Richard Epstein: "Is the Administrative State Consistent with the Rule of Law?"

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RICHARD EPSTEIN: Anyhow, it is always a great honor to be speaking in front of the world's most demanding audience, which is you, a topic about which I am afraid that I do not count, at least according to recognize standards, as an expert. I've spent my entire academic career using the following format-- somebody asked me to speak about a subject on which I know nothing, and I eagerly accept the invitation, weighed in, and come up with a series of conclusions which I hope will offend the sort of established wisdom in any particular area. And when I started to think about administrative lore at the request of the NYU journal on law and liberty to participate in this symposium, it was a rather interesting setting because I had thought a little bit about this topic but not very deeply or not very long. And I would say the more I thought about it, the more I became convinced that the conventional complacency with respect to the administrative state is, in fact, wrong, and that there are serious problems in the way in which it deals with the rule of law. Let me sort of begin by telling you a kind of an anecdote about why it is I thought about this. When I was at the Hoover institution one year we had a big seminar on land use, and the topic of the speech that I gave had the following title-- which is whether or not Palo Alto, in fact, observes the rule of law. And when you start thinking about this-- in one sense it's obviously absurd to treat this as though it's a tin pot dictatorship, lawless and reckless in the neighborhood of Hugo Chavez. And that is true because, at least with respect with certain kinds of interests that we have, there is, in fact, a reasonably strong and definite set of property rights such that their deprivation can be governed by very strict and precise rules. And I refer here to the rules which deal with matters having to do with A, incarceration of individuals and B, with seizures of property. On the other hand, when you start to deal with things where the situation is a bit more nebulous to whether or not somebody receives a permit in order to build land on this, that, or the other piece of property, the question of whether or not the rule of law is, in fact, observed strikes me as being much closer question. The power of administrative agencies to issue or deny permits will change the value of properties from $1 million on the one hand to $10 million on the other. And the question, then, is can we find any particular way to describe the principles under which that particular choice ought to be exercised? And in the years that I've taught land planning, it became very clear to me that landmark designation and that zoning situations did not have a set of rules which allowed you to have the same degree of precision with that kind of question that you had with the question as to whether or not somebody should be put into jail for the commission of certain kinds of offenses and so forth. And so the central problem that we have to face is, how do we deal with the questions of discretion in the modern state? Now when coming to this particular question, I come to it from the framework of a decidedly unfashionable philosophy, particularly if you look at the modern political situation. I am, in effect, kind of an old line classical liberal, and the basic propositions that somebody of my particular persuasions believe can be summarized relatively simply if you ignore some of the inevitable complications. And the first of them is that you tend to believe in limited government in which discretion is regarded as a necessary evil rather than some kind of a welcome good. You therefore, in effect, try to figure out how you structure public institutions in a way that will limit [INAUDIBLE] discretion on the theory that too much of this is much likely to create an abuse. As opposed to the opposite situation, in which government officials have too little kinds of a discretion-- particularly with respect to matters dealing with the use of liberty and property. And on the private side, you tend to believe by and large in the importance of voluntary agreements and in the strength of private property types of institutions. If you put all of this together, it does not lead you into a no government state. I don't want to sound like a mad libertarian, although occasionally on Thursday evenings I feel that way, but it does, in a sense, create a presumption against government action which has to be met by showing that there's some serious defect in the system of private arrangements that require some kind of legislative intervention that works with respect to the public good. And for a very long time in this country, we essentially had a relatively small government that kind of fit that particular model. We made it difficult to pass statutes. It didn't mean that you didn't get a statute of frauds or a statute of limitations, but certainly the modern administrative agency-- which has widespread discretion to issue rules and to issue permits-- was not a feature of the American system until some time after the Civil War. When large industrialization took place, there became a real question as to whether or not some degree of regulation was necessary on a wide range of issues having to deal with safety on the one hand, and monopoly on the other hand, and the exhaustion of common pool resources on the third hand, as it were. These were the major heads that we were worried about. And it sort of became clear that there was no way that you could handle all of these questions through legislation which specified each and every element of the kinds of conduct that should be allowed or denied. So for example, just to take one illustration, it is possible, for example, for a legislature to say that individual firms running a railroad, for example, should charge rates that are reasonable and nondiscriminatory. It is not possible, even for our Congress, to sit down and to design a set of railroad tires which would be able to tell you how much money should be charged for all sorts of goods under all sorts of circumstances. So to some extent, they're for delegation down from the legislative branch to somewhere else is going to be appropriate. The key question you have to ask is where. And the first question that one has to deal with is what's the attitude on this very simple question? Do we believe in executive branch agencies, which are subject to congressional control and under the supervision of the president? Or do we believe, in effect, that we ought to have independent agencies in which the presidential power to remove and to control are going to be sharply circumscribed such that these powers can be exercised only for cause narrowly defined-- massive incompetence, fraud, or something of the sort? Looking back at the original doctrine, it's very clear that the progressives-- who, in a sense, were always the champions of the administrative state-- cared very much about the inability to create these independent agencies. If you go back and you read Woodrow Wilson in the last half of the 19th century before he became a horrible president and Governor, he wrote the leading book on president-- on congressional power in 1885, and he expresses all sorts of impatience with the system of separation of powers which essentially slows down the way in which government operates by simply having an endless series of hoops, and checks, and balances that you have to overcome. The basic sense that I have-- you have from Wilson, which motivates the progressive era, are assumptions which are exactly the opposite of those which took place under the classical liberal situation. The first of these is that you assume that all government officials would act in good faith because of their great concern with the public welfare writ large. And this is very much in conflict with the fear of people like Madison, who thought that the dangers of faction in public life-- whether a minority or a minority-- majority or minority-- was so great that you had to have all of these procedural devices in place in order to make sure that the things were not [INAUDIBLE]. And the second kind of assumption is that whether