RICK AND MORTY 5x08 BREAKDOWN: Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to new rock stars i'm eric voss and this is a breakdown of rick and morty season five episode eight rick turtle friendshine of the spotless mort my new favorite episode of this season because after poking fun at complex conceptual plots of charlie kaufman in the thanksgiving episode this episode makes mountains out of memories like eternal sunshine and spotless mind does but this time on even more acid this episode is uniquely intertwined with the series canonicity a major game changer and as always it is filled with animation details that i just gotta break down for you in the opening scene when summer swipes up on her phone some series where episode 27 shows the brooklyn bridge episode 28 times square episode 29 a statue of liberty which was recently revealed on the show to be a trojan horse containing a french assassin robot maybe this is a podcast or docu-series chronicling the french overtaking new york city rick says i'm trying to stay humble right now but as soon as you guys are gone the potential for a new pickle rick starts skyrocketing of course reminding us of rick's solo adventure in pickle rick in season three which this episode aims to do an even deeper version of omitting the rest of the family completely now in one of the show's most ambitious concepts yet rick restores bird person from his cyborg phoenix person form after the season 4 finale when tammy was killed and space beth ended up shutting down phoenix person and now pretty sad how ever since phoenix person's parts have just been on the other side of these shelves one of rick's many put off tasks just waiting to be fixed rick's garage has an ai it turns out initiating best friend rejuvenation sequence excuse me did i pick that name sequence was unnamed what would you like to call this pause detected approaching pause pregnancy in p minus just like how this season we found out rick's car has an ai and both are voiced by kari walgren buckle up now it's your turn to come on my joyride now notice how both ais have a surprising level of sentience and soul you could call it longing to break free from their technological shells and i love the theory that both of these ais could be the digital essence of rick's deceased white diane who was also voiced by kari walgren why don't i get beth and we'll go out for ice cream that diane is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage that memory from the season 3 premiere was always implied to be a possible lie but now this episode which is rooted in real memories of rick and bird person it now seems to be confirmed that diane and beth were actually killed by a bomb from another dimension proven in a line later this episode you're one of those creeps who moves in with abandoned adult bats it's more complicated than that you live with a version of our dead daughter it better get off your high horse lone ranger also notice how another memory shows rick in a shootout with other rix which seems to be vengeance for diane's murder killing us won't bring her back thanks for the info but i'm more on a revenge kick than a results kick and later in this episode in the comedy club memory rick has the same exact haircut he had on the day of diane's death and he wears blue pants which in that season 3 scene he told the gromful might was something he did specifically during that era whether or not the ai of a ship and garage is diane's voice this episode confirms that she and beth did die and that rick left that reality for one where his wife and his daughter were abandoned back in the garage rick throws away the cybernetic parts but he keeps the laser wings plugged in since during their battle in the season 4 finale those were particularly effective at shooting rick up and spilling his guts rick frankenstein's bird person awake what's the problem yeah notice how bird person looks at rick first realizes where he is and what's going on but then consciously decides to relocate his mind burying it within his subconscious so rick has to use this pink crystal that he snaps off half of and bps head then he grinds the other half down and combines it with this little demon who he liquefies in a container that is hidden behind his crazy research wall with attacks as disguised buttons so much just happened there the demon smiles as it's liquefied meaning it wants this death that it's it's life's purpose to be a neural amplifier and help someone transcends the barriers of the subconscious and then two other containers mean that rick might have done this two other times in the past he dives in and rick finds himself on a bird skull floating in space similar to the imagery based on darren aronofsky's the fountain of the cosmic bird at the end of time and the season premiere here notice how each star is a different color as these are not celestial stars but actually specific memory zones to visit but i love the production design this episode as everything down there is bird themed the planet cracks like an egg and rick gets swallowed by the yolk of it and then he slides out of a lantern at birding mana palooza floribarg like burning man lollapalooza but all the entrances and exits in this episode repurposed the architecture of that particular setting similar to the way michelle gondry directed the memory transitions in eternal sunshine rick later calls all of this charlie kaufman kaufman of course wrote the script for that film one of the people at the concert is the morglutzian from season three of the season but no elbow boobs and i like how this other alien that looks like a woman on a guy's shoulders is just a creature whose boobs are actually just mounts a lot of boob misdirection here now that bong backpack that younger rick shares uses a similar spirit creature that rick just used in the garage to initially enter bp's mind which bp now calls a grossly illegal federation hallucinogen and notice how when they exhale the smoke rings there is a cosmic sound effect you on that one huh and that last smoke ring had a higher chime maybe reflecting the drug getting diluted or losing potency the sci-fi ricks that young rick and bp are in a bar shootout against could be part of the gang of the sci-fi rick who might have killed beth and diane in that flashback just shoot the keys with sci-fi haircuts the bald one has a dashed eyebrow that goes all the way around his head and then pubes that v all the way up to his chest now this