Rhythm and Blues Revue (1955)

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[Music] you [Music] you [Music] and now there is the fellow to tell you all about our show Harlan's mayor and favorite son that Clown Prince of birth bully Bryan [Music] Willie Bryant that's me thank you ah you're a wonderful audience thank you very very much ladies and well we're glad to be back and another great show for you to say like man I want to see one over ready wait under people will show you no gonna see you right now ready now I'm busy I'm gonna put a show on you you can't bust in like this but it won't take you but a minute what do you want what do you want I want a job you promised give me a job you're ready look I got what can I do with you I got the atoms in the show I've got a Nima's Milbourne in the show I've got the LOX in the show I got I got so many people in the show I can't put you in the show now put Freddie in the show I'm not ready for Freddie I know but we're not tell anyone I just thought of something you take another job for the time being oh yeah yeah yeah see they want a receptionist down at the library yeah and I say they want a man whatever man I didn't mean that that but I tell you well this is a very funny job because you meet a lot of peculiar people now know they have you know some people are very sensitive about certain things yeah one woman in particular one yeah she goes down there every day this is the most amazing woman that you've ever seen you know why she can actually read what you were thinking oh no people read my life to read anybody's mind she passes here every day everything here she comes down hello hello oh hello mr. Brian how are you hello Freddie how are you I'm not kidding she can read what you read you heard her call you Freddie you never met huh but I don't believe it you don't believe I don't believe in anything on my way all right out of my way skeptic you go yeah I'm not gonna open my mouth now watch me thank you mr. Brian hmm thank you mr. Brian mr. Grimes she even attended yeah you didn't sale would and amazing is this you know what you was thinking about everything I was saying keep it thank you you know why thank you you know the first time I sit with pretty skin and eyes you have that's when she said thank you mr. Brian second time I said gee that's a pretty dress I was thinking that she said thank you yeah then I really topped it off when I said what a beautiful wife you'd make for some man oh and she read everything you you can read your mind I don't care what you're thinking I'm going oh no you're not women remember she can read what you're thinking it's all right I'm going over don't believe it go ahead oh yeah go ahead I'm going to go ahead I'll watch I'll see all right go ahead Thank You Freddy Freddie now what did you tell the hydrate I knew you were gonna do something oh my mouth is wondering what you said what were you thinking I was just thinking how much did you pay for them false teeth ready ladies and gentlemen we've all ready now to start the show rolling with some good music one of the greatest musical aggregations in the country the entire world they top everything and they're going to have a good old-fashioned jam session you ready for jam session all right let's get technology to patch up speed your hands because here is Lionel Hampton and the band [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much and now ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to present to you one of the country's greatest and most outstanding record artists young lady whose records have created quite a sensation all over this old country of ours she's here with us tonight here she is Miss Faye Adams nice to have you here dear what are you gonna sing for us tonight well I guess it's everyday everyday nice work if you can get it every day hey Adam every D oh [Music] somewhere again I'm sorry that this time it's ma I'm so in love with you every day I know our love dying oh darling can you hear me crying I'm so in love with you now don't you believe me when I tell you that I you've got all my trust in you yeah you do we run the star so darling we don't drink my heart every day mother wait here by myself oh darling there's nobody else I'm so in love with you now don't you believe me when I tell you that I you've got all my trust in you yes you knew it from the start so darling please don't make my heart every day [Music] wait here by myself oh darling hell nobody else I'm so in love with you tell you combat today I'll be waiting every day [Music] [Applause] and now ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce to you at this time one of the finest dancers that you've ever seen now to stand here to make a long long speech about him would really be keeping you away from a great treat what but there's many Broadway appearances and nightclubs and theaters throughout the country I bet you've seen him before if you haven't you're in for a great treat right now Freddie open the curtain and let's bring on Bill Bailey [Applause] [Music] Bottega skulls keep it down Main Street [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm especially happy to present the next artist to you because I've known him for many many years I've watched his rise to stardom in many various stages of his life he started out as a nightclub singer in the theaters way back many years ago when he first went on an amateur contest today is one of the big names in the business so here he is herb Jeffrey and it all belongs in my there's a thing and a dream