Richard Raffan creates a cross-grain box for the first 4—WAYS project.

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hello I'm Richard Raffin this is the first of the four-way videos in which four of us myself Sam Angelo Mike peace and Thomas laugh Thomas check who suggested the idea all work to the same brief so the idea is that you see four different ways of uh from a starting point and hopefully we'll all end up with something a bit different this first brief was set by Sam and we're all going to make a box cross grain box at least three inches diameter two inches high and color is optional well I'm not really one for uh coloring wood too much but um it can be a little bit of a challenge uh colored wood I initially thought requires the wood to be light so that we can put um a different range of kind of colors Sam initially uh was idly thinking rainbows um I wasn't too keen on that but I was thinking as far as shape goes cross grain of a long kind of tall box with a kind of nut ball on the top of the handle I've got a sort of example here um so I would have a shape a little more like this this is a roughed out box which I could a rough that cylinder which you could use what's going to be a spatula pot and then this is a bowl I made some time ago but um that would then sit on there as a bowl with a little handle and that could come off and you could hold it and pour your nuts out and um it's an idea I quite like the idea of but the more I looked at this um the worse it looked really this funny little handle sticking out I thought of having two handles coming out I drew this mostly um and that just looked a bit comical and then I thought of having four handles which uh one's coming off the long grain here would be very fragile so if the lid was dropped anywhere you can guarantee it would land here not there these are fairly strong but this one would not be um so I abandoned that idea and went instead to a kind of tall version here which uh as well within my comfort zone as a shape I've done quite a few like this um probably with a little bit of carving on it initially I was thinking of some kind of color pattern going across at an angle swirling around the piece but I don't have very much wood cross grain wood that kind of height that really is six inch bowl material and I just don't make those and I never really did although I've and confidently I don't have any timber dry and I don't have anything roughed out apart from the cylinder you've just seen but for the cylinder I've just seen I don't have a lid to go with it uh so that kind of squashed that one so I'm coming back to a lower squatter ball and what I have is as a piece of Timber which I know is dry it's it's heaven knows how old it's been lying in somebody's Barn for probably 20 years and it came to my way late last year so what I'm going to do is cut discs out of that and see what I can make with those and I'm really thinking in terms of a fairly squat base and then a rounded top which I can get my hand over um or if you've got a very small hand you can kind of lift off with two hands but a loose lid because it's cross grain and cross grain is always going to move with the seasons even if it's very stable now as far as the color goes um on this wood I've got some pretty bright yellows as an option but we'll have a look at that when I see more white color it comes about but I'm anticipating this wood which I've never worked before I don't know anything about it um that I anticipate it'll come up fairly dark once it's got some oil on it and so a kind of nice okra yellow might look quite nice in there as a discreet bit of a dormant so next job is going to be to cut the blank so the main feature of this blank is this split which comes down to there so and it goes right across the top what I can see is what looks like a little bit of very nice kind of Shimmer going right the way through it um so do that lower the the guides is my little bit of exercise the afternoon um so I can then cut that through so I want to get the split out [Music] and that looks pretty good and I'll just take the other one out as well right as I can still see it just a little bit here a little bit up there so take about six millimeters off [Music] what I'd like to see is a nice clean bit of wood which I do there's a slight kind of knotty thing there but that's all right that's looking very nice so it's now a question of cutting the discs out I always pays to turn the wood over and make sure there are no nasty surprises the other side foreign so that's got a little bit of a bit of a kind of knot or something there so uh that would come out probably uh with the shapes I have in mind anyway let's see what I can get out of this now so I can get one there which takes me over to there so we'll just cut that and that looks about four inches 110 millimeters which is uh four and a 3X and inches so that'll be all right so we can get another one out of this side a little bit of a remaining split there but if I'm going to round the lid over um I can cope with that so that will be the top this will be the bottom there for oh I've just spotted another little split you can hardly see it so that's coming out now [Music] right well that puts a bit of a different aspect on things um it looks horribly like another one just there and uh yeah there might well be a split right so I'm just going to get a smaller playing card of or a similar size to the other one out of there a little small one in here just giving myself some options here really in what I can do with the with the lid if it comes to it I might have to have a much smaller lid there we can go slightly larger all right they're a bit close together so I'll lose a little flat bit there but now I've only got a 20 I've only I've got the 20 millimeter blade on here so I can't go around corners very well all