RF-30 Mill Drill Restoration - Forme Industrious

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pump1234 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
so the video starts with the picture of a nice shiny restored mill Bart wasn't always like that how am I going to get that thing off my you that was the easy part look at this guy here so I was really fortunate I got a call a couple of weeks ago from the guy who watches my videos and this was surplus to his needs it's an Adelaide I'm in towns also so many thousand kilometres away and he said would you like it all you need to do is transport it up to your place you can have it for free it's how I said why not it's a milling machines drill Mills around coal it's made in 1987 I think it is and it's as heavy as hell I slide it from the roof to get it off the back of my youth just yesterday and I was a bit panicky about that but it all went okay I took the motor off so I'm going to restore this thing here and and it's going to take a lot of work to get it back up I'll give you a closer look at it [Applause] the original motor here's a 450 involved 1.5 kilowatt motor it's three-phase and I don't have three-phase in my shed so I could either go a VFD or a single-phase motor and the VFD option i's pricing up and really really too expensive so I ended up going with the single-phase option in the end this beautiful filthy thing [Music] yeah beautiful filthy thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so let's chop this out this part was quite worrisome you see a lot of surface rust on that shaft there and the the milling head there was stuck on it and I couldn't lift it off I ended up using a wedge to try and prise open the milling head at the back there and that seemed to work and then it's all of a sudden it released and took me a little bit by surprise I was just worried that I was gonna damage something [Music] [Music] seven missing a circuit described so I spent the better part of two days in that bucket they're doing scrubbing and cleaning I just use some degrees are there and wasn't it pleasant experience but needed to be done and there's a lot of the grease wasn't baked and caked on it was terrible [Applause] [Applause] that's one of the lead screws and nuts or for one of the axes and you can see there's a bit of backlash there so I guess that that's an adjustment there that I'm taking up to see if I can remove some of that backlash and of course in the middle of the thread the middle of that lead screw was probably where most the wear is and it still does have a bit of backlash you know so I might have to replace those nuts these his bolts here really aren't a waste and they're a bit rusty but they're fine I've what I'll do is I'll just clean them up and probably try and blow them and put them back in again [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm in for a job here liquid I'm using there's a bit of diluted citric acid you can use it in your coffee machine did you scale it that seems to help attack that rust and make the job marginally easier and brightens the steel [Applause] your filthy thing clean these bearings so I can inspect them to check them for where if I ended up finding little metal filings inside those and once I saw those basically they're going to be discarded and there I talked about some of the wear that you can see on those bearing adders and you have a corresponding winners and for the price of new bearings you just put new ones in that's what I did might be hard to tell but in this bearing outer the outer race is some very faint lines so that's you can you can see the wear or not hopping the bottom of the shiny parts and nothing in the middle there that corresponds with the wear that you can see on the inner race there the rollers saying so for 11 bucks new new bearings I'll put some new bearings in yeah filthy bugger much nicer [Music] okay got some bearings here and the pack these with grease is a brand new bearings I've got ready to go in so put the grease in my hand and see you got the the clinical side so you put the wider side no meaning for this lip around the outside there and to scoop up a little bit of grease [Music] I'm going around in a circle [Music] see the grease starting to come through or focus the camera get the camera all covered in grease in a second make sure you got grease in 360 degrees sort of the easy to miss a spot grease is coming through to help those bearing out as go in heat up the the shaft there and then I put the outer race inside the deep freezer let it sit in there cool right down and therefore shrink and it just helps her to to slide in a bit easier [Applause] you don't put enamel thinners and yogurt cups damn it thinking thing can you use a bit of pace wax on the shaft here and just protect it look after it yeah big beautiful thing [Music] well the friends basically disappeared of this but what do you do about it nothing it's still perfectly functional so and there it goes keep it brief so just an important note whilst we're pressing in bearings you only want to press on this outer race here you press on that you're going to damage the inner inner bearings and here you're forcing everything via the bearing the conical bearings in there only press on this outer surface there so I've what I've got there is it I've got this little sucker here it's from a bearing portion kit and that's its flush I've just gotten just out in there didn't go one of these kids you can use bolts and plates of Steel and big washes etc [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't know if we can handle this [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah filthy animal [Applause] [Music] I can see that I'm gonna have to work this surface quite a lot breakups are layers of scale corrupt the animal [Music] well it's better than what it was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my man [Music] hahaha your beautiful thing [Music] [Music] don't push that dent out from the inside see how guys that shall be not bog [Music] [Applause] whoa twenty two millimeter shaft 24 millimeter 21.96 it's a little bit more curious I'll take ten power at a time let's board out now that's good now my second challenge is to make this key way wider it needs to be eight millimeters wide this my dear friends is an ordinary woodworking chisel ask everyone a nice leaping out go old thumbs down go on besides ruining this perfectly good pulley what's the worst that can happen [Music] khloe's are all super gaudy I'm going to use the vacuum cleaner in the lathe and clean off some squash right [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a type of Chow so it's gotta be dry best of my knowledge almost the same with [Music] [Music] [Music] the mill didn't come with the the collet sort of er 32 collet mt3 taper so and it didn't come with the drawbar so I'm going to use a bit of threaded rod white and soil threaded rod I've just got to cut down to size [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you you so there you go this honey what's left is for me to enjoy myself on the machine and learn how to use its capabilities and and slightly build up an arsenal of tools to to support its capability I want to say once again thanks to the very kind gentleman down Adelaide who offered me the machine I hope I've done a justice thank you for watching this video and if you any comments chuck them in the comments and I'll see if I can get to those I really appreciate your support and particularly my patreon supporters thank you so much for your support and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scott Turner
Views: 120,985
Rating: 4.9516335 out of 5
Keywords: Forme, Industrious, formeindustrious, maker, DIY, Industrial, Vintage, scott, turner, RF-30 Mill Drill, Mill Drill, Restoration, Milling Machine, workshop, Overhaul
Id: yolsceCdjyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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