Rick Astley in Anime

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[Music] how so sanity once meant to dress how men actually want to dress old people all asians look the same also old people mom if your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump to me and the boys me debunks conspiracy theory with facts and evidence conspiracy theorists that's what they want you to believe actual food food in commercials when your manager tells you don't be giving people extra nuggets but you do anyways because you're taking the system down from the inside eight-year-old me laughing while the adults tell jokes so i can seem older [Music] parents jumping from i don't understand a sixth grader's homework too i'm a disease expert to i'm a middle east expert in the span of two years parker [Music] me why does my back hurt all the time how i sit daily i'm just not really in a good place right now damn the earth me thinking about how ripped i'll be when i start working out instead of just working out [Music] people who use antidepressants to stop crying people who cry openly me who chug an entire bottle of shampoo because it says no tears straight people when they see a ruler giant bugs underwater giant bugs on land when you call your cat's name as it walks out your room and it starts walking faster gravity invented in 1687 people in 1686 [Music] relatives remembering my life achievements relatives remembering that one time i i pants in front of them so glad i grew up with this but damn this is good too former criminal now family friendly eight-year-old me after getting stung by a boss my dad with a flamethrower haha yes die trash me emailing my teacher the light greeting multiple paragraphs perfect grammar and good english me k sent from my iphone how alcoholics look at users signature look of superiority [Music] dad you will get back problem if you sit on computer for eight hours me that's why i sit on chair instead dad do not cite the deep magic to me i was there when it was written me pushes my friend into the swimming pool as a prank everyone else in the shark exhibit npc couple walking in gta me with my truck girls can a gun hurt you yes they are dangerous boys are you scared of this gun now it made from china my body while i'm outside you need to need to need to also my body when i finally get to the toilet well now i'm not doing it [Applause] sonic runs fast knuckles punches stuff and climbs walls tails every masterpiece has its cheap copy me turning off all switches to save electricity the person on life support new character is invented the dark places of the internet you know the rules and so do i the drive-through worker watching me check my entire order before leaving what schools think boys do when they see 0.000 of a girl's shoulder [Music] there is no space panic calm there is no space panic computer turns on steam well i guess i'm updating now [Music] it's how does a blind person know when to stop wiping what lands on earth builds pyramids doesn't elaborate any further leaves how i remember the game i played as a kid what it actually looked like when a knight wants to scratch his balls pe teacher come on i can do better than you in sports also pe teacher [Music] after my awful presentation me the class my teacher my friends what happens when you tell your younger sibling another word for thank you the shopkeeper my mom my little brother me my dad acting like ben shapiro acting like the joker boys after turning 14 when you have a crunch in your scrambled eggs me running away from angry crusaders after telling them the church is a book club stuck on one book for ages me looking for korean recipes [Music] how i look in the mirror how i look in pictures holding my phone tightly so it doesn't get stolen calm my hand is gone panic when you get the usb inserted correctly the first time not boomer humor i'm on a diet i used to eat six slices of pizza now i eat three health boomer humor tr okay students today we are looking at identities the girl named [Music] every masterpiece has its cheap copy the third panel is gone panic that means the meme will end on calm calm when your parents realize that you want to be a gamer before dj put your hands up now dj put a yes in the chat box if you're having a good time thank you when you're home alone taking a shower and all of a sudden hear a noise when hitting the flat earther with facts and logic didn't work so you hit him with a bus instead [Music] from our vietnam trip our guide popped out of a vc tunnel to jokingly scare the vets dad yelled at him for 10 minute the dad superman who is nearly impossible to kill a little glowing green rock me is driving at 125 miles per hour on the highway the bmw behind me not impressed my dumb hunting a girlfriend my dumb talking to anyone top 10 anime fights ocean edition teachers then you won't have a calculator in your pocket meanwhile in my pocket when the fire does not exit through the fire exit [Music] doctor what's your zodiac sign woman the doctor what a coincidence when you don't understand what someone says so you ask to repeat and you don't understand again [Music] that's the evilest thing i can imagine dead by daylight players when it's daylight girls why do men not get our signals their signals if phones were around during their childhood baby boomers would be addicted to them as well a good christian man always follows the teachings of christ and gives money to the needy people that walk fast are reported to be less happy me me and the boys peeing on pregnancy test kits for fun but they all turn out positive fortnite has an among us mode now all aboard the battle sus among us fortnite bread after two days after 30 seconds in the microwave five minutes later if you want to cry i'll give you something to cry about hip-hop after 2004 doctor we finally remove the bullet from your chest card declines doctor i've never done this before also her when your parents walk in on the custom character you created [Music] welcome to year 2 of 14 days to flatten the curve when you both say the same thing at the same time [Music] when the kid that failed art school starts becoming political this evolved into a big problem so how was your day me [Music] biting your tongue purposefully fighting your tongue by accident do you know what else is wet hum water virginity is cool remain pure youtubers sorry guys just a little lag me when i play thanks for teaching me how to drive dad when do i use my turn signal that's a neat part you don't turn now my math teacher congratulating me me who said for 2069 as a joke pc gamers me being overwhelmed by discord cos it's too tech looking the cold war was just among us with nukes what the cold war was the usa and the uss are going hey you're suss i'm gonna keep my eyes on you jesse what the f are you talking about [Music] me walking on a flat road my ankle fish doesn't have any hands me who just dumped plastic straws so the fish could drink [Music] when you wake up to zero notifications realizing you mean nothing to anyone if only he had something that could elevate him a few feet my friend just be yourself it's the first day to be confident me people who have instagram but never post anything ea apple releasing the same product with different name every year i'm a social vegan i avoid meat church is just an overrated book club that's an oversimplification but yes youtuber puts up text that disappears really fast playback speed 0.25 x [Music] fair change spare change man [Music]
Channel: Dark Theme Meme
Views: 49,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memes, best memes, funny memes, ddm, memes compilation, tik tok memes, dank memes, dark theme meme, cowbelly, cowbelly memes, clumsy memes, memenade, memenade memes, minecraft memes
Id: aRBcnAmTr4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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