let sin reign and our mortal bodies there's that do not let again so if verse 12 says death to sin is a fact now this is big it says death to sin is a fact whether you believe that or not the Bible says it's a fact so so it we can't say it there's no excuse it says sin is still alive Jesus says no it's dead Christ died so all United with him died to sin this is something that is done and we didn't do it however however this does not mean we have been removed from sins ability to touches that's the rub so we couldn't kill sin only Jesus could and he did in fact fact it is finished to tell us died it's done now remember we talked about before one of our studies Jesus has taken what Satan took away from us in the garden and he's bringing it back and he says I now give you the Dominion that my father intended for you all long in me you have it it's returned but what we can't do is then say well then I'll just sit here and hopefully sin won't touch me at all no because we still got it we still got a dying flesh that's going to go into the ground or it's going to be renewed if Jesus comes back why you still alive so so the the the what sin can do to us has been defeated talking about eternal death but its ability to continue to touch us in our daily lives that has not been removed dr. sin means we died to the Dominion of sin or what to the reign of sin so what can we not say can't help it sins still got dominion over me No the Bible says it actually doesn't so the only Dominion of sin back here comes the action again everybody still with me everybody good listen to this so we've been freed from the Dominion of sin meaning the only damaged sin does to us now is what we allow it's not uncontrollable we're not just getting knocked off our feet that's reason why I'm man we got to have fewer people saying that you could almost feel the whoo in a room any time a speaker gets up there and we're just about to be convicted and we're just about to get to the point we feel like hey man this sin that's in my life right now is the father of Jesus shouldn't be there and then the person is kind of goes but you know none of us ever do it and you're like whoa for a minute I was about to make some adjustments with my life and this guy just let me off the hook you know I remember one time I heard someone say and I think we need to do this sometimes those of us that get a chance to preach and teach is sometimes we need to pray against us feeling like we need to let up because it does happen you think then you sit there sometimes it really will happen I didn't even speak and teach you tell you this you'll get there and you'll be rolling also your start going wow this is getting kind of harsh and there becomes a feeling over you're going I need to let them off the hook I need to back up a little bit and you know what I don't think that's of the Lord now I'm not saying you shouldn't be effective and you don't be sanctimonious and you don't want to browbeat people but I think sometimes we're just simply walking into a place of conviction and we need to just keep on going you know what we can say it's not my standard this is the Lord's standard this is what I want to I want to stand before the Lord and say oh I didn't withhold that some people might not have known that you said and you told me to tell them what what does Paul say how people hear this stuff and no my preaches you bet meeting Jonathan Edwards I mean when he laid down sinners in the hands of an angry god and and it had been so long since they'd heard about the wrath of God and they've heard about the depravity of sin that people were screaming at him during his message what must we do to be saved he can't got it finished do you think that was the right thing to do that day or the wrong thing they needed to hear it again they'd forgotten so in this particular place here's what the Bible says let's listen to what it says about the reign of sin in our life it just simply isn't there for those who are under the authority of Christ Ephesians 2:2 Paul says this we once followed the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air and now when he says that he's talking about Satan that's reason why I think that and y'all pray that this is handled correctly because you know the devil one of the things we call him as the Prince of the air and I mean he's taken over you know what's going on transmissions everything and he's trying to take over the Prince of the air so what he what he says this is his Satan has now turned from power and he doesn't have it anymore he doesn't have that demand that Dominion any more so so here's what Ephesus was being told from Paul we once followed the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air but we don't anymore turn from the power of Satan we see that what this is scripture again acts 26:18 turn from the power of Satan and what turn to God that's action guys I mean well here's Paul this is acts and and we've got acts 26:18 is already saying to the First Church now we got to turn from the power of Satan and we got to turn to God look at this Colossians 1:13 turn from the Dominion of darkness Paul says as we just did talked about in Romans 6 but look at 17 Paul says in Romans 6:17 that we once were slaves to sin we're no longer a slave to sin he said that's the way you once were see all these things are in the Bible you see Paul you see there that you see people saying you have to now leave this reign of sin because through your union with Christ you died to the realness in the realm of sin and here's the great thing you have died to the realm of sin you've been set free from the realm of sin and this is really good you ready for this this is a good there's a big Amen coming here Christ has delivered us from a realm of sin and placed us in the realm of righteousness so I once was under the authority because of my country axis accent you may not know I'm saying a realm I saw was once under the reign of sin and Jesus said not only who I delivered you from the reign of sin I'm gonna push you over here under under the reign of righteousness it really is now to the point once you've been freed from from sin by Jesus Christ now we've been thrown out into until a wall behind him and he says it says a narrow gate and he says it's gonna be difficult he says it's gonna be hard he never said otherwise now one day all this fight is gonna be over and we're gonna be