Revisiting MinuteMen: A TIMELESS Adventure

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man y'all be in my comments like review Minutemen review Minutemen Minute Men Minute Men Minute Men all right just give me a Minute Man [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys have requested a lot of different Disney films since I've started reviewing them on my channel but none of them and I mean none of them were requested as much as 2008's Minutemen so it was only a matter of time before I did it no pun intended juice Minutemen follows a group of high school students one of which being a 12 year old boy who skipped a bunch of grades that built a time machine to save their classmates from embarrassing situations at first things go really well but when they get a little carried away with the whole time traveling thing they kind of like break the entire space-time Continuum not to fix it before it's too late I for one remember this movie existing and I am fairly certain that I caught it at least once during a rerun on Disney XD or something but it's been years since I've seen it so when I watched it for this video it was basically like watching it for the first time and uh I don't know man y'all are really hyping this thing up and I'm a big fan of time traveling media so it should be an interesting ride a ride that I am glad to share with you all by the way if this video flaps I'm never listening to you guys again kidding kidding we'll see out of all the dcoms out there this is one of the only non-musical ones that I still see brought up nowadays well why is that is it genuinely a good film or has time not been kind to it I'm not going to stop with these time jokes so if you don't like them you can leave I guess we'll answer that question today my name is Mr Nostalgia and today we will be talking about the cult classic Disney Channel original movie Minutemen Virgil has the chance to go from Zero to Hero who wants to be the world's first time traveler Jason Dolly stars in Disney Channel's original movie a minute man Friday at 9 8 central on Disney Channel men premiering on Disney Channel on January 25th 2008. this film has a very Solid cast like for real first of all we got the goat Jason Dolly I call him the goat because well his Disney Channel resume is insane he was literally on the network for eight straight years that's got to be a record or something the movie also Stars Luke Benward who you guys probably know from Cloud9 Girl vs Monster or Good Luck Charlie but me nah I know him from 2006 is How To Eat Fried Worms which is truly a cult classic and I can't wait to make a video on it other cast members include Chelsea Kane who you might know from Jonas Fish Hooks and Starstruck and you can't touch this music video from the cast of zika Luther we also got Nicholas Braun who I didn't even realize played Zach from Sky High the dude who can glow and stuff the movie opens up with Jason dolley's character Virgil hopping out of the school bus who you just love when the credits match up with the characters on the screen Virgil's best friend Derek hops out of the bus as well turns out is the first day of high school for the both of them and they begin to talk to each other about how excited they are to begin this new chapter of their lives just then Chelsea Kane's character Stephanie greets the two boys and is now clear to us that these three have been friends for a pretty long time gee I wonder which one she ends up dating trust me happens in every Trio of friends that contains two males and one female or even two females and one male let's see Freddie dated both Carly and Sam Fletcher dated Olive Moe's dated Ned to panga dated Corey Oliver David Lilly Lizzy David Gordo so yeah it's definitely gonna happen we learned a lot about these characters in this scene and it kind of sets up some of the plot points of the film for starters we learned that Stephanie is trying out to be a cheerleader and Derek cares a lot about his social status he even mentioned a Virgil that he didn't want him cramping a style or embarrassing him during football tryouts but uh during said tryouts Derek is currently sneaking it up and before he gets another shot at throwing the ball a little boy interrupts them he pulls up with some sort of high-powered automobile that resembles muck from Bob the Builder he nearly runs over everybody on the field and Derek realizes that that is his neighbor Charlie Tuttle you see Charlie is a little boy Genius matter of fact he's so smart that he was able to Skid multiple grades and become a high schooler at the young age of nine you guys hear this right he's nine I'm gonna play the clip Charlie tunnels hey she's given our classes like nine years old I'm gonna play it again Charlie Tuttle hey she's giving our classes like nine years old don't ask why I'm making such a big deal out of this we'll find out soon but let it be known that Charlie is in fact nine years old also yeah that's Luke's character Derek throws a football at Charlie something that displeases the Virgil and it hits him in the head which causes him to fall out of the machine the football team starts harassing Charlie and Virgil steps in to stop them until they just start doing the same thing The Virgil nowhere to be seen during this scene is Derek who if you noticed can you shut up nowhere to be seen during this scene is Derek who if you notice isn't actually helping out his best friend Virgil you see Derek as mentioned earlier cares a lot about his social status so much so that if a man giving up his best friend Virgil he'd do it and unfortunately that's something that happens a lot in high school the football team ends up hanging Charlie and Virgil