strip bar is also bird themed with peacock art on the wall and a bird cage with a swing for the dancer a bit of fluid on that swing bar now the memory of their freedom fighters includes squanchy who if you listen closely when it cuts off screen offers a suggestion and one of their backpacks has an anti-federation patch now young memory rix portal gun is constructed solely from bp's memory of it which is why it looks so crappy and why it cannot actually create portals just these rubbery discs but they smartly use that as a shield later since bp's mine would make these discs so that nothing could pass through them rick says cool time to save this cat save the cat is a screenwriting term for when you make the hero show his good nature by having him save a defenseless creature early on in the story that he doesn't really need to save which in this case it's a bit ironic because rick should care about his best friend bird person but this is rick's way of saying that he doesn't really care this is just saving the cat for him to try to make him look like a good person phoniness that bird person later calls out at the end of the episode and the crate that rick steals the pants from is labeled with a pants icon it's just a box for spare pants bibi observes a memory of his date with tani i enjoy grains though have at times been called a seed man i've certainly enjoyed your seed don't be gross tammy yeah this was bird person's response to tammy in the past what what am i eating what is this bird seed it is random debris i found it in my carpet i don't know what humans eat you know what this human eats don't be gross tammy in historic childhood trauma town members of bird person's race are occupied by gromplomites one kicks over what looks like an elder or spiritual leader explaining what led bird person to join rick's anti-federation crusade against her grompton lights young memory rick gets shot and asks can we both die in here are we damaging our friend's brain i i don't know any of the rules not to the shifting logic of movies like eternal sunshine and inception movie that also called out its own confusing rules midway through the battle of those projections he's a part of his subconscious yes are you destroying those parts of his mind no no they're just projections ah the kind of crystalline i'll explain along the way line that you know dan harmon just loves have you seen interteller no is that that christopher nolan guy yeah dan doesn't seem to like his films meanwhile the garage ai chats with gene the next-door neighbor who has been brought up in recent episodes he compares her to jarvis and iron man which the ai assumes should be enough for them to be best friends yet another example of the rick and morty writers room mocking the mcu that so many of their alumni are now working in maybe a nod to the fact that jarvis started as a disembodied ai but ended up in the body of a tragic romantic figure who keeps dying in people's memories another not the fact that this could be diane look on days when i'm staring intently at the screen trying to spot a missable detail or examining the micro expressions of my co-workers on zoom i noticed my eyes feel a bit heavy and i can have some problems sleeping that's because blue light from screens damages our eyes and leads to digital eye strain which by the way sorry about that symptoms of digital eye strain include blurred vision headaches dry watery eyes for some folks this could even affect your energy level well thanks to blue box for 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yet joined the c-137 reality where beth was still alive before that got cronenberg and he came from a meeting where they talked about heading toward bloodridge based on bird person's line earlier then together we will make our stand at blood ridge that would place bloodridge historically sometime before 2001 when the first shrek was released oh by the way bloodridge was mentioned on bb's wedding day you know you're not being very supportive of a bird person on his big day bird person's big day morty was at blood ridge on glap flap's third moon against the gromphlomites and now we know another reason why rick was drinking so heavily in that moment not only was he losing his best friend he was reminiscing on a day his best friend already rejected him now the core of bird person subconscious is a crimson tree and inside there's a gate framed by phoenix person s wings since these are all the memories that the federation suppressed when they made him into a cyborg and inside is a command center projecting a brain with nodes reflecting those suppressed memories similar to the still accessible star memories when rick first went inside bird person's mind there are giant tanks containing negative emotions labeled denial pain blame rage cringe fear trauma disdain and repression maybe like the nine pillars of self-destruction in bird person's mind per person uses these to fuel bombs in order to self-destruct his mind from the inside out i just love all this inside out level world building one of the most sophisticated designs i've seen in a rick and morty episode it's just a shame it goes by so fast for people to appreciate it but i guess that's what i'm here for i got you covered rick says at this point i'd support you joining scientology i'll take the workshops with you i'll get into sauna with travolta i don't even care what happens he is referencing um suspicion that maybe the reason john travolta won't come out against the church of scientology is that the church might have some information on him i'm not gonna say anymore i don't wanna get sued now on the screen behind rig is up up down down left left right right be a star which is similar to the konami cheat code on nes except that should be left right left right i'm not really sure here maybe you could read it as bird person doesn't know the right code for it which is why he's not giving himself extra bonus lives he's just ending it right now young memory rick sees the suppressed memory of tammy turning on bird person at their wedding and shot him in their sweetheart nest yeah they're using the same audio from that moment the season two finale and i like how it's hidden in a room like how an inception dicaprio stacks his dark memories in rooms that are accessed by an elevator another suppressed memory is bird person and tammy's child whom rick later uses to change per person's mind it's got a little mobile with a bird and other