Richard Ayoade's Gadget Man MARATHON: ALL EPISODES - Series 3

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hello caution advisors that we must have no secrets from one another so i must fully disclose that yes i am richard iowadi and yes this is a show about gadgets i'm on a mighty quest to show that gadgets can improve even the most rotten of real life situations this is amazing on my way i'll be joined by an assaulted assembly of notable companions some are willing oh baby check it while others oppose me i don't like it excuse me and ultimately i will definitively demonstrate that no activity event or person cannot be improved by applying the soothing balm of gadgets are you always sake imaginable yeah tonight i and two carelessly selected guests will hurtle headlock headed by the latest gadgets into the lunacy look at its british weather i wish i could be pumping in their review tim it can go faster than that can it we have gadgets and some might even call me a man it's gadget now british weather is world renowned for its well-rubbishness and it's getting more well-rubbished by the day april snow really windy days and flipping flooding what in pete's name is going on can gadgets help buffer us from this meteorological onslaught [Music] rain is rarely welcome upon one person especially if you like me wear suits that are prone to dissolve but soggy shirts are history with the algebra waterproof shirt this shirt is 100 cotton but is treated with a teflon fabric protector that makes it liquid and stain repellent [Music] but showers are oft unexpected what are you going to do then captain gadget well i'll simply reach for my emergency poncho this might look like an ordinary if small rucksack but it transforms into a three-layer highly breathable poncho as well as making me look impossibly masculine now ideally i'd like to conduct all of my important business calls in the middle of rainstorms as a way of giving them a framework of pathetic fallacy but up until now that's been a mere dream well that dream is now reality thanks to the sony xperia z2 a fully waterproof handset observe other than any available ceiling rain is one of lionel richie's favorite places to dance even though rain is not a place but the key thing is he now can dance in the rain should he wish and it's all because of the ue boom a shower proof speaker [Music] still dancing during rain like this only lionel would continue to dance we others would be scrabbling for a broly there are literally many umbrellas on the market but which is the best how the rud would i know the only possible way of finding out would be say to gather the opinion of a small group of representative uk individuals and here they are a public panel running a gideon gamut of genders ethnicities and ages an unarguably comprehensive canvas of consensus a british person is only ever a few hours away from needing a broly and this week my panel will be testing the future of precipitation protection first up the skilled laborer will be trying out the hands-free telescopic umbrella how are you doing under there i'm getting totally dry you're becoming more dry yes that's incredible yeah but if i were to go in like that how's that i think you can't get me next the retiree is using the two in one tough umbrella how you doing under there very well i think it's very good i just think we all know city workers love consuming liquid let's make it rain so the city professional is trying the mirella double cup holder which attaches to any broly how is it functioning avalanche umbrella is absolutely fantastic you know you can have your drinks and you want to take a selfie like yeah it really works the student is testing the accurately named color changing umbrella oh dear that small the hydrochromatic ink is white when dry but a coterie of colours when wet well we're getting an incredible visual treat over here i can tell you i bet you are ah low back now that our four umbrella gadgets have been tested in real life conditions it's time to reveal the nation's favorite panel you've all acquitted yourself admirably you seem drier than i but what is the verdict we all agree the two in one tough umbrella that's quite good you have like two people under it you have two people without poking each other's eyes well that is what we want the nation has spoken the two-in-one tough umbrella from japan it's the umbrella of the week and perhaps of all time we all know that climate change is a complete impossibility but what if one day there were any significant environmental shifts like really bad rain or very gusty winds what use are futuristic brawlies then i'm going to need something special time to call my technical support staff [Music] hi yeah it's me richard i'm concerned about environmental apocalypse i do know it's a completely irrational fear but please humor me when the girls of doom descend i want to be completely self-sufficient and survive i need a life raft that provides shelter water food and self-generating power hurry up before i'm completely deluged all right my tech team are not renowned for instantaneous solutions so i'm about to find the best existing gadgets that will help me survive the apocalypse first i'm heading to southampton university where brees happy academics routinely generate wind speeds of up to 90 mph i've also enlisted the help of someone who is not only britain's foremost pun raconter but a man who has battled wind since he was born and once even lost a sombrero to a low gust so who's better to assist my quest to grapple gales than comedian tim vine hello richard lovely to see you we're in southampton yep and if that wasn't enough we're also in a wind tunnel well i'm absolutely beside myself look at this i've got to say we're fully shielded so there's no way that massive thing could get through those two bits of chicken wire right i think that's safe i love wind at the moment i'm writing the stage version of the film twister i've got as far as the first draft there's a bit of a problem a bit of a problem with the scenery but i'm thinking it'll all blow over there we are that's both of them oh come on now this is a delight let's focus in on the impending yes yeah i brought you a very special jacket excellent riders on the storm great it zips up it's got an ergonomic patented hood yeah it's kind of dress up as a grasshopper isn't it it's lovely it looks good i'm going to slip on the colon right which is from korea where i get all of my gore-tex wear from i'm streaming up in here right i might let you out a tiny bit ah right i've got a wind turbine okay but what does that do though i can power my mobile phone now vine and i are kitted up to the nines we're ready for the wind tunnel to funnels of wind let's see how strong this wind is yes with the vivood right it's based on an you know your standard anemometer right two cup design it's 24.7 miles per hour right but the average is 23.3 now who can get through a storm without smoking regularly i've got these storm matches no way good grief oh sorry they've all come out that's good tim i'm going to offer you some defenders they will do everything they can to protect your ears i'm about to blow the storm whistle it's twice as loud as any mouth-blown whistle 118 decibels did you do it that's how good those ear defenders are and help is on its way now it's time for me to step back into my natural support role while tim tests the hind planet wedge a two-man tent which has inflatable poles once tethered to the floor he'll put up this tent in what the beaufort scale describes as and i quote a strong gail stay strong tim i don't want to leave you [Music] we're at 53 miles an hour time [Music] vine is getting in the tents just windy enough to make you think that perhaps you shouldn't be in a tent tim umbrella it's won a number of awards apparently the person who designed it lost three umbrellas in a week and thought i've got to design the umbrella of the future regressively i've neglected to tell him that the center umbrella is open by pulling the runner rather than the traditional push this is a powerful image you produce some haunting imagery in there [Music] tim yeah that was a heck of a win it made you realize if you're stuck on the side of a mountain in that sort of wind that would be uh rather nasty i went to a shop i said i said i want to buy a tent he said two camp i said sorry i want to buy a tent but i said i also buy a caravan he said camper i make you mind up but those puns deserted you none of them were in when i needed them no they do not work in a high wind i hope we mute again in similarly extreme weather conditions so do i coming up outdoors advocate marcus bridgstock joins me as i take on large quantities of sub-zero solidified liquids wow oh that looks rubbish how dare you in a world where the weather becomes more extreme by the day i'm searching for gases to keep me warm and dry my technical support staff are bitterly constructing the ultimate self-sufficiency survival rat for the inevitable apocalypse but now i must turn my attention to another very real climatic concern harsh winters are a fact of life like tax or simon mayo and we must do everything in our power to battle them and battle them hard that's why i spend every weekend preparing for the future arctic apocalypse right here chisholm's getting real people as well as being a boss place to chillax hamilton's snow center with a permanent temperature below zero is the perfect place to assess gadgets designed to help us when the big freeze hits britain and aiding me in this wondrous endeavor is renowned winter sports enthusiast marcus briggstock right you know the expression when hell freezes over yes this is what i think it would be you think if hell throws over that then provides sledges this is ridiculous it's a very light sledge and it's got runners underneath if you lean you can steer it that's not steering that's just falling one way or another look at what i've provided you a vw sled with a zombie sled this has got this has got uh brakes here i'm going to set off with one hand already on the brake all right let's go i've broken the steering wheel your braking system is not adequate this is not breaking lift your feet lift [Music] lift how was it it was as fun as falling [Music] come the end of the world sledges will be fine for fleeing from a pursuing avalanche but what if escape from the storm requires uphill flight this is the latest thing okay the thruster four electric fans spinning at up to 30 000 rpm are mounted on a handheld bar wow collectively they generate a maximum thrust of 150 pounds literally dragging feckless snowboarders up the slope yeah i like it a lot but as a man of gadget i don't just come equipped with one method of uphill assistance i have a flip load the juggernaut bike yeah look at those wheels that's incredible 26 inches you'd have to have a load of these at the bottom right and just leave them at the top so that you could ride it up and then snowboard back down like a borough spike scheme but look at this look that's the propel surface i've done a lot of snowboarding yeah and i don't i don't like to be cynical just say it that looks rubbish how dare you you come onto my slope and slag off my propel surf that's based on the archimedes screw from that point of view it's very exciting but just what are you gonna do with all of that on the back of your board [Music] i kind of want to see you go how was it it was good basically if the heavy screws weren't on i would be able to push you up the hill this feels like you're doing a lot of but you're pushing me that's what it feels like that's not a healthy sound you it can go faster than that but the speed you've left some pretty good tracks i'm gonna just kick back here for a while i'm gonna try the bike if i come flying past that'll be me if you get past me i'd be very surprised come on no okay come on i'll give you a head start yes this is gonna pick up [Music] yeah that's better down yeah i feel i haven't convinced marcus with my big freeze gadgets but maybe i can woo him at the apres ski first up is the handheld algiz xrw it's a rugged military standard laptop that can be used in conditions such as sand rain or even extreme temperatures this is a frankly well hard laptop you could tweet from from underneath snow wow hashtag avalanche my hands are toasty do you know why i do they're snuggling y'all do you know how much this is costing me to run i've no idea is it pricey an hour i mean the one issue with it i would say is that you need to be you need to be plugged in you'd have to stay they need they need to get rechargeable one of these on the market assat and they are working on that yeah yeah yeah you like music i do you like speakers yep you're gonna love the bear tech glove uh-huh it's a bluetooth enabled glove which can link to my smartphone for example and i can play music listen to that and then i skip here just skip tracks there that's great yeah yeah and i've got 80 hours charge on this so when the next ice age descends which gadget will you be using to battle the engulfment the snuggling that's not good i didn't hesitate snuggling snuggling with that snuggly comfy warm after heroically combating sub-zero temperatures gale falls winds and torrential rain i'm now ready to board my tech team's armageddon boston survival raft when the final storm comes i for one will be ready when the seas rise when the winds howl when there are seven moons in a blood red sky i will take to this the gadget man survival raft it may look like a well-rubbish boat but it's actually kitted out to the gills with high-tech biz check out my joint y'all i've got a big torch in here it's 600 lumens and watch its distress signal it's only going to be a matter of days before someone picks me up nutrition i'm going to use this hot can i don't need heat with a hot can because by an exothermic reaction it provides its own heat and heats up this delicious looking chicken curry now water the lifesaver water bottle will allow me to drink any water despite its infection level while i await rescue i need to keep my electronic wear safe from the impending storm water for this i have a lifeproof lifejacket for my tablet and a p2i waterproof coating for my phone and it comes back out i can still tweet how are you hashtag apocalypse now i can read your naysaying noggins you're literally thinking how will you keep your various gadgets charged well my boffins have installed these hydraulically raped wind turbines to generate power so there and how will you shelter you continue under this also hydraulically powered state-of-the-art shelter this is all very well and good for tooting lido but what about genuine adverse weather conditions how's about i bring you a storm make it rain [Music] not only is this drama on a cinematic level but as promised my gadget vessel is keeping me protected nourished and charged to the max [Music] so [Music] yes in many ways i am just in the middle of tooting lido but when the apocalypse comes and when kevin costner's terrifying prediction of a water world comes true and it will come true i'll have my gadgets gift what will you have hello in multiple situations i have calls to reveal my identity as being richard aruwadi and this a show dedicated to the latest in gadgetry is one such situation i use gadgetry as a buffer between myself and any physical or mental exertion this is insane and in this show i will be battling [Music] will you put that on my face let's do the things that you just saw but over a longer period of time i have just enjoyed a relatively acceptable day looking at paintings of and by people who failed to beat death but my relaxation quota has been used up and i must perform return to the gadget house it is a journey filled with the capacity to test me beyond my very capabilities a journey best room with boredom crowds inexplicable damp patches and discomfort ladies and gentlemen of this green land i shall be travelling by public transport i shall begin my odyssey underground joining me is a man who unfathomably claims to enjoy the spontaneous human interaction that can occur on public transport comedian russell howard i'm sorry i'm two days late that's a good start it's been i've been so nervous oyster cars are dead for me i simply touch my phone against these near-field communication enabled barriers these could be rolled out across the underground as early as the end of the year [Music] through with