or not you have, somehow or other, in government the level of expertise that will allow you to accomplish the very ambitious projects that are generally going to be assigned to an administrative state. If you start to look at the way in which the progressives thought about this, they really believed in a form of science, or scientism, in which they thought that if you collected enough information about the behavior of various kinds of industries, you could come up with a set of regulations about the products to be produced, about the prices to be charged, and about the various kinds of industrial forms that should be the authorized to prohibit it. In fact, the progressives almost uniformally had a very strong predilection for state monopolies which they borrowed, to some extent, from the German systems of corporatism which dominated in the late 19th century over in Europe. Whereas if you start looking at classical liberals-- my god-- you come up with the exact opposite on both of these kinds of questions. On the first of these kinds of issues having to deal with good faith, what their attitude is that whenever you put somebody into power there is always the chance that they will morph from an agent of the public at large to those of the factional issues that represents them. And to some extent, this is compounded the moment you get away from the electoral system because administrative agencies are almost, by definition, insulated from popular control. So if there is a tendency from the part of people to move strongly in one direction or another, there's going to be less by way of political pressure to hold them accountable. And so one of the things that you see in modern administrative agencies is you get a compromise statute, and then all of the people who turn out to be so-called experts in a given field are often very committed to its expansion so that what you see is a continuous aggressive over interpretation of statutes in the administrative process in order to achieve a particular partisan end. Now, how does one start to try to counter this situation? Well, the first of the many obstacles that one had to face historically was the question of whether or not you could have these independent administrative agencies at all. The progressives, when they're in their expansive mood, always talk about these as the fourth branch of government, and they mean this in a very robust, muscular, and optimistic fashion. They have figured out that the ability to create these administrative agencies will allow you to combine executive, legislative, and judicial power in a single branch of government so that our expertise and good faith can, in effect, plunge forward at a very much more rapid rate. And so they sort of treat this as a kind of a real plus charge. On the other hand, there's always the Constitution to contend with, and it's a very annoying doctrine under these circumstances because the last I looked between Article III and Article IV, there was not an Article III-A, which talked about administrative agencies which were independent of the control of the president. And so essentially what you had was a doctrine, or a document, which had very categorical divisions between the legislature that legislates the executive that administers, and the judiciary that size. All of you know that this is going to take a terrible beating in practice, but at least that was the basic assumption on how it works. Now why would a progressive age want to have a different system? Well, I think it probably stems from this very simple insight. If in fact you, the Congress, have a policy that you like which is at variance to the executive, and if you know that it requires delegated authority in order to implement, you are very reluctant to enact your ambitious program if you think that the charge of implementation is going to be given to a president who's interest, to some extent, is different from and adverse to your own. If you can start to create administrative agencies, which have some degree of independence, you could park some of this power with them so you could expand your own legislative agenda fairly effectively without having to run constant resistance on the part of the president. So there is, I think, a built in tendency to think that, on average, if you don't have independent administrative agencies, you will have a kind of a systematic and structural restraint. And what that restraint will say is since we have to give this power over to somebody whom we don't necessarily like, we're going to be a little bit more cherry on what we do, you're going to pass a little bit less by way of legislation generally, and the legislation that you're going to pass is going to be drafted a little bit more tightly. Well, given all of this, it's very clear that one then has to figure out whether or not you can start to create these agencies. And there's been a very long battle on this issue for a very long time, and essentially there is no question that the New Deal, which favors multiple and flexible forms, eventually was able to prevail-- chiefly in a case called Humphrey's Executor where the independence of people serving on the FTC was generally thought to be consistent with the basic constitutional scheme. But if we don't have Article III-A in there, which creates these things explicitly, then how do we get to the point where they're there? Well what you do is you engage in constitutional interpretation. And here, the most vulnerable portion of the Constitution for dealing with this issue turns out to be the Necessary and Proper Clause. And that's the clause which says if you look at all the affirmation mentioned powers that are vested in the president and the various departments in the Congress, they're entitled to use those means which are necessary and proper in order to carry them out into execution. So essentially what they're saying is we don't want to have niggling interpretations of the various elements. So if the Congress has the power to establish post roads, it's going to have the power to basically hire somebody to put the signage up on the roads without having to worry about the question of whether or not the delegated authority turns out to be there. And so you've got to have a doctrine of that sort. The question, then, is how do you interpret it? And here-- this is the Epstein theory of constitutional interpretation, and it is of such immense sophistication and subtlety that I'm going to share it with you now, which is that when you have something which says that those things which are necessary and proper, you ask two questions. The first question you ask is whether they're necessary, and the second question you ask is whether they are proper. Now you ask, well, why is this mass of subtlety of interpretation such an important part of constitutional interpretation? Because truly great minds, like Chief Justice Marshall, never had to stoop to such a lowly form of interpretation. What he did, in effect, is he said this is only one question, which is whether or not something turns out to be appropriate for the achievement of something else. And it turns out if you use that particular phrase, it changes the level of scrutiny and review that you will give to the particular situation at hand. For example, it is not necessary to have a bank of the United States in order to run a mint. You can have a mint in the United States without the bank. And one could argue that it's not proper to do these sorts of things if what you do, in effect, by it is to alter the balance between the federal and state governments over their respective spheres of influence. And so it is, with respect to administrative agencies, there is nothing which they do which cannot be done in some sensible fashion by an executive branch agency. And if you think that the separation of powers principle is an important way of slowing things down, if you think that checks and balances really matter, then you could ask the question whether its actually proper to do these sorts of things. So putting the two questions separately and taking each word and giving it due emphasis has, in effect, the necessary consequence of raising the level of scrutiny, which is going to be given to any exercise of congressional power. If, in fact, you sort of slur