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I am muslim, and I usually don’t like following unlogical things. But I believe Islam because of reasons. And I hope you will to.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gabrielbouloum 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I understand the frustration against religion. I believe much of our perspective is created by our lack of desire for engagement in religious traditions as well as the socializing with “Sensors” that comes with religious services and communities. Additionally, there is no doubt that the proponents, those who traditionally excel in religious settings lack the ability to think at the level we do. These are the ones that typically want us to accept something because of tradition or because they said so. That said, there is a science to religion. Religion first of all is a horrible word, because the semantic distracts from the point. Traditional religions and I say this because of outliers are based on the concept that we are not alone in the universe. The bible for instance states that “flesh and blood” Can not live in the “spirit realm”....what is the spirit realm but an explanation of another dimension. So then the bible teaches that there is another Dimension where creatures not of our nature but of a “spirit” nature exist. Religion is about reaching out and communicating to specific spirit creatures and appeasing them. Most religions teach that there is a supreme being/deity. There is the concept that these deities can reach into our dimension and affect our lives good or bad according to their wants or agendas. Christianity teaches that one can develop a relationship with the “creator” of our universe. As a video game is coded the programmer can edit the game as he pleases. Christians believe that at times miracles happen because the “coder” wrote code so as to help those players he prefers. To a programmer there is no miracle....only code. So in reality religions teach that the material world/universe is a sort of simulation. There are questions relative to the true nature of the supreme deity or most powerful spirit “creatures” of that dimension. Science is all about looking for life out there...religion teaches that life is out there in another dimension. Bible for instance teaches that at times some from that dimension entered the video game we know as life. Book of gen for instance says they “made-wrote code” bodies for themselves and took wives for themselves and then produced hybrid offspring. Their code altered the basic code written by the original spirit creature who made this simulation. The bible shows a constant “warring” between the supreme being of that dimension and other creatures of that dimension. The god and satan dynamic. Good and evil dynamic. The bible is a collection of writings by those in our dimension who had “first contact” with these being in some way. We can use these writings to understand their nature. Most western “Christian” religions teach that if you make God happy he will save your profile in the game so to speak for later. Ie:fantasy draft in madden, including legacies. I could go on and teaches that eventually the opposing forces in the other dimension would be destroyed by the supreme being and that only loyal servants in this dimension would be saved. Jesus liked the end to noahs flood. Bible says that Jesus would be the one leading the destruction. Thus “judgement day”. Thousands years as to a day stuff creationists teach is garbage.....the bible often uses the term day to mean an undetermined period of time. Universe(this simulation/game) has been around for long time!!! Living in heaven is all about the concept of being taken to another dimension where flesh and blood don’t exist. The bible speaks of immortality the chains of death being lifted off those given a life in this dimension. There are specific questions such as whether those in the game are immortal, whether here is a hellfire whether then supreme being is a trinity. Various christian religions have differing ideas. Genesis ch5 Satan stated upon disobeying the supreme being “ you will not die”. Other spirit creatures in opposition to the supreme being have taught “thoth/Ancient egypt” for instance that life in another dimension was possible after death. Bible teaches that a relationship with the “God-code writer” is have to prove a relationship and thereby improve the chances of a future beyond our understanding of the game. Bible talks about people who would gather teachers who would tickle their ears. Lie to them and tell them they didn’t have to work to do what the supreme being asked them to do...jus believe in him. Bible likens these to the anti-christ. Religious teachers helping the wrong side in the fight of good and evil. Immortality issue relates to the thought that God has made something he can not kill. That hell is a place where such ones are thereby “tortured” suppressed into inactivity. Hellfire is a word picture/ illustration representing gods anger toward those not on his side. The doghouse. Original language words relate to the common grave. Which is why Jesus visited and Job wanted to die and be placed there. Trinity issues.... Stem from the teaching of a spirit named Thoth of Egypt.... and is another subject entirely relative to the supreme being nature. Bible teaches something monotheistic in nature.... God(the father supreme being hebrew- yahwah), Jesus first creation and second most powerful, and holy spirit(energy/resource<-Used to make everything). Trinity teaches these are all the same thing. So that when Jesus died so did Holy spirit so did the Father. Jesus However said the father is greater than I am. Jesus said he was giving his followers some holy spirit as a helper,etc. Those believing in the trinity can’t explain it because it’s not logical... thats why name calling and emotion comes to work...😉

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ConfiguredEnergy 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