you may true I know I must confess to [Music] in this my phone never part we'll have such lovely messages in this world and this more and why there's a song and it's bigger of your of your lips of your and over I never known that it stay like instead [Music] and began in my [Music] in my heart there's a voice and it's me of you of your lips of your of Allah I never know that it says stupid like I said [Music] and bigger my [Music] [Applause] wait a minute honey Oh don't go Holland what is this what is this what does it look like this is me that's what it is well to find sources this is the sale in dishpan say wrong honey oh I mean I'm just failing all around all over the place here well don't fail you know Oh what's all the sailing about where you see I was in to see my doctor this morning oh yeah yeah he looked me over examle real good uh-huh then he put me at the office he says man go ahead get out right quick go ahead pick up and enjoy yourself while you got time so I'm just sailing down picking up here there wait a minute Wella cool down what did you pick up in California well they weren't putting down nothing in California you telling me I picked up and left from there in a hurry I know all about it oh but whatnot glad to get back to good old you yo well who wouldn't be yeah good old New Yo no sooner I stepped off the plane they're right in the station there was a man standing right in the station selling five-dollar bills for 50 cents well how could that fella do that how could he do you think do anything in New York to make a living well they can they don't ask you how you got it no oh they want to know is have you got on and they waiting for you better bring it with you when you come in it must have been something phony about those bills oh no I wouldn't say they was phony no no they were just seconds that's how old can I get when you they made a misprint on the bill uh-huh yay you see they had Lincoln's head put it upside down it's my stash which way is eyebrow should be no kids look just like Johnny Lewis finger strength oh wow yeah but I'm gonna get me a whole basket full of bills and I'm going on back out west and I will do like the doctor say pick up and have a good time while I got time with you thank you for those nice beautiful girls like I used to you know doing that Mambo already I'm surprised that you're worried about the girls well I don't see no Nelson will be worrying about you well I'm here nothing wrong with you see not I should say not you are you oh don't you remember that old saying you know they say a woman is like a streetcar and this one here another one along any minute oh just like see cars yesterday yeah when I'm scared by the time I get there they're all be going back to the car barn for repair don't let that worry you no I mean that's all yeah you know you are right know what I hope I am I'm telling ya I'm lost as I can be I'm Becky but what about you doctor what did he tell you to do well he told me to go head on and enjoy myself but I can't get back there huh oh you can no well you poor fella I really feel sorry for you yeah don't worry about nothing no more huh I should say not yeah why don't you try doing the Mambo eveything follow me oh yeah oh you got it right now [Music] don't I thank you send me alright but I'm scared I'm too weak to take the fear [Music] the next artist is one of the great names in the blues and rhythm field although the tune he's going to play now is a real bouncy one but it carries a very important message and I want you to listen to it here he is Amos Milburn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bad bad Bushkin bad bad whiskey bad bad whiskey leave me loose I have their home when I live behind the small promised I would think stay real straight and sober so I wouldn't drink bad bad whiskey bad bad whiskey bad bad whiskey made me lose my happy home past all the pool eight the bars the slip before the night was over started intercept bad bad for scared bad bad was scared bad bad biscuit baby I had their home my buddy had a pint the cats were are loose started out with silver ended our bulges I'm bad bad whiskey bad bad whiskey bad bad whiskey [Music] baby's gone and left me man feel so sad now Google got me [Music] bad bad bad [Music] [Applause] you ever pass the theater or nightclub when someone was coming out and you'd hear the expression used say didn't she sing like a lark well if that expression holds true you're in for some good singing because I take pleasure in presenting to you at this time the large [Applause] waiting for the Sun every row the place on high dizzy be made is gone [Music] [Applause] they've gone [Music] is covered [Music] again is called [Music] waiting for the Sun rose it's gonna [Music] hi [Music] [Music] we'll be calling you get you this union we gonna miss the sunrise son [Applause] [Music] introduced a couple of our cast to you right now because I want you to know them like I know Flo give me Freddie fine really you know your kids been running in and out of the show spatting and I I bet that a lot of people in the audience hate you no wait and maybe some people hate you but in true life they're really wonderful people and they are married oh yeah how much America well you know how love life is it starts off when you sink in his own yes and winds up with your arms in the sink what do you say I tell you the truth you know marriage life is two mins and it for too many rings yeah what do you mean well first as the engagement ring right and then the wedding ring right and then the