the two things together and come up with the word appropriate, it is going to have exactly the opposite consequence. It will, in effect, lower the standard of review. So to put this in sort of modern terms, what happens if you apply necessary and proper, and treat the two words separately, and give each of them independent force, you essentially have a kind of intermediate to strict scrutiny standard of review when Congress wants to play. By the time you get done with the word appropriate and trace it through the other cases, you come to what I think to be the great curse of modern American constitutional law. On matters of government structure, you adopt the rational basis test so that essentially anything goes so long as you can identify at least one advantage to the structure that is proposed in the legislation relative to the status quo. And when you're dealing with constitutional schemes of immense complexity, and legislative schemes, and great subtlety, there's always one way in which is better than the status quo, which means by the time that you're done with the analysis everything will turn out to be constitutional-- and that includes independent administrative agencies. So this sudden mode of interpretation makes a difference. Does it make a difference in consequence? Well, here I think the answer is actually somewhat mixed. If you look at something, like my least favorite agency-- oh, that's actually a hard contest-- but the National Labor Relations Act, it creates an independent board which kind of has prosecutorial powers, and then it also has adjudicate powers. And the one thing that I can tolerate or understand is why it is there has to be some admixture between the executive functions and the legislative function, but I do not understand why it is that the judicial function has to be mixed in with the other two. And the great danger that I see in specialized courts that are part of agencies is that they are much more likely to fall prey to ideological agendas. And one of the reasons we know there's serious troubles is that there's a little formal requirement in the law which says four have-- three come from one party, and two have to come from the other party, which is, in effect, the concession about how political these organizations are going to be. And in fact, they have proved, to some extent, true to what has been said. They are much more political. If you don't have this huge willingness to create administrative agencies, then you're going to have to go to the regular courts in order to arbitrate all these labor cases. That's going to be of you a very powerful check on the size, and the scope, and ambition of legislation in general. So all of these kinds of things start to make a difference. But then you start to say now we have heard Professor Epstein sing the swan song of lost causes for the 4,880th time of our law school career. Nobody is going to change the administrative structure today. Even if somebody were to believe every word of what he says, there is, in fact, in social life a kind of prescriptive easement such that once institutions are put into place and they operate for a long period of time, there's nothing that you can do to undo them. It's a little bit like the title which is acquired by adverse possession. It may have been illegitimate at the outset, but we have to accept that it's legitimate going forward. Well, the next question is what does it mean to accept it. And here, the real question, and the great challenge of the administrative state, was to try to figure out-- once we have a dance with four priorities instead of a dance with three parties, what are going to be the relationship of the fourth party to the other three parties in this particular situation? And there's absolutely nothing by way of constitutional text which will talk about the way in which the administrative agencies, independent or otherwise, coordinate with the other branches of government because there's no independent agencies that are contemplated, I think, under the original constitutional design. So what you then have to do is to basically create from whole cloth some kind of a set of rules to govern these new beasts which you've introduced into the system, and have given full and complete legitimacy by the time that the New Deal has run its course. Interestingly enough, one of the major people who were so active in the creation of the body of administrative law in the 1940s was a man who taught here for many years-- Kenneth [INAUDIBLE] Davis-- whose treatise on administrative laws of immense influence. And I can assure you since I knew him directly, this was not a small government guy. This was somebody who essentially was very comfortable with the progressive synthesis. And in the effort to create administrative law, was constantly worrying about how you expand the power of administrative agencies rather than trying to figure out a way in which you could start to compress them. So what would be the way in which one would want to think about them? Well, this is the way I would want to think about them. I'd say, well, what kind of activities are they starting to engage in? And to the extent that they're engaging in rulemaking activities of general import, it seems to me, whether you like it or not, you have to give these characters at least some degree of discretion in the way in which they formulate these particular rules. The argument is going to be, and I don't like it but I accept it, that if it's a broad enough kind of a mandate enough people will come to the table such that the participation rights that people have in public governance will be strong enough to prevent the statute from going off the rails one way or another. And sure enough, if anybody has ever watched or worked in any kind of a rulemaking procedure, they will realize that the line to get into those testimonies is every bit as long, and a hell of a lot more insistent, than the line to get the box lunches before the talks. I mean, people understand what the size of the stakes are, they're enormous, they know that they have a place at the table, they know that they have to form coalition because essentially the name of the game is everybody gets a chip-- some get a big one, some get it a little one-- but nobody has a chip which is large enough so that you could put it on one side of the balance scale, it doesn't matter what goes on the other. So coalitions and so forth are the order of the day, and the hope is that this system of participatory democracy will yield something that looks like a superior result. In a world in which you're talking about things that markets can't control, total levels of pollution in the environment, you have to go with this kind of system. But in a world in which ordinary voluntary markets work rather well, I regard the system as nothing short of sheer insanity. That is to the extent that you're trying to figure out, for example, how you set wages for overtime and so forth, the thought that you need a government intervention to handle labor markets is always, I think, a mistake. And now when you run it through an agency in which every union and every local government comes in and tries to ask how it is that you calculate overtime pay throughout the nation, you are dealing with a problem where, no matter what you do, you're going to come up with deep administrative pathology. So the great difficulty of the New Deal era comes back in the administrative setting. The New Deal thought that competitive solutions were just one form of market failure, I tend to think of them as a form of market success, and so all sorts of labor market regulation, for example, was perfectly appropriate precisely because it would get you away from what they thought to be the demonic competitor solution. So that's the large picture. And then what happens is do you allow the losers to challenge? And in the United States, the basic answer is you can bring a takings claim but you can't win it. No matter how you try, if there's going to be an argument to that particular sort, the rational basis test-- the same thing that got you appropriate administrative agencies-- essentially will insulate them from constitutional challenges, more or less, up and down the board. So for example, when there was this huge