Rick and Ironworkers

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[Music] the skyline of Toronto is known for the presence of the CN tower but almost as iconic is the presence of the construction crane there are currently 81 above the city more than any other city in North America and this week the Mercer report goes higher than most mere mortals and joins the kingdom of the iron worker [Music] and this is Jerry Campbell construction manager hello Jerry how are ya nice to meet you thank you for having me here this is very exciting this as this building is called the brint correct correct this is a conversion so this was a hotel the the storied Sutton Place Hotel and now it is gonna be condos right yes correct does the elevators still work they've got one on the outside it's a little bit sketchy but you should be fine so there's a sketchy elevator well that's good cuz it's temporary right that's right right and it's not for guests or owners of the condos it's for workers all my goodness but these are gonna be nice god don't look at that I mean I don't want to make it sound like I'm a real estate agent but that is an unobstructed view right there so now are the rules how close we can go to the edge or anything like that you can go right to the end because this is so Jerry these are the plans I've seen this before this is the Liberals new tax plan right there makes perfect sense this is so confusing this must be the way Donald Trump feels when he's getting a military briefing okay and this is steve Matthews ironwork hello Steve how are you good to see you sir thank you for having me what do we got here we got that big bag in the Lee Malone here structural bolts this is how everything gets put together basically I've got one of these but it's a body piercing I can't show it to you but I just hand tighten mine in the morning and then I put it on the nightstand at night it goes why are cats on backwards by the way iron workers always wear their hats backwards for a couple reasons because you're just so cool that better line-of-sight you need to see everything when you're looking up when there's loads coming above you you don't want that block vision and also if you're welding you're gonna flip your shield down okay advise you'd be in the way it out or burning goggles or with some of the construction worker in the village people not an iron worker right right he did something else some other thing hell of a dancer about probably a pipe fitter yes this is ROM this is Joe this is Schuyler hello Aria rod Joe Schuyler all right the time has come to go to work apparently right okay Rob how long have you been doing this job since Oh a seventeen were you from Six Nations Six Nations Mohawk ironworkers famous right world around the world yeah you built in New York City you built all Chicago you built them all and there's a lot of Mohawks a lot of Newfoundland roots right absolutely you stick your buttonhole there okay which hole should I put my spot it you're always sticking right you're all right go right and you'll never go around okay I'm aiming for this one down there hold on you're gonna rip your fingers I don't want to rip my fingers off because that is not funny oh say there's someone down there putting the nuts up through the hole yeah the bolt up through the hole [Music] you must see some weird stuff eh up here looking down at all these condos like they're not used to people being up here put some clothes on see now do you not feel anxious Joe you're making me a little nervous here yeah listen I'm not trying to make anyone feel anxious I'm just saying in this situation I'm feeling a little queasy but what's which whoa whoa I'm saying I didn't need my Metamucil this morning is what I'm saying there could be a Metamucil accident up here during your hand your own turn my hand around yeah that doesn't even make sense to me I'm always like a baby in the jumper I always forget yeah I'm Tommy there got to thank you oh he's gonna walk on the beam oh my goodness look at him going I don't say this very often but you're like my new hair oh look at you you're my hero look at this guy how many of these we put in today today okay how many would you put it on a regular day you try to do probably around 60 or 80 and how many of you with me around well so far we got two watch it fingers okay I'm watching the fingers watch your language you're worse than Jana's and for God's sakes I'm not coming up with you what's that as soon as I get you a tie up here really this is happening I feel pretty confident because I don't want to brag but Artistic Gymnastics was my sports you vote at the gymnastics and the beam do you watch the gymnastics and you go and I could do that yeah yeah that's the thing that happens yeah I feel like he's walking lucky kid he's learning how to walk his diaper is full but he's learning that's adorable do I just drop that yeah you can drop that would you turn around I would stand up and I would watch it and turn around like see how Joe looked over there yeah Cooley look see how Chloe looks this is cool too with Canada's ironworkers [Applause]
Channel: MercerReport
Views: 163,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UmY82f1biHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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