suffering I still think I got tricked into my marriage still willing hey that bring something back to my mind I heard a fantastic story I wish you would enlighten me on it what's that is it true that your little brother when Freddie was courting you slipped the minister down to the house and he got on behind the sofa yeah then the little brother came through the living room with his baseball suit on in the bat that's right and he said who likes to Dodgers actually I do then the little boy said who likes the Giants I said I do and is it true that the minister jumped up mine the Sofer and said I now pronounce you man and wife yes wonderful life I'll always remember that and another thing I hits me all the times that what is this sin but the English language is some volume in the English language being the mother tongue yeah yeah that must be right why cuz father never gets a chance to use thank you now here he is ladies and gentlemen once again that sensational man of rhythm to play another great number for you Lionel Hampton [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] come on boy you can do it come on ain't nothing to it ain't got nothing on the ball Jackie boy hit the bone bases loaded clean em Jackie ain't got nothin but a slow fast inside outside ball occurs everybody's runnin everybody's runnin help yourself everybody get up next man up next man up who is it what ball one who who's up who's it back tell me man who's it the met hit it hit it hit it rhyme boy hit it ride by hit that ball Roy boy you gonna win this game for me today hey hey yeah whatever hey fella yeah what see you quite a baseball oh this is this today's game dansgame a game of all game plan III agree with you but give me a pack of cigarettes thank you know anything about baseball me on an old AR go ahead he's my monsignore how do you know this you guys I want it that's the kind you got whatever kind you want you got it I remember giving my days now if you're so interested I gotta go say what I said give me my change for my $10 bill what change I just gave you you gave who attend oh you look I only got four tens in here now look fella don't tell me I didn't give you $10 now look in that box my $10 in it wait a minute wait a minute I'm not kidding with you I want my kid you go look in there I got four ten dollar bills is your name on either one of them right there yep maybe you're right I don't think I remember this on this one I'm gonna give you six seven yeah eight yeah well you know one thing you ask me or anything about baseball hey come on let me slide out not getting my change you're so wrapped up in baseball you don't know what's happening if I'm a little forgetting to get my cents $10 $10 here 95s five right six down seven hey yeah you talking about Gil Hodges now there you go he's a baddies I bet again like one yeah I hear it take me long he's on to the home base wait a minute oh I'm sorry interrupt me I've gotta go yeah go ahead no no give my change listen mister giving my change notley's I know you're a baseball fan you're all enthused but I want my change a small and no baseball I just gave you a change for ten dollars you want can you ask me for a sigle I'm not going with you probably give me money to buy sense do you think your holiday me this is my money I'll give me your change nor ask me for no more cause I'm running out of money six seven eight now that's oh here's your 75 cents here here fifty here give me a quarter just give me a quarter back take the dollar now go ahead this is the games you've got a very bad attitude yeah you gotta be if you've got that kind of an attitude you're in business I don't want your cigarettes give me my what give me mine $10 back I'll give you a cigarettes now yeah you gave them it here I'm glad to get rid of you there's a knock it out I don't need your business here thank you very much you imagine him thinks he can make a fool of a now ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce at this time a young lady whose career has been a fabulous one one who's known throughout the world affectionately by the profession as Little Miss sassy and here she is Sarah Vaughn [Applause] I look for my heart it's Bonita I lost it way down and tarita ball chanting a dance [Music] sombrero [Music] then has my heart in Perdido I know I won't go to Torito that yearning to [Music] I look at my heart is [Music] [Music] it has my heart been Savita I must go to Torito veteran engineer Hey to be damned [Music] but the [Music] dear [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey Nipsey good to see you hey I didn't see you since we tried to make a date with those two beautiful girls yeah you remember that yeah how'd you make out solid Jackson solid hey how'd you make out Stonewall Jackson Stonewall you known MC was that it really must be wonderful to stand up here and make people laugh to be a great comedian like that gee I wish I had that knack you know nothing to it I'll go with it you'll do it oh no no we could do it you and I we can be a comedy team and we don't even need your ears oh no this I won't believe I'll show you not with me not with you all right idea we can make them that prove it to me all right now all you gotta say is that's good that's good oh that's bad you mean to say we can make them laugh just sayin that's good or that's bad that's all you gotta say whatever cuz of you you just say that's good oh that's bad and we'll make them laugh we'll make them laugh what's wrong I'm ready here we go alright alright yeah honey yeah I just got married that's