my phone y'all the underground can have as much as one milligram of dust in every cubic meter of air a sobering statistic so i plan to take no chances [Music] russell holt okay before we get on escalator 12 the pollen mask i'll just put this on and we can also reenact the end to et yeah nice okay yeah i'm going to put on my own mask the rest bro it's going to filter out harmful contaminants hey okay yep let's go down let's go down we're safe to go yeah we're safe to go down we're just blending in yep how's the usb pollen now feels great there's no pollen near me yeah i feel good as well against my better judgment russell persuaded me to abandon our masts before boarding the train oh look at the humanity hello good got these lovely people rich oh the humanity it's what i say right come on let's have a look at this the mini mexi give it its name okay you can't get a seat right bang i like you but you can't pull that off i just did pull it off perhaps people can't deal with a man on a mini-max but suddenly conventional seats become available russell richard when you're on the tube and someone's listening to headphones often the ambient noise spill is truly irritating isn't it yeah occasionally you get something nice though let's say i'm listening to something that you like what are you craig david i didn't know what i want is to block them out right look at this it's made out of wood handcrafted wood so it's not going to resonate as much and leak out and also you'll like this russell the memory foam is sweat resistant handing the headphones over is a joy thanks to the tangle resistant kevlar reinforced cable it's a good bait yeah i can't hear it you'd like it i would like it we could have one here each of you like enjoy it together be a nice thing take them off well are you a utopian i just think it'd be nice the 60s are over it failed next a problem that lights the lives of millions how do you maintain constant core temperature on public transport it's the question i ask myself every day well you've got arctic heat cooling vest check it inside the silver strips a gel insert chill the jacket in the freezer and they will stay cool for up to two hours you can also heat up the jacket for use on cold days struggling here oh look it's you've tangled it you need to take it back off help me i'm not gonna stop ideal please i'm not gonna help you thanks mate see look at that what's your name exactly okay you know what can happen i'm not ready how does it feel you look good i think this is awful mate what are you talking about it just feels weird let me put it on you no but do you feel cooler i feel very cool in all senses of the words fortunately for russell there are even more discreet ways of keeping cool the aeroseat cooling cushion straight from our friends in japan okay sit on it switch it on that fan that's gonna cool your seat i'm not getting anything you have a go nothing right no i'm getting something let me tell you friends this fan sucks in up to 190 liters of air a minute which has blown through the fabric of the cushion to cool the sitter's seat my seat my entire anus and lower thighs are cooler than they were right but we have no evidence you have my words russell let's bust this joint i should the end of an ordeal made bearable only by gadgets [Music] russell our journey has ended i'd like to thank you for your time and muted enthusiasm but being with you has reminded me very much how much i prefer being on my own so with that i must take my leave until we meet again in valhalla taxi excellent good morning mate there too i'm greenwich [Music] moving from underground to overground and specifically in this hydrogen power taxi represents a great forward i have a private space which i need not share plus the high box anti-motion sickness bracelet massages my pressure points to keep nausea at bay i'm massively on top of things did you watch the football last night in what way is that his business i didn't know that there was football all right yeah england played last night you're not into football then um i know it exists mercifully i can cocoon myself from this intolerable small talk do you do any sport um you know just windsurfing that kind of stuff this is better but now i'm feeling claustrophobic there's got to be a better way [Music] confound it stop the car hello technical staff member i'd like to travel by taxi without having to engage buffoons like this in banter no offense okay don't fail me bye bit awkward actually well i've just briefed my technical staff in that rather moving scene you just saw but not even i can expect instant results hence my public transport odyssey must and in a very real sense will continue meanwhile check my public panel for people who represent all britain their duty to test gadgets in this case gadgets for transporting stuff [Music] for retired people bus travel can be more productive with the asero industries defender bank it's a backpack that swivels around to become an ipad holding mobile desk i don't personally take long bus or train journeys but if i did i think i'd probably find this quite easy for manual workers looking to transport themselves and their chattels the briefcase i think it's very 70s yes it's good for the skateboarder who has no pockets yes for city workers who want to keep things close to their chest or their back the bc vest has a built-in rucksack [Music] would you wear it on a day-to-day basis no it says it really is just a bit bulky the force bag allows students to charge tablets phones and laptops so many times i've gone out see it's charging now yes i've gone out my phone runs out of battery and i can't do anything about it so this would like definitely solve that problem for me so you no doubt tested all the gadgets thoroughly and conscientiously but which did you like best we decided on the force bag because you could like charge mobile devices on the go and you also have an app which tells you if you leave your bag behind it's the word of britain the force bag it's the transportation gadget of the week i'm gonna sit down i shouldn't be stood up on a bus this notices this is illegal coming up my public transport expedition takes a terrifying turn and i take adam on the kind of ride he'd sooner forget this is weird [Music] i'm part way through an arduous odyssey by public transport from the heart of london to gadget house so far even the latest gadgetry has failed to fight my fear of being underground we could have one ear each if you like or indeed overground however i have been inspired to commission my technical support staff to develop a taxi that operates independently of a yappy driver but despite stressing the urgency of my needs my transport is not yet ready so it looks like i will have to travel like a regular sap for a little while longer this devastating news hits me just as i'm about to traverse the with thames now as old as some kind of hat for goodness sake the emirates airway ensures that a simple river crossing becomes a hitchcockian tightrope of terror worryingly high above the murky massive water below this most frightening of transports presents exceptional challenges to its passengers boredom is the default condition on public transport i'm too terrified to be bored but i do need to ignore my immediate surroundings fortunately gadgets are bound to distract the traffic often folks thumb about with their phones but we know that it doesn't have the kind of buttons that you need to gain in a hardcore fashion thankfully the moga has addressed this potentially crushing situation the moga ace power clips around your phone to give you arcade quality controls anywhere anytime even in this flimsy pod suspended on a ludicrously thin wire cultural heathens have long watched films on their phones but their yahoo arms get tired from the elevation well no longer thanks to the suspendo you can now watch a film like the uncultural machine you are free to gesticulate or threaten other people on the carriage but you don't just have to watch it's makers assure me it's perfect for video conferencing on the move or holding a recipe whilst you cook but for the ultimate experience of wearing a headset wear this headset if you must watch films the sony wearable hdtv headset recreates the sensation of watching a 60-foot cinema screen but just millimeters from your eyeballs and it's got 3d capability and surround sound i can game or i could watch a film like i know crank if you're anything like me one of the most heartbreaking things about being on public transport is that you can no longer dj well you can now with a scratch to go yo it's on an ipad these accessories suction pad on and i can keep going let's get involved i mean what could endear you more to your fellow passengers with my daredevil ride over the river complete i'm approaching the final two legs of my public transport peregrination but more horrors awaits in order to leave the urban confines of london i shall employ the national rail network if their silver tongue pr is to be believed rail travel represents a fast affordable efficient method of travelling around the country but for me a train means germs human contact and inexplicable damp patches on seats i've invited adam buxton to join me in assessing whether the latest gadgetry can make train travel less invasive infectious and a synonym for messi starting with an eye hello adam buxton hey thank you for doing this yeah no worries i was just looking for richard well that's like an al pacino unlike rob ryden that was excellent looking for richard and you're a trained buff i love hustling around yeah norwich to london i've got a number of techniques for dealing with the anxiety of train travel okay well let's examine them yeah and record the examination yes please okay this is my preferred door [Music] oh look area i love it this is what's happened to our great nation oh the seat has been despoiled by crumbs massively despoiled this is why i brought with me the latest dyson on the market wow this is the future is that nuclear this spins 110 000 times a minute how many cyclones would that be that's 15. whoa that's too many cyclones look at this whoa you're sucking the air out of the outside i can have a 20-minute cleaning session off a single charge will you put that on my face oh it's pretty good that's nice it's everything you want from a mini hoover oh that's amazing i didn't even have to use the max button on the back you might think that it's safe to sit down yes it's not the average commuter sheds between 8 and 10 pounds of skin a year and some of it is right here in this seat a buffet for microorganisms i'm going to use the ubc miracle wand what what what why because it's using ultraviolet light with a sufficiently short wavelength to kill microorganisms this has a pathogen kill rate of 100 whoa you're not even going for the 99.9 they don't even need to they've done third-party tests let's get involved yeah moving the wand across the seats an inch above the surface is enough to waste fleas bed bugs and dust mites ah look at this i got a micro cushion i think it's nice look at this window streaky it's a disgrace it is yeah we're gonna do about it i'm gonna clean it how well the car show window vac oh yeah that's what i'm going to do i'm just going to spray here i can do up to 45 meters squared to 60 meters squared on a single charge with this puppy look at that that's streak free it's a shame about the outside but that's not within my purview the inside is my watch hey i've got a gadget for you okay lay on me what you do is you get your pillow from your bed right carry it everywhere with you this is a game changer right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing sorry mate i just brought the vac there for that was crazy now i'm very cartoon now uh there's no germs whatsoever yep do it you basically look like jacko from brushstrokes get involved with the travel hoodie what this is a dedicated bit of technology look at this why do you put it over your head oh this is inflatable pull it down hey yeah yeah but what do you mean yeah but there's no butts this bit the hardness you you don't need it why are you that's not a good look this pillow makes you look crazy does it make me look troubled i look like a crazy man whereas this i look like rocky yeah i look fit i would wear this not even leaning against something that's how good it looks yeah where's the dyson that's the superhero this is him that's the guy i'm ready to back and rest and and your catchphrase could be i suck come on now refreshed by a power nap using the travel hoodie it's time to turn our attention to the problems of working on the moon so you use the computer on the train sure all the time what about privacy adam you know it is a problem because i have a lot of incredible ideas so that if people stole from me you're losing millions i'm losing potentially millions yes so what i tend to do is i uh with a pillow use your crazy man's pillow no this is crazy okay that works i'm going to change your life right now with la function that function yeah yeah this provides privacy you know whenever i want to update the ukip website sure when i just take out the laptop am i getting glare hell no am i doing this in private hell yes that's something i've dreamed of for a long long time just fit this in next it's time to speak at the unspeakable let's talk about beverage spillage i mean we've all been there we've all been there how do you combat beverage spillage it's not possible is it the mighty mug says no what the wow that's a smart grip function sure it is yeah that's double insulated the wall there it's going to keep the drinks hot it's going to keep them cold depending on how they go in is it dishwasher safe yes it is whoa no spill lid bang it in the dishwasher oh i love banging things in the dishwasher he doesn't it's the best place to get banging even i cannot deny that the wonderful world of science has developed a number of solutions to the problem associated with train travel but i will always feel most at home in a taxi were it not for the fact that it had to be driven by a person but mindful of my titanic temper my technical team have finished work on one of the most innovative brain waves i've had all week so this is our ride this is our joint i've seen one of these before this is a fossil-powered automobile car isn't it this is more than you're giving it credit for really come on where's our guy well i'll tell you where our guy is he's not here because i've eliminated the need for a driver i've dispensed with that we don't have to engage with anyone say what you're driving i will not be driving i'm driving it is driverless okay check this whoa [Applause] this is weird yeah you know what we should have belted in [Music] [Applause] [Music] the 50 meter journey from the station to the drive has never been more bearable technology has eliminated the need for a driver the steering and throttle are electrically controlled the brakes and gears are operated by compressed air core microprocessors and two control systems mean i will never have to be asked about football again it is my vision made real well yes the braking is severe but other than that you are looking at another gadget man epoch defining exclusive the door's not automatic no all the automation went into the steering wheel worst day of my life come on hello i'm richard ayuardi a man composed almost entirely of vowels presenting a show composed almost entirely of gadgets let's shake hands with them as someone who extracts no joy from the exertions of daily life is that good yeah gadgets are to me an oasis in the desert of doing if you think of anything more evil this week i fully intend to cure myself for my highly rational fear of holidays by embarking on a gadget-aided steak oh that's a bit weavy yes awesome this is insane this is that but how how do you think others would feel about eating off that surface this is not an open table yes all of those things are going to happen in a maxi gadgey way it's unlikely to alarm you when i reveal that i'm constitutionally opposed to foreign travel but a holiday here in the uk comes equipped with its own perils well rubbish weather traffic jams flipping picnics the strange compulsion to visit castles and worst of all walking and supposedly beautiful landscapes but i'm going to prove to you that technology can help a fella overcome all these hurdles by going on a gadget stat staycation first i'll need