Ribeye Steaks On A Pellet Grill

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[Music] hey welcome back to another episode of smoking with the Robinsons I'm Brian Robinson we've got Kelsey behind the camera tonight we are doing up some awesome looking rib eyes on our green mountain grill Davy Crockett pellet grill these things have some awesome marbling in them these are from the butcher shop and Pensacola Florida let's get these things seasoned up we're gonna season these things up with some fiesta brand fajita seasoning just gives that good salt pepper garlic and then we're gonna come in with some loot and booty what's your beef rub really good beef rub you ought to try that out so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take some cooking spray this is just gonna kind of be like a binder this just happens to be what I seen in the shelf and this is canola oil don't take much so now we're gonna take this fajita seasoning we're gonna give a good medium light coat on these come back on this other one looks good and then to watch your beef this is a little bit more of a coarse rub think that looks good you can use any rubs that you want with these a lot of different things will make these rib eyes really good so that looks good on this side we're gonna let them set for about 10 minutes and then we're going to flip them over season the other side and by that time our Green Mountain Grill should be up to temperature we've got it set for 450 degrees we didn't show you the startup process because days are getting shorter it's getting a little darker so once we get these seasoned up ready to go on the grill we'll come back to you alright these things have sweated down as you can see that seasonings kind of soaked into and pulled some of that moisture out but what we did is about an hour and a half ago we set these out of the refrigerator just set them on the kitchen counter and they sit in there until we brought them out that way they're kind of coming up to room temperature and it's not just really cold whenever you put it on that's the way we like to do it the Green Mountain Grill is running 450 degrees then barbecue is to light pecan pellets are putting off a good heat I think it's time to get these on all right this grill is up to temperature I do have a set of grill grates in here and these things are running 600 right at 600 degrees exactly where we want them those barbecue is a lot pellets putting off a awesome heat in this thing so let's get these home so what we're gonna do is come in we're gonna start one over here we're gonna kind of lay it at an angle give it a little press we're gonna take this one lay it right here we are gonna set a timer for a minute and thirty seconds and then we're gonna check them and give them a little rotate it's been right out of minute and a half we're gonna give these rotate normally the grooves and migrates are running this way but in this grill really don't work out that way so I'm just gonna kind of pick it up we're going to rotate her this way and I do get asked how we set up to grill higher heat for steaks and hamburgers because a lot of people think you can't do it on a pellet grill but this Green Mountain has to heat diverters they are both in there but they kind of line up where the holes either open up all the way down and that's more for high heat or you can cover them up and that's more for your low and slow so we got it opened up where that heats coming right up through here so we're gonna set our timer for about a minute and 15 seconds now since I've taught for about 15 seconds we'll come back to you and every sound a flip piece our timer went off so it's time to flip these [Music] Oh scooped out of here [Music] looks good smells good this pillar girls doing this thing so we'll let it roll for another minute and a half and we'll start checking some temperature after that our last minute 30 seconds is up so we are gonna rotate these one more time and then we're not really worried about a time we're just looking for our temperature what's your thing kelsey we're looking for about 128 kind of a good medium rare on these that's what I want so now we're just gonna start watching temperatures we don't care about time it could take 10 minutes but it won't could take a minute so we're just gonna watch them keep a close eye on them you don't want them to go over y'all hang out these things are done we have hit 130 degrees a little more than we would like let's check them babies out so all we're gonna do now is just set them on the cutting board let them hang out for about 10 minutes just kind of let it rest quit cook and let everything kind of calm down and then my favorite part I might get to try it by these have set for about 10 minutes so they are good to go but before we slice into these let's talk a little bit about what we did we cooked these ribeye steaks on the green mountain grill Davy Crockett and seasoned up with Luton booty what's your beef Fiesta brand fajita seasoning we're in the green mountain at 450 degrees which put our grill grates right at about 600 degrees is where we like them we cook them for a minute and a half on each side gave them a rotate minute and a half flip them and then all we did was worry about temperature after that so we pulled them off at about a hundred and thirty degrees let's cut into I'll see how we did all right I think this one right here is calling my name right here on top got some good juice going on here we're just gonna kind of cut this thing right down the middle hopefully we didn't cut in too much fat it is getting dark out here I don't know how well the camera picks up we've got some pink in there so I'm gonna take me a cut just right off this edge here I'm gonna take advantage of some of this juice on the board just melts in your mouth all that marbling just makes the meat so tender keeps it juicy I think we got us a winner right here we want to thank y'all for taking a little time out of y'all's day to watch this video we hope y'all take something from this I know a lot of people have pellet grills have some confidence to crank that heat up cook some steaks subscribe to this channel we would really really appreciate it it really helps us out share the videos check us out on Facebook Instagram I did get that Facebook page going finally so if you haven't liked that page go check it out and that's smoking with the robinsons hey we'll catch you next time John you gonna try these steaks out
Channel: 501 BBQ
Views: 40,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pit Boss, Traeger grill, green mountain grill, Pellet grill, ribeye on a pellet grill, yoder pellet grill, steak on a pellet grill, how to bbq right, loot n booty, traeger pellets, gmg davy crocket, tailgate grill, pellets, grillgrates, weber pellet grill, beef ribeye, tomahawk ribeye, louisiana pellet, swine life, smokin with the robinsons, pellet grill recipes, pellet grill steak, pellet grill brisket, pellet grill hamburgers, pellet grill ribeye steak, reverse sear
Id: qX8Z1hwk3AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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