*tips fedora*

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
I mean do you actually believe in your Muslim faith you believe that Mohammed split the moon in - do you believe that Mohammed flew to heaven on a winged horse for example I pay you the compliment of assuming that that you don't know I do I believe in Mary you believe that yes you believe that Muhammad went to heaven on a winged horse yes I believe in God I believe in miracles I believe in Revelation I mean the point here is that let's assume I'm wrong Richard I'm wrong that's let's assume I'm wrong I'm wrong I'm happy to concede that Richard I'm happy to concede it I'm wrong all religions are wrong God does not exist we're all mad I care about what's true I'm an educator I'm a scientist and I want people to understand the truth about the universe in which they live that's what I care about and I regard religion as a distraction and in some cases of pernicious distraction from true education which I which I love and value of the way you value love your God can you not do both well Richard each other but but if you if you if you actually believe Muhammed flew to heaven on a winged horse that's an anti scientific belief and that could be wrong but is wrong but that doesn't change that doesn't change how do you know it's wrong oh come on you're a man of the 21st century I'm just asking this comes back to my original question the Russian opposition is the agnostic position why up there well I mean I didn't say oh I didn't pick a place why would a world horse be that neither way to get to heaven if it's not up there I asked I also asked a question about you asked about proof I'm all for saying I can't prove it but can you prove he didn't do it I mean I'm just asking on your criteria I'm just asking or no I can't prove it and I can't prove it wasn't the golden unicorn fascinated that you'd rather I've fascinated you rather talk about what animals the Prophet may or may not have used 1400 years ago rather than talk about what Muslims or Islam is doing in the world today good all that well that seems to be the distraction if anyone's distracted seems to be you well that's your that's your view I'm fascinated by how somebody a respected sophisticated journalist in the 21st century could believe that a prophet flew to heaven on a winged horse let me ask you this are all people who hold beliefs in God and in miracles and the supernatural do you regard them all as intellectually inferior to you you teach the controversy rather than try and censor out the information that shows that evolution is questionable but where did you study science well see that's the point scientists are now claiming that they're the only ones that can speak on this issue it's almost like a religion in which only scientists are allowed to speak and teach on it and to teach everyone else everyone else must believe what the scientists what particular scientists say where is the evidence of evolution from one species to another species the macro evolution whether there's micro evolution within a species but not going from one species to another with if we had gone from that that broad of an evolution there should be overwhelming tons of material evidence not just an isolated but again there is not evidence almost every fossil you find is intermediate with something else the case the Smithsonian National History Museum would be filled with these examples but instead I just told you about Australopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapiens a beautify the way archaic Homo sapiens and then modern Homo sapiens that's a beautiful series of lacking the material evidence manual evidence is there go to the museum and look so what I have you seen Homo erectus have you seen Homo habilis have you seen Ostrow differences what I've seen what I've seen is that in the museum's and in the textbooks that whenever they claim that to show the evolution be from one species to another it relies on illustrations and drawings not video not any material evidence if they were in the museum's which I've been to many times then I would look at them objectively but what's over there's a variety of opinions across the board among those who may not buy completely into the hardcore ideas of evolution there are those who believe in different levels of evolution within creation and that really shows kind of a creative independence within our movement that seems to be a bit lacking among those who believe in evolution and only evolution and the ad hominem attacks ad hominem attacks - ad hominem attack ad hominem it's the hardcore evolutionists that reject the idea of a creator that then paved the foundation for very brutal society don't have good evidence of positive mutations being the ones that are then built on because of their mutation they're alone so in order for something to rise up and have more of it you need to have a good base to choose from I think helps to show that people are using their critical Factory critical factories and so we don't need to deny any facts because the weak the facts end up bearing out our beliefs if that if evolution had occurred then surely whether it's going from birds to mammals or or even beyond that surely there'd be at least one evidence if amount of evidence show me the evidence it's probably gonna be the most simplest one for you to answer but what if you're wrong well what if I'm wrong I mean anybody could be wrong we could all be wrong about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the pink unicorn and the flying teapot um you happen to have been brought up I would presume in the Christian faith you know what it's like not to believe in a particular faith because you're not a Muslim you're not a Hindu why aren't you a Hindu because you happen to be brought up in America not in India if you bid watermen Hindu in India you'd be a Hindu if you were brought up in in Denmark in the time of the Vikings you'd be believing in whoosh an and Thor if you were brought up in in classical Greece you'd be believing in in zoos if you're brought up in central Africa you'd be believing in the great juju up the mountain in there's no particular reason to pick on the judeo-christian God in which by the sheerest accident you haven't have been brought up and asked me the question what if I'm wrong what if you're wrong about the great juju at the bottom of the sea let's open up to the audience we've been talking about God evil war terrorism bringing up your children living a good life religion and happiness science versus religion who would like to answer the first question yes you if you Almighty God appears suddenly on the cloud or on the earth or part of universe what is your reaction are you going to believe or are you going to go against him what if you believe in God not just me yeah that mean not bring his head through the clouds yeah that's the thing I've worried about a lot for the book with the world be a better place if religion disappeared tomorrow yes it's about all the good things we discussed recognize it doesn't make me chuckle that you mocked me for believing in a prophet that flies into a heaven but you believe in lots of lots of universes that you can't show me proof to me test me in a lab as a basis of getting out of believing in a God and a prophet I'm astonished that you should compare the two lack of evidence for the two well you cannot use your own intuitive common sense in order to dis physics I mean if you could do that we wouldn't need physicists I mean they they are very sophisticated people they do mathematics but there are physicists like Paul Davis who have dissed the multiverse theories being nonsense well Paul Davis would rather take the view that there's something mysterious in the origin of the universe and that's another perfectly respectable physicist view a Steven Weinberg the it's respectable if a physicist holds a view about mystery in the universe but not if anyone else holds it if we're talking about the origin of the universe that is a problem in physics yes let's end with a couple of quick questions if as Christopher Hitchens the late Christopher Hitchens wrote religion is any radical and as you put it harder to get rid of than smallpox doesn't this basically mean that whatever motivations you have no matter how passionately you're driven and love for the truth you are essentially wasting your time I would never admit to wasting my time trying to propagate the truth and I think I can claim a modicum of success with the people that I've written have read my books the people who've attended my lectures it's a doctrine of despair to say that we're stuck with religion for all eternity the religions of ancient Greece and ancient Rome and the Vikings of all dead nobody believes in Jupiter or Thor anymore and I have great hopes that the same is going to be true of the of the God of Abraham
Channel: Mighty Mole
Views: 2,573,448
Rating: 4.6419964 out of 5
Keywords: richard, dawkins, evolution, atheist, islam, christians, mehdi hasan, science, creation, creationism, 2015, flying horses, wendy wright, interview, debate, darwin, muslim
Id: mOlCgHlkIgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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