to tackle our volatile climate the weather in britain is subject to cruel variants t.s eliot will certainly back this brother up on that so bearing that in mind here is the net atmo weather station a digital equivalent of the barometer it analyzes the air and sends detailed local forecasts to your smartphone no typhoons as yet so i'm safe to pack now i plan to take this puppy the watershed kodiak a 295 liter inflating rucksack for the sake of pete first into this whopping bag is the polychrome temperature controlling jacket this jacket can raise or lower the temperature around the wearer's body by 6 degrees warm this way around the reversible jacket absorbs warmth from the sun while keeping body heat in to raise your temperature warn the other way it absorbs your body heat while deflecting the sun to keep you cool i have no pressing wish to insult your intelligence but i'll need plenty of power to recharge my mighty stack of gadgets so i'm packing a bronton hydrogen reactor i merely pop one of these hydrogen cartridges into here which combined with oxygen in the air to produce zero emissions electricity peace of mind come the apocalypse and i'm out a mandatory component of any british holiday is the unsightly business of cycling with family or so-called friends i'll be traveling with a specially selected channel 4 vetted companion on this half recumbent tandem we will also be keeping a tight-fisted grip on the purse strings i'm certainly not going to fizz my wad on a hotel room especially as i have the qt the world's smallest operational caravan so my holiday is afoot ahead of me lies the pungent gas of traffic the wiggity wackness of the british weather fun destroying days out and of course dismal strolls through scenery but as a man of gadget i demand an easier way i need to consult my technical support staff hello yes me i'm livid i'm holidaying in the united kingdom and i need an out i will explain i want to go on days out without really going out and i want to go on bracing warps without the walk being bracing do not fail me bye the tech team have been briefed but my uk holes and the prospect of their unblinking tedium is imminent before i pick up my companion i must assess which single gadget is best suited to wiring away the long hours that will inevitably be spent sheltering from the rain and to help me i've assembled a public panel for average individuals chosen for their averageness when it comes to affordable gadgets they are four people who together make up britain [Music] the panel have been given a selection of gadgets and between them they'll decide which one in any provides most entertainment for a rainy day in britain and have a series of interactive games come on this time there are even board games where you don't have to move pieces wow searching for dyson here it is just present it technically leaving our city places manual worker are testing the beauty kickbeat you're gonna lose you're gonna lose really these robots are controlled by bluetooth by your smartphone and can compete in a multitude of games how is the kick be awesome right i don't like it that much it's like the world cup there's already conflicts here the power up 3.0 is the world's first paper airplane that you can control with your smartphone if you call this control okay look so difficult to get it to do it properly i think it went down to the stool oh god went a bit further though didn't it that time yeah what better part time when stuck indoors than to watch a ball roll around the house it's perfect for you behold the sphero 2.0 a smartphone controlled robot ball you can change the color oh really any color you like okay it matches your eyes and it has to go for yellow as in all human relationships there can only be one victor and after heated and thorough debate the group had finally agreed on a public panel prize winner the robot football game even girls can play wow well from that ringing and ultimately misogynistic endorsements we have to lionize the kick b that britain as one has chosen i can delay no longer my staycation must commence firstly i must ditch the qt van in a local caravanning hotspot because and this is far from ideal i'll not be staycationing solo [Music] comedian phil jupitus is as british as unmanned service stations or drizzle making him the perfect companion for myself [Music] hello phil jupiters would you like to join me for a uk based holiday on this recumbent tandem seems like the thing to do my friend then for safety's sake put on a helmet okay all right you know how recumbent tandem works well right yep all right go all right oh here we go amazing yeah that's a bit weavy unlike a standard tandem the rear most cyclist on this bike takes the brunt of the legwork [Music] oh come on so it's mainly phil powering us through the garden of england towards our first vacation stop historic leads castle phil not in leeds that's a category mistake it's in kent i mean that's why i was late yes you're dazzled by its beauty i can see joy flooding your face really yeah but how do we document this how do we make this experience real watercolors no we need to photograph it with the latest in digital technology all right and here they are three cameras that will revolutionize the way you capture historic monuments first up are these binoculars of the future whoa binoculars yeah but you can record 3d images ah this is what we want i can only take 2d photos which is a bit of a downer but it's made up for by the gps system gps it's a revolution i can really see that third dimension yes binoculars may well be as 3d as eyes but i feel they're somewhat unidirectional i need a gadget that can offer me a broader range the panoramic pod taking a panoramic photograph involves moving your phone from side to side while navigating an arrow across a guideline but how in the name of all that's right can you avoid photo ruining hand wobble how the problem is yeah i mean i mean i'm not that baroque with my movement but okay there's still an unsteadiness not with this look at it that's remarkably steady yes the word you're looking for has two w's and an o in the middle i like the panoramic pod and it gives you that sweeping view but i want something a bit more sweepy okay well this is dynamite from a gadget that rotates your phone for you to a high-tech camera that can photograph everything at once the ricoh theater wow it's a huge 360 degree view of the castle it's 360. it's everything next is a camera device which means you don't even have to leave the car park the drone this is the phantom dji2 that's right that face is appropriate i've applied for special authorization to fly here from lee's castle air traffic control and what's more we receive that authorization look at that go this remote control quadrocopter is so insultingly easy to use that after minimal assembly you can fly straight from the box the camera can maintain wi-fi connection to your phone for up to 300 meters and it has a smooth hover mode to give you steady shots don't look at the castle look here okay let's take in the beauty yeah can you swivel the camera do you swivel the helicopter helicopter i'm no werewolf okay look at this this is that yeah but here it's just so much more digital it's interesting what's your assessment of one two ten ten being most blown away one being just very blown away do you not have an 11 because my socks are off good let's walk off with purpose after the break the ultimate staycation continues as a combination of technology and phil jupiteus saves me from stay purgatory wow it is like eating the desert i'm conducting a brave experiment to see whether gadgets can help me a pooh-pooher of staycations enjoy a staycation also phil jupitus is here it's almost as if the castle's really just over there it's amazing and my underpaid technical support do not fail me a toiling to create a collection of bespoke contraptions that will help me escape one of my worst nightmares walking through a field but as rosie finger dawn spreads over the land i'm regretting my gentlemanly decision to allow phil to call shotgun on the accommodation while i endured a caravan so small it can be towed inside a supermarket phil made himself comfortable in the trip buddy this is the caravan of the future it has solar panels gas points state-of-the-art surround sound entertainment system and mood lighting for the sake of flip but i must curb my caravan coveting as phil and i are about to embark on one of those massively rubbish days out to a point of so-called local interest [Music] but first we must break our fasts and how better than a quintessential british dining experience the picnic yeah that's it phil you're on a picnic yeah what do you put your sandwiches in either uh cling film or foil or perhaps some oiled cloth i pity you the complete is a highly flexible silicone skin that molds perfectly around any food stuff look at that wow i hope you notice that the name contains a pun yes completely i think they've just used the word eat and maybe just work backwards from there and not really thought it through what are we gonna eat out of these things wow they're edible edible bowls that's right what i think it will add is a pleasing time pressure to eating yeah before it collapses in your hand yeah but look you can just break it off yeah let's let's try some of that bowl mmm that is very dry that's a dry bowl wow it is like eating the desert i actually feel the moisture going out on my feet yes i'm just listening to your voice now phil and it sounds parched i'm so dry good grief of course after after a drying bowl like that what one needs is a beverage well say you want to dunk some of your bowl i might want a bowl dunk you might want a bowl dunk but what if the bowl starts going into the margarine when that happens yes it's a sludgy mess and not with the cookie catcher you're fine large bits of your bowl will be caught in this would this would this be usable for for anything else you know perhaps a uh tampon yeah having had your tea you could go into an adjacent stream yeah and just catch a little bit of pond scum we've got all this lovely equipment here it seems foolish not to use some sort of plinth on which to set it all well just hold the horse that you're on because bang here we go it's there set some items on there it's a great table the bag table it's quite small it's quite small well look i'm wearing picnic pants what i'm wearing picnic pants yeah it's a table here look at that i can balance look at that yeah and i don't want to boast phil yeah i've got a cup holder here whoa i think it's more of a biscuit holder okay yeah look at you how do you think others would feel about eating off that surface richard this is not your table phil it's do not eat from my table oh but what if you've got tidbits on there i want to nibble from well i will pass you those tip bits and you eat them under your own steam well i'm this is not an open table come and enjoy a selection of avocado and seafood relish the bounty oh good grief oh that has to go into their sales bump really is a table for you and you alone let's uh let's head off i feel i should write some sort of warning on the bowl yeah it is now time to make phil go to an attraction that i can mercifully avoid it only took me three goes before i guessed the usp of teapot island there are almost 7 000 teapots in its collection as if maisto wasn't fascinating enough seven thousand teapots we should think of it yeah i have thought of it and yet i mustn't go in there are reasons for this i do not like crowds it's bound to be rammed i'm going to get so excited my elbows are going to fly about the place and cause breakages perspex there's perspex have the teapots the elbows are like diamonds so i have had my tech support staff rustle this up it's a webcam attached to a hat that is bone conductive so i'll be able to speak to you and your head will act as an amplifier for my words and then that's going to live stream to my tablet computer so i can see what's going on drinking the cultural goodness without encountering what may be some frankly creepy people you're losing okay i'm gonna go and hang out by that massive weird teapot wow just believe what you're seeing my friend phil how does it feel to be there live i am overwhelmed i've never been around this much pottery i mean this is so much better than being there ah that is a very evocative scene two pandas hugging buy some bamboo i'm really pleased i have the buffer of space from this experience i'm worried that i'd be overwhelmed now as you can see if i put my hand there these ones are tiny these are ridiculously small teapots i mean who's gonna drink out of these i don't know someone with a great sense of fun i tell you what i'm not gonna speak back to you but rest assured that i'm listening to everything you say okay okay all right thanks thanks richard well this has blown my mind keep talking phil i'm listening i hope you're recording this or at least doing screen grabs i've vanquished the tedium of going inside museums but have my technical support staff managed to devise a way for me to circumvent the insanity of going on a country walk by providing gadgets that will do the hard work for me [Music] well here we are at the devil's kneading trough damn straight not all the way up yet no no because our reward richard when we reach the top of the trough as they call it locally and what would be the delicious view behind us right well i can only continue this aberrant behavior under one condition okay let's go and introduce everyone to the condition how many conditions on this walk wow my buffins have found these bionic legs originally used by the medical industry to assist with rehabilitation they are equipped with sensors which can tell what movement you're making and activate motors to assist they are the perfect gadget for those of us who want to ramble while using minimal energy no more stitches or stiff legs for me with these fellas yeah no it's not pretty good this is insane i like the sound yeah it's really really cutting across the sound of the meadow larks isn't it the sound is one of the great things about this it makes me feel purposive look at the stride it's giving you like john wayne you look like a young john wayne i look like i've soiled myself and i'm trying to find facilities that's the john wayne walk even with technology sharing the burden halfway up the hill is pretty plenty for me you can have a pit stop ah yonder so i've arranged for refreshments to balance our blood sugar and an even bigger surprise for bill i sense a reluctance in you to get back up well i'm here with my chunky robot thighs and a lovely ice cream i don't see the hill up there i sort of want to go but i sort of don't you're in conflict is what you're saying i am you're torn apart there's no solution no well there is yeah enter the nx rover nasa currently has two operational rovers on the surface of mars braving the elements to send home 360 degree views of the red planet but these were merely a dummy run for our earth traversing camera box fantastic my team have commandeered this tournament force so that i never have to walk to the top of a hill again i and other internet users anywhere in the world can have complete control of the rover and camera meaning that i can holiday without leaving the house gosh look at the hd oh wow that's some rares right there you ever seen a stream as powerful as this i have not it's a joy it's amazing because it's there yes and it's there yes and yet my eye is drawn to this beautiful representation of the view that is actually there it's wonderful if only we could have thought of this earlier we wouldn't even have had to come here nope could have done all this on the phone beautiful so while i still view the holiday with outright hostility i've proved beyond any shred of a doubt that with the help of gadgets it's possible to make it through with utter dignity don tooton oh oh that's a glitch that's a glitch what's that glitch of your legs really wow hello i'm richard iuardi but i'm not just a brother with a catchy name i'm also a grand master of the gadget possessed with the near mythical level of physical laziness i off-turn like a bright and fall to the sheltering embrace of gadgetry this time i'm on a deeply emotional quest to find out if technology can help me in some small way withstand the wretched dreadfulness that we term shopping i can't condone this you've just stolen a peach