Rey Sees Palpatine's ORIGINAL Plan for Anakin [CANON]

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hey guys how you doing today today we're gonna go over some more interesting stuff from the rise of Skywalker novelization if you haven't gotten the book it comes out and just about a week or so now I think on the 17th of March and it covers a plethora it's a big word plethora of different stuff and and goes into far more detail than the movie ever did it explains things that will make a lot more sense when you read them so if you haven't checked it out check it out or just you know continue watching these videos today we're gonna go over an interesting topic it's covering what Palpatine's original plan was with Anakin and it's on page 222 and 223 basically before we start this video in the out it's tough to like separate these you know George Lucas era and and the new era but that's kind of how I see things cuz I grew up with you know everything that was sort of quote-unquote Canon men and legends then which now is like very legends Palpatine's original plan with anakin then was for him to assume full power and he saw the energy within this boy on the chosen one he was created by the force and he figured if he could manipulate him if he could turn him to the dark side then he would have a very worthy apprentice he would have the most powerful apprentice that he would need later of course then we you know we expanded on the idea of like cloning bodies and and him jumping you know into vessels and this and that which is where we are today however in the original concept we understood that even Plagueis himself had seen Anakin and withheld this information from Palpatine in the Plagueis novel where he saw Anakin as a little boy in Tatooine literally visually saw him and had these nightmarish visions of him one of them was of him rising on the metal table as Darth Vader and another was of him wreaking havoc across the galaxy and just being this tyrant and it scared him a lot that's something that he didn't tell Palpatine so let's read the passage and then we're gonna talk more about it alright so starting on page 222 around half way down and this takes place in the novel and in the movie where Palpatine literally just absorbs the force diet from Rey and Ben and he's shocked so this is where it is the Emperor snarled stand together die together he said then he raised his rotting hand and impaled them with the force their backs arched against their wills and the pain was breathtaking their lightsabers dropped from their hands and clattered to the ground the Emperor yanked them towards himself and they slid across the floor helpless against his power as he took and took and took the Emperor gasped stared at his hands which had begun knitting themselves back together bones regrowing pale flesh closing over them the life force of your bond he said his voice tinged with Wonder a dyad in the force his gleeful triumphant thoughts washed over Rey as she struggled against his grip unable to move he had won at last all those years all that searching he tried to create a diet with Anakin as his master had tried to create one with him the rule of two a master always in desperate search of yet a more powerful apprentice was a pale imitation an unworthy but necessary successor to the older pure doctrine of the dyad so if I'm reading this right that means the dyad predates even the rule of two if like that was the that was the number one and if you couldn't get that then the rule of two it was implemented where you kill your master an unworthy but necessary successor to the older and just keep it going on unseen for generations he crowed and now the power of two restores the one true Emperor he raised his perfect healed hands and called on all the dark power of the force and the Sith who had come before him and pulled their life from their very bodies it poured from them like a river of light leaving them weaker and weaker the emperor laughed as his body strengthened became whole the milky film faded from his eyes revealing golden irises around obsidian pupils and then it jumps to you know this is it snap Wexley called from inside so it's it shifts the scene so what's really interesting about this is that he wanted to now we find out that he wanted to basically instill or create this diet in the forest with Anakin and my knowledge here is limited because we really don't know anything about this new diet and the force concept now revin did have something like this I believe it was with Bastila I think you guys got to correct me on that one I think it was with past Ella but it wasn't nearly as powerful as it was with Ray and Ben the whole teleportation of objects thing really confuses me still I understand it's a very unique concept it's a very unique thing that happens you know like one in a googolplex one in a trillion or whatever but to be able to transport objects and this and that we saw you know with the beads you know and and all that stuff on Kazemi or husana and it just for me it's like well what's stopping them from being able to like just hug each other and then transport each other like throughout the galaxy like you know pull each other through this whatever it could be maybe they create I suppose they created a teleportation whole kind of thing you know is that what they're really doing is that is that what this is a diet and is that how it should be explained I almost feel like that's maybe where they're going with this cuz that would make sense you know when she drops the lightsaber it's like maybe a little like whole like a teleport hole opened up and drops it in and he knows and explains in the book that when Tyler was when Ben was fighting the Knights of Ren and she was fighting the guards the Sith troopers he all of a sudden got a vision of a blue lightsaber and then he grabs it and he knew instinctively that this was Luke's lightsaber and it says in the book this was Luke's lightsaber and he instinctively knew that this is now his and it belongs to him so that's kind of cool that they did that as for the teleportation stuff yeah I'm still like why couldn't she I don't know why couldn't she just like hug the Emperor and be like Oh grandfather and then like Ben shows up and just like stabs and behind and he could be like off on Bespin like across the galaxy or whatever you know that's something that's a little confusing to me maybe she's in trouble why couldn't he just like pull her and you know he could be on Coruscant and just pull her to safety or something or like on his ship that's another thing maybe they don't have control over it maybe it's just stuff like that that happens a survey ders helmet that fell on the ground on Kazemi is it still there like where is it now you know I'm still confused about the teleportation stuff in the force diet but now we know that this is what