right [Music] [Music] it's a bit of wood jammed in there right so now we can uh next I will go to the drill press and sink a hole in the blanks so each blank now has a hole in it a drill on the drill press and that's going over some pin Jaws it's just a nice Quick Way convenient way to hold a smaller blank and you can bring the tail saw up if you want but um I don't normally bother and this is uh quite a short now half inch spindle gouge and people always want to know the bevel as I've just measured it's about 40 degrees [Music] yeah so this is when I discovered [Music] how the wood's going to work cutting because it's not fantastic on the end grain which means we'll probably be scraping the fair bit of sanding try to find a cut that's a little shaving just off just to the left of the nose of the tool don't go racing off the end it'll just chip it try one back the other way so you can see what's happening right not very nice up on the end grain and if it's not very nice there it won't be very nice on the other side as well it's not quite so bad but anyway so I need to do all four of those so in the second blank um that little hole which I'd spotted earlier turned out to be a little bit bigger and requires a dental pick just to find out how far down it goes really and I always like to get rid of everything I don't want in the final piece early on so that marks the top of it and let's take a little cut in from here and get it out of the way foreign look for it which is uh just there uh but it's all but gone so that'll be okay so on with the rest so this is giving me uh four blanks uh this one has a little bit of figure just there so now it's starting to look really at lids and bases so um if I put that on on that I'm thinking in terms of a base kind of tapered in that's probably bigger than I need so I might try that one which I think will be about the right size and if it isn't like I've then got the bigger one spare um if I do that one that'll be a much more enclosed form and a totally different kind of shape um which I don't think I want to pursue this time so I'll go with shaping this one first so uh ah what I hadn't thought of um that's more likely to be a lid um because it's got a big hole in the bottom so that's not so good for a base um so in which case that we're now looking at that way up I wasn't thinking about that was I I'll go with those doesn't really matter too much to go with that one I think so the base gets done first and I've established the diamond of the top so that will go back on the Chuck and get shaped up so first thing is to get the bottom flat and I'm going to grip this with the Jaws wide open so there will be marks on this and I'll turn that off at the end this is a skewed Shear scrub actually tilted on its side or used flat rather foreign to be quite a hard Dusty wood and uh slightly concave have a little niche taken out of the corner because this side's rounded to and just ease that in a little bit of decoration on the bottom all I need really is this running crew which it is pretty well and this is going to be narrowing to the top finger only thread so when I push the tool forward I've got more control if the hands over the top foreign [Music] [Music] I reckon getting a smooth surface on this might be quite difficult for tools and so for that reason I'm beginning to think in terms of of just having a smooth line no real detail a bit of chatter Mark there so it's going a bit hard so turn that round this is now going into step Jaws sit back and now I'm going to be re-chucking so I'll sand the bottom later although I had actually just forgotten about that I was thinking about where to move the camera so I'm going to take another cut up the outside first and to do that I'm going to use this quarter inch deep fluid Bowl gouge so you're going to get a better cut off that really of course the the curves tighter on the nose and just go slowly and steadily and hope there's a better cut still picking up a little bit in the end grain there still we'll just have to do we'll sand it another problem which might be arising is that with um very hard grain sometimes sanding with the friction built up with sanding that can split the end grain little micro splits very irritating right for driller depth hole it's going to use a 3 8 ball guard for that I'm gonna need to get the tail stock out of the way down to the end of the flute good so if you're going to drill with the depth go over the um spindle guard you really need a long bevel and a pretty full curve on the uh on the wings not something you can do on a jig generally I think so I'll rough this out with the 3 8 deep-fruited Bowl garage foreign about five cuts um and then I've got the three-quarter inch square and scraper which just feels a little bit you could do with a bit of a home [Laughter] foreign well that's turning quite nicely on the end on the bottom on the flat sounds about right oh yes more than right so I've got about um lessen the flange I have here so it's about where the Jaws are so which measures six millimeter no five millimeters so it's just under a quarter of an inch yeah it's a bit too accurate straight up right so no margin for error well I have got margin prayer I've got another blank so I can't see what you can see in there but I can see what's happening over at about four o'clock easing the handle away so I get a bit of a curve on the inside foreign well as expected that's not a particularly good cut down the inside so I should be able to improve that then just gets stuck in there with 120 grit or even 80. but I will have a go with the I've got a detail guard here which is a very shallow spindle guard fairly long bevel and uh so start outside roll it very slightly anti-clockwise and just go steadily and firmly down there down the slope and try not to give them aware of the camera and have to get