insects birds would eat another memory shows rick and phoenix person's battle in the season 4 finale right before his wings charge up and blast rick but rick and refeers with this memory seemingly just to steal his memory's clothes but also i think to erase this suppressed memory of phoenix person calling him a bad friend after rick admitted he had wondered about them fighting all the time which might have been a little moment that rick had regretted as bird person's subconscious scrambles his projections turn hostile kind of like how an inception when projections turn on the invasive presence when the dream reality begins to collapse they enter a ptsd station well where's that go that's the battle of blood ridge that's our vietnam your values are wrong which rick says because his ptsd comes not from the horrors of war but from his best friend rejecting his friendship in this battle their transport is bombed similar to the drop ship getting bombed at the start of the battle and edge of tomorrow lived i repeat great movie check it out and as rick said at the wedding we actually see this battle go down we see some grafflabians in a war against the gromplomites squanchy takes his pill to juice up into a monster as we saw him do with the wedding but listen closely to this awesome electronic music [Music] yeah you might recognize that that's a synthy cover of the main rick and morty title theme just an interesting way of showing how the rick and morty show we've been watching is actually a sequel to rick and bird person rick asked per person to join him in multiversal adventures and he's got a makeshift portal gun once again because bp's mind doesn't remember it exactly i could take you right now to this same battlefield in a universe where we lost or another where we won or another where the war never even happened all equally real all equally unreal none of it matters this actually mirrors the pitch that alternate rick made in that season 3 flashback imagine doing anything you want then hopping to a timeline where you never did it imagine going anywhere anytime with nobody able to stop you sounds lonely and rick's response there was just like bird person's response here a life of infinite possibility sounds great but it also makes everything meaningless and a bit lonely bird person says if you need me use the beacon referencing how when rick used a beacon to bring bird person to the party in season one when we first met bird person the beacon was activated who was in danger now when bp calls rick sad young memory rick defends him you don't get to tell anyone what's sad man you're like a one man mount sadmore so i guess like a lincoln sad morial i guess it's interesting to consider the lincoln memorial being a sad lonely version of mount rushmore but either way forcing the word sad in there gets young memory rick a judging stare from tammy that lasts an awkward amount of time after convincing a person to live using the idea of his daughter they flee and on their way out they pass this wooden jet cart i guess because all the things in bird person's mind must be things that are bird related or things that fly and they crash into a memory of rick's garage uh the night we met gross on my workbench quan she used that's what some closets are for i call back to the season one finale party where bird person and tammy met bird person is referring to when morty discover squanchy squanching in the closet rick retrieves a plumbus the all-purpose home device from the interdimensional cable commercial the device he's looking for is the mind blower this was used to suck out memories and put them in liquid vials in the season 3 episode evil tammy says rick sanchez you're under arrest for making me spend two years in earth high school similar to how rick's biggest gripe about tammy was you made me go to a wedding and you killed my best friend i should have said that one first rick blows his memory of gear dude's funeral and uses the liquid vial to form a portal to the memory which he plans to use to lily pad to the exit point and gear dude has a latin funeral on gear world where we meet a younger version of gear head established as gear dude's younger brother the only reason they hung out with that lame guy they go through the market where you can see unlock your inner gear mystic gears and gear adelies and they visit squanchy's terrible stand-up phase the club here is bird flappers flappers being a burbank comedy club where i too have been invited to watch friends going through their stand-up phases and yeah nice pun here birds clap i just think it's clever how they need something performance-based in order to link back to their concert performance at the fest the origin of their band the flesh curtains that was actually referenced in graffiti a few episodes back they escaped back to the surface rick and bird person 100 years of course a callback to rick's drunken rant to morty in the pilot episode but another sign that rick and brid person was truly the predecessor to this show but bird person calls out rick's selfishness and telling him about his daughter which was only to save himself which now if you think about it saddles bird person with abandonment guilt which has always cursed rick when it's come to beth and now forcing bird person to care for this violent psychopath as we see in the post-credits scene in bird culture this is considered a dick move and back in kid rick's bedroom notice how he looks and dresses a lot like morty there's also a drawing for his future spaceship car and he sleeps in a car bed just like how i believe his car is now voiced by someone he used to sleep with convince me otherwise actually don't i'm probably wrong there you can support new rock stars by checking out our merch options at newrockstarsmerch.com follow me on instagram and twitter at eavos follow and subscribe to new rockstars thanks for watching and i'll see you in a few weeks for the finale bye [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 980,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, rick and morty, rick and morty 5x08, rick and morty breakdown, rick and morty season 5, Rick and Morty eternal sunshine, rick and morty diane, rick and morty bird person, rick and morty review, rick and morty season 5 episode 8, rick and morty full episode, bird person, rick's wife, rick wife death
Id: rPAR9kuzous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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