good no that's not good I married an ugly old Hey that's bad no it's not so bad because she is rich that's good no it's not so good because she's rich and she's mean she won't give me any the money well it's not so bad because she bought me a beautiful house yeah that's good no it's not so good the house burned down oh that's bad no that's good cuz she was in it now she's gone out yet I can tell right now that you're gonna be a wonderful audience and with a great warm reception like this we just can't miss well ladies and gentlemen are you ready ready feel good show I'm ready to present it to you presenting at this time a gentleman of royalty in the musical world with a great musical aggregation so let's get together and you say that's good as we present to you Count Basie and the orchestra [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sighing Navasota slow the tempo down they introduce you to some real solid groove we don't think that sound is a rock in fact I'd like to present to you a man who wise in the world of well what the blues is all about they call him Big Joe Turner the daddy of the blues and I like to set a tempo sort of like this for him to bring him on so I can give them to you hey Joe hey Big Joe Turner [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready no down the bar rot13 [Music] nice kitchen baby wash to obey the name baby watch Sophie's hand where you baked my supper go down young baby look Oh fine you lost oh no dice oh my gosh my [Music] what [Music] other dick move roll [Music] I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes be banana people door likewise yes even and evil dog [Music] look at you baby no down way down underneath [Music] way down me baby baby with Marty I'll take roll No No [Music] you [Applause] I might as well get out of this mood though right now I'm so to get into what they call a jumpin mood you know what I mean by jumping mood well that's sort of a slang for getting with it let's boot it and I got four boys here who can really boot it for it are you ready for them so let's boot it up the downer other boy [Music] [Applause] dry bones illegal fried them dry bones easy to pry them from the world of those easy to connect to them dry bones easy good connected em dry bones easy connected em the word well Joe bomb connector Oh connector [Music] he won't connect anklebone bond connecting leg bone the leg bone connected a newborn and Eve all connected by bone the thigh bone connected a hip or knee phone connector you back fall on the back bone connected a shawl born it's all about connected a neck bone a neck bone connected a bone I the word of the Lord bones dem bones gonna walk around and bones dem bones your won't run them bones them bones gonna walk around I hear the word of the Lord disconnect their bones they drive home to disconnect among them dried bone the disconnected [Music] when you have bone connected on you on the neck bones on the bone connected on you on your back bone connected on you get bored a phone connect around me Bible the Bible connect on you newborn any bone connected on leg bone the leg bone connect from the bone come on connect around me he'll only bunkin active up you foot bone bone connected on you so from night the world of love boo then drop a bomb - the bomb them bomb them drive on the demo demo the word [Music] looking [Music] word [Music] [Applause] if this time it's indeed a pleasure to present you an artist and I've greatly admired since I first had the pleasure of seeing and hearing their on our show and we're mighty happy to have it back with us again and I'm sure that you're going to enjoy just as much as you did the last time in here she is Martha Davis and her well mister you've had your last chance and this is this through with your romance there's no need to even ask why I'm just one thing to say and that's goodbye about your chip away all the columns say you just love to play just one thing to say and that is honey tell her goodbye I don't want to hear from you I don't wanna know where you're I don't wanna meet you bum you wanna hit you with the Buddha baseball bat get out and when I say out I mean away that's the doorknob hit you where the hooky man you all of that to say is a honey [Music] good back [Music] well I'm gonna get me a staying home man and maybe you'll serve me breakfast in bed yeah I'm gonna get a great lover who love charms will discover the God here's to you honey drop dead young Jan do you really think my my friends golden balls yeah if we full of nutrition like the Hollywood tradition look I want it I'll get low on you when you went up but I ain't gonna be behind you when you go down so why are me everywhere because I ain't in that mess and my address forget it Oh back where you been keep loving and living in sin until we meet you once more I think I'm gonna do just a little old living myself [Music] I'll see you never I'll be the same adios I [Music] thank you and now for a fast changeup you know when a pitcher gets a 3-2 count on a batter you know what he does don't you he comes in with that fastball well on deck out here we got a little Slugger who refuses to be pitched out and I'm sure that you will agree with me when I say he's one of the greatest and here he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a little rascal who refuses to be struck out he's a hard hitter and speaking of hits well there's a guy standing on the on-deck circle right now waiting to come on and he's more or less been a hit every time he's been on the Harlem variety review