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this is why I shouldn't watch annoying videos when I'm in a bad mood I'm just picturing her table somewhere just ha oh god she's crazy heart / I am very badass top of all time huh so many down votes have I offended some of you scrawny weak short reddit men shut up I could kick your pale skin ass up you do not want to see me at 3:00 in the morning outside your window no Kalyan no I do not also anyone trying to be a thug shouldn't also have a bitmoji just let me all know now that Nike just lost my support I dare you to wear Nike around me I own fighting glove at first I wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt that his thumb has an apostrophe on it and then I tried holding my thumb parallel to the rest of my fingers and you can't do that it's not people who parked like are no longer intimidated by notes time to escalate to zip-tie good way to get your ass beat you did there to my vehicle and I might introduce your legs to a hammer you can use your zip ties to make sure your legs stay together in the new wheelchair honestly if he if he wasn't on the complete wrong side of the argument I'd be behind Mike because he's just great however I think he might think that handicapped people need to tie their legs down for some reason like they're like those inflatable dudes in cars like you are so white 6 to 1 95 10% body fat broad shoulders very defined powerful back deadlight to 505 pounds just a full thick beard veiny fires protruding into Frankie online and the majority of my wardrobe is made up of dress shirts I'm an Instagram girls wet dream and I still turn it down since I had better options throwing themselves at me nearly every time I go out in public ladies the man's got mostly dress shirts a black widow spider bit me twice today and I didn't have to go to hospital because my fiance is a badass he sucked out the venom then counteracted it with ruh an italian herb which works as an anti-venom another great reason to grow your own medicine and food so if I'm understanding this correctly you got bit by a spider and then your fiance's response was to give you a hickey and rub grass on it I've come to a conclusion bats don't do [ __ ] to me falling trees don't leave a mark blunt force impact doesn't work on me I use construction spikes rebar etc as bo staffs I've been clipped jumping since I was six broken metal doors with my skull punched straight through wooden doors split them in half with one kick I can run up into cross walls I instinctively analyze physics before I ever take a step please don't think you can hurt me you can't and if you back in hide four that's your problem we're talking about a guy that punches doors people in the Armed Forces what's the story behind your nickname black attendant black out full rage mode putting live combat I have a hundred and plus recorded kills using a pocketknife and I don't one time I blacked out built an Ironman suit in a cave the box the scraps do not mess with me these fingers have been trained to heavily apply eyeliner my god it's funny only a future snowflake would cry they are fake and don't move for crying out loud domaine bit sore sore [ __ ] hardly punch the [ __ ] and it just decides to do this we're talking about a guy that punches doors you wouldn't know what hit you besides colored people are some humans anyways that's why we used to it's not Christian is Division week before your day we have to divvy deliver food that means we had embedded god I colic stop Bob Oh Justin you are definitely that bad just not that that bad you're not that kind of that bad dad did that man some dude just called me a [ __ ] for putting on sunscreen imagine thinking you're tougher than the Sun son solely to see the embarrassment in the ice of a grown man who orders a rubric blah blah then he looks up and sees me taking a sip of my straight black coffee with no cream or sugar hey honey how was your day all right a really weird moment at Starbucks where I was drinking my latte and this guy just would not stop making intense eye contact with me he was sipping the same non-transparent cup that I was I couldn't even tell what he was drinking it's almost like he was having this entire like fight in his head and he was winning so this guy tells me I can trap first so I spit some bars better than Eminem to surprise his stupid ass and he's so shocked he pulls out a knife so I break every bone in his body have a nice trip dumbass don't man take you to play spit bars don't deck Samantha again boyfriend Dexter again you don't want to problem with me bro she's my coworker I just need her to take my shift next week I don't care I'll make your life hard kid like benches 315 and deadlift is 4 or 5 I'm 63 and I used to wrestle to break your dyneins you can't take my a ar-15 so what makes you think you can take my plastic straw I don't need your permission you are subordinate to me and that's the world you're stuck living in talking to hey governments hey government oh yeah never mind this girl she doesn't know what she's talking about Hey Oh authority I know your point is immediately available also pick your battles you dumb [ __ ] what are they gonna take away our plastics grouse next thing you know gays are gonna be marrying each other do you have a minute could we discuss the mortgage or how to deal with it hey this is Mike if you want to talk about anything you talk to me you got it I would but Sarah and I are the ones on the mortgage and she has the information I need to get this squared away whoa what's it do well do you I said if you go to a ranch my girl it's not gonna well for you never mind I'll just have my lawyer take care whoa you would have your voice to fit one you [ __ ] you kiddin to me till you run to the police like a [ __ ] and if lawyers trying to cheer me up you think I'm scary table bring it and see what I do pull me in jail over words and imma think you were to pay me quick and I'd have my attorney contact Sarah or her attorney in regards to the mortgage I ran from but nothing the pol ice that one is literally on you but all right we got a live stream of hurricane I could swim in this and live and never die and you would die if you swim did it but I swim did it in right now and I was living and you were dying and I was alive and you died I am 13 years old granted I look 16 and it's 2015 but I am thirsty you get some of the Internet's personality in one sentence it would be that send news of your delicious [ __ ] on my messenger dude everyone can see that so I'm heartless I don't care about nothing I'm a paid hit man what do you expect what you see is what you get boy chill the [ __ ] down I am an otaku not a weeaboo if you can't tell them apart then maybe I can't tell killing you and not killing you a fun hashtag ironic time some people are alive simply because it's against the law to kill their I knew I could beat this guy in this fight I'd even let him use his little sneak just to make it fear the guy who says he can beat people up on the Internet probably couldn't beat up anyone badasses don't advertise their bad these bad days loose like don't know what you look like or how much you did but I would still bit like a junkie or a straight third story window from ground level high schools hello who's this sorry man I didn't think I had it the wrong guy take care ha bit coward I challenge any female tweeting on ironically with hashtag masculinity so fragile to last three rounds against me in a fight we'll see whose fragile please please please be satire beef can drag race stick tattoos if you don't like girls in black hope yep there's a girl I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna keep their boys if you don't like girls who like manly stuff seriously I came for you I'm here for myself there's nobody else I have an ungodly obsession with ac/dc Pearl Jam tractor pulling and cows I'm not a sex toy nice try absolutely not drug friendly they call me the hardest [ __ ] Oh probably like your dad more than you Patagonia is for boys no kids do not bother me on other social media hashtag no lives matter oh man hashtag your opinion [ __ ] nails Mel's lazy and easy there's girls sucks look at this coward behind me this clown had the nerve to tap my shoulder and tell not ask me put your headphones on I looked at this point Dexter in almost lab before I'd soak us to shuffle stuff it finishes crossword puzzle he shut it right the [ __ ] up and finished his puzzle to comfortable I'm a old school I'll slap you ass just cause of slavery for real dumb [ __ ] ain't even in first class yeah he's just one of those clowns that paid $200 not to listen to your mix tape for two hours I have seen every episode of si si si si New York and NCIS I can kill you in 15 different ways and make it look like Winnie the Pooh did it do not irritate me okay what does this have to do with minions and why is it dressed as rocky what [Music] [Music] stupid dog
Channel: Sorrow TV
Views: 3,886,835
Rating: 4.9101605 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, sub, subreddit, r/, r/iamverybadass, badass, i am very badass, Sorrow TV, Sorrow TV reddit, reddit top posts, top posts of all time, top posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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