RFS–Real Flight Simulator–Jakarta–To–Dubai–Full Flight–A380–Emirates–Full HD–Real Route

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ground good day good day go ahead at parking information Fox trops read to copy you are cleared to Oscar Mike Delta brother 4,000 ft contact when ready to start cleared to Oscar Mike Delta Bravo 4,000 ft when ready to start red back is [Music] correct ladies and gentlemen the captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign if you haven't already done so please throw your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin please take your seat and fasten your seat belt and also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position if you are seated next to an emergency exit please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat if you do not wish to perform the functions this described in the event of an emergency please ask a flight attendant to receive you we remind you that this is a non-smoking flight smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft including the lavatories tampering with disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law if you have any questions about our flight today please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants thank you ladies and gentlemen this is your Chief flight attendant on behalf of our captain and the entire crew welcome aboard at this time make make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and that your seat belt is correctly fastened also your portable electronic devices must be St to airplane mode until an announcement is made upon arrival thank you ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the crew we request your full attention as the flight attendant demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft take a minute to locate the exit closest to you note that the nearest exit may be behind you count the number of rows to this exit should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss stay calm and listen for instructions from the cabin crew oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat Place The Mask over your mouth and nose like this pull the strap to tightly if you are traveling with children make sure that your own mask is on first before helping your children in the unlikely event of an emergency landing and evacuation leave your carryon items behind life rafts are located below your seats and emergency lighting will lead you to your closest exit and slide we ask that you make sure that all carry-on luggage is stowed away safely during the flight while we wait for takeoff please take a moment to review the safety data card in the seat pocket in front of you ground request push back push back approved at own discretion [Music] [Music] for for for ground request start up start up approved report when ready to taxi start up approved call you back when ready to Taxi [Music] [Music] I [Music] claps ground request taxi taxi to Ming Point Runway 0 7 leftt Roger Taxi to holding Point Runway 07 [Music] left [Music] [Music] ground holding Point Runway 07 left contact tower on 1 1 9 decimal 3 0 0 Roger contact Tower power on 1 1 9 decimal 3 0 0 Tower good day holding Point Runway 0 7 left ready for departure win 2 4 2° 5 knots clear for takeoff Runway 0 7 left report leaving 3,000 ft clear for takeoff Runway 0 7 left call you back passing 3,000 ft we are now ready for takeoff please make sure your seat belts are fastened and all baggage is secured underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments we also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for takeoff please switch to airplane mode or personal electronic devices including laptops and cell phones enjoy your flight [Music] [Music] for [Music] a rotate positive R Gear Up Tower leaving 3,000 ft airb 0 0 contact radar on 1 2 7 deal 9 0 0 contact radar on 1 27 decimal 9 0 0 radar 3,600 ft inbound Delta Echo radar contact Waypoint Delta Echo heading 0 6 8 [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Music] this [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] R off today 5,500 ft in Rome request [Music] [Music] information 1 2 right report full establish continue to sent Runway one two right will ladies and gentlemen we have just been cleared to land at our destination please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened the FL are currently passing around the cabin to make final check and pick up any remaining thank [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] h full establish Runway one two right contact tower on 1 2 1 decimal 7 2 0 tower on 1 2 1 decimal 72 0 Tower good day full established Runway 1 2 right good day wind 3 1 7° 5 knots clear to land Runway 1 2 right clear to land Runway 1 two [Music] right [Music] is [Music] for [Music] spoilers [Music] spoilers [Music] [Music] for [Music] I [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] e [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to your destination for your safety and the safety of those around you please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we aparted at the gate please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items since articles may have shifted during flight Tower Runway vacated contact ground 1 1 2 1 decimal 6 5 0 Roger ground on 1 2 1 decimal 6 5 0 ground Runway one two right vated request taxi to gate Roger continue taxi to gate Wilco ladies and gentlemen we have not yet reached the gate please remain seated until the captain turns off the fast and seat Southside thank you [Music] I ground approaching gate switching off Roger closet 3 four have a nice [Music] day I cabin crew prepare doors for arrival and cross check
Channel: Prime_Gamerz
Views: 113,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight simulator, microsoft flight simulator, flight simulator 2024, flight simulator real life, rortos real flight simulator, real flight simulator, real flight simulator gameplay, real flight simulator rortos, flight simulator 2020 real life comparison, full flight, real flight simulator pro, A380, Boing, Prime_gamerz01, Jakarta To Dubai, A380Emirates, microsoft flight simulator how to find your home, los angeles, microsoft flight simulator long distance flights, jumbo jet
Id: Vqm_BiSofGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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