RHOA S 15 - Ep 11 : Portugal Getaway heats up with Kenya’s epic fall , BBL saved the day!!

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close your eyes for a minute close your eyes for a second I won't change my mind welcome back as you can tell from my voice it's struggle Street I've got learning characters and I am struggling with my voice so hopefully I can get through this commentary without having to seek emergency help however before we get into the talking points that was real housewives of Atlanta episode 11 I would have to say thank you so much to my newest subscribers thank you for coming on board because ourselves push from here do not forget to constantly watch these videos that I Chuck out like my um videos as well and comments I would love to hear from you and as you do that it means a lot share this Channel with your family and your friends thank you so much for joining and stay on okay to my existing subscriber You Know You're My Ride die thank you guys for staying in the course I do appreciate all your support again always always like and comment as well as share this Channel with your friends and family with that said let's get into the commentary that was real housewives of Atlanta episode 11. there was a bit of a drama as you know with this women there is something that always causes animosity between them or amongst them this time you know they are in Lisbon Portugal from episode 10 it ended with uh Drew working out following the conversation she was having with Sheree so it opened I mean since episode 11 opened with that conversation continued or concluded we can see Drew crying her heart out according to her she's not been heard um her feelings are not being validated I'm not sure exactly why all of this is happening now what they were talking about uh someone um accusing how of not pain pain up on her bills or whatever she did with this particular um person that is taking her to court over a thousand dollars now Drew is saying the money is not the issues the fact that they've played this particular person but then she's going to the blogs there's a little bit more backstory that she's not letting us in then good on her for you know kicking it to herself we don't really care I'm not interested in all of the Deeds however she feels that uh Sharon making a joke or speaking on the issue giving the fact that it is an ongoing litigation no litigation at the moment means that Sherry is not validating her or respecting her in that regards Sherry's like well I did not know exactly you know the specifics of your legal situation and I we did not know the severity of it either we cannot split this one thousand dollars supposedly build your own amongst eight of us and everyone else is not the money it's more there's so many things that she cannot see that's happening as well and well I guess week we can we can speak Andre's behalf her husband is all the way in Las Vegas with someone that apparently wants him on a magic mic show now from what Drew is saying there's been some physicist moves from this lady during a music video shoot there was some massage giving and now she's inviting him to Las Vegas and he gladly went she doesn't trust him giving all their history rightfully so and so she's upping her feelings and I guess manifesting in the way it is manifested now with the guardian of this of the ladies in Portugal when this whole uh one thousand dollar litigation conversation started I am so glad that they were able to sort of nip it in the board and uh meet each other halfway and apologize for each other's representation of first presentation of the situation so they went back in but guess what candy thought it was a joke because according to her it wasn't that big a deal she's been on a lot more serious argument and not having to emotionally um both out crying and walk out and so she feels like there is some level of pretense going on so they addressed that at some point during this episode but then the conversation they went back to Candy because the girls were like candy you're not always around you'll be missing and feel uh groups and everything you know present for us to which candy defended and said well um I'm busy with a lot of a lot she has got going on she has this show with her group her bandmates and basically the fear of her walking a lot is embedded in the sense that having been in the place of having so much and losing it there is that constant fear that you don't want to lose it again like that's the thing when you are on top the pressure of two women on top is immense and so you're going to definitely try to work your butt off to remain at that level where you feel it's comfortable that's exactly what she's projecting the fear of losing it all is what is pushing her to continue on now I do not know if this conversation is well received by the girls I can say one thing for sure seems to be on a good space like they are in the same space without having to give each other the weird looks you know they are sort of chiming in on conversations not talking to each other I haven't seen that part here or it was manifested but not in the sense where there's like a deep communication more they are able to mutually coexist in the space so that's like amazing it appears that the girls were sort of um concerned for Candy's workaholic nature and so they were advising her to you know have a good work life balance basically take care of yourself as well as look after your family and also be there for us I don't know if it was coming from a good place I would take it because not one seems to be exercised because you know how it is with this girls they go on a trip they go on vacation they have a girl's time out and it always end in chaos I guess we can say Sherry not one of your healing trip to Portugal is a success so the next day which basically was the highlight of this particular episode for me Sherry came up with this itinerary that they were all going to do together and majority of them all got ready got on the bus with the exception of KM now okay yeah if you know Kenya she is a Perpetual lead command she's obviously for everything we can see how sipping on teas and everything why the other girls were already the boss waiting for her now some people would say this right here is why you're not supposed to be late because it rained all day Portugal and I'm not sure but I'm just gonna play the video so you can watch it foreign because Kayla went on to the first door to exit and then I don't think they don't open so she came from the other door there was a wet floor sign clearly saying the voice wet boom there she goes on the phone sorry I should not laugh well she's okay guys she is okay and that's why I can actually laugh he went straight on the floor and you can see the girls and the boss like oh my God like he was an oh my God moment I just really felt like I had a bone or a cocktail like I don't know shift or something anyway it kind of ruined the girls day the bloody heart as candy had to then go with Kea to the hospital because an ambulance tattoo because she she wanted to check that she was okay she didn't broke any bones and stuff like that good on them candy followed um Kenya to the hospital and I from what we could gather it was a long seven plus eight hours wait as they went to a public hospital and they don't speak uh Portuguese or whatever they speak in Portugal and so communication or trying to compensate again public system in the heat of Kobe 19. you would have to wait there's in the public system there's a long wait and so they had to wait to be seen and the girls carried on the day they went to a fish market and they do it was just raining basically so the whole I don't know the whole plan that was that was