reorganization of the telephone industry in the 1996 statute, when the whole dust settle, two things happened. First, the court said on administrative grounds Chevron deference, everything is fine. And then the question was whether or not you wanted to attack this on constitutional grounds, but the answer is the rational basis test is the constitutional law what the Chevron deference is to administrative work. If you've lost one, you're going to lose the other so lick your wounds and fight in the political process. I don't like it, but I understand it. The second part of the administrative law is, in many cases, a good deal more complicated for us to start to handle. And that's the question about how you deal with individual applications for such things as permits, and permissions, and so forth when you start to work. And at this particular point, I do think that there is a genuine crisis in the way in which the American system is operating in which the rule of law always comes out second best. And it kind of infects all of these sort of administrative proceedings that are less than these sort of gigantic rulemaking sorts of proceedings where everybody appears. And let me give you some kind of illustrations about how this thing can start to work to give you a sense of why I think that the thing is so terrible. Take another one of my least favorite statutes, which is Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which has to do with the way in which we preserve gender equality in universities. Now the question you ask is, well, why do I dislike the statute? Well, let me give you the sort of the cosmic answer, and then let me give you the particular answers so that you can see how it is. The cosmic answer is, frankly, I think that the officials that run the University of Chicago, or in this particular case of Brown University, are generally pretty good at trying to figure out how it is that you balance the demands that men and women students, and men and women faculty, have for the various resources that are associated with the institution. The reason that I mentioned Brown in this particular case is that they were involved in the only major lawsuit on Title IX that made its way to the courts, and they were slapped down with a fury which would normally be reserved for conservative institutions, ostensibly like this although it's not really that way. And so what is it then happens? You start with the statute, you have in effect this general bromide that you want to treat all your students equally, and how do you then interpret and enforce it? Well the truth about the matter is, in many areas, you don't have to interpret or enforce it at all because the market pressures against various forms of sex discrimination are so powerful that the thing will take care of itself. I checked-- last time we had this anxious meeting in the dean's office, and the issue is whether or not we were going to charge our male students 10% more than our female students, or maybe it was the other way around, for tuition. And somehow or other, by a five to four vote of the executive committee, we voted it down so you never heard about it. Right? No. I mean, essentially what happens is in a competitive market when you're providing services which are basically of equal cost on both sides there's going to be an incredible pressure to a uniform price at the competitive level, and any effort to try to engage in sex discrimination will result in, first of all, a huge defection in the market. And second a public relations catastrophe which I would not want to administer. And so if you kind of look and figure out the number of cases brought since 1965 dealing with differential tuition charges on the grounds of sex for general education, it turns out you don't find any. So where does the problem take place? Well, as always in this situation, it takes place in those particular areas where, unless you discriminate, it turns out that you can't function at all. And so you have, in the world at large, a category which we would call justified forms of discrimination widely understood and shared. And then the question is, how are these regulated? And I see some of you already bristling and wondering now what could be, in fact, a form of separated sex driven activities that could meet the standards of a modern and enlightened person, and the answer is it's athletics. One of the ways to read Title IX is to say that you can only have one varsity team for every sport. So we have a basketball team, we give women equal opportunities to play with men. Surprisingly enough, they don't make the team. And now, in effect, you said we've managed to satisfy Title IX, the net effect of which is, in any form of sport in which men and women participate, the men are going to have all the spots and the women are going to have none. And, you know, you look around and then you ask yourself, well, how does this square with the consensual solutions that you reach. And you discover that, by and large, generally most people think that women athletic teams are a good idea and that this is not something which is radical. And in fact, a lot of feminists insist that what we really want to do is to have exactly these teams to encourage the cooperation, the sport, the athleticism, the leadership skills, and so forth, but we have to play on a legal field. So what happens is the statute, then has to make accommodations for something which, in fact, is not built into its fabric. And it's worth noting that the actual hearing is on the rules governing sex segregated teams in college sports got more testimony than any other issue that has ever appeared before any administrative agency because it was the kind of thing, if you know these jock types, that really grabs them one way or another and they care about it big time. Well, you've got to figure out what the rules are. And once you want to say that you can be separate, the next question is can you be equal. And everybody says, well, we've got a nondiscrimination rule. Well, we have to have a separate but equal regime. You cannot derive a separate unequal regime from a nondiscrimination principal. What you then have to do is to import all sorts of other rules which talk about wherein does equality lie. And it turns out that this is extremely difficult for you to do. The size of the teams will differ, the number of sports that men and women want to enter into differ. It turns out that the sort of internal economy of every college sports empire in the world, except here at the University of Chicago perhaps, is that football is, in effect, the huge revenue generator and it supports every other sport. If, in fact, what you do is you require the football team and the football coach to get exactly the same amount as the badminton coach gets, with respect to the women's sport, it kills football, so you have to have a de facto football examination. So then there's the question of what about ratios and participation. And here, you run into this real problem. Do you want, at the margin, to create equivalences between men and women such that the net benefit on this calculation to the last female athlete is exactly the same as the net contribution to the last male athlete-- which in effect is the condition, the equal marginal condition, that maximizes overall social welfare within the institution. And it was that model that Brown, in effect, used when it decided to reorganize its sports after it took over Pembroke in the late '60s early '70s. Or do you say nope, what it is that we have to have a proportionality rule. Now if you think about it, there's nothing in the statute which answers that question. But if, in fact, you take the equal marginal condition essentially Title IX is a nonstarter with respect to college athletes because everybody in effect is going to be doing that voluntarily. They're going to not have a hard time in explaining why it is that they'd use the rules that they've used. But if you take the other rule on an administrative decision-- not by statute, down below-- in which you require proportionality of some sort, or efforts to achieve proportionalities of some sort, you have the following modest difficulty with the exception of the service academies, which are 85/15 anyhow, every single university in the