Richard Dawkins: OT prophecy and the book of genesis (RevelationTV + Eng/NL subs)

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why tie it to the book of Genesis the thing that attracted me or impressed me was the prophetic value of scripture as a man I was not emotionally Involved as my wife would be At that stage I was not sort or in love with jesus I needed more sort of facts if you like and I know historically you probably could argue but there are prophecies in the bible that are fulfilled Like the birth of Jesus In the book of Michah which is written five hundred years before Christ came explaining him to be born in bethlehem and even Herod who is definitely not a believer used it for the wise men to find out where it was and how this messiah would come .. But surely you know that the gospels were written in the way they are in order fo fulfill those old testament prophecies I knew you would say that but you know ... ... book of genesis: You have been saying that on the strength of the book of Genesis you believe That the world is only six thousand years old something like that. You know that flies in the face of all the scientific evidence it flies in the face of all the bishops the Archbishops the cardinals, the pope why would you put your money on the book of genesis nothing to do with Jeremiah, nothing to do with Micha, the book of genesis: Why would you put your money on that when all the scientific evidence shows; and I mean not a little bit of evidence , but massive quantities of evidence, show that the world is four-and-a-half billion years old It's in front of you, at your eyes. You can't deny it, if you would only look at the science. Ok. you ask the question why would i put my faith in Genesis it is a difficult book Given that there is so much so-called evidence to the contrary or what scientists are talking about as that the earth is millions of years old etc. but: jesus, and i do believe one hundred-percent, That did jesus walk this earth and did the things he did bnecause there are more manuscripts written about the accounts we're not talking jesus we are talking Genesis now let me get there That is jesus referred to genesis and in that's he is not a liar and he's a man, a being, that i would trust and he spoke about "in the beginning was Adam and Eve, for example andy Also talks in Colossians That he Jesus is the one who created all things so if jesus is the one that i accept then why should i deny the Genesis-account account otherwise I'm saying jesus is a liar. if you were tying jesus to a belief that the world is only six thousand years old you're not doing any favors to Jesus Because what your saying in effect is that jesus was anti-scientific and I do not think jesus would be very pleased about that Of course Jesus was ignorant of Science because he lived at a time When science was not developed if i wer you, I would not tie jesus was not ignorant. well if you look at it and I was reading again this morning some of the wisdom That he had We could do with today for sure. - well i believe that may be true but nevertheless if I were you and you love jesus I would not tie Jesus to the belief that the world is only a six thousand years old Because your tying Jesus to an era and you would not wish to do that..
Channel: counterpartner - dw
Views: 2,622
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: dawkins, evangelical, genesis, profetie, prophecy, science, worldview, Book Of Genesis (Book), Darwin, Debate
Id: Gwp6XJy1j3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2013
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