he's more or less irregular I would say that his batting average is about a thousand I'm sure that you'll agree with me too here he is ladies and gentlemen that home run hitter of songs Nat King City by the ocean me how she feels inside 15 by the ocean we hockey feel so sad don't got the money to take me back to Trinidad I'm Calypso woman she cooked me shrimp and rice fine Calypso woman she could be shrimp and rice he's shocky hot dog don't treat me stomach very nice and Trinidad one dollar by 4 pie you juice banana pie 6 quart for nothing one female vote and plenty fish the film will be both 1 bullish your brain one bad wine and all the time she comes to dine but here is bad 1 dollar by cuppa coffee [Music] we throat cheese sick from that time me feet she heard from shoes me pocketful of empty I got clip salute these chunky girls give me big scare is back the root is blondie hair awesome facepaint wedding girl she she jitterbug when she should boss I even think her name is false but Calypso lot is what you see what she got 15 body in pushing me hard she feels loose I don't got the money to take me back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with the kids mantan Marlon hey ro have you been what do you want to know what you do where you been what do you want to know where I've been for well I was at home lying in my bed yeah thinking about the money that I owe you know and I just couldn't sleep couldn't sleep no I had to get up out of my bed to come over and find you and tell you now you picked it so I can't sleep how come you can't pay me the races lowdown how how what kind of races do you play of races what track you play I play over here that's right crooked why don't you play over here round so I lost my money how much did you lose I lost we now have that money now all you had was I had more than that yeah I'm better on a horse and that rascal didn't come in was he than football who was the jockey riding in a jockey by the name here right I thought you went out you to ride people did but they fought him he came home yeah and do you know what he did good let me tell you boy you should have animal resto now the horse you should have bet always gonna scratch man dad hey you don't look so good you know I don't feel so good either well why don't you go away take a little trip for hell yeah I think I'll go out here to my dad it filled up I would suggest that you go to and continue if you went how would you go driving driving what 19th under there or never make it end of the year and what time is it well now it's all gladly I got to go here and see he's not at home the way is she I think she went down see you then you think these are [Applause] and then we always understand each other but tell me tell you I did go to the racetrack went to the racetrack I had a roll big enough to choke a horse that's what I should've done was choked that rascal into the bedroom that $15 on my horses nose found out after the race I could have bought him for ten I didn't mind him getting after the polls that could happen to any horse but when he stopped in front of the grandstand and asked me which way did they go that's when I gave up I had a good horse he left the post twenty to one came in at corn after five the Hogs ran so slow that the jockey actually felt guilty he felt guilty when he got too distressed the jockey started to give him the whip you know the horse stop look back at the job as a man what are you hitting me for there's nobody behind us now walk around a little place where they were serving drinks all of a sudden the guy walks into the bar he had his hands up to his neck like this he raps on the bar the bartender comes over says what can I do for you the guy said cotton do you want a drink I don't said don't I know you so what you've been over to the racetrack so did you win your bet you lose how much you lose by turns to $2 the bartender said $2,000 bartender said gee whiz if I lost $2,000 on the races my wife would cut my throat and now - pleasure to present to you Cab Calloway [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey folks here's the story about Minnie the moocher he was a red-hot kid she was the roughest toughest prey [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] he gave her his downers and his race in person each musi eights once the dance important she had a million dollars with the Nicholson time encounter them [Music] I he [Music] Oh [Music] I do [Music] for me and for me [Music] [Applause] I'd like to present to you this time a young lady who just a few months ago was tab the mama girl and had she cried Papa I would have been there oh she's so gorgeous she's so beautiful what'd you say the sweetest things yeah you're not gonna like you to go on you're clever you're dynamic going you're terrific and on most of all it's so handsome you mean handsome Oh forgive me with it I really couldn't remember everything you told me to fail oh girl go on insane [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't when Ray [Music] and the strain [Music] my everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's rain [Music] if you come back to me everything Wow [Music] if you [Music] spacey rhythm time as we presented the great Count Basie and his orchestra Basie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 154,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ycG20aAfoVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 25sec (4285 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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