United States is in noncompliance. You just do not get equal participation. And the basic equilibrium in intramural sports turns out to be 65/35, male to female is the percent of penetration if they have school bodies of equality. Your run varsity sports, that's kind of the numbers that you're going to come up with. You've got to figure out ways to flip it over. It turns out it's a much more acute problem now if you're engaged in this situation because, in the face of ostensible discrimination, the percentage of women students in colleges in the United States now is around 58%, and that number is probably going to go up to 60% in the next year or two, which suggests that the sort of discrimination model can't explain the single most salient feature of the way in which modern educational institutions have organized. So you now, in effect, have this question, and the issue is it consistent with the rule of law to have an administrative agency have complete discretion to choose between number one and number two without any guidance from Congress? And I submit to you that the answer is no. This kind of delegation of the fundamental choice with an area that's never done is completely outside the democratic political process. And then once it gets into place, the democratic process works against you because essentially it becomes absolutely impossible to find any particular way in which you could overturn the balance that it takes place. Well, what are the consequences? They're pretty bad, I'm sorry to say. If you start looking at the current situation, how do you create this equality? Well, first of all, you always tend to look the other way at football, and then the question is what do you do with minor sports. And so all of a sudden you decide at the University of Illinois men don't like to swim, and that means that you can cut out the swimming team. And then, of course, you can say since nobody has many female wrestling teams, you can cut out the wrestling teams as well. And so by the time you're done, the only way that you could create quality is to cut down on the male sports because there's no way that you can rise up on the female sports no matter how much of a subsidy you get. So you're creating a situation in which the wedge between what the administrative state creates, and what it is that the statute creates, and what it is that a voluntary market creates are really quite enormous. And the ability to reverse this thing is almost impossible given the difficulty of changing the way in which legislation works. What makes it even worse, in many cases, is the actual operative document which figures out how it is you run these test is not even done by rule making, it's done by a letter which is written by some government agency saying these are the three tests that we use to see whether or not you are in compliance with Title IX on these points. So again, what you see is strong administrative creep, and you have a massive interruption of voluntary institutions, and it seems to me you have no real legitimacy. And yet when you try to challenge this in court, it turns out you get slapped down, and slapped down very hard, in a case called Cohen. What does this then do? It means that all universities operate, to some extent, under a slight fear of terror because if you have a world in which everybody is not in compliance, and that is still true today, the question of who's going to get hit is going to depend very heavily on who speaks up. So if it turns out that you have a vocal coach on the athletic side who really thinks that this thing is crazy and he starts to speak up, well then the NCAA or the federal government runs an investigation. And that's all you need to do in order to shut somebody down because the key feature to understand about the administrative in this particular regard is, since reputation matters so much, you don't have to worry about conviction, all you have to do is to initiate unilaterally this kind of review. And when you create a system with this much discretion in public people, it seems to me that it is very difficult, under these circumstances, to sustain the rule of law kinds of requirements that we would want. This is not an isolated example. I'll just mention one other, and then I'll sort of open this up to questions. You start worrying about the Endangered Species Act, and the kinds of requirements that it has. And this is not a statute that I like. I think, in effect, it's again completely perverse. And so you ask, well, why does this man think the statute's perverse, right? Well, I mean, the first part, I think, is relatively non-controversial. When it comes to killing animals which are unowned, it is perfectly sensible and it [INAUDIBLE] since the 19th century to have kind of common pool restrictions, which I referred to before, which says that you can't kill the last of a bunch of endangered species. And that to the extent that you have a uniform prohibition against killing various kinds of animals, this is something which is generally going to be an effective way to deal with the common pool problem, and you're willing to allow administrative discretion to figure out exactly how it is that this stuff is going to be implemented. It's not easy to do this in some cases, but at least it's within imaginable boundary lines because you understand the problem you're trying to solve. You're not trying to create funny cross subsidies as you are in the gender discrimination cases. What you're trying here to do is to create a system in which you can improve [INAUDIBLE] of everybody by imposing restrictions upon all individuals. But then what happens is suppose we now shift from the uniform prohibition against killing to the question of habitat designation, and all of a sudden the economics of this situation change absolutely enormously because once you start designating habitat, you have exactly the same kinds of problems that you have whenever you give the government the power to designate anything-- whether it be a landmark or a sacred monument. The power to designate has the power to destroy. So I can say, well, here's an entire town, there's one warble-- thresh warble-- hanging out there, and since we want to keep this thing alive, nobody can now build within this 100 square mile acre. Value of the property in question goes down very, very dramatically. This, in fact, will start to yield very perverse, private behaviors which have been documented which is if you think you have habitat which is of value to the wild species, in effect, you're now treated as having negative value to you because it's going to create a government lean of some biologist comes along, and some naturalist comes along, and says we're designating it. So what you do is you cut it down before it's mature. If, on the other hand, you didn't have the habitat designation system and went back to the classical liberal model and you said, look, you've got private property rights we can't restrict your use unless we pay you, then one of two things will happen. Either the government will have to condemn, so the issue goes on budget. Or, in fact, some voluntary organization will buy so that you can preserve this kind of habitat through the market. And that's going to work fairly well because if you think about the illustration I gave you, and you have some land which in three years will be valuable habitat to a native species, and you now know you could sell it to somebody, you'll put up a sign habitat maturing, I'll take a bid from anybody, and we'll figure out a contract so that if I keep the thing intact, and you can count the number of animals that are saved, we'll both be better off. Well, how did you get to all this stuff? It was, again, exactly the same process. You have a statute which talks about harm, you then decide misreading, I might add the Roman law which is always a problem to me, that habitat designation is in fact a form of harm, then you have a series of regular rulings which, in effect, indicate just how tight the noose can, in fact, be put. So this is, I think, what the issue turns out to be. If you want to talk about this in neoclassical property terms, the system of property rights that would develop from the time of Rome [INAUDIBLE], essentially says about an owner is that it has not