i feel a man may have designed this yes let's approach said gadgetry together and now respectfully but with gusto well my display fridge has been emptied by ravenous rascals leaving me only with eggs and my eggminder has just sent the devastating news to my smartphone vis-a-vis their freshness i simply must say it like any 21st century citizen my first instinct is to log onto the net and nip this crisis in the bud but with supermarkets taking up to 24 hours to deliver and my bracelet calorie counter suggesting the time moments from complete metabolic collapse i simply lack the time my hand is forced i must brave a real-life supermarket but at least i can simplify my essential list making process with the hiku i merely yak into this unit or use it to read barcodes and the list will be sent forth with to my smartphone milk kale muscle cream radish ox hoof [Music] with my list complete i need to review my personal security before leaving for the supermarket to protect my financial instruments the eye wallet a carbon shell and fingerprint activated lock will ensure their safety larger belongings will be protected by the isaf backpack in the event of a backsnap situation i can unleash 125 decibels [Music] one of the first slaps that shopping delivers to your chops is the naked stress of finding a car parking space your scooters and your bikes are no use to me they lack storage so what is the solution this proud little fella the box bike box as in jamie foxx an electric powered storage box [Music] to help me shop i'm meeting a produce guru whose views i'm unable to endorse jimmy doherty wants people to take time over their shopping and know more about what they are buying i want to get in and out as fast as possible using technology to minimize thinking carrying or interacting jimmy doherty richard how you doing good to see you i'm i'm great good good i look like a supermarket manager already but you were going to help me yeah well it's quite easy shopping you're going you can squeeze the fruit you sniff a banana look at the spuds you can't sniff a banana with any dignity it's horrendous let's go in first things first what trolley time trolley that's not a time what are you talking about charlie time have you got any preference that's well retro what are you from the 80s yeah i don't use a trolley look at this it's what i use what what is that that's a budgie my friend a budgie it's a basket that moves with you right it's like a person but reliable dodgy is an american personal assistant robot it will automatically follow a handheld sensor and can carry over 20 kilograms come on come by come by come back how do you fancy a few peaches i don't really like fruit but if you have to sure what are you doing you're all in them sniffing them you get a pog rooting about give it a good sniff turn it's right give it a squeeze i'm not sniffing that you've been all over it i don't know where you've been quite frankly i'm going to use this the d a meter that's right the tyrone d a meter uses reflected light to measure the chlorophyll content of fruit thus giving an accurate assessment of its ripeness it'll beat my nose will it it will beat your nose okay try that one there one and unders will say it's right one and over not right it's saying 0.56 it's ripe that should be perfectly right it should be right it was right spot-on what have you just done that's illegal i can't condone this you've just stolen a peach so i want to have some of this delicious looking spaghetti bolognese right three for six yeah that's a bargain isn't it but how do i know that it is as good as it looks right so you want to know about the provenance and you want to know that the recycling packaging and doing all the right kind of things those are the exact things that are going to inform ourselves well you first off you look at the packet here and the first thing you see you see a union jack and beef which would it's already taking too long there was a lot of information there's too much to take in okay what are you gonna do okay well i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to use the lambent shopping cart handle this handle is an experiment to nudge psychology aiming to influence buyers choices the more unhealthy or further the food has traveled the more lights come on there are three things that light up if it was very far it would light up all the way to there three means roughly scotland how long did that take that took seconds it was quick all right and how long was all that long it was interesting i'm not going to dispute how fascinating you are but i'm just saying in a time management situation you're out to pay i just placed my hand on the bio reader which scans the vein to my palm as individual as a fingerprint and harder to copy these are already in cash machines in japan and are on their way here i leave you with the feet strike what's that i'll tell you what it is it's your ticket home i live in suffolk that's all right the feats is a dutch design that offers more carrying capacity than some small cars perfect for a shop happy fellow like jimmy just pedal is it just pedal although there is assist assist which is what it means it'll help you and i can keep the pound which is uh pretty good as jimmy doherty departs drunk with delight i'm duty bound to inform you that other shopping transportation systems are available and who better to test them than my public panel a quartet of humble citizens chosen to provide a representative sample of our united kingdom the gig pack allows you to transport your shopping and your transport in one paradigm busting system how does it handle is it oh it has okay okay that's hand located which begs the question why you know we just thought whether it would make sense to have a scooter and then have a regular backpack sure what you're saying is it would make sense for this not to be what it is if you have a bike and some do then you can use the reel to carry your shopping home the elasticated straps are held in place by stickers on the frame and will stretch to accommodate all manner of items you couldn't get that much in there because where are your legs going to go yes and if you had eggs in there you don't want to chafe against your produce well you could end up with an omelette by the time you got home that is true [Music] [Laughter] the herb gives shoppers all commuters a 20 mile range and a 15 mph top speed once they have mastered the hobby horse riding position it's not actually that bad once you get used to it it's actually quite easy all right in an outrage of prejudice our retiree is tasked with the setting the hook and go the easier way to get your pads home this is a very simple gadget but it's really useful too well your testing has been invaluable could you tell me how it went the best one we've found is the uh got power good and it's a lot of fun it even has like we can put your smartphone into it so you can charge it as well well there we have it the transportation device system of the week is the urbi the nation as one has spoken but whatever transport is available to me i would still rather avoid going to the blinking shops all together and to that end a notion strikes my noggin [Music] time to talk to my technical support staff [Music] hi yeah it's me richard richard iuardi it doesn't matter who that is look this is what i need you to do i want to go to the shops without going to the shops and i want almost instant delivery bye oh that was exhausting while i wait for my technical support staff why not take a break upon your return i'll show alison stedman how gadgets can take the heartache out of buying clothes i need to know what your in-step is before we even get involved in this chaos what yeah and my shopping revolution goes online my quest to use customer technology to take the terror out of shopping what what is that that's a budgie is underway the country's finest minds are working to combine the convenience of the internet with the instant gratification of the supermarket while they work i'm about to tackle another form of retail health buying clothes street is europe's most popular shopping destination four point three million people trap this tarmac every week but why hold the handrail stand still and face the direction of travel disrobing and changing rooms endless crowds the savage heat of department stores perhaps a celebrity could come up to me and explain [Music] hello allison's deadman how are you hello richard very nice to meet you nice to meet you can you help me um deal with this hell i don't like shopping no don't be silly don't be silly do you like it i love it i do my best to ignore her optimism instead i focus on proving to allison that this ungoverned madness can be much improved with gadgets how'd you like those i need to know what your in-step is before we even get involved in this chaos what yeah the foot disc so you can get your foot game tight yeah what you do when you place your foot here and it will not only measure your size it will measure your arch but i just stand on it just stand yeah i think your arch is going to be strong look and then we look at what the shape is what it corresponds to i'd say normal you are so so what do i do now well what you can do now is make use of this ah so you know exactly what you should be putting inside your shoes all right yeah you can you can take these with you this is a gift from the show thank you yeah let's come away with you we're not even gonna subtract that from your feed that's on top of it curat cells use compound materials and dynamic arch technology the cushion feet can give dynamic propulsion with each step oh that is good is it yeah good you're sort of all cozy like a well it fits like a glove my shoe fits like a glove yeah that's the metaphor you want but alison is not finished oh that's nice that's nice i'll remain at the border the strain is becoming unbearable what do you think seems great her constant demand for opinions insatiable what do you think of that yes great i need sweet and swift release hand over your card okay no see ah it's too big yeah it's just too big for my i've got a small face let's get it no but a small face my style that sort of 20s kind of looks more me it's nice but i still like that pink i like the pink i really like the pink what do you think what do you think really like it that's the best one isn't it get it the double uses electric power gyroscopes and accelerometers to turn an ipad into a mobile teleconference robot allowing me to be there when i'm not [Music] richard yeah you are absolutely or am i just going yeah to pick us up a couple of tangos slowly tracking back like at the end of taxi driver oh that's a shame that's a crying shame to help allison realise the folly of her hands-on approach to shopping it's time to politely push her into an anti-chamber for a taste of clothes buying gadget style i need to be able to try on clothes without taking any clothes off and this is what this can do the fashion 3d it's the latest try on clothes without taking clothes off technology your face speaks of enormous excitement well i'm just apprehensive built into the compact display unit is a camera which allows the fashion 3d to see where you are found it it's found you and then map clothes to your body look what yeah that's how this would look my it's moving with my arms this is weird i don't like this dress okay can i try another one let's try that top oh that's good no yes now you see i was going on a nice holiday with some nice white jeans that would be nice the fashion 3d is designed to sit in the middle of shopping centers and allow people to mix and match garments from different stores before they buy them allison saw the benefits immediately you don't have to try and close you don't have to shop you just come in here you can try 50 things in five minutes it's better but there actually is something even better something that exists in 3d space the fits me fit bot it's here let's take this dress for example this charming number okay and put it on the fits me fitbot and see how it deals with it i don't see what's amazing about the name it's a great name [Music] developed to help online retailers display their wares in every shape and size the fitbot allows you to see how a garment would look if you were wearing it but without the need to try it on what more reassuring sound is there in the world than the pneumatic exhalation of whatever gas is in there it's just like gone up two dress sizes or something i know or one just a pinch a pinch a pinch it's amazing but you kind of want to play around you want to put these enormous sizes yeah yeah it does feel right for misuse so for the soul sake of research let's let's see what it's got in the tank the bus seems to be moving not so much to him well i feel a man may have designed this yes so it's fantasy lady i think so yeah how do you feel well i think it's well it's pretty good it's amazing now all the problems with buying clothes are resolved it's time to see how my technical support staff have fared have they created a system that will allow me to shop without going to the shops and will it deliver my goods faster than old-school internet shopping this is a two-stage operation and stage one demands an overhaul of the spare room [Music] well here we be on the mastermind chair is what you probably recognize as an oculus rift well you're wrong it's an augmented oculus rift and it's going to put me in augmented reality i'm going to put it onto my head so i can get my shopping game tight let's do this a standard rift is a virtual reality headset my team has modified this one by fitting cameras on the front so that i can see myself and the room as well as my virtual environment as you can see this is far more natural than going out into the world i'm just going to select supermarket and then look i'm in a photorealistic supermarket situation indistinguishable from the real world reflective balls on the headset and on my wrists allow a dozen cameras around the room to track my movements and adjust the images being transmitted back to my face milk in easy i'm now going for bread there we go imagine going shopping in a virtual store just by putting on goggles in your own home not my words but those of mark zuckerberg the captain of facebook but unlike mark i don't need an imagination because i'm doing it where the g-dog leads the world will surely follow and of course the purchase that defines us all toilet roll and then i just select my delivery method drone well the products have been selected my delivery method has been booked all i need now is to wait in anguished anticipation to see if stage two of my shopping revolution will proceed as planned last year renowned taxpayers and online retailers amazon revealed it planned to use drones to deliver purchases direct to customers in under 30 minutes but amazon can go kiss itself your drones are years away and my eggs are on the way right now think of this as a vision of the future where the roads are free of grocery lands and the stars are alive with drones in reality there is currently a limit to the weight that can be carried and several draconian regulations imposed on my delivery by the civil aviation authority but this prison's first shopping delivery by drone is an inarguable unqualified triumph frustrating for skinned [Music] it's not a family shop is it [Music] here yeah cool flakes tea and a small amount of milk well for those of us who wanted to combine shopping with the opening seams to apocalypse now this is a major breakthrough and as long as you like products under 300 grams i have heroically and definitively spliced the hit of instant retail with the comfort of being at home which is where i'm going now hello i'm known in the heady world of show business by my stage name richard iowadi and although i've safely made this about halfway through my natural life with little to no incident it has been very tiring that's why i've embarked on a selfless crusade i look like rocky to discover whether the very latest technology look at that wow can take the flaming castle out of our day-to-day grind it's pretty good pretty good and what is today's unfathomable quest i rhetorically asked let's hope there's not smoking on me and assaulted others will attempt to get food into our joint gobs strike [Music] so imagine a food-based pun that i could have said but haven't and keep that in your mind as i grasp your laughing face