from the statue outside the school Charlie explains to Virgil that the machine was supposed to be an alternative method of transportation since he always gets bullied on the bus it was supposed to save him from embarrassment but uh yeah it didn't end up doing that the two shake hands as a very unlikely friendship begins to form you know I just realized Jason Dolley has been in two Disney Channel projects where he knows a person named Charlie he's pretty sick three years have passed since that event and Charlie and Virgil are closer than ever so are Stephanie and Derek but doesn't seem like they're too friendly with Virgil anymore while walking into school they come across the student on a motorcycle he takes off his helmet and is revealed to be Zeke played by Nicholas Braun I kind of made a mistake earlier I didn't know that this dude is much more known for his role in succession I kind of just introduced him as a sky-high dude so my fault Nick oh what you guys thought I was going to make a Zeke with a reference since his name is Zeke I already referenced it earlier so there's no need to the streak of referencing Zeke and Luther my videos continues oh wait forgot to do an image repeat video Let's just say that that one isn't Canon alright later that day in the cafeteria while Derek and Stephanie get to sit with the popular kids first you're listening with the nerd Squad man these are some dorks bruh some real poindexters in this scene this girl goes up to Charlie and calls him hummingbird now she's actually my least favorite character it is not because she's a nerd her name is Jeanette and according to Virgil she has been interested in Charlie for two years earlier in the movie he stated that Charlie is nine years old three years have passed and now he should be about 12. Jeanette is a legitimate high schooler though presumably in the same grades as Virgil which would make her a senior if that's the case then that makes her 17. this 17 year old girl has had a crush on a 12 year old boy for a couple of years you're a victim here we go CSI and see I feel like the writers realize the whole that they had put themselves into because they do something later in the film to kind of retcon his age but not I ain't falling for it man y'all said he was not and the next scene Virgil is in class when Charlie bar just entered a room saying that he needs him for something and that it's an emergency as the two talk in the hallway Charlie mentions that although his Adventure from three years ago didn't really go as planned one aspect of the machine did work the quantum accelerator and he used some of the studies he's learned in the past to create a successful simulation of practical time travel Virgil doesn't believe him so Charlie has to convince them that not only is it possible but it's also useful now pay attention to the clip I'm about to show you Charlie you're you're 14 years old I have never watched a movie where they age up the character in the middle of it how did Charlie go from the age of nine to the age of 14 in three years I think the writers wanted to include a romance subplot for Charlie but realized they couldn't because he was so much younger than everyone else so they aged him up in the middle of the film so would it be as weird and I guess they felt like a 17 year old girl having romantic interest in a 14 year old boy was better than her having romantic interests in a 12 year old which I mean I guess is true but I don't think there are too many senior girls out there that want to go out with someone who's the age of a freshman but now bro I don't care what this movie tries to tell me that is a 12 year old boy I'm not going to give it to these writers Shenanigans and the next thing oh not this girl again come on get off my screen you'll have to excuse Charlie he's nervous around girls yeah that ain't the only kind of boys nah let me stop let me just let me stop let me stop don't go away we'll be back with a Disney Channel movie we're back with a Disney Channel movie Virgil agrees to finally help Charlie build his time machine thing but he tells them that they're going to need someone who understands Machinery to help them enter Zeke Zeke agrees to help them build their machines as he's always up for a challenge and also loves being dead he's like the exact opposite of me the trio go to a junkyard to find the tools necessary to build it they talk about some of the ways they're going to use the machine Virgil and Zeke seem to agree on using it for the lottery but that bothers Charlie however Charlie did promise Virgil that if he helped him build it that he'd get to be the first person to use it for whatever he wanted as they continue to talk about their plans they realize they need a big spacious place to build they go up to their vice principal the next day and ask him if they can start a new club so at first glance I was wondering why this dude looks so familiar and then I realized he's the dean from the show Community but then after doing some research turns out that's not the dean from Community now bro that's the bald robot guy from Aaron Stone they just look exactly alike what are the odds of that he agrees to let them use room 77 for their Back to the Future Club man I wish my squad one of these the trio began to build their Machine by borrowing stuff from school and around town as the song Like Whoa by alien AJ is playing in the background yeah that's a big that's that's a big it's a good song they finished building their machine and turned on Virgil uses Charlie's cat Albert feline Stein as a test subject which doesn't make Charlie very happy but he comes out of the vortex safe and sound only a bit cold from the temperatures