only the right to exclude, it also has-- he also has the right to enter, and she also has the right to use and the right to dispose of the property. So essentially the essence of a system of property rights under the classical liberal system is one which says that every useful attribute of any physical or intellectual asset can be uniquely appropriated to one individual such that, A, you have compatible uses at the outset, and B, you facilitate ordinary markets by giving the right to dispose of property. At that particular point, the government's discretion is to make sure that this system of rights works. So you could tax to enforce it, you could put recordation systems in, you can put statutes of frauds in-- anything which will stop the problems of double dealing or the problems of physical invasion. This is all fine. You get to the modern progressive era, they don't believe any of this stuff. They only see property as a form of oppression, they never see it as a form of production. So what do they do? They go into the riff which says all property is just the right to exclude and nothing more, and this becomes a modern American constitutional law when you start talking about a case of [INAUDIBLE] in the late 1970s. Well what does that mean? It means that any use of property, and any disposition of property, is now subject to the regulation of the state. What does this, in turn, do? It creates the world's most horrendous bilateral monopoly. It turns out that the government, by constitutional fiat, cannot enter the land unless it's willing to pay for it, and it never wants to do that. But on the other hand, you can't use or develop the land unless you get their permission. So you have a situation in which the value of property is, in effect, always to be contested because of the use and disposition rights of a piece of land may be worth, conservatively, anywhere between 98% of its total value, or down as little as 5% or 10%, depending on what's going on. What the administrative state does is it says that every one of these use and disposition rights is now subject to some form of collective deliberation for which, in effect, the state which decrees is not the state which has to come-- to compensate. And so what you do is you now create what is clearly the most dangerous situation imaginable is you've created a situation in which power is completely separated from responsibility. The ability to designate this land as a wet land, to designate this as an endangered species habitat, to designate this is a special monument for precaution can be done through the political processes. The consequences to the owner are simply a byproduct of the great deliberation. What does this then do? Well it leads to very odd behaviors. If, in fact, there are really pronounced externalities for which you are not going to bear the cost, you will always be willing to engage in activities at your own expense ignoring the cost to others. What does this do? It actually creates the wrong kind of moral character because instead of having people saying, look, I'm willing to do something for my benefit so long as I compensate those whom I compromise, you have people figuring out how can we work a deal so as to essentially circumvent those whom we hurt by forming a winning alliance amongst those who we like. And so you get all sorts of zoning type things that take place in which there's an exclusion here for the benefit of the developer there, you get rent control type situations, all which are subject to administrative discretion. So this is the basic theory, and I'll end at one o'clock on exactly this note, right, which is to the extent that rights of use and disposition are, without question, in the public domain, there is no system of administrative law of which I'm aware which will create a degree of predictability and regularity which is what we would associate with the rule of law. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] OK. Got a-- oh, question. STUDENT: I've got two things. One, first-- and I they're connected-- you said that Congress doesn't really give these agencies much guidance in the making these sources of information, and I think the problem with that is that, you know, there's going to be a lot of these associations-- taking the harming the species example. The decision of what needs to be done in order to protect the species is reasonably one that might require a greater level of expertise than one would ask Congress to have. RICARD EPSTEIN: That's true of everything, but go ahead. STUDENT: Right. And therefore, like, it might actually make sense for Congress to delegate to those sorts of decisions. So I think the line drawing there is more complicated than you'd-- RICARD EPSTEIN: OK. Can I answer-- go ahead. STUDENT: That actually brings me to the second point, though, which is that if the problems-- if the agencies are misinterpreting Congress' intent so intensely so as to create these sort of massive problem that you described, then why isn't-- why are there never legislative fixes? Why are they never coming back to it? RICARD EPSTEIN: Well, OK. Let's just take both of the questions. On the first one, there is always the question of what is the permissible scope of delegated authority. And to answer with the Endangered Species Act, this is what I think would be permissible which is that, when you start looking at species you rank them in terms of their frequency and their value, and then in effect you put them on lists of endangered, or threatened, and so forth. And, I mean, the difficulties you get in those particular cases are actually doing the counting in the inspections, right? And this is a very serious problem, but I did not think that that is the kind of thing that you could object to. When you start talking about the habitat designation question, that is now a complete, discrete, and different problem because the implications are wildly different, given the disparate impact, and, in effect, that you no longer have the common pool paradigm, which motivated the statute to begin with, as an explanation. You have, in effect, the take and pay situation. So to the extent that you are trying to say that Congress has the power, or to give to an administrative agency, to pay or not to pay when it decides to do something in a completely unbundled way where there's no principle, no one would ever argue that it's inappropriate under Chevron, right, to require payment and not. I think that is a level of discretion which is unacceptable because it's just too much to do. The question is why does this never get reversed, and that's a very important question, but I think of it in this particular way. When this stuff gets through originally, it's always a compromise. Everybody gives a little, takes a little, and they assume that it's not going to move much in one direction by delegated authority. In fact, all the modernists on administrative laws are worried about how these agencies could be made to be faithful agents of Congress. And I think that they're just a whistling Dixie when they believe that they can do it. But once you get it in there to the compromise-- if you're trying to get the fix, now, in effect, you have to get to-- overcome the objections of the ardent defenders who have already won, and it's very difficult to do that. I mean, the basic rule about winning in Congress on trying to fix legislation that's in place is the basic rule about how it isn't you overrun a castle. You have to have five to one advantages on the outside in order to succeed. So it's easy to see what happens, you get the compromise through 60/40, you get it into the agencies, it goes 85/15, you try to get it back, and all of a sudden the 15 becomes 20 and now they block the improvement because the ratio is only four to one. And I think, in effect, rather than doing this, you ought to have a court that looks very tough on it. And what happens is they get the Sweet Home case, which was the Supreme Court decision on this thing, and everybody looks at it, and as usual the judges say, gee, this is hard. We don't know what's going on, who knows what the word harms means. And so what they do is they take every term I've love, like harm, right, and property, and they put quotation marks around them so they no longer