completely free from our flesh but we're not there yet so what does he say it's gonna be difficult it's gonna take work but you know what I've done I've now given you a choice there was a time I love this part are we to this part you because it was good it says even though God has delivered us from the reign of sin our sinful nature still resides with within us and this is good the war is over but how many wars have you watched this but guerrilla warfare continues Satan knows he's defeated he knows when you were justified he knows when I was justified that the reign of sin meaning we're no longer uncontrollably what have I said in here a thousand times we'll get we'll get to this today two lost people act like lost people they can't help it but those of us that are no longer lost now have been given a choice on what's realm we're gonna live in we've been given the power to be under the realm of righteousness but every now and then we at cost a guerrilla warfare as sin touches us and pulls that are our old self that old Rick will find their self kind of drift back over and see if he just want to dabble over here on the other team a little bit see there was a time I was under the Dominion of sin so there's nothing to do about it what's happened now is he's freed you from the Dominion but you still gotta decide to stay out of there to make sense because now guerrilla warfare is going on Satan's reign has been defeated but our sinful nature now begins to fight for his life right you ever you ever seen you ever seen that I mean you were when the things were scary even in World War two they were telling me they'd go out there and find these pockets of people hang out the word yet that surrender had taken place so you could just walk up there and go everybody got the message all in one big swoop you might walk up on a little pocket of people still fighting they still gonna fight to the end look I got relatives that still that they don't think that generally had the authority to surrender to the Union you know I mean I mean it's silly that people would think like that but but I'm telling there's sometimes people just keep on fighting and so what's happening is you're your sin nature now begins to fight for its life man we've studied that before if you have your Bible or something with your Bible on it go to Galatians chapter 5 and we've talked about this before but today we're actually gonna read the verses we've referenced this a lot we're going to read it Galatians 5 and look at look at verse 17 because this is what Paul says but this is what's going on with us now that we've been redeemed and this is important for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh for those are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do so it's in opposition and guys you've heard me say this before but let's write it down again so here's an idea since they're both alive now at one time only the flesh was alive and the spirit was dead now the spirits alive it's been justified by Jesus and now his full righteousness has now like fuel being pumped into our spirit but seeing here's what we understand all that means now is that we are actually in a war that we can now win it doesn't mean the war is over so because the flesh is saying oh now I've got an opponent and the fight is on but the good news is the spirits now in the fight it wasn't before so what do you do you fund it how does battle how do her battles won we need weapons we need funding we need this we need everybody to quit their jobs start building weapons that's how we go to war and the people who can pull that off the best win so here's what I'm doing in my life then let's feed the spirit if you don't believe that I'm telling you it happened to me I guess it's been a little over a year ago and I literally called one of my brothers and I said I need you to pray for me right now what's going on I wanna I want to get a drink and I want to get a drink really bad why because I listened to the wrong song what I said I'm telling you man I don't know what it was I said I got to kick it around I heard an old song from the drinking days as soon as I started singing that song I want to have a drink and I want to have a drink so bad right now and I said I can I can tell I remember me when this song was popular and that just awakened in my flesh and I need you to help me pray it away say that's how dangerous it can be I mean it's been laying there dormant and all of a sudden just the wrong move and suddenly I start thinking man and you don't you don't remember the bad times you remember the fun time you remember man that sup that was actually kind of fun for a minute and before I knew it my palate begin to want that drink I had that problem in years and you know what I would've told you I'm free from that and that is true but I could choose to go back to you know what we prayed about it you get on some praise and worship music you get rid of that and suddenly guess it was getting fed then the spirit you know if the spirit reminded me you got to be kidding me I mean you got to be kidding me you see how much better I am than that what did the flesh do for you I said I tried to kill me and he got you into all kinds of regret got you in all kinds of trouble it did well why you will go back to him we saved your life you know and I you know what and I think you know what let me give you a thing why don't I live for you you know when I live for the flesh you didn't do anything good for me at all but when I live for the spirit it you know it didn't gave me peace it gave me fulfillment now I want to get to the point that anything that's not involved in feeding the Spirit seems like it's repulsive to me not like I'm regrettably and apologetically let me go over and do things for the spirit even though I don't want to know you you go over there to the spirit because you know what you realize that's where the value is that's the right thing to do and it gives me what not an easy life but the better life but the better life Jay Adams said this we were born sinners but it took practice to develop our particular style of sinning the old life was trained toward ungodliness these are old habits and old habits hard to break but how do you break a know habit you get a new habit right that's the reason why I keep telling you guys and you've done it for many of you and I would say in this room today most of you this is