Plagueis wanted to do with Palpatine and he failed and Palpatine wanted to do with Anakin but he failed now the thing with Anakin's full-power is this was not realized right because he lost obi-wan the dark side got ahold of him and it wasn't necessarily the dark side that made him weaker but we see this constant theme with Darksiders in Star Wars and it's basically that they have too much hubris they're too arrogant we saw it with Darth Maul and he was just you know he had killed qui-gon jinn a Jedi Master and then he had defeated obi-wan Kenobi but he was just toying with him with the sparks and everything so if he was just cowering standing over him towering over him as you know like I am the Sith Lord I am your successor and just you know kind of being arrogant but it was that which was his downfall the same with Anakin you underestimate my power and it was that which was his downfall he felt that he could even though he had the disadvantage in the high ground he knew there he believed that he could overcome this no problem it also explains and we're going like all around here which is cool it's fun it explains in one of the comics that Anakin had studied Obi once fight with Zapp with the ZURB rack with Darth Maul tons of times and he had even created a robot that the training droid in the temple to look like Darth Maul and fight like Darth Maul and mace Windu and obi-wan and Palpatine I've covered this in a comic are watching over him as this is happening and it's really sweet because Palpatine this is like one of the first times that Palpatine becomes very intrigued with Anakin and he was just like and op1 is a catheter he's been asking me constantly about the the fight with thes a brac on Naboo you know all these details and stuff so when it came to Anakin jumping over Obi one he was like well you think you know I I know how you killed Darth Maul I'm gonna do the same thing to you but of course in this scenario obi-wan was Darth Maul and Anakin was obi-wan but in a different time period so that's kind of poetic if you think about it I don't know if that's what George is really going for but it's in the comics right so it kind of makes you think this died in the force if Palpatine was successful I don't know I want to know more about this diet stuff because we don't know much right now we just know that it's it's now the preferred thing before the rule of two if I'm reading that right so if that's the case then any was successful and he didn't lose to obi-wan which made him lose a ton of his power and some of his force powers which one of his main force powers was the ability to see into the future right these visions that he would always get so it was really his destiny if you think about it unless Palpatine was putting those visions in his head which is what we played upon for Vader episode one for the fan films that he was putting these visions of him fighting Palpatine and then and then Padme and all that he was putting those visions in his head as Vader was was strung up in his chamber getting inspected by the Droid if Anakin didn't loose Toby one he would still have all of those visions and all of those abilities and his powers would be you know a thousandfold George Lucas then went on to say in an interview I think with Rolling Stone magazine here's something he said that if Anakin didn't lose you do more powerful but the fact that he did lose he was only 80% of the Emperor's maximum power and therefore could never overthrow him that's why he was always looking for someone to help him so keep that in mind right Vader couldn't do it himself at that point so and in the end he needed Luke and the only reason that he beat the Emperor he killed the Emperor's because the emperor was so drawn in the dark side that he had blacked out and didn't understand what Vader was doing he was just so angry at his betrayal and they didn't notice he didn't feel his betrayal because he was so focused on just killing Luke and that's the thing with the dark side you know you just keep going further and further into it until you just black out and this is what was happening to Sidious as Vader picked him up and threw him down the shaft so it all kind of comes full circle and you just it makes you think right and that's what I love about Star Wars it's it meshes dude like like what they're doing right now is taking the old and putting it in there and this diet and the forest thing is it's still confusing as heck to me I still want to know how they teleport objects but it's an interesting concept and it's something that has been touched before in legends legends but not to this extent that we've ever seen before if Plagueis had done this with Palpatine I don't think palentine would have killed Plagueis because they would have been this unstoppable team and the diet and the forces it says the rule of two a master always in desperate search of yet a more powerful apprentice was a pale imitation an unworthy but necessary successor to the older pure doctrine of the diet the older and pure doctrine so the diet and the force was the older and more pristine more real more preferred doctrine I guess compared to the rule of two so now we know what he wants to do with Anakin I hope you guys enjoyed this very all-over-the-place conversation but that's what I really love about these kind of videos where I don't just overlay images and talk about lore or like top 10 facts because those are entertaining and fun but I really like these podcast style of videos where I just sit here and I break stuff down and talk with you and anything that I don't know I love to ask you guys because there are a lot of you that some things I don't know there's tons of things I don't know right I'm just like you guys I'm just a fan so for me I kind of learned this stuff as I go and apply it with the knowledge that I have from you know growing up and reading books and comics and just being a fan so I want to know more about this I don't know more about this diet and I hope you enjoyed this one let me know what you think about it in the calm once below hope you have an awesome rest everyday and I'll see you guys in the next video may the force be with you see ya
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 1,131,750
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Keywords: Rey Sees Palpatine's ORIGINAL Plan for Anakin CANON, star wars explained, darth vader, star wars, star wars theory, kylo ren, the last jedi, anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, luke skywalker, star wars trailer, star wars the last jedi, star wars episode 8, mace windu, darth vader death, darth maul, darth vader suit, order 66, last jedi, who is snoke, darth vader lightsaber, darth sidious, qui gon jinn, revenge of the sith
Id: ltpKSRoq7nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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