Revolutionary! Compost Heated Greenhouses, SELF COOLS inside during a 100 Degree Day! NO FANS

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you've all been asking and wanting to know how good does a compost heated Greenhouse do on a 100° day like today well let's look 100° out here I am sweltering hot let's see how good our compost heated Greenhouse works in the Heat come follow me the first thing we want to do is take a look at the compost around the sides of the green houses notice that there turning into pure compost and as we dig down it's really cool it's not that hot so that's awesome it's cool enough that red wiggler worms are thriving so we're actually forming compost on the sides of our green houses we can plant crops there along with crops we could also Harvest red wiggler worms and as we continue to look there's more and more of them that we're raising and growing take a look there's one peeking out right there through the compost how cool it's 100° outside let's see if I can survive in this greenhouse okay do I dare go inside this greenhouse when it's 100° outside as I peek inside and continue to walk it looks fantastic take a look at the size of these huge delectable delicious strawberries and back there a huge Olympian fig tree it's a huge Olympian fig tree inside of here with figs already on it more surprises a wait as I continue on doughnut peaches and they're ripening up have you guys ever had a doughnut Peach before they're white FL FL and they taste like vanilla ice cream this water tank down there keeps it cool at ground level so does The Mulch and this coolness radiates through the top of the greenhouse outside the windows and the leaf canopy also keeps it cool so it feels really good inside this greenhouse and the doughnut peaches are a testimony to that take a look at how beautiful they are they will all be ripe in a week we walk on by and we take a look and there's tons of strawberry blooms so it does not get too hot in here and as we take a look at the plants and the trees they all look really happy tons of new strawberries lots of doughnut peaches the ground level's cool the top part has Windows the hot air goes out the windows we also see some celery plant as we continue to walk down we're going to see a lot of strawberries hanging off the sides of the pots and they are dead ripe really sweet have you ever had a sweet really sweet ripe strawberry you know what I'm talking about little ones and huge ones what's your favorite variety of strawberry to grow leave that in the comments here's mine and take a look at how beautiful inside the compost plastic there is a compost pile that heats the green houses as we go outside of the greenhouse we have another treat here's some sugar snap peas and they are my favorite you just eat them pot and all really sweet there's some broccolini as well oh so good yum sugar snap peas
Channel: Chad Midgley
Views: 570
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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