become a habit hey well hey what's going on Wednesday I can't go I can't do it I can't do it when twelve and one because I'm habitually going to study the Word of God I got another Bible study I got to be you know I got to teach Sunday in Acts chapter two right in there is it verse forty something where it first says here's what here's what the first church looked like and one of the characteristics of the first church was they were loyal it says they attended temple day by day they were all on the same page they had they didn't they didn't have a bunch of different doctrines going on they were all in the same page and it said that they were they were loyal what does that mean they were in worship habitually I mean God didn't have a look around at the first church and go well they're just not getting any worship in this week it was it was who they were they were loyal and one thing gonna be once they're gonna be a church today see but you can count on it why they saw value in didn't they were loyal to what Jesus had done for he could depend on them and I gave this analogy talking about habits by the way this analogy is not so much fun when your wife is actually in the room I really I really get one point thought when I was giving this analogy with sherry she was sitting about James about where you were and I really one point thought maybe you know I'm just kidding right I mean it was I'll kill you right here in front everybody because what I mean I mean Jordy Henson a friend about he said I was very uncomfortable in there you know it's just an analogy because I said I said well what do you think you've heard me do this before but it's worth repeating again because it's such an analogy that's so opening do you think my wife would consider me to be loyal well consider me to be in love with her and loyal to her if I saw her not every Sunday cuz it may rain I might have something I need to do I need to get down to the lake I might need to go hunting now do you play golf but any time it's not too inconvenient that I would come see here on Sunday now she's not gonna get anything for me after lunch I mean lunch is max he's don't expect me to do anything else for you after lunch okay so most Sundays when I get up till about lunch I'm gonna tell her that I love her I'm gonna sing to her I'm gonna write a little sweet letters to her and give it to I'm gonna bring her flowers but about lunch every Sunday on the Sundays I actually show up I'm gone and she doesn't hear from me for six days you know what else I'm doing I'm seeing other women and those other women we say the things that are really more important than our spiritual growth more important than Jesus to us and I go out there and I see other people that I spend a lot more time with but every Sunday our most Sunday's I work my way back to Cherie say hey you know I love you right do you think she thinks I'm loyal does she buy that garbage but we're gonna do the same thing to Jesus think he's buying that oh we love you Jesus we want to be holy we want to be just like you as long as you don't bother us too much I'll see you some Sundays Charlie I'll try to get the most Sundays but not like all day and if it's certainly you're not gonna bother me the rest of the week which one of those do you think Jesus thinks is really important to us see is that action again he's given us access to holiness but we don't really seem to have a desire for it's just a show we're doing we thinks appropriate and we're trying to give Jesus what the bare minimum but see that's not gonna break old habits guys hey that's not gonna break old habits if you're gonna break thang how long you've been a sinner think how long I've been a sinner I'm good at it hey I could turn like that and you would see a person that you wish you'd never met because when I give in to the flesh I'm it's horrible human beings you've ever been around there's people that came to Jesus alone because they said I can't believe how much it changed you because you were a bad bad guy and then there's some people sadly that I was such a bad guy they still gonna have to find Jesus and somebody else because I've damaged them so much that if I talk about Jesus they don't want to thing to do with it so there's no habits are bad and and and they're not easily broken and you're not gonna casually approach the old habits of your fallen self and expect to see victory you have access to victory but it's going to require effort think about Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation you know I'll hear this brought up a lot because it's it's such a good analogy the slaves were freed but you could walk around and see slaves still working in the fields and at one point Lincoln actually went up to them and said I'm President Lincoln you realize you're free they didn't know it it's all they needed they didn't know how to be free and so they had to learn how to be free dr. Martin Laura Jones says this I mean that's kind of you ever notice if you say somebody's name all three of them makes them sound more important I hope one day I'd do a commentary and they go as Richard Lawson Burgess said that's that bad motivation yeah but Romans Jay Romans chapter six here's what here's what dr. Martin Luther not Martin Luther Martin lloyd-jones says Martin Luther probably did say martyn lloyd-jones says though sin cannot reign in us that is in our essential personality it can if left unchecked reign in our mortal bodies it will turn the natural instincts of our bodies into lust our natural appetites into gluttony and indulgence our need for clothing and shelter that are turning into materialism and our normal sexual interest will be turned into immorality that's why you can't let sin reign because it takes the things that are natural to the flesh and it corrupts them you know I love that hey our natural instincts of our body will turn into lust meaning we got to have all the stuff our natural appetites before you know it we're gluttons and we overindulge I struggle with that sin and lordship you know why I'm starting to see victor of that because I finally said I wanted to I finally got to the point I said lord I think that me thinking that overeating is so important must be read starting to become more more ridiculous to me okay I don't really need that for me to have for life to mean something to me you know and and so but because see that's what happens when