in the way the camera to start to cut foreign because I'm not over the tool enough really got to reach right over so I'm going to be blocking away I need to be right over right there's a tin little Ridge there so I need to just get the tool in and now I can see where it is looking across at the other side right and that is now going to get 120 grits so that really wasn't uh quite the task that I thought it would be which is a relief I've gone down to 320 which is about all I normally go down to and I'm now going to use onto this a bit of boiled linseed inside and uh and some beeswax which is my normal finish and I was expecting this to come out quite a lot blacker but it's going to be quite pink a little darken in the long run um and I don't think I'm going to be putting any color on the base I'm just going to be doing it on the lid if there is any so that's the that's the oil on and a little bit of beeswax on top in my other videos several of you commented on um or wanted to know whether I put the oil or the wax on First and it rather depends on rather kind of lacks around I suppose finishing the idea is to get the oil and the wax mixed in and then melted in to the wood so they can really go on in either order when it comes to it well a very dense wood like this a good chance I don't really need to have the um I have the oil this is the sock which is impregnated with wax so that gives a pretty nice finish and then son of sock which is slightly less wax in it gets to take off the surface and starts to build it in its turn will become the waxy sock right so that's that inside done the outside I need to do the do the bottom and deal with that bit and this will probably go over the jaw shoulders especially if I weren't it the right way it'll go in nicely and so the bearing surfaces the fullness of the curve up there and it won't really leave a bruise which you'll notice all right so now if you wanted to bring the tail stock up in this situation you'd want also to bring up something solid like a disc to put the tail stock um to bring the Tails fog up to and then you've got plenty of support for the bottom and no nasty little hole from the cone in the center so this one I've got teeth marks to get rid of so that's the first thing to do 3 8 spindle guard is my weapon of choice for this kind of thing a little Ridge there so I don't want to go off into space and tear the green that feels smooth no sound of teeth marks right so I'm now just going to round over this little shoulder in fact both shoulders and just leave a little kind of wide base there you might just put a little bit of a chamfer on it right sand all that 180. [Music] so there's a nice clean cut there so that's good confuse the sock this time you need plenty of wax on it going into the wood and we'll go all the way up to the top so that is the base done so here's my finished base and this is the lid I had in mind well the piece of wood I had in mind for the lid but it's not quite big enough to make an overfitting lip so my error was not cutting this in as a steep enough angle so um I could just make another base because I've got this blank here but I'm going to use it for the lid and we'll I'll just live with my decision um normally I like a lid which is slightly smaller than the base but in this case it might even be slightly bigger and just see how we go but what I have in mind is a a bowl about half the height which is half this black so it's giving me an awful lot of this black wasted um so I don't think it'll be an easy piece to part off so it'll it'll just be wasted wood so the blank is going into the step Jaws and just flatten off the room first and then get the diameter for the base so I might do the down for the base now set so this is now going outside this lid so just hold the point against the thumb can't watch both points at once that should do it so this is going to be a slightly loose lid anyway even if it ended up as a jewelry box that's Lucid is probably better for that kind of thing too so just uh smooth that off with the spindle guards again to use the wing of the tool just clear that up I'm not feeling well together comfortable with that I'm going to change the chuck [Music] um gripping on a nice wide dial a little bit just you know why it was rattling a bit I'm going to feel more comfortable using the expanding collet uh and that'll be turned away anyway so I suppose nice hole there that'll save me a bit of work won't it not in tight straight rather cause straight against the Jaws better now looking for the half inch spindle garage again [Music] now that's the tool tilted over and angle you build that in bring that in fluid up it's going to be over your shoulder that's the blank not the tool this is the diameter yeah and we'll just cut that in and see what it looks like uh do that with a little the 3 8 stick through the gauge [Music] so that just needs to be a little bit wider but that's actually looking quite nice so what I'm going to do is make a little bowl inside that looks more of a dish really use the same threads of quarter inch ball bag [Music] now that's not really designed for that kind of a cut so I'll use the half inch spindle gouge and that's got a much broader Fuller wing foreign [Music] [Music] to do with the rim is to round it over three eggs folder uh spindle Dash before I get a white as a little a little undercut rounded undercut rim so get in there with the uh it's crazy [Music] there's not quite enough curve on that I need to find myself [Music] and I like it to one inch quite tricky just getting in under there I do have another tool for that I've forgotten about hardly ever use this tool which is a skewed scraper going in the other direction [Music] now we've got a slight Ridge just there which I want to get rid of I'll do that by tilting this tool up on it as a Shear scraper put it