and lead you to planet gadget food i won't eat anything else it literally keeps me alive ironically i have no beef with food no the thing that makes me fly into wanton fury is cooking the food it's dull messy emotionally draining and always violent but can the finest gadgets ease the pain of preparing a repast i shall find out i'm going to start with eggs as ever i'm going to use the cutting edge of tech it's the egg yolk plucker let's let's get involved it is one of my personal bug bears separating egg yolk from white i've lost days a small squeeze of the plucker creates a partial vacuum strong enough to rest the yolk from white which brings us to waffles i insist on fattening my waffles using a dutch made waffle chair combining four legs with two irons because what every home needs is a scolding hot chair especially around children while the waffles cook it's bacon time the discovery thermal circulator heats water to the perfect temperature and pumps it around the pan to cook meat and the onion is no longer a threat to my ducks thanks to technology onion goggles provide a new standard in ocular security an onion in bits not just in bits but accurately measured bits thanks to the grid etched into the surface of the obsessive chef chopping board my sustenance is ready but will it adequately nourish me time to consult the prep pad enter your ingredients and their weight and it gives a detailed nutritional analysis of your meal so i've got a 52 out of 100 balance so we all know what that means a life-changing breakthrough must be on question y'all but i've yet to be convinced that the pain in the neck that is cooking can be assuaged by the shot in the arm that is gadget perhaps we now specifically need the opinion of say a panel of experts specially selected from the people who live within the borders of this nation state and here they are my public panel for people who embody every aspect of the united kingdom's diverse population manual laborers and students are two of the key groups in our country who enjoy a fruit-based dessert the jananas turns frozen fruit into an edible slurry it's quite fast actually i'm quite surprised how fast it is it's not noisy at all is it a dairy-free low-fat alternative to ice cream or yogurt or yogurt that's really good that's very tasty would you use the yo nana definitely it's really healthy because that's no dairy it's just the fruit city workers and the retired routinely crave alcohol so who better to appraise the corabin or coravan wine access a system needle pieces the cork the bottle is then pressurized so the wine can be poured out through the needle but because the hole made is so narrow it closes up when you remove the coravin or coraban so you can save the rest of the bottle good heavens look at that i know another way of why i'm not going off drinking cheers the hot dog toaster allows you to warm hot dog sausages and hot dog rolls in one handy appliance an idiot-proof way of making hot dogs even you could do it yes even i could do it turn anything into a snack on a stick with a stick snack maker coat your ingredients in batter then cook them apart i don't know that nice is the word i'd use i'm sure the debate has raged long and hard and you've come to some kind of hard-won consensus we as the representatives of britain we've decided that the pop-up hot dog toaster is their winner this week it's as if 63 million people have spoken as one and indeed they have because the hot dog toaster is the gadget of the week these investigations into the latest culinary gadgets have been heroic that's beyond question but my moral objections to cooking for myself remain insurmountable but these objections are as nothing compared to the horrors that await should you foolishly try to secure food in a restaurant is there a man woman or child in the land who can successfully read a menu it can't be done can i get sir anything imagine this out of work actor trying to directly interact with me horrific would sir like to smell wine no thanks i recently lost the use of my nose in the fire and furthermore i've just had a notion that's going to be visually supported by this i need to contact my technical staff yeah i need to create the restaurant of the future yes silent waiters wine that doesn't need smelling exciting food stuffs just do it with my technical support staff brief i set out to find food from my restaurant to serve i'm here to see charlie harry francis who describes himself as an edible inventor which presumably means you can eat him nice to meet you nice to meet you what have you got i think we'll start with these in the future we'll be doing pill form food okay ready one two three and go look i don't want this to be a trainspotting situation what is this it's not trippy okay it might kick start your metabolism and actually start burning off the fat that you're carrying around with you there so if you start eating that right you're actually eating that that seems to be the opposite of what food should do it's like an emergency food situation right the guy invented this has lived off these for 17 days and he's not dead what else can i give people who come to this restaurant other than their own bodies to eat basically in cans yes good this is food in a can this is a 12-course meal in a tin in a tin would you like to join me on this um why didn't you start yeah i don't feel like you're on board with this one i just trust you so deeply that i just feel as if i'm tasting it myself and also it does look like congealed fat yeah i mean it's it's actually made with gelatin okay so they've made each course as you would do in a yes very expensive restaurant or kitchen or whatever uh but what they're doing differently to a restaurant is that they've piled it all on top of one another in an unappetizing group this is not what i want my restaurant needs to offer more than auto cannibalism or tinned goods equally unappetizing are aerolife food shops suck on the tube and tiny particles of food fly into your mouth and land on your tongue that's very bitter i mean good gravy nor am i swayed by glow-in-the-dark lollipops made with jellyfish and luminescence hmm a mouth of a jellyfish do they have mouths he needs to pull a culinary rabbit from his proverbial and pronto what are you going to do to restore my trust that you've shattered so this is the levitron and it's a brilliant machine it's a levitating cocktail machine so basically this is using the um power of sound yes to levitate tiny droplets of very potent alcohol okay and there you can see the droplet yeah is just levitating in mid-air and that's been held there purely by sound go ahead you feeling brave i'm feeling like i'm in some kind of 80s scene yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice though yeah like an astronaut yeah yeah you were then yeah for a second okay so the levitt drop how much is this about 30 000 pounds okay at the moment for the equipment to do the one droplet so a little steep we need to work through the costs on that one a little bit next yes what next pudding okay do you like pudding yes i do do you like candy floss yes i do right the whirlwind vortex floating candy floss machine that's right it's going to create a huge spoon of floating candy floss it's going gonna taste amazing okay which flavor would you like i'd like to throw through some cream strawberries and cream very easily cream sugar in here the man in the top hatch heats the flavored sugar until it melts just like your candy floss machine would do so we get the full effect from this with a light stand so we'll just dim the lights a little bit okay you seem to associate food with darkness quite a lot but instead of spinning the strands of sugar around in a tub jets of air fire the floss outwards and then hold it there like a small edible if sickly sweet cloud i feel a bit like i'm in ghostbusters which is always a pleasing sensation now eat it okay yeah it tastes like candy floss so this i approve of i like very much i'd like to take this to the restaurant good i'm glad we found something you like and you can just deliver that machine we'll we'll sort it out so i'll just wait from yeah okay coming up the appliances for science i grapple with the kitchen kit used by the world's most ambitious chefs and i blow my dining companion's tiny mind at the ultimate restaurant can you imagine a more romantic gesture than this [Music] my hatred of both cooking and unhealthy restaurants has propelled me to create a revolutionary eatery where waiters sommeliers and chefs are replaced by gadgetry i've tried techy ready-made food but the results have been mixed yeah it tastes like candy floss so perhaps what my restaurant needs is some high-end culinary gadgetry to this end i've arranged to meet dr rachel edward stewart rachel hello hello rachel's face of fear hides the fact that she is a food scientist gastronomist and expert on cutting-edge professional cooking technology first up the anti-griddle the yin to a normal griddle's yang it's minus 30 degree fahrenheit surface will freeze almost anything even oil instantly yep yep that has frozen i'm underwhelmed yet rachel is undeterred okay you have eight marshmallows in a glass yeah well this is not actually the piece of equipment the piece of equipment is this which is the smoking gun okay the idea with this is you can basically smoke anything i know that a tiny sprinkling of oat chips acetylite and the smoke blown out of a tube infusing your chosen food with flavor [Music] do you know the wu-tang clan at all not personally okay i think they may be interested in this piece of equipment smokey marshmallow it does smell like it's been in a burning rabbit hutch in a good way do you want one i'm fine thank you wow that's not a good sign with that endorsement of the smoked marshmallow ringing in my ears we move on okay so what we've got here is the rotary evaporator which separates liquids according to their boiling point in the flask espresso coffee is heated to a temperature where the volatile particles that give it flavor and smell evaporate in the curly tube they condensed again now liberated from the earthly form that has held them back for so long so this will almost be your essence or aroma of your coffee without any of the color or any of those less desirable coffee notes which are going to stay in here would you like to try it i would like to try it [Music] yeah yeah it tastes like coffee water yeah clear coffee it's something that i must show the world more of and so i'm going to take this for my restaurant and i will tell you how things go [Music] my exhaustive research is at an end meanwhile my technical support staff has spared almost no expense to create my restaurant vision one free from waiters any need for wine related expertise or indeed cooking it's time to die [Music] joining me to quote at this future trough is adrian edmondson adrian has eaten food in the past and has at times actually made dinner but he's about to have his culinary parameters radically reordered okay well here we are and you come here often i come here all the time now in my utopian eatery the outer work actors who previously delivered food have been swept away by the hot blast of gadget [Music] unveiled [Music] look at that that's baxter he's got a face like a very angry viking yeah um his expressions have been closely modelled online yeah baxter is a robot who can be programmed by anyone and is ideal for repetitive tasks isn't this quicker and more efficient than an actual person doing it he missed it mate he's using factories for things like packing but he could just as easily be waiting on tables can you imagine a more romantic gesture than this baxter knows not to ask if i want to smell this wine and from now on i do not have to look at this i have the cyranos the cyrano yep it has been programmed to detect the chemical difference between good wine and corked wine that's that's going to be very useful it's going to be it's going to be a game changer it's in the sample if i was a woman on a romantic date with you i'd be feeling very aroused by now that's normally what they say at this stage yes it says that the wine is okay let romance commence yes adrian is stunned by the way the fudipto app places his order directly without the need for tiresome human interaction [Music] i see i think i've ordered have you have i already what did you order see if it's coming hot right it's coming adrian's burger is already under construction okay well this is the kitchen there's no one here yes that's also part of the plan do do approach this the world's first 3d food printer what what is it doing how well okay well it has various cartridges into which food is put and then it squeezes it out in these intricate shapes is it a food printer or is it a food squirter in a way what is a printer doing squirting yeah okay while our main courses are extruded there's just time for an amuse boosh this is going to simulate a taste you just have to put your tongue in here and it will it will electronically simulate a taste because you know it's very tedious getting taste from food [Music] the digital lollipop has two silver probes which attach to the tongue to simulate sweet and sour taste receptors that's sour and then while you're doing that yeah too sour it is pretty sour now this is going to release an aroma which coupled with this is going to just take our italian noses this is a a dieter's dream it sure beats eating yeah this i have to say i rather like you like this is actually a rather tasty lemon ah and what were you getting from this toilet duck well there's no higher price than that i'm still hungry well that's what thin air will do to you yeah now the manes he's coming there we go he seems very confident about that there he goes i think he spooked him that was false yep okay do you want to commence eating your printed bird this does feel futuristic i have to say the idea of eating printed food does it taste like food it does taste like food it sort of tastes like hospital food [Music] okay well you've demolished that burger let's clear it away baxter there we go yep [Music] look at that well i think that says a lot about um my relationship with baxter baxter is quite hostile towards you my restaurant is exceeding all possible expectations but the riches know no limit of embarrassment there's coffee there you go it's cold it's his cold cold colorless coffee this is going to catch on after the best coffee ever it's time for the grand duke of herds how do you feel about candy floss airborne candy floss this that's very impressive adrian is so impressed he can't even bring himself to eat it [Music] your face tells me everything i need to know you're ecstatic how do you feel i'd like to hear it in your own words and be be honest i think it's been an exciting evening you know i have been positively thrilled i don't know if it's anything to do with being in a restaurant it's it's basically a love of gadgetry you're alive it hasn't really it hasn't really filled me with organic desire well i'm going to attempt to change your mind by pointing towards a piano playing robot how can adrian fail to be a gog at this the climactic day number of my restaurant experience live music without the need to show appreciation [Music] he has a lot of expression isn't it yeah and bankster has moved yeah he kind of got the looks hand made over four years and yours to own for just 12 000 pounds teotronica's italian inventor claims that he is faster than any human pianist and i'm going to pretend that what he's playing is enjoyable to hear so we have a definitive demonstration here that technology can change the way we cook andy that's not just my view that's the view of adrian edmondson despite his words that's actually what he meant so what you're looking at in short is the future hi human civility demands that i inform you that the man already overstaying his welcome is richard aiuardi i am that man and he's here to talk gadget possessed with a home merit level of physical laziness i seek to save the problems of existence by cropping deep from the goblet of gadgets that's not a healthy sound tonight property now that i love whether you're improving moving or not moving for every scenario gadgets abound this hat pleases me this is amazing i hear the sweet comedy call of gadget let's answer it i've enjoyed my time in the gadget house but it was only ever a stopgap are that grown its cramped confines and