when it's given to the flesh in the sinful state our need for clothing and shelter our basic needs turn into materialism more more more and than our normal sexual interest is like I told my first teenage son and I've told the other sense it's normal to have sexual interest in women but you can't let the fallen sinful flesh turn that into sexual morality you can't let it rain just like we just said a slave cannot live as a free man before we were slaves to sin but here's the difference this is what we're gonna close them what I have to read the summary this is the most convicting part of the study for this week say there a time when we were slaves to sin and we couldn't do anything about it but now we've said to the world and to God Jesus Christ has freed me from being a slave to sin but you know what that means so now if we sin we sin as free men and women what would you think of a slave that was free and you went back and he was back to the or sure he or she was back to the plantation being whipped towed to work for nothing and living in some old shack and you would go haven't you been freed I have I choose to be asleep what do you think about but that's what we did it you know Paul tried to set it straight when he said you just you dissing returning back to - like a dog returns back to vomit was that Peter opposed to that was Peter Paul said that but it was but that's how it grotesque that is think how that looks to Jesus remembering being nailed to the cross ago right I went to the cross but I didn't have to I was tempted by Satan when I didn't have to be I lowered myself did not even having a place to sleep when I didn't have to and I was beaten and tortured and spit on and disrespected for your benefit so you could be free and you choose to return to the slavery of sin after I've worked to free how would you feel if you were Jesus I mean so so that that was a whole wake-up call for me to go out if I'm sinning now I'm sinning when I don't have to I'm not under the authority of sin I'm choosing to be under the authority of sin again so here's the summary and we'll close now that we are in fact dead to sin - its rule in its reign we are to count on that as being true we are to keep before us the fact that we are no longer slaves do you all believe that what you're not a slave to sin anymore you've been freed we can now stand up to sin and say no to it before we had no choice now we have one when we sin as Christians we do not sin as slaves but as individuals with the freedom of choice we sin because we choose to sin to summarize then we have been set free from the reign and rule of sin the kingdom of unrighteousness our deliverance is through our union with Christ into his death when Christ entered the world he voluntarily entered the realm of sin though he never sinned when he died he died to the realm of sin we talked about that in Romans 610 and through our union with him we died to the realm also say that again with our union with Christ not only did he die to the realm of sin and destroy the realm of sin we have been freed from it we died to this we are not slaves to sin we're to count on this fact that we are dead to sins rule that we can stand up to it and say no therefore were to guard our bodies so that sin does not reign in us so we see that God has made provision for our holiness through Christ he has delivered us from sins reign so that we now can resist sin but this is that this is that dance again but the responsibility for resisting is ours God did not do that for us to confuse the potential for resisting which God provided with the responsibility for resisting which is ours is to court disaster in the pursuit of holiness so let's be sure we got that against us we got a little time on the clock if we confuse the potential for resisting meaning the power to resist that that's all God's work but don't confuse that with the responsibility for resisting because that is ours and he says if you ever get those two wrong you'll never be holy will never be holding how many times do you have you have you ever seen that you watch there's been various movies various whatever you can even think about it with the Revolution of this country you see people who have been beat down and beat down and beat down who finally stand up and say today it's over you know what I thought about watching this as strange as this may be the Tina Turner story and I'm not saying that Tina Turner or some devout follower of Jesus but she finally got tired of her husband beating on her and then there was that day that he walked in to beat on her and she said not today and I got what was coming and she attacked it Jesus has given us the ability to when sin shows that to beat on you again to say no not today I stand under the authority of Jesus Christ I have been made righteous I have been justified and you have no power over me so any sin that still is alive in our life it's sin that we choose it's not sin you don't have power over let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for this convicting but incredibly powerful message of hope gosh I hope that's how we see it guys ladies whoever might be listening or watching this lets don't see don't let this see this and you know certainly it's gonna be convicting and now and we want that but also look at the hope in this message today you're not a slave to sin I'm not a slave to sin so let's stop acting like we are Jesus really has given us the power over sin and he's released us from its reign and Jesus what may we never hear the lies of our flesh or from the adversary they say otherwise and may we find come to the conclusion that we think living under the realm of righteousness is not just what we should it's the it's also what is desired it's preferred over the world and over sin because you are better than sin and I pray Lord you continue to give us that power and the Lord won't convict us today if we're not taking action on any part of our life that may be today in our minds all of us assessing our life we say this particular sin is touching me is committing guerrilla warfare against me and in the name of Jesus it dies today I choose you Jesus and in your name we pray amen thanks guys you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
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Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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