up on these speakers in the middle I've got to be terribly careful about catching the upper point out there it wasn't intending to give you an example there foreign [Music] something I ever use normally and here if I get to a negative rep Circle just realized I haven't had my microphone plugged in so and have suddenly improved sorry about that now I want to round that over I'm going to use the wing of the excuse the bevel side rather I want to round that over get rid of any little lines which I can see over there trying to keep out of your way and I can't really see what I'm doing not directly I'm watching over the other side now I am going to block it I think now we need to start shaping the outside using uh to use the 3 8. deep through the garage finger underneath the resume just pushing the tool in [Music] you really want to try and avoid cutting Against the Grain but in this situation very difficult foreign the general curve and then I'll match it when I take the bulk of this off shortly let's take a little bit more of this round right and I'll sand that in with the 120 from previous experience you guys want a round round the rim over staging [Music] I know I mentioned 360 earlier on but in fact I don't think I've been any finer than the blue right so that's that done and the and now need to expand Jaws inside that and then they can take the top off in fact while I'm at it here I can probably take a lot of that bulk from here it might be just a bit easier there's a better grip so using the right wing of the guards all right so almost got a double bow it's going to do the job it doesn't I'm in trouble getting close oh thank goodness now it might be prudent just to bring up the tail Center here just in case it feels like coming loose right I'm going to be using the uh a quarter inch spindle gouge game foreign this is against the grain so it's uh should really be cutting the other way for your nice clean surface now get in there tight I'm going to use the spindle guard it's got a slightly longer bevel tighter oh just about right which means I don't want to go any thinner okay grains running across foreign just snap that off looking a shade clunky we can take some out of that area it's not the right thickness in there doesn't need much off just there now torn grain there and probably around here yeah it's not too bad there but we'll uh we I will take a sheer cut with the quarter inch ball guard it's got a fairly steep right wing so uh gives me a nice angle of attack here I had a longer bevel I'd be way over there somewhere whoops lots of a little bit all right maybe not so the hint a hint of energy there and that might actually look quite good how does it feel I can take a little bit more out of that I quite like that as a little OG so I think I'll just take that out a little bit and this time I'm going to do that with a sheer scraper oh it feels a lot better slight kind of lump up there I think that's going to look all right and the next thing to consider yeah it's definitely looking a bit better I could even have a kind of Cove there I've got the wood for it right taking it down a bit further a bit of commitment into the garage clean it up with a Shear scrape so if nothing happens don't get a bit of dust easily we don't push the tool in harder you've go to the grinder or hone it [Music] the hint of that brittle sound in there getting thin enough [Music] now Sam times project suggested we could have a bit of color you know if you want to try that so the question I'm going to put some dots of color around it very random but I need a lines on a slight bump there um I need a lines I know where to make the holes so do I want it there [Music] yep I think I'll just go for that so my lines are going to go in fact I might have two lines and I can work in between and I'm going to be using a Dremel when I find it and the idea is going to be just I'm just going to do a series of marks in uh do I want them that way or that way uh come that way I think oops nothing to do with that so I'm just this is definitely random [Music] all right [Music] on a bigger scale if you mess it up you can um take those away and do another lot now those are going to get filled with epoxy and left to sit overnight and then I'll sand them in the morning it's a very irritatingly last night I've managed to take two photos rather than the video I forgot to check that the video was running anyway uh what I did was mix these pigments um this is uh cadmium yellow which is really quite dangerous stuff and some other pigment which I was given a while back to make the kind of mustardy color here so that was with five minute epoxy and this will now go back on the lathe and uh and be screwed up so I'm going to do this with a try scraping it I think I've already honed up the um sheer scraper for this it's gonna Shear script with the tool up on edge and it's just slightly less aggressive that's quite a bit to come off and do it with the garage it's the straight spindle garage the basically sheer scraping as well just with the uh the wing of the tool and then my pencil lines I'm going to hit that with uh heavy sanding so this would be the 120 uh 180 [Music] one of the problems when you're hand sanding is that the woods barely moving in the middle so it's very easy to develop a little lump which you can barely feel but the light often catches it so to get rid of that paste it stop the lathe and just return it turn it by hand so every push you go across Center and that way keep a nice Dome 240. the rotary sander will just take away any swirl marks we'll just put wax on this foreign Sparkle into it or something too late now foreign
Channel: Richard Raffan
Views: 30,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4xZaoSiLrDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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