it's time to move on to something more capacious before i can even think about buying a new place i'll need to sell my current gaff and when it comes to offloading real estate first impressions are crucial which is why i've packed my entrance hall with an array of gob befuddling gadgetry to dazzle would-be buyers and draw their attention away from the damp patch in the master bedroom [Music] as well as wearing inexplicably pointy shoes estate agents always tell us that we need to sell a home and not a house and ironically nothing says home like a house plant but and here's the tension i have a long standing antipathy towards vegetation which often leads to a plant's untimely demise mercifully i now have the parrot flower power it's a sensor that tracks light intensity air temperature fertilizer level and soil moisture and sends push notifications to my sweet smartphone vis-a-vis upkeep i've never been so happy i was in a hurry when i picked up this pad and overlooked the fact that it had more than one window my cleaning bills soon spiraled out of control so of late i have neglected their upkeep i need to get the mac to showroom standard and sharpish that's why i'm engaging an army of ecovacs to take care of business suction holds the eco back win box in place while caterpillar tracks maneuver them around your glass the winbot sense the size of your panes and plan a route accordingly attacking the surface with a three-step cleaning squeegeeing and wiping process i'm literally frozen with excitement it is vital that my house be tidy before i open the doors to interested parties this could have been a litany of self acrimony but mercy of mercies i have a boss new shelving unit it has these piano keys which allow it to be used as coat hooks or even a bike rack for betsy's sake now there may be other storage solutions but who on this green earth has the time to consumer test them why my public panel of course chosen for their abject ordinance they have been tasked with assessing the latest in cluster busting technology today we are going to test space saving gadgets which i've secreted in this futuristic dystopian world for you to test within an inch of their lives are you prepared to do this yes please do so report back with your verdicts and enjoy the snacks i will see you later first a versatile centerpiece that adjusts to changing storage and coffee table needs allowing my panel to share snacks humanely oh that's very clever the easy bed takes blow-up beds to the next level not only does it have a built-in pump it has legs ensuring a user-friendly height once unzipped it will inflate or deflate itself in just two minutes it's quite quite firm yeah i think it's comfortable without wishing to lazily see to stereotypes i've chosen the city worker and student to not only examine the bed but also a drinks cabinet the feckless pair my concern is that you need space in order to open it otherwise you would have to move it from the space that it was currently in to a larger space and you know then you're spending energy and you might be too exhausted to drink at the end whilst the calories you're burning to drink more sure yes and for all britain's retired people and skilled manual workers another bed with space-saving properties okay here we go it is the world's thinnest tv bed as in the foot of the bed is a mere 140 millimeters scared of kicking it when you get into more movable action to so your concern is in a moment of fatigue or rage passion or passion that you would lose your grip or footing and your extended foot would crash through the flat screen tv yes indeed well that is a legitimate concern superb gadgets without doubt but which is most superb [Music] you have come to a conclusion what is your favorite gadget we have decided on the ez or ez bed as being the gadget of the week well a triumph for the ez bed there i couldn't be more pleased for it these space-saving gadgets have inspired me perhaps i don't need to move after all just make better use of the space i have shea gadget towers as i'm about to say don't move improve i'm on my way to meet award-winning interior designer naomi cleaver who's more or less agreed to show me the latest high-tech solutions to the problem of space naomi a tanker thanks for coming i'm sure you've heard this question a trillion times how can i make maximum use of my residential square footage i think i have just the answer richard i was hoping you'd say follow me for the upwardly mobile gadget lover in need of more space but with a long-held distrust of builders planning permission and the all-round rigmarole there's a one-word solution a pod first the tetrashed an extendable geometric design intended for use as a home office or ticket office or perhaps most alarmingly a beach hut i presume this is a stacking tetrahedron how did you know yes it is just a wild guess it is a stacking tetrahedron and it stacks vertically but it also sort of stacks it naturally as well sure i think what i do really like actually is sitting here with this view out yeah you know you get a sense of being in a hide which i really like i think it's augmented by the pulpit of what we're looking at if you're pekka based you may be looking at a wall i like the flaps that presumably you can close if you're in peckham very safe just close the flaps panic room lockdown naomi's next choice is the rotating pod why don't you step in we shall enter the pod right and the people who named it were no enemies of literalism laminated spruce spurs hold uv filtering polycarbonate windows in place while roller bearings under the floor into your easy rotation [Music] oh hello as thrilling as that was what is the difference between that and this richard yes niamey if you had all your mates here you wouldn't want to be moving around constantly this is too much space for all of my men i don't believe that for a second well i mean it's a classic 18th century design anyway it's a kind of contemporary interpretation of that kind of sun seeking thing yes well you know this is how much am i paying for this just over 8 000 pounds just over 8 000 pounds okay i'm gonna leave now are you okay next snoozy by air clad the wood and aluminium end walls are completed by a double-skinned inflatable center section to make a pod that's light strong and above all portable it's the one of these four pods that folds up into the smallest little package so you could practically put it in your suitcase very popular at festivals i was about to say this had v festival written all over it or o2 wireless it depends each one's got its own vibe i defer to you richard in the festival department of course i'm unbearably hit may i look inside you may well this is dynamite i like the bed it's you isn't it solid foam yeah i like the browned astro turf yeah which makes it look that something artificial can still die finally the archepod aimed squarely at those looking for a high-end pod for the home usually for use as an office this hatch pleases me you like that don't you i do like this nice it's very nice it's solid but it has a smoothness to it like a ball inside is a fully plastered wired heated insulated room all ready to go what do you think first impressions i like it i like the slightly nautical feeling lights i think it all feels quite nautical doesn't it and it looks really lovely from the outside all round i really yeah i really like this one i think you should have it richard i think it's you well you say have it i don't think they're giving this away i imagine they're going to want the green and the green is tell me 10 k 50 more yells as over 15 years that's only a grand a year it's not bad sure over a billion years it's negligible exciting well these pods have blown the lid off my nut but they don't quite solve my problem you see in order to reach one i'd have to leave my house making it less like an extension and more like a separate tiny house no this cat's got to move but wither okay hi yeah it's me richard do you mind if i don't continue pretending that there's someone on the other end of the line because i just need to rattle through the exposition okay great well i need to move house but i don't know where to i like the serenity of the countryside but i don't like how quiet it is i like the cosmopolitan bars of the big city but i don't like the noise in short i need a house that is not in one fixed location do not fail me bye-bye coming up claudia winkelmann gets a sneak peek at how the other lot live this is amazing and my new house takes shape [Music] this is what went down before the break i wanted to move house and in a bid to make gadget towers more saleable i've spent an already classic segment of television grappling with technology that declutters improves first impressions and adds additional space this hatch pleases me but as the cursing rises on our second act i still don't know where i want to live in short i have none of the three l's that all end with occasion so i've asked my technical support staff to design me a home that will work regardless while they begin work on the exterior i'm turning my attention to the interior i'm on my way to see a house where the gadgets are integrated into the very fabric of the building thus foiling my initial plan a theft but perhaps i can steal some ideas showing me around will be top end estate agent rupert de forge he looks harmless but whenever i view houses i like to have reinforcements with me in case [ __ ] all gets real there parking completed so i've asked claudia winkleman to man up and rock down she's lived in houses all her life except once when she accidentally entered a tent hello cord here hello how are you very well how are you i'm all right you know up and down okay you ring the bell okay [Music] i'll handle the chat hello hello we're here to see please certainly richard come on in thanks see didn't say who you were this house is so ruddy high-tech rupert doesn't even have to get up to answer the door he just uses his tablet to buzz us in i have a thirst rupert and the only thing that can quench it is gadgetry you know that i do we're in your crib or the crib that you police tell us what in heck you have in store for us a lot of technology today is quite concealed and we might as well start with the tv okay get out of town i didn't even see that coming yeah concealed as the cabinet work a custom interface on the tablet commands the central control system that controls almost every aspect of the house automated blinds right touch the button oh come on now that i love nice and silent rupert i'm gonna cuddle you yeah you know it's pretty good i've had it with noisy blinds and this so i can't even hear it i have one of those so we've got a bit of uh lighting control as well okay yeah the control system has an astronomic clock which coordinates the led lights to match sunrise and sunset times it's gone rainbow did you do that yes it can also respond to the colors on the tv screen or be programmed to match your mood so i can do without the green yeah that's more like a hulk zone for when i get anger that the blinds are too silent what else has this joint got so it's got very high levels of security so the whole home is set up with um closed circuit tv cameras that's right so you can view your home remotely from your no phone can you then do weird stuff remotely like if i was in shanghai having lunch turn the lights on in my operation yes i thought you were talking about tasering or something like that no just you can switch you can be on a different continent to your guests and still make them a decaf mocha the scanner map top brewer can be remotely prompted to grind and freshly brew coffee and it contains the world's smallest milk foamer wait just to confirm could i do this in my bedroom and then come downstairs and it'll be waiting it'll be ready for you really exactly halves your effort it was becoming clear to claudia and i that this room represented nothing less than a pretty good room i mean this is how pharrell lives of course it is jess with an ipad in his lap yeah tunes on yeah controlling lights wearing pants hey rupert hey richard so this is the game's room if you want to step up onto the floor are you going to teleport should have warned you claudia oh my gosh did you notice how rock solid my center of balance was are you james bond richard you've got you've got a screen here that's uh set up for both tv dvd and also games console we've just got the xbox one we have a dvd yeah good grief okay i'm going to sit down just to take that in revolving dance floor in your new house you can come in and just revolve it and dance yes i can go look i'm playing some early breaths on i'm also pumping in some santana less letter rip exactly okay richard claudia do you want to come through to the piano bar i would claudia are you a pianist i'm not you're not richard what do you think these are sausages there we go so you can compose your own pieces right don't you see i thought you said you've been playing though this flat frog tablet is capable of responding to over 40 separate touches simultaneously what else have we got we've got a tube map on here good because if you lived in a house like this i imagine you'd be on the tube an awful lot at first sight the next room seemed gadget free until rupert touched the tablet [Music] oh okay oh come on that's lovely right that's a projector what's going on is it going to be a cinema it is going to be a cinema richard this room represents a two and a half year collaboration between home electronics experts architects interior designers and automation specialists whoever they are this is amazing 21 pressure sensors and 28 motors move bespoke furniture and cinema quality tech oh there are there more seats back there it a set of uh fully reclinable cinema seats yes cup holder yeah that's what i need the projector itself is cinema quality it's unique in this country so the resolution is second to none good on the screen i need that for peppa pig because i'm still impressed it's not the century now i'd also like to talk in vulgar terms turkey how much am i transferring securely to you by my swiss bank account which if you want this house which i did in its entirety with all the furnishings and all the tech yes there's a lot of tech okay 20 million pounds mm-hmm pardon me 20 million pounds it's all that say it once more 20 million pounds that's too much rupert for me that is almost 20 million north of my budget claudia thank you thank you i'll leave you to continue the negotiations direct with rupert and perhaps you can invite me around for jaffa cakes good to see you richard okay bye richard bye i was seduced by the high-tech house but there were problems not only was it a pinch beyond my means it offered no flexibility on location fortunately my technical support staff have pulled a real estate rabbit out of their trousers i've just athletically jumped out of my new home it's compact and in many ways like a souped up shed my new piedetere is almost made of dreams containing a spacious mezzanine bedroom a fully functioning bathroom open-plan living space and a kitchen slash diner so far so what but let me just take it up a notch piss it and indeed your eyes tell you no lies for this revolutionary house is possible allowing me to roam free like the wind unfettered unchecked subject to parking and congestion charge which the wind doesn't have to pay [Music] and sure the house is a nat smaller than i'd first intended but then there's always a trade-off when it comes to location and for the being of time that is now i've decided to settle in the heart of the city in this sort after area i now enjoy a fully detached house with its own garden for a fraction of the price of neighbouring properties i feel embarrassed to conclude that i must give myself a series of accolades for yet another dizzying achievement not only have i proved that gadgets can help you buy and sell property i've also created a property that is a gadget one that allows you to move wherever you wish a world-beating innovation that is in no way pretty similar to a caravan or mobile home bye [Music] hello i have two names richard and another one that's of little concern to those outside my family i'd like to welcome you to a world filled almost entirely with the sweet smell of gadget i looked at gadgets to help with every aspect of my life and shield me from any kind of physical or mental exertion good grief get off me weird