of the vortex and it worked Albert feel Einstein is officially the first time traveler in history we then get an exterior shot of a building called Pacific Tech the two I guess scientists inside noticed that there was a weird flux of energy in one specific area but brush it off assuming it wasn't anything major man I wish I could skip all the romance stuff because I mean time travel is so much cooler but this actually is kind of important Stephanie finds out that Derek had been receiving French tutoring lessons from Jocelyn another girl in school she's skeptical at first but then he convinces her that he was telling the truth Virgil slides in and starts making jokes with Steph she gets a little serious and tells him that Derek legitimately did try to stop those seniors from harassing him and that he does feel bad about what happened you know they say that people who don't let go of the past die faster and get more acne man where are these girls when I was in school bruh she's so nice later The Three Amigos get ready to go back in time and win the lottery can we talk about how cool this whole apparatus is for a second the diving board the portal it's so sick so creative they arrive in the past and they try to buy a lottery ticket only for them to realize that they can't since they're not adults so they go to a dancing robot guy and ask him to buy the ticket for them but since they only have a couple minutes until they have to go back to the future they tell them to just hold the ticket and they'll be back tomorrow and after getting tipped a couple of times he agrees to do that the next day they go back to that area and the dancing robot do did exactly what any actual person would do and bought the ticket for himself he'll care about them kids Chester gets his clothes stolen from his locker at the gym and is forced to go upstairs basically naked after seeing all the kids laugh and make fun of them Virgil and Charlie get the idea to use the time machine to go back in time and fix the embarrassing moments that happen to others that way they don't have to experience the same pain that they did three years ago huh that's a good idea I should do that maybe I can finally put that time machine in my basement to good use [Music] all right let's do this what do you guys think about hatching Pete I would like to know in the comments below what are you talking about of course I reference zika Luther in this oh wait a minute you're right thanks future Nostalgia let me guess you're finally doing that Minuteman video you know it see ya and uh speaking of the comments below let me know what movies you want me to review in the future who knows maybe I'll finally do dead Brothers starring Hutch Dino from Zeke and Luther the streak continues all right sweet now I can finally sleep at night what don't you guys have a time machine in your basement [Music] back of the lair the trio or figuring out how they could make adjustments to the machine while they're back in time just then ette finds out about their Back to the Future fan club and wants to join so after a lot of arguing he realized that if they tell her about their time traveling Adventures she can be a part of the club and make the adjustments for them so none of them need to stay back she agrees but first she tells them that if they're going to make this a thing you're going to have to get a makeover she lends them some clothes from Ski World a store that her dad conveniently owns we go back in time to the day Chester gets his clothes stolen give him a new fit run back to the lair which accidentally causes them to knock down the vice principal and ruin whatever he was working on and arrive back home the vice principal says over the comms that he is looking for the students dressed in snow suits and when he finds them they will be severely punished you know even though he's a nerd it's kind of cool how they don't dress up Charlie like he is one it's a nice change of pace compared to all the other nerds that we've seen especially on Disney Channel I don't know that was just a random thought that I had while watching this at the Burger hour the restaurant the all the kids hang out at after school Jocelyn plays a prank on one of the waiters which causes him to uh well go ah classic high school bullying gotta love it Zeke was there when it went down and saw the whole thing so the next day he brings Virgil and Charlie and they save the day the following scene is basically just a montage of them doing heroic things well run it back again by Corbin blue plays in the background and you know what I'm gonna say man it's a beggar classic late 2000s Disney Channel music during the Montage Charlie virgiland Zeke are all getting watched by mysterious people and sunglasses and big black trucks never a good combination during lunch Steph approaches Virgil and tells him that she got accepted into UC Belmont which is a college apparently but it's not a done deal yet since she applied for a cheerleading scholarship she has to audition in front of a scout something I actually kind of appreciate about this movie is that they're able to give subtle hints as to the state of Stephanie and Derek's relationship earlier in the movie Derek is seen talking with a random girl while Stephanie is talking to Virgil and given what happens later in the movie this was definitely done on purpose and just now after she got accepted into a dream College the first person she ran and told was Virgil instead of Derek I don't know why that impresses me so much it's a pretty common writing Trope but considering the last couple of movies I reviewed had such poor writing I guess it was nice to see something clever for once nervously Charlie