understand what it means. They throw up their hands and they say, oh, well it has to be left to Congress because everybody knows that all harms are reciprocal. And then, in effect, well, you get to a rape case you say, well, is that true then? No. Who are you kidding? So you kind of basically use a different form of metaphysics in these cases, and that's part of it. I mean, essentially what you should understand is whenever you see a lawyer, or a judge, or god forbid a law professor, put quotation marks around a given word. What he's trying to say is this word, if it really means something, hurts my position so I'm going to tell you it means nothing so that I can ignore it. The most famous article on property by Frank Michelman puts the word nuisance for quotation marks 30 times or something like that because he doesn't want to have it as a limitation for the [INAUDIBLE]. Whereas somebody, when you get to the First Amendment where we actually care about speech, all of a sudden he said, well, you only enjoin a public nuisance and you can't define it to mean anything you want. Don't put the word in quotation marks. There was an iron law of constitutional interpretation-- quotation marks are always used in rational basis cases, they are never used in strict scrutiny cases because in strict scrutiny cases you're true believers, and if you are true believers in the things you believe and have to be able to be stated in coherent terms. So you've got to know what a nuisance is when you're dealing with a pornography statute. You don't have to know what a nuisance is when you're dealing with a wetland statute, and it's that simple and unfortunate as that. So you get this huge fissure in constitutional law, and that is in part the framework which was why the courts don't intervene, which is why the political dynamic takes place in a way I've talked about. Next question, please? Somebody? Yes? STUDENT: My question is sort of tied to [INAUDIBLE] second question. RICARD EPSTEIN: That's good. STUDENT: Because it seems to me that the examples that you've brought, like Title IX and the Endangered Species Act, et cetera-- RICARD EPSTEIN: And local zoning. STUDENT: Right. All of those are simply examples of a bad rule on the executive level, and it seems to me that your problem with those is that [INAUDIBLE] is going to be upheld in the legislature so they don't have to fix it. RICARD EPSTEIN: That's right. That's a big problem. STUDENT: But you also acknowledge that if Congress passed the same [INAUDIBLE] administrative agency, the bad rule that Congress would come up with was going to be upheld under the rational basis statute. RICARD EPSTEIN: Which I also think is a mistake. STUDENT: But you also [INAUDIBLE]. RICARD EPSTEIN: Yeah, I do. Go ahead, keep going. You're doing fine. STUDENT: I wonder what the solution is. It seems to me that, under your fear, all form of government is wrong. RICARD EPSTEIN: No! That's exactly-- wait. You didn't listen to the full answer, right? If you remember, I said at the beginning-- the creation of the administrative state was essentially driven by three major areas. One, the monopoly problem and the issue of how you control that. And that led to the rate regulation movements of the late 19th century, which said you got to stop the monopoly position, and then you have to stop on the other side to confiscation. And the reason that that body of law was coherent for a long time is they knew what they were fighting, and they knew what the lower bound was on how far they could fight. That is, in those cases-- even through, I think, Hope Natural Gas-- the just compensation constraint was a meaningful limitation on what government did. So that's one area. The secondary is the area of the common pool, and there were many 19th century cases which were designed with its preservation. And that's actually a slightly more difficult case because it's very difficult to figure out what the sort of minimum rights are to any individual to a common pool asset, when, in fact, nobody owns anything if it's out there in nature. And as I said about the Endangered Species Act to the extent that government was trying to preserve these things against all taken by other individuals, and what they were trying to do as to rank the severity and the rarity of species, that was perfectly comfortable within my [INAUDIBLE]. So that's the secondary that we're talking about. The third area, of course, was the great safety area. And here-- you know, there are two kinds of harms. There's the externality question, and there's the labor market question. And on the externality question, I have no doubt that it is perfectly appropriate for the government to set through administrative processes standards on the amount of pollution that you could emit from a train so that you don't choke everybody in the neighborhood. I also think, as I've stressed time and time again in my torts class, since I'm so tough on this that you should never, ever allow the administrative agency to say to somebody, oh, you've complied with our permits, you don't have to pay the people who you smoke out anymore. So I'm actually very tough on that on the government side. So essentially what I'm saying is if, in fact, you tie the administrative body of law to the defects in markets that we can all identify-- monopolies, including network industries, common pool problems, and externality problems-- and then try to figure out whether they get the appropriate means and ratios to them, that's a legitimate administrative state. But once you get to the progressive hearing, their view is monopoly's a problem, who are you kidding, it's competition that's the problem. It's always ruinist. And so you get a Wickard and Filburn, you get cartels, you get the National Labor Relations Act. And at that point, you've conceived, in my judgment, an original sin, and all of the things that they do are illegitimate. So the conclusion that you give is correct is that when a government tries to take a competitive market and convert it into a monopolistic market, it should always be struck down on constitutional grounds. If you're basically going from a world where you've got more stuff to a world that you've got less stuff, somebody has got to be a net loser under that scheme. Let them come forward and say, I haven't received just compensation in kind-- because he hasn't-- and no one is going to pay him in cash, so out it goes. So I think that your implications are right, but only for the progressive improvements. They are not right with respect to administrative state, which understands what it's supposed to do and then tries to figure out how it's to do it. And the other point about the administrative state, which I didn't mention, is Chevron deliberately misreads the statute. It does not give, essentially, any deference on questions of law to administrative agencies, it treats them like juries, in effect, and it says all questions of law should be resolved de novo. And I see absolutely no reason why that cannot hold. We do that in patent cases, which are every bit as complicated, we should do it here. And the moment you start doing that-- the great achievements that you get with the Army Corps of Engineers, right, is another flip over, gone. The basic original definitions of what was a navigable water in the United States used to cover rivers and lakes. And then by the time you're done, it covers every stray hole which is on the prairie 10,000 miles from anything because an administrative agency has decided it wants to expand the scope of its coverage. So what you do is you have two definitions, each of which is said by Chevron to be consistent with the basic statute, and the only difference between them is a factor of one million. And I'm supposed to think that, you know, as you move from the Carter to the Ford administration, or back, that the flip on that switch is something which is consistent with a rule of law when there's nobody on top who can stop this thing? I think it's crazy. Just nuts. Welcome to modern America. So I do think that-- I don't think-- I'm not-- I don't think you can trap me in the anarchist position because that's the libertarian problem, it's not the classical liberal problem. Limited government does not mean no government, and I've already