chair which is just as well be because the subject of this broadcast is self-improvement can gadgets make me sharper smarter winnier all i know is that i won come join me but stay where you are don't try and enter the television screen that as we both know by now can only end in heartache how can you improve on perfection well for the purposes of television i'm going to pretend that i'm not flawless and that there are things about myself that could be slightly better but what is the bod who eschews self-improvement manuals and websites to do term gadget words ever gadget words the old rubik's cube tested brains in the 70s and 80s now there's the rubik's futuro cube a powerful processor and a three-dimensional accelerometer sense movement and touch 54 leds replace the colored squares allowing the user to play 14 different pre-programmed games i'm merely pretending i can't do it very well in order to appear relatable [Music] cat is a board game endorsed by mensa where players use a low energy laser to zap each other's pieces like kasparov i'm pitting my wits against technology in my case a robot arm from maplin modesty commands i let it win so i turn my dome to speed reading and some brain teasers should get my bombs ticking over i can check how hard it is working using the emotive epoch headset the headset measures electrical signals produced by my brain and shows them on my laptop and to my shame the results are very poor why the sudden urge to train my magnificent mind well in a moment of hubris i agreed to take part in a pro-am memory contest against the world's best and if i am truly honest i'm grievously out of my depth i'm a simpleton my opponent is not dominic o'brien is an eight-time world memory champion as things stand i'm going to be soundly shamed curses i'm dude unless [Music] hi yeah it's the big man i'm in a grievous jam yeah i've entered the memory contest and i can't even remember why yes a rule bending solution based around optics software and voice generation does sound appropriate to the situation thanks bye while my technical support staff scramble to create a gadget-based system to help me beat a world memory champion i need to continue to work on what little sense i do possess starting with my reactions and i'll be helped by a man who knows all about thinking on his feet eamonn holmes's relaxed demeanor belies the fact that he is a mental gladiator his reactions honed by years of live television look at him springing out of that lift ayman's agreed to meet me at mercedes world for the drivers who fly their trade here quick reactions are essential so where better for eamon and i to sharpen our reflexes with some bespoke gadgetry don't answer that question because here are some optilites okay holmes this is a jewel it may look like a bunch of ikea lights on some traffic cones but this is three k's worth of kit okay i'm gonna i'm gonna boot it up okay ayman is player b whereas my street name is player a okay let's go down now go the lights turn on in a random sequence and players must turn them off by moving their hands over motion sensors inside them do you feel this would help you in live broadcasting situations you know no okay is that it take questions oh how close was that 71-72 but it was enough i'm the winner you're the loser a real mean streak comes out in you [Music] empirically close victory for british tv's longest-serving breakfast anchorman next a less expensive test of reactions this is the loops shifter loops with a zed an ever more complicated sequence of lights and sounds prompt the player to put their hands between the titular loops breaking infrared beams as they do so you rock thank you ready ready will all those hard years on the sofa pay off again 20 23 homes if we were sort of six years of age each that would be fun shall we adjourn bring on the next one okay this is octo rhythm octa rhythm is a 21st century reboot of rock paper scissors hand movements are translated to the screen by a leap motion controller [Music] i'm going to take you to the next level how do we do that by the focus y'all really the focus this is transcranial direct current stimulation stop it i will not stop it gosh this is going to jack you up even more so it's connected to the tablet i'm going to press start right yes i'm feeling it you know my nose is tingling the focus claims to help gamers sharpen their reactions by passing an absolutely tiny current through the prefrontal cortex a decision-making area of the brain happening yeah do you want to now engage the optim with your increased powers let's engage with my transgender what's it trans i don't think there's any gender reassignment transcranial trans cranium that's the word that's the word right okay i'm ready i'm connected get involved okay repeat the symbols go the focus website is bound by honor and law to state it offers no medical benefits but can mild electro stimulation improve homes already leopard-like reactions paper paper rock paper paper don't use excuse me don't just let the groove overtake you you've got to play the game okay i'm now going to play it okay okay without focus [Music] then oh come on only 1146 i feel that it didn't adequately recognize the shapes that i was making how do you feel i don't know i'm just tingling another way to improve mind and body is to learn a new skill and guess what there are gadgets to help you and here to test them are a panel of men and women expertly chosen by someone on work experience to represent all britain my public panel instead of the guitar what about the g-tar with its amazingly different spelling dock your phone open the inevitable app and leds in the fretboard light up to tell you where to place your fingers will it turn all britain's retired people and city workers into musicians i'm sensing that you feel positively about this well i think so because i'm absolutely rubbish at trying to play any musical instrument i think it's a lot of fun so essentially what i'll do is i'll leave you to command this beethoven piece and it feels improved by playing it one note every minute neither our student or skilled manual worker has attained their taekwondo black belt but now they have an app to compound their humiliation freeze a motion captured grand master and move around him matrix style to help you perfect your moves that's so difficult so high higher see there we go you do it you're doing it now you're doing it now i think i think you should i think you should ever go i just don't risk the suit what if you were more golfy than punchy kiki then there's the zep sensor which attaches to your hand and analyzes your golf swing a smartphone app feeds the information back to you so you can get your golf game right tight your club speed was 64 miles an hour your hand speed 25 miles an hour any of these gadgets are a calls for cerebral celebration but in the brutal arena of fat youtainment television there's only room for one victor what do you like best i like the guitar guitar why the guitar we think that you can sit with that and have fun and you can get a tune out of it eventually i'm not going to challenge you your assertion seems profound complex and in total unison it is the jitar it's the gadget that has triumphed the nation has spoken coming up i enter the twilight zone with richard e grant always sniff first i find with the chair and use gadgetry as i challenge an eight-time world memory champion [Music] i'm on a quest to discover if any of the plethora of self-improvement related gadgets can help make me a better brighter bod direct current stimulation stop it i will not stop it my motivation an impending memory showdown against eight-time world memory champion dominic o'brien who normally walks faster than this while my technical support staff works on a solution to help me avoid defeat i'm going to see if i can use gadgets to improve my powers of concentration by pitting my whole head against one of the finest minds in show business actor richard e grant who's leaning on a rail near a wharf richard yeah thank you for attending we're going to fight mentally brain on brain are you going to do this with adequacy absolutely okay the venue for this contest is an office shared by several tech startup companies an appropriate and available venue for two challenges they will see us use technology to battle brain on brain but even mental athletes need to be relaxed in order to perform at peak so i've arranged suitable gadgetry to get us in the zone always sniff first i find with the chair you never know what's happened to it it is a sasaki series 9 4d humanistic massage chair it's 6 000 pounds worth of maroon relaxation fun okay and there's this the psio mind booster so can i sit in it you can but you have to remove your shoes okay let's see there we go zero oh my god is that good yeah is it it's nothing little goblins are going all along the soles of my feet right oh goblins oh i do not associate with relaxation a combination of ten airbags three rollers and six electric motors squeeze and pommel the sorry occupant to recreate the sensations of a human sole massage why don't you put in your psio mind booster coloured light is projected inside the glasses while soothing mantras quack into your ears she says the feeling of love is like the white light made up of all colors i think if you're being told about love by a visor [Music] you're perhaps in the wrong place that the chair sort of like squeezes you right massages you from all directions sounds horrific i'm going to i'm going to pull the ripcord on this i'm going to you're getting too relaxed you might start to wilt let's see what it can do with me uh a highly anxious person you have to take your shoes if possible richard now looks even more relaxed than ever his mind calm clear and ready for the battle ahead let's see if the chair has the same effect on me oh good grief oh this is making me so tense i can barely look at you are you always sick imaginably yeah it's all about my buttocks it's perically close to my anus it's needing my thighs all things that i view as no go areas put these on there all right and put the earplugs on oh good grief get off me weird chair she's going to speak to you very calmly i'm in control of my own feelings isn't that the opposite of what a feeling should be i thought you like gadgets i don't like being handled the suspense is over the time for battle is now well let's try it manfully towards our destination okay the drone which i will control with the neurosky mind wave god as modeled by my head the aim here the headset measures brainwaves and the strength of these waves controls the signal sent to the drone if i concentrate hard enough then liftoff will occur in due course i'm not doing a photo shoot for the professionals okay i'm going to give it one more try despite your dastardly attempts to distract me okay the drone's flight should give us a clear idea of our powers of concentration bingo right i'm going to transfer the band to grant can the lesser richard match my x-man-esque powers you think relaxing thoughts oh i think all right patrick stewart give me the bandwagon it's a draw we now move on to challenge number two which will see us go wheel to wheel like a low budget remake of herbie goes bananas shall we engage in mental scale electrics yes first to five wins okay you look like you're already concentrating i'm there the headbands measure our brainwaves the data is transmitted by bluetooth to a laptop and the more we concentrate the faster our cars go after one two three oh dear despite the lesser rich's accident his car soon retakes the lead and then for i think what you have is actually a very thin skull which allows the electricity to escape ungoverned into the atmosphere it does whereas my brain waves are contained within my head where i need them five no i do not accept that um i i think i was so focused in on it i wasn't even counting all i know is that i won this latest attempt at self-improvement merely serves to confirm the folly of my entering a memory contest against a mental colossus fortunately for me it looks as though my technical support staff have fashioned a solution in times nick i'm about to find out if it works dominic o'brien is an eight-time world memory champion and holds a world record for remembering a sequence of more than 2 800 playing cards wembley stadium has a last minute double booking so our battle will take place in london's spitalfields market dominic let's commence this mental hunger games d-dog and i have been given a deck of 50 cards with a three-letter word on each we will have just three minutes to memorize all 50 in sequence then a member of the public will cut the deck of cards to reveal one word at random we must then remember the next five words in the right order is there anything you wish you couldn't remember like images you've seen that you wish you could erase you know sometimes if you go into a trained toilet you know what i'm talking about you're trying to put me off aren't you sometimes there are things in there that are best unseen dominic uses mental images to help him remember but my approach is more high tech and as gadgets have roundly failed to improve my own mental performance i shall be using them the right way for cheating concealed in my jacket is a digital video recorder and pinhole camera by clicking the switch i can take a picture of each word which is relayed to a laptop by a wireless memory card it's like ocean's 11. inside the laptop custom software uses optical character recognition to recognize each word and a text-to-speech program to say it this is then transmitted to the my spy earpiece in my ear i placed all my trust in the system when the cards are cut i have no idea what the next word is i'm totally reliant on gadgets to save me from humiliation in front of well over a dozen people well should we put it to the point let's let's put it to the test dominic you may proceed uh the next one should be backed next word these hate them um antonio the next word is van turn the card one all my technical support staff solution has worked once but will it work again right the next one is definitely top well done [Applause] next word yes hey ex facts antonio the next word is facts disaster fortunately i'm a seasoned liar did you say facts no i said sex sex what did he say with dominic none the wiser the competition continues the next one is uh a naughty word it's called p pwe okay right so you have an image of someone urinating into a top house exactly sir how did you guess the excitement is just too much for large sections of the crowd who choose to leave rather than face the emotional exhaustion of the competition's dizzying climax next one is sophie is can [Applause] but in reality a victory for gadgets dominic how long has it taken you to reach the level of expertise to become eight times world champion well i've been doing this for 25 years now so 25 years what i did took me i'd say 25 minutes so you say so bear that in mind i will okay what we've just seen is an exam vigilator's worst nightmare a near future where we can use technology to appear much more intelligent than we really are and it has the added bonus of making us feel like cyborgs hello i'm richard duke are you rd and i'm about to fling a flock of the latest gadgets right at you unless you're watching a repeat in which case just wallow in the nostalgia hi gadgets along with irreverent panel shows are at the forefront of mankind's stout breasted battle against tedium how long did that take that took second it was quick this week i along with two channel 4 vetted companions attempt to prove that with the right gadgets you'll never need to leave home again sprees of unimaginable violence are totally consequence-free zoom is in trouble you can handle it you're a beast so in the words of my mouth let's proceed gadget wood they say going out is the new staying in well actually no one says that going out is the opposite of staying in which is why i won't do it so i'm going to definitively prove that it's possible to lead a full and moderately healthy life without exiting the front door and i shall do this with the kindly aid of gadgets i'll obviously never lack for audio visual immersion in my bedroom alone i have a samsung uhd curved tv for a more wrappy around e viewing experience and for when i need to project television or video games directly onto my retina i can flip down the visor of my heka sweet avagant