pretty much ruined they did have a good time I would say eventually candy joined them to give them an update or they called in to find out what was going on anybody that were still waiting eventually candy and Kayla left the hospital with KFC until always clear the scan it was fun came out all class so there's no broken bones thank God for Kenya girl you need to wear proper shoes and you need to look around you your surroundings where you're going to it is hard and you know as we get older I think we we become um for prone I don't know for I don't know why why the older you get there's the higher risk of Falls and sleeps and trips is it because uh bone density reduces I really don't know but again I'm the doctor here let's continue with our commentary now before the girls continued on to the itinerary dictionary Heartland just after the fall as the ambulance was was taking King and King out to the hospital there was something that caught me said that just rattled me caught me of God Kobe was like the fall was Kama on Kenya now Courtney you've only been on the show like three episodes right episode three episodes in this season and all already you already picking on Kenya yeah I don't know if you know this chick she's gonna come for you she's gonna eat you up so you will eat you up now I think she was alluding to the fact that she's been very touchy freely towards Kenya and Kenya wasn't reciprocating all this particular tortilla according to Kenya you don't know me like that we're only getting to know each other we're not there yet we are touching me and I guess she was offended by uh Kenya's uh rejection or should I say standoffish approach to her gesture or friendly gesture I don't know and so she's saying that chaos fall is Kama to to her that was a bit of protein she was having this conversation with you and I think Drew because they are sort of related I don't even know how the relationship Works isn't able to admonish or rebuke her right there but from her conversations or commercialized with the video and production she said she didn't like it either and for some reason you should have called her out on the comments he made regarding Karma now during the um a dinner that was meant to be with the with all the girls but obviously um Candy and King and there's at the hospital the conversation went from um the hot Chef who has this very subtle accent Marlo couldn't help herself already Molly you already have a chef boyfriend now stop don't leave this man alone and you might obviously knew he was um you know getting attention from the ladies he kept doing it coming and introducing green wine that wasn't really green and it turned out to be white wine that had some green history title I'm like what is this anyway the girls were drinking this wine and moved on to the fact that uh you know during the during the the Chrome uh get together or should I say the final send-offs that are organized for the ladies um Kenya introduced Roy to to the group and Milo apparently had a conversation that went on a date with Roy in 2018 and so um I think moyeta wanted to say that it wasn't appropriate or it was should I say um not nice for Milo to bring of the fact that she's been with the guy to make it seem like she he was not into Kenya and again let's go Sherry how to try me to say well um when you guys brought the DM regarding uh Mattel it was okay for all right and I'll kill myself cold I'm like okay whatever progressed to the fact that Sherry wanted to let Drew know that candy makes just of her emotional outbursts during trip night one of the Portugal get together they had to let Drew know that when she's got up and left candy said anything and they wanted you to know that well this is a friend that you're supposed to be calling your friend and look at how she's treating you oh God I'm like this is so petty these girls are just they don't have they don't have enough to fight on now and so they are going to try and be Petty so I think the idea was to get Drew to push these particular narrative onto candy to get a reaction a negative reaction I guess that would solidify the Divide so there is less from four candies to have on the group and more for the Sherry and mother's side as well as science it was just weird and we're gonna get into the confrontation or should I say drew then bringing up the conversation to Candy it was just weird we'll get to that certainly the episode concluded were the ladies I'm going to a pottery place to you know have a painting session and then deciding okay we're gonna have a slumber night because this was um Candy's last night with the girls in Portugal this particular Slumber session was going to be more like a confrontation between during candy well it happened do you wanted to know why candy was dismissible for filling same candy was like well we've we've seen you in a lot more confrontational conversations that has been heated and you haven't been this melodramatic and I felt you were acting anyway it went back and forth with the fact that uh candy didn't recognize that Drew was definitely having a real moment okay well then candy said well I'm sorry you know don't take it the wrong way and it then went on Tuesday because as we all know during the charity event that she hosted her sister walked away or wasn't there or left after making her hair or styling her up to which was like yeah they're going through a lot of issues the sister they are they're not you know in the same headspace they are having disagreements and she's hoping that they can resolve it but one thing is now clear for her and that is there is now a timeline to the family not living in one space anymore well saying if he got it out just yet anyway I didn't progress to Sherry saying that she's not being supported with by the girls you know in behind her mesh so the girls were like well we did try just like your site was down you know for a long period of time and so like well my side is up he ended with your girls watches in a few merchandise from shiva's Cherry website I guess the Kumbaya moment continued on and production wrapped only for one hour later we saw ahimaji what was happening there seemed to be an argument from two years ago from scenes that happened two years ago with this bottle remember I bought a little minute how should I leave the show I don't know and now Drew was sort of there was a conversation that Drew a kissed a girl called Latoya Andrew is like in denial that she didn't kiss this girl malapparently saw the kiss happen okay I said candy said she was there when this kiss happened lots of your evil alluded to the fact that there was a case during the reunion only Drew seemed to think that nothing happened you know what candy was like he doesn't lie about this I was there I saw it you know like delicious this particular episode ended on the Cliffhanger because we can then see that three months after Portugal Jew and rough you know the divorce situation came up so I cannot wait to unpack how this particular case led to more accusations of infidelity on Drew's part and ultimately the demise of the marriage between Ralph Andrew guys stay tuned and if you have watched the multi at this point Thank you for tolerating my voice and I hope I was audible enough because I really don't know what I've been talking about in the last few minutes but thank you so much for watching until next time I come again with more commentary on the Real Housewives of Atlanta stay safe and be focused guys thank you [Music]
Channel: Poshcateyes Unfiltered
Views: 351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #KenyaMoore, #PortugalGetaway, #DrewSidora
Id: e6B9t9Mrp6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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