Richard Rohr - A Contemplative Look At The Bible
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: JesusExclusiveSavior
Views: 101,249
Rating: 4.5702481 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Christ, Gospel, Truth, christian, salvation, redemption, Lord, Christianity, Word, Word of God, Bible, Spirit, Life, Grace, Cross, teaching, humanity, inclusion, oneness, freedom, etermal life, victory, mankind, Adam, new creation, Holy Spirit, power, anointing, prayer, cross, holy, blessing, sin, righteusness, faith, healing, shalom, peace, love, love of God, Good News, Kingdom of God, incarnation, resurection, Trinity, Church, religion, sermons, trinitarian, Orthodox, Richard Rohr, A Contemplative Look at The Bible
Id: jjlygdoF2g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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