DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE: Rich Little Impersonates Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Stewart & Many More! | Huckabee

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my next guest is truly a living legend of comedy he is a perfect example of why you want to come see the show live here in Nashville and if you're a baby boomer you grew up watching him on every single channel and he pretty much lived on The Tonight Show couch because he was there so often I want you to welcome back to our show the undisputed king of celebrity impressions the legendary mr. rich little [Music] that whew [Applause] I'm still alive boy are you ever I got to tell you the only thing that was more exciting about having you on the show about a year ago is having you back I've never had so much fun in my life and just the joy meeting you has been I am delighted to be back I got a lot of feedback you know from doing your show I'm doing a show in Vegas of prop econo four nights a week and I've been there for three years and when the show is over I go out and sell a lot of my books and my artwork and a lot of my old TV shows and the money we give to Gary Sinise earthen groups anyway more people came up to me and said we're here tonight to see you because we show you on the Huckabee show Wow you know what I thought you're gonna say I thought you're gonna say you know I had such response of being on your show but I came back anyway and thank you for not doing that we're so glad to visit with you again because I mean we could spend weeks and never exhaust what a career that continues and I'm just amazed but one thing I learned about you rich is that we're we're familiar with a lot of the impressions you've done of people on the stage but I found out that you were actually enlisted to do the voices of very famous actors who couldn't fulfill their lines in movies tell us about that that's right I've I did Peter Sellers for a couple of Pink Panther movies when he passed away and David Niven had lost his voice he got Lou Gehrig's disease and he could hardly talk at all and I dubbed him for a couple of Pink Panther movies I did Tony Curtis for a movie he walked off of and Italy I didn't get paid and did you well that's the thing I know I I went in and dubbed his voice because he just left and I didn't know anything about the background of this movie or anything it was a terrible movie he never got paid and after I did it he pulled me up on the phone he said rich did you did you go and dub for me and that picture I say yes I did Tony did they pay you but I said yeah well you owe half of it to me now this is amazing because I'd never heard this before your voice dubbed in movies Peter Sellers David Niven Tony Curtis people like that if we watch that movie we were never told we didn't know that you had done that yeah probably I did I did Gene Kelly for a Christmas special too and you know Gene Kelly had kind of a high voice like this he talked like this and he had lost it completely and I went in and dubbed the whole the whole show and nobody ever knew that's incredible so here you are doing the job you do so well that you can do celebrities on film and people think it was actually the celebrity well that yeah that's what they hoped and I think well obviously it worked yeah I did work it did work and I sent David Niven a little note after it because Blake Edwards did the picture and he was living in Europe somewhere and I sent him a note saying uh I love doing you David Nevin of course talked like this very down very vey British and I said to him I would be happy to come over there and follow you around and imitate you whenever wherever you go wonderful and I got a nice reply from him that is beautiful that you for belonging my career now many of us have remembered all these impressions through the years but you're still doing impressions of people that are right out there in the news every day today yeah yeah my act is not totally deceased you know but I do some I do dr. Phil let's hear that one doc I know I know the you know I know and if you knew that then we both would know if we knew it all when we knew [Music] robert de niro is he wanted I don't do robert de niro ready because he's a liberal and they have nothing to say but I do so what's his name Sebastian Gork oh yeah we see him what doing commentary I know Sebastian well yeah he's got an interesting voice and an interest where is he going you from he's Hungarian he's just hungry yes Sean I know that these people are so dumb it takes them two hours to watch 60 minutes they are dumb that they are brick short I'll tell you you know he has that kind of a countable for and then you've got mark Stein yeah mark Stein thanks a lot thanks a lot oh and then Tucker Carlson yes Hey thank you for coming up thanks for coming up thanks for coming up zag so log talk up thanks for coming out okay and you know Tucker Carlson who is very good you know excellent but he when he when he's talking to a guest that's on the remote and he and he's looking into the camera he this is this is my impression of Tucker Carlson listening to somebody [Laughter] here's my impression of Tucker Carlson laughing and Newt Gingrich she's got a great voice - you do have never changed you know no I like this I don't know understand what's going on I just don't understand these people this is ridiculous I don't know anything do you have a favorite of all the years I mean you've done Ronald Reagan is my favorite of all time all the people I've known and he was just an incredible man with a great sense of humor and when you were talking to Ronald Reagan he gave you his full attention he never took his eyes off you he never looked away he was just concentrated on you and I was almost always impressed with that and I realized years later that the reason was he couldn't hear he was reading your lips he was reading your lips he would read lips