Revolutionary Aluminium Air Battery Will Blow Your Mind! Li-ion Alternative By IOC and Phinergy

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hey guys welcome to motorized today we have something very special to show you and as we know lithium ion batteries are very popular but we are always looking for Alternatives and here we have with us sagaro all right gaurav Agarwal would be talking to us about this company called ioc energy or IOP which is a JV between Indian Oil Corporation and an Israeli company called finergy and they specialize in Battery Tech and I am as much as c as you right now about this deck but I'm going to have all my routes elevated answered by gaurav so gaurav please tell us what this Tech is all about okay so uh in the present TVs we are having a lithium and Technology right so there are some constraints in using that technology one is the limited range that we are getting so attachment it's around 2 feet a charging time so if you go for fast charging let's say around one hour or so and for the slow charging case from six to eight hours of charging so in our battery chemistry which is aluminum technology so uh it doesn't require lithium at all we have a small lithium and buffer okay I'll tell you later on it depends on the application so in a technology like the range is around that of a petrol vehicle so if we have given a range of more than 500 kilometers okay so this little Tiago which in its current form the Tiago EV gives you a range of about 150 200 kilometers uh with this deck we are saying that uh it can be extended to up to 500 kilometers so single stack is having an energy of around 24 kilowatt hours okay so we have three stacks in there so 75 kilowatts 75 kilometers but it would be 40 to 41 kilometers for this prototype okay so for the 41 kilowatt hours of energy we are getting around 4 to 500 meters range but if we go for the full stack it can be standard up to a higher kilometer range it all depends on the OM how much rain 75 is a lot of silhouette because if you have a low discharge rate right uh then you can definitely extend it to 500 Plus without 500 we have demonstrated in Chennai uh 550 Plus kilometer range on an electrical three wheeler so uh is this a very new tech why are like no what are the challenges ahead is this expensive to make as compared to a lithium ion stack or this is is this less expensive so cost wise it's one third of uh the lithium-ion battery which we're getting in Market [Music] and uh the running cost if we talk about it is in between that of lithium-ion based EV and petrol vehicle Okay so the cost is reduced drastically but but why is the cost higher as compared to lithium ion in terms of cost of ownership TCO is lesser than both the petrol vehicle as well as the lithium the capital initial cost is less right the running cost is slightly on the higher side and why is that because every time we are going for new albino plates so let's start and after 500 kilometers requires aluminum to okay so where does the aluminum go this goes to uh partner hindalco motorcycle this once this aluminum plate is uh utilized yes within the system is it like you know it is getting somewhere within the system or is it going out where exactly let's go and see so these are the three stacks so once the stacks are depleted we'll replace these cracks at our retail outlets each stack is around 15 kgs okay and this is the electrolyte tank where the uh reaction product will go the spent aluminum will go okay so this electrolyte along with this depleted plate will go to hidalgo's recycling plants and we get back to the fresh electrolyte and the aluminum plates so the cost of one plate is how much in with one stack I'll need one plate right faster with every stack there is a plate required for 500 kilometers each stack there are 13 plates oh okay 13 minutes there are 13 cells in this individual stack okay so uh all 13 will burn at the same time yes yes although within 500 kilometers every plate will be like this yes and what would be the replacement cost for the full stack the replacement cost as I indicated it will be if it toxic in terms of per kilometer cost it will be in between that of a lithium ionps DB and petrol vehicles but isn't there a number like you know if I want to replace the numbers on the entire stack how much would that be actually that will depend on the recycling efficiency so we are in like now working with hindelco develop that facility so once it is in place so we'll get to know the effective cost of aluminum okay yeah so of course once we uh once we have once we have spent the aluminum plate there would be some cost that you'll uh get back also because you're yes yes replenishing the aluminum in some form or the other to the companies right right so it won't be the you won't have to pay the total cost right we don't have to bear the cost of new aluminum that will be somewhere uh lower and in the range of uh lithium ion based EB and petrol vehicle understood so that's one small disadvantage that you have with this deck at this point in time and does the efficiency of the system go down slightly as more and more uh like you know with the life of the vehicle or efficiency or efficiency stays the same for lithium ion battery technology there are a certain number of battery Cycles right so in this case every time we are replacing it with a new aluminum anode so whatever is the life of your vehicle or this assembly so you are going to uh it will be the same light for the battery okay as long as there is no it doesn't get degenerated at all nothing is there that's fantastic the state of health of this battery remains same throughout the life and the the power capacity as you're saying is more than the same iron so for this stack definitely you cannot store I think 25 kilowatt hour you cannot be stacked in such a compact form so the energy density is better energy density is better so in a signal stack it is storing around 24 kilowatt hours of energy okay that's absolutely fantastic so why when can we see any vehicles on the Road Hole located and approved for use why when do you see such vehicles coming on the road like for some of the applications like Erics and electric three wheelers we are in very Advanced stage trials have been already been conducted for this vehicle we need to work with oems for further Improvement as per the Indian conditions so maybe while this year and we'll be uh you can see the field trials that's fantastic and another point I would like to highlight is the small lithium-ion buffer you can charge it on daily basis for your daily commute this is solar stack also has a buffer we have a small little buffer in the front Okay so for the daily commute you will not be consuming you can use this vehicle or lithium ion for the first 30 to 40 kilometers so this is a plug-in hybrid with aluminum air as range extender okay yeah but it can run as the sole power provider also yes but because like lithium and we can go for home charging at a cheaper rate also so that will make daily commute a lot cheaper foreign that's absolutely fantastic and I really hope that this deck catches on so that you know we have another alternative way of moving forward and thanks a lot for that very very insightful presentation uh so guys that's that a phenomenal new tech being introduced at Auto Expo it has to be one of the biggest draws of the show for me personally nobody is talking about it much but I think you know it should be it should be talked about more we'll bring you more such wonders as we move around and thank you very much once again and wish you all the very best [Music]
Channel: Motoroids
Views: 38,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PqnkzU7sWH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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