tells Virgil and Zeke something that he had been keeping from them this whole time some of the research that he used was stolen from NASA and if they keep using the machine they might find out about it and send them to jail fail wow that's extremely important information to leave out but halting use of the time machine is something that'll be much easier said than done because the next day we find out that Stephanie fell off the top of the pyramid during practice and broke her leg which will cause her to miss her audition Virgil tries to convince Charlie that they need to do one last time travel mission I'ma leave that one alone the Minutemen agreed to do one last time Jump to save Steph when they arrive the theme from Community sees them as he drives by which causes a car accident between him the robot dude from earlier and a woman wasted opportunity to not have robot dude pull up in a really nice car considering he won the lottery like the part where he gets mad at the Damage Done to his car would have been a lot funnier if it was a Lambo or something Stephanie falls from the pyramid and Virgil Scoops in and catches her get up if I had a dollar for every time Jason Dolley played a character in a dcom that was trying to conceal his identity and set a certain phrase they gave his identity away to his main love interest I'd have two dollars which is oh yeah there's this one so plotted movie where because of the changes to the timeline some of the kids that were getting picked on are now acting like bullies themselves and what Charlie notices that along with some of the other changes to the timeline he realizes that their actions are starting to catch up to them Stephanie pulls up to Virgil's house because they can pour his actions as a minute man he's quick to deny it at first but after she puts everything together he basically just lets us live at their Time Travelers this still would be the worst superhero ever man just letting his identity slip out like that come on bro at the football game Derek's team is playing hey isn't that the announcer dude from hatching Pete they have bro in this movie playing basically the same character from that one that's crazy that dude is always playing a sports commentator bro oh yeah as Derek is about to throw the ball Chester comes in and I don't know I don't know why he did this is this a thing a high school football games or whatever he did it ended up distracting Derek and he got tackled as a result off camera I guess Stephanie told Derek about Virgil and the other guys being Time Travelers because the next day Derek tries to convince Virgil to do one more jump into the past to save the football game Virgil really doesn't want to especially since he knows how it'll affect Charlie but Derek tells him that he really did try to stop those guys from harassing him that day three years ago during freshman year he tells him that he does genuinely want them to be friends again like how they were before and because of that Virgil agrees to help him out the Minutemen go into the past change the timeline and arrive back home safe and sound Derek is very appreciative of what Virgil did for him so much so that he invites him over to his house for a party and Virgil agrees to go even though he had told Charlie that he would watch a weather program with him that night Virgil calls Charlie the next morning and apologizes to him a bunch of times but in the middle of their conversation right when Charlie forgives him Virgil gets a call from Steph it's revealed that she caught Derek kissing Jocelyn wait you mean he wasn't going to her for tutoring lessons whoa I didn't see that one coming then why did you all right never mind man I felt that pain straight through the screen that's tough not as tough as that the way the world Charlie ended up being right all of the time jumps they had been doing the past couple of weeks have been damaging the space-time continuing those laboratory dudes are starting to catch up now and are comparing notes about the energy surges I want you to go back in time stop Stephanie from busting me with Jocelyn wow I hate this guy surely Virgil is going to give this guy a firm now let me think about it bruh on his walk home Virgil gets kidnapped by the FBI so did Charlie and Zeke they tell them about the missing files from NASA that they traced through their High School and although Charlie was about to squeal Virgil tells them that legally unless they charge them of something they can't keep them there so they let them go but obviously we know that this isn't over we get one of those classic friendship movie scenes where the three friends argue with each other and break up although this time I am definitely on Charlie and Zeke's side they both tell them off but how he shouldn't have been so selfish and careless with the whole time machine thing and they end up leaving him surely you think this is when he learned his lesson but nah he actually tells Dairy that he's going to go back in time and stop Stephanie for finding out about him and Jocelyn in the next scene we oh it's probably just Virgil trying to wake up Charlie about the room and instead of just waking him up like a normal person she [Music] we created him that's bad right what do you think like Hello Charlie and Jeanette run to wherever those FBI guys took them and come clean about everything the FBI dudes already knew that's why they contacted The two scientists from earlier what are you nine years old no he's not what they didn't know about however is the existence of the black hole Charlie explains to them all the science stuff that I'm not gonna bother recapping because it probably doesn't even actually add up scientifically