given you cases in which government can be used above and beyond the prevention of torts and the enforcement of contracts. And once you understand those things, then, in effect, it works pretty well. Next question. I think? Somebody? Yes. Oh, you [INAUDIBLE]. STUDENT: My question is-- and I think you've admitted this already-- but if [INAUDIBLE] use the rational basis [INAUDIBLE] are you required to evaluate the administrative statutes, how should they value, and should they use [INAUDIBLE]? RICARD EPSTEIN: OK. Well, two questions. Well, what should you do? I think, in effect, the test that you ought to do with respect to administrative agencies is a relatively simple one. The standard test for a private injunction is you estimate the two types of error that can occur. If you enjoin too much lawful activities to stop, then they have a certain value. If you enjoin too little, harm is allowed to take place, and, in effect, what happens is you get too much of the activity. And so what you ask the administrative agency in every case to do is to show how it is balanced the two kinds of error. If you looked at the FDA, at every single one of its determinations would fail under that test because they only look at one kind of error. The danger of leaving a property-- you know, a new drug into the market, they never worry about the delay and cost of keeping it off. So I think that's the first thing to do. The second question you asked is, in fact, an equally important one, and it's quite simply is there any case in which you believe in rational basis tests, right? And the answer is yes. And that I don't want to sound like a liberal, I'm sorry, but I will, as I think, in effect, the following basic norm exists in private law, and I think it carries over to the public law as well. When you're trying to figure out how it is that you prevent the harms that any party inflicts upon a stranger, use very tough standards. But if you're trying to figure out how it is that internal governance takes place within voluntary organizations, almost invariably there's some degree of a good faith standard that's going to be imposed. All right? When you have the government, if it's regulating, it's now essentially dealing with external stuff and you really have to justify it. But if, in fact, you make the decision-- which I find doubtful, but let's suppose we believe in public schools. If the question is how it is, let's just suppose, that you now have to run an affirmative action program or not, my view about this is you've got to give any organization on the public side some degree of discretion that you allow the private organization. And so I think the Supreme Court was wrong when it was really tough under the equal protection clause with respect to Louisville and Seattle the last term because it did not respect the amount of stuff that takes place in local government. And so there, in order to upset it, I think you have to show some really major perversion of the political process as opposed to the fact that there was some really anxious and bitter give and take. Because otherwise what you do is you have these collective institutions, they are now going to be judged by really strict external standards that a majority of the people in these institutions don't like, and so you give a fringe of veto power on what the majorities want to do in an area where I don't know of anything else. It's roughly like saying that when you have a corporate situation, the single shareholder who wants to invoke, say, a colorblind norm can, in effect, stop everybody in that organization from running an affirmative action program. In fact, the single-- one of the many strong objections to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was that it's uncompromising colorblind standard in the text made it impossible, by 1966, to introduce affirmative action programs without difficulty at a time when popular sentiment on that issue had completely turned over from what it had been in '63 and '64. I remember living through this, and after the riots all of a sudden a lot of businesses says we'd like to do it, and somebody said, well, look at the statute. You can't do it. So you want to give discretion in that sense. So there, I would be on the rational basis side. And I think it's perfectly coherent. Is it regulated? Are you really a subject to tough standards as a business manager running these complex institutions? We give you the benefit of the doubt. Does that strike you as unreasonable? Say no. OK. It strikes you-- all right, one last question. Yes? STUDENT: If you're going to illuminate administrative agencies when you have situations like the market power's not working-- RICARD EPSTEIN: Where the market power is working. STUDENT: --where the market power is working. Then it's not necessarily going to push that decision back into the marketplace, though, is it? It's more likely that it's going to be pushing that decision into the court system that has less [INAUDIBLE], less [INAUDIBLE]-- RICARD EPSTEIN: No. Oh, no. I don't think so. I mean, just take something. I mean, one of the easy statutes that goes is the Fair Labor Standards. Right? That's the ultimate market mettle. And in fact, most of the litigation against it has always been done by state governments who hate its provisions, I mean, in the recent years. That disappears, there is no way a court can decide to create and enforce a minimum wage standard. It's impossible for it to do so. So you're back to markets, and if somebody wants to bring an unjust dismissal action it's going to be very different from that. Or suppose what happens is you do the sensible thing and you declare the National Labor Relations Act flatly unconstitutional. You're not going to get unions that are organized under judicial supervision. Actually what unions now try to do is, when they can't organize, they try to bring suits under the Fair Labor Standards Act. STUDENT: But you have to look at the other examples, like the sex discrimination example, the Endangered Species example-- RICARD EPSTEIN: Oh, I think that you would never get habitat designation. And in fact, with respect to that-- STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] RICARD EPSTEIN: You'll never get it. On the other hand, as I said, I'm quite happy to keep the statute in place when you're dealing with a common pool problem so I don't have the real issue of the doomsday scenario going there. I mean, I think if I correctly identify the major sources of market failure, there would be nothing left for a court to administer if they were consistent with the theory that I had. The difficulty that I faced is Democrats and Republicans in life each prefer a world that, when they are in power, they rule the roost, so none of them are willing to live in a world in which they systematically constrain their power. Now why do I say that? Because remember the last constitutional travesty under the Commerce Clause, who was the defendant? It was against Gonzales. A Republican attorney general was defending the vast power of the United States to prevent the use of medical marijuana under the rules of the state of California. So I think it's really very impossible. So all I can do, and I will end on this note, is I can argue against it. It's not going to transform it, but this is what I hope it does. I hope when you get out there and you are in a position to exercise one of these awesome powers, a slight twinge of guilt come over your brow so that you'll go a little bit slower and think a little bit differently. Unfortunately, if you look at the motley crew that is running for president on both sides, they are all essentially creatures of the modern administrative state. And so it's a lot of work to be done. But if you don't talk up, nobody's going to be there. As one of my friends on the other side said when I wrote the takings book, you really have made it much more difficult. We used to have a nice conversation amongst friends about how to regulate, and now you're asking why we regulate at all. And that's what I want to do, I want to crash the party. [LAUGHING] Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
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Published: Tue Jun 25 2013
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