cuz I don't think he had much hearing at all but you know if if Ronald Reagan was alive today and he was doing that famous Berlin speech he would probably say miss Pelosi build that wall [Applause] and I remember I remember one time a reporter said to President Reagan mr. president when does a fetus become a human being and Reagan said when it votes Republican [Applause] a whole new definition not a gray sight we love that some of the classic actors and some of these are characters that have outlived their own lifetimes I mean Jimmy Cagney John Wayne Jimmy Stewart yeah you did Jimmy Stewart I understand one time for a tribute to him so much so that you dubbed in his voice for a town is that did that happen well let's see Indiana Pennsylvania is where he's from and I did some recordings that they played on the street corner telling people when to walk and and when the light was going to change and all that and I did it as Jimmy Stewart so Howard Jimmy Stewart tell us when to walkin what I'd I'd just say hold on the lightest red can cross in a few minutes but Harvey wants to cross but he was a delightful man Jimmy Stewart he had a great sense of humor and I used to go over and visit him at his home on Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills and he didn't live in a gated community you know he did was no gate around his house or anything anybody could walk up to his front door and they did - no kid oh yeah Wow I remember one time I was over visiting him and we had a nice little afternoon together and had tea and talked and then he he escorted me out to my car and he came with me and as we approached my car a tour bus pulled around the corner and the the the the bus driver said oh my gosh not only Jimmy Stewart's house but there's Jimmy Stewart himself coming down the walkway with rich little said mine got what is rich little doing at your house Jimmy and Jimmy said rich comes by here once a month to get us batteries recharged and then another time another time he he told me a funny story about he said you know people did they did they just drive by and sometimes they come up and Ronald rap on the doorknob but they said what one day a family came by in a truck and they got out of the truck and they put a blanket down and then they proceeded to bring out chicken and salad and wine and they had a picnic and I said well Jim man gosh did you phone the police on all restaurant couldn't do without that they seemed like nice business well did you just tell them don't please would you get off my lawn no no no I couldn't do that so you did nothing well not exactly I I wandered back to the back of the house and turned the sprinklers [Applause] what Gloria and I were eating chicken for fought away soggy chicken uh what a great story great story turn the sprinklers on Richard did you ever make someone mad and you did an impression of them and they were offended or didn't like it is that ever oh yeah Paul Lynn do you remember uh no yeah yeah yeah Paul Lynn hated my impression really I mean it was no joke he really hated it and every time I did him on on The Tonight Show or on the Dean Martin roast of the looks I got from him you wouldn't believe I'm and he you know the camera would would go from me to him for a reaction and he'd go how's it doing who's that I'll get a day job that's this gossip thing you know one of the great thrills of my career is the people I met mmm and work with I mean all these people that I grew up idolizing on the screen and then to to work with them and get to know them personally it was just the greatest thrill for me you know I was I was so saddened to see that Carol Channing passed away one of his now oh she was a wonderful and the Academy Awards you know didn't say anything about her on the Academy she was not mentioned that's just that's rude that is off very disrespect she she was an icon here Oh Carol Channing you know he she was always a little out of focus you know she'd come up to you and she wouldn't know who you were and then when you got about a foot from you she'd go oh you know if a diamond if a diamond is a girl's best friend and a dog is a man's best friend well who do you think is the smarter said [Applause] you know what you were talking about how what a joy it is to be I'm around people that you idolize and I got to tell you something having you on this show getting to meet you and just be able to be all present let me tell you something for guys like me it is one of the great honors of my life rich little thing well you know I'm way I'm glad you didn't become president because I wouldn't be here tonight well that's true thanks for reminding me of how that turned out [Applause] if I was president and of course I never will be because I'm a Canadian no if I was president you know the first thing I would do what's that I do something about the poor the sick the infirm the feeble I would see to it that congressman served only one term all right Keith why don't you tell everybody how they can see rich little in person if I can catch my breath if you want to experience an incredible evening entertainment go go go see this man live and in person he's at the Tropicana in Vegas and tickets are at trop LV dot-com that's trop LV dot-com be sure and get them in advance of your trip so you don't miss out and visit the rich little com to enjoy rich Little's comedic genius online you
Channel: Huckabee
Views: 421,528
Rating: 4.9006062 out of 5
Keywords: mike huckabee, huckabee, trinity broadcasting network, tbn, Rich Little, Impressions, The Tonight Show, Celebrity Impersonator, Johnny Carson, Vegas Tropicana, Peter Sellers, David Niven, Tony Curtis, Pink Panther, Gene Kelly, Robert De Niro, Sebastian Gorka, Mark Stein, Tucker Carlson, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Stewart, Paul Lynde, Carol Channing
Id: 2VX5PBeeWmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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