glyph it does this using a combination of special optics and millions of tiny mirrors giving the impression of watching an 80 inch screen from eight feet away as for sweet music the joint is jumping with it courtesy of these a watts streamlight wi-fi bulbs the light bulbs have built-in speakers i can stream music to them over wi-fi to create an around-the-house music experience by just using lamps if i decide that piping music from the light sockets isn't giving me the intensity i crave i can board the ova pod designed to create a private space to work or relax in busy environments the pod allows me to focus on what matters although i'm being comprehensively entertained i am feeling the occasional stab of us a loneliness though tempted to counter this with a pet i am allergic to nearly all life forms and so i must once more turn to non-organic gadgets like pleo the dinosaur pleo has over 100 gears 14 motors touch and movement sensors it can even hear and respond to sounds and i can now replace my real seal with this seal developed at a cost of over 8 million pounds parrot is a japanese robotic companion who has been shown in clinical trials to reduce stress depression and anxiety among the elderly such as myself zuma is a robot dog with sensors in its chest to detect motion objects and touch its many tricks include following its owner and even urinating on command okay zoom is in trouble [Music] not for the first time in my life i've had to accept that i'm not dr doolittle a lack i cannot talk to animals if i want conversation i'm going to have to interact with actual people but how do i get actual people to come to me rather than me having to go out to those actual people i've literally just had a notion that i wish to share with my technical support staff yeah it's me here's the thing i want to stay in but i want elements of going out are you some form of human interaction yeah i i guess you could call that a party but it can't end up feeling like i'm out otherwise i'll have to go out do not fail me okay all the best while my technical support staff spring into action i'm on my way to test an array of gadgets that claim to deliver the benefits of outdoor life without the need to go outside to this end i've come to comic-con at london's excel center where i am meeting comedian sean walsh hi sean how are you hello comic-con is the uk's largest comic book and sci-fi convention a mecca for people who are constantly being told that getting out is something they should perhaps sometimes consider with its crowds heat and public toilets it also typifies all that i hate about leaving the house let's systematically test gadgets welcome to real flight 7 presumably there have been six before they've finally nailed it with real flight 7. yeah it's an rc flight simulator you can be inside pretending to be outside flying a remote control plane engage the thrust let's go slowly yeah we go here we go hello hold up pull up pull up ah just reset it right okay right let's go ah yes oh baby that's right gloves oh that's a shame that's a crying shame after publicly failing to master virtual remote control flight i thought that sean might have some aggression issues to deal with look at this this is a bow blade a gadget which i have to declare as officially creepy okay because it's got a little screen on it which has an overlay of the world that you pull the thing back and shoot them like that it's not great for the tube though is it you know the angry birds is more for the children this will not endear you to fellow passengers going around like this i mean it's such a hostile game not a target that's a snow yeti from star wars episode five that's an out of work actor content that we've killed everything there is to kill i wanted to show sean that even the most outdoor of pursuits can be pursued indoors an indoor climbing wall you don't need to stop rock climbing just because you're inside just hop on right and i will responsibly flick this switch down to a reasonable setting okay right depending on your aptitude come on mount up right mounted up there's two this is two two is not good television i'm gonna put you on three this bit though three come on it goes up to nine all right i'm gonna this is i'm sorry no i'm already sweating really that's pathetic i'm gonna go on helmetless okay we're on two remember there's two you laughter we're free yeah you're a man four you're a tiger come on be careful we're going to fight but you can handle it you're a beast my name get up there look at that yeah and then a dismount that was very natural come on tell me just honestly you've got one i've never been on the tread wall before let's go right let's do it with sean still sweating like warm mackerel i thought i'd treat him to a holiday staying in style the oculus rift allows the wearer to move around a virtual world without the shoe leather how does it feel well i don't feel seasick which i'm surprised about right i thought i'd be wanting to vomit right now yeah i feel like i've left everything behind me and decided to start a new life it's quite it's not it's not refreshing it's depressing right are you still there have you gone he's he's gone as i'm on my own on a boat in the sea and i'm getting really paranoid despite a mild mental episode for sean these gadgets have been a triumphant success however keeping fit and entertained at home is the easy part being inside is all very well and good but how am i going to pay for my existence i'm going to have to work to hustle up the benjamins which might mean going outside which would defeat the entire object i'm gonna have to turn to gadgets to solve this most dire of pickles but i won't be alone my public panel entirely accurately represents the full sweep of the nation furthermore in the past and present they've almost all held down jobs for months at a time apart from her [Music] we're going to test gadgets for the stay-at-home worker you may now leave and test the gadgets yes first up are the retiree and skilled manual laborer ironically the two people least likely to work from home this is called a true grip because you get hold of it you type from the back it's kind of like a keyboard on the back as you press the relevant button it shows up on the front i'm a bit hard push really to see the point i have the levolte laptop table there's a fan in the bottom to keep my legs warm and my laptop cool but while three of my panel are hard at toil testing gadgets i can't find the city professional so the student and i put in a video call what have you been doing today have you been testing as agreed i have indeed we just wanted to make sure that you weren't doing anything else what did you think in my suit see why do you mention your suit because it shows that i'm working hard right he's just joshing in a good natured manner that suit is in fact a set of suit jamas comfortable gym jams disguised as a business suit the perfect prop for skiving off even if you are booked in for an important video conference call and should be taking it more seriously i think something stinks i think he's put himself offline after a frank and non-combative dialogue the panel have chosen the nation's favorite without any doubt it would be the suit jamas yes a gadget i can fully put every ounce of my personal being into coming up david mitchell helps me test the latest in home gaming you're into 90 miles an hour i like it whilst my technical support staff helped me both throw and simultaneously avoid my own gadget house party look at me there i'm clearly uncomfortable i'm on a non-denominational crusade to prove that with the help of gadgets it's possible to lead a healthy and happy life without inserting so much as a digit outside but with heavy heart i vaguely accepted the human need for society so i'm staging a soiree my technical support staff are hacking away to make sure i can host this event whilst avoiding the burden it traditionally entails making the house look boss serving refreshments and asking people to split once they've outstayed their limited welcome the only problem is sourcing guests willing to spend time with me despite my fun-loving persona i'm not that much of a people person and disgraced as it is i may need gadgets to attract companions waiting in my gadget garage is a man who's casually consented to help me assess a gamut of gaming tech that might make folk flop to my soiree despite his rep david mitchell is far from a party animal if i can find gadgets that will persuade him to spend time with me i'll be on the fast lane to easy street [Music] hello david mitchell hello richard how are you very good i've resolved to never go out ever again right which i just broke by coming into this building which is sort of an annex right but so you can still get from building to annex yes as the agrophobia yes held you in but no more i'm trying to entice you to stay here via games do you want to have a look at this this table yes click yes i was just admiring it the strike worth table it's a pool table as i can see flip it ah wow an instant air hockey zone give it a whack oh yeah oh look at that we came into human contact i don't know if that's a lot you like ice hockey now you've won as expected david it's not nearly my equal but next i have a game in which we can join forces against technology now david this is the foosbot as in foosball yes yeah based i think lucy i'm the german for football oh really it's an americanism via germany if you can think of anything more evil oh my goodness it's a computerized table football game so we play against the computer we play against computer now it's reacting faster than we can think but the servos are slower than the computer i see ah well one nil to humanity i have to say you're pretty good at this i much prefer the table variety to the much over-hyped field ball after thoroughly trouncing technology on the foosball field i felt confident david was ready to bring the noise in a war zone the computer is actually it's in the desk and it's been souped up it's running at such velocity and such power that it needs the liquid coolant just to stop it exploding from pride it's especially cool especially cool to be especially cool the definition of this is so clear it's as good as being outside can we turn the sound up yeah and i'll be able to hear the cries of my prey ah there we go and there's the oh hello oh i didn't know you things went black and white when you were nearly dead yeah how do they know that well i think they've just taken this direct from savings right randomly that building yeah that's going to bring down property values i think what's good for young people to learn is that sprees of unimaginable violence are totally consequence-free oh dear oh there we go shoot that i don't care what side you're on this is a very stressful oh i don't know oh it's gone black and white oh the realism is breathtaking but i can offer you even greater realism over there even more real than running around with a gun even more real than that let's go can i introduce you to the visaro evolve extreme pro indeed you may it has triple oled screens you can sit in it will shake around it's a simulator it's like being in a car but inside well i can't actually drive a car in real life but um so in a way this is better than real life well exactly yeah yeah here we go and then bring it around slowly there we go oh my god i'm over steering classic error in formula one i hope there's not going to be suddenly a corner oh all right there we go go on goodness me you're past the legal speed limit now you're into 90 miles an hour i like it oh damn i'm gonna change down a little bit slow down i don't like it oh gosh you're in gear i don't like it i don't like gear six take it down hang on where's the indicators oh no oh here we go i'm parked now and i think this is a lovely spot for a picnic yes okay there we go well i've only recently passed my test well you're ahead of me i'm gonna floor it okay that's a good noise oh hello look at this oh there you've done that now oh i imagine that kind of crash in real life would have felt even worse than that yes he carried too much damage we've got to fix it okay all right shane well that's a shame yeah david thank you very much you have been invaluable i could not have done this without you or someone in a similar vein to you thank you and i think i was one of the first five or six choices you literally were in the top dozen but the thing is i'm actually having a soiree tonight and i was wondering whether you might want to join us no thanks i'm sorry i'm i've got a new hair washing simulator at home i want to try i'm going to stay in you go to heck you go to heck in the handbasket david mitchell in a hand basket i barely have time to brood on david mitchell's savage snubbing the full word of my gadget heavy evening spreads like wildfire before you can say boo to a goose up to a dozen actual people have amassed at the gadget house and the evening is an astonishing achievement [Music] the tunes are particularly massive with the beams you can pick up or drop beats by moving your hands through four laser beams [Music] given my antipathy to chitty chat i thought it best to provide alcohol as a social lubricant the robar is a smartphone-controlled robotic drinks maker you know how it works um you're just spilling it sadly my guests are not robots you need to work out how these things work should have asked if you prefer wheaty beer simply slip on a brainwave measuring neurosky headset and concentrate on the beer icon for a hands-free pour [Music] and there's yet more beverage related technology the v-tex compact can call a can from room temp to 5 degrees in just 45 secs who are you with this party were you directly invited probably no no you won't not directly and here are some snaps to soak up the alcohol witness the snack man a motion sensor releases a measured portion of treats from its sealed dome a lack this system is still open to abuse hi hello have you been dispensing sweeps because you're doing it in quite a disrespectful way they're strewn about the place ideally you'd be doing that with a cup to make sure you can catch it all my guests are behaving like a pack of wild feral animals my plan has backfired my night in is starting to feel very much like a gruesome night out you find me a victim of my own success the is a banging hit people have no intention of vacating in fact i heard this cat say that he may be here till nine i'm about to have a panic attack i need to pull the rip cord luckily i have a get out hello hello party types all of you hello revellers what you are watching now is a hologram transmitted from my personal panic room my technical support staff has installed a musion eyeline system yours to hire for a mere 40k a pop i'm filming myself on a camera and then the images are beamed via a projector onto a bounce screen on the floor this image is reflected on a foil screen on the stage which is angled at 45 degrees and is invisible to the naked eye thus giving the impression of a 3d holographic image this is the technology that permitted tupac and frank sinatra to appear at concerts long after their deaths and allows me to be at my party without the gruesome reality of being there in the future we will all face time in giant 3d do accept my apologies but i simply couldn't stand your company one moment longer don't take this personally thank you all for your attendance please be sure to be out of the door by nine at the latest and don't take anything that doesn't belong to you my security staff are prone to unmotivated bursts of savagery all the best for your future endeavors thanks to technology i'm once again free to enjoy my gadgets as science would wish at home on my todd i started this wild ride by asking if it were possible to stay in yet lead a full and satisfying life well the answer is yup i have proved that with the aid of gadgets i can be entertained keep pets remain in peak physical condition and crucially avoid house guests it's been another glorious night in a lifelong tale of triumph [Music] you
Channel: Travel Man
Views: 618,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel man, travel man full episodes, travel man 48 hours in, 48 hours in, richard ayoade, richard ayoade funny
Id: jStiMtfIlXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 30sec (10410 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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