anyway just if you ever watch the season one finale of The Flash yeah that's this they have to stop the spread of the black hole before it reaches the entire world and they have slightly less than four hours to do it at the dance why is there always some sort of dance in these films Derek approaches Virgil about the whole time traveling thing and he tells him that everything is set they're just going to wait until they announce the prom king and queen Stefan Virgil actually end up winning Prime king and queen which surprises everybody besides Virgil because he actually went back in time and stuffed The Ballot Box they accept their crowns and head back to the dance floor where they begin to get really close to each other like really close but Derek pulls him away from Steph because he wants him to go back in time for him dude don't tell me you're gonna try to steal my girl did you not see him about to kiss Stephanie would you put him away Charlie along with the FBI and some other guys in suits pull up to tell Virgil about the black hole and how they need to stop it and time is of the essence because the hole is beginning to expand more and more everyone goes through the lair and comes up with a plan Charlie says that the only way to stop the Wormhole is if they go inside it and reverse the polarity using an invention that Charlie main that'll allow them to do it remotely so for the last time the Minutemen suit up and go on one final mission but this time to save the world what the how did she get there oh wait did I even ever talk about her so that's Virgil's Little Sister Amy no no no no no no no no no stop it can we talk about how these visual effects actually aren't that bad like yeah it's not legitimate movie quality before a dcom in 2008 it's pretty solid not gonna bother fact checking this but I do feel like this is probably Disney's most expensive non-musical Decon at least at the time the kids crash land and begin to work and well everything seems to be going as planned they now have to wait 20 minutes until the vortex touches back to the ground so they can go back to where they came from but uh looks like the vortex took them to a very important day in history well their history at least if you remember Charlie's Quantum powered machines from earlier in the movie uses some of the same energy of the time machine and that energy caused the vortex to suck them into that area since that was the first time the energy had been exposed to the Earth realizing the opportunity that he has Virgil runs off to try to stop the incident from happening so he doesn't have to be remembered as a nerd anymore as he's about to intervene Charlie stops him and delivers a very heartfelt speech people oh sorry Charlie my fault virtual thing's hard about what he's going to do but he didn't have to think for too long because it becomes clear that Derek didn't actually try to help Virgil and Charlie matter of fact he made things worse just to fit it became clear to Virg without what he thinks he wants isn't going to make him truly happy in the end because he'd have to give up who he truly is a Minutemen Charlie and Zeke rushed to make it back to the portal in time but reality starts to sink in with them they're a mile away and there's no way they'd make it back in time but just then Virgil pulls up in that skirt skirt and tells a gang he's sorry that he wouldn't change anything because the life that he's living now is priceless he didn't actually say that but that's more or less what he said they continue to make their way to the portal and cause several near accidents in the process Virgil misses his turn which throws them off the route but fortunately for them Zeke had been carrying a grapply hook on him since the beginning of the movie and he finally got the chance to use it in this scene I love when stuff like that happens in movies those full circle moments man can't beat it they finally make it to the portal and enter the Wormhole they come out all in one piece well except for the rocket card that that thing got cooked nobody saw that giant portal no okay the portal took them to the first day that they time traveled but before they actually got a chance to do it so as a result the dean from a community has no recollection of ever having beef with the snowsuit guys in the library Virgil exposes Derek's relationship with Jocelyn since he was acting like a jerk to him and the other two guys it appears these two won't ever be friends again but I don't think Virgo really cares he has much more important things to take care of Virgil puts the moves on Stephanie and says that if he ever had the opportunity to go back in time he would tell Stephanie how he really felt about her and she says they given the same opportunity she'd do the same thing but before they get the chance to finish the conversation Charlie comes up with a new idea teleportation he starts to tell Virgil about it but gets quickly dragged away and as the camera pans out we finished up a very solid story about friendship time travel and uh grappling hooks so final thoughts on Minutemen yeah now this movie slaps I I get it now I get it now this is definitely one of the very best d-coms I enjoyed it a lot I mean where do I start first of all this is pretty much a perfect Disney Channel original movie now when I say this I'm not saying it's a perfect film because it definitely has some issues but for a Disney Channel original movie yeah I'd say this is pretty perfect the characters in this movie are all very solid man Luke Benward killed it as Charlie he is such a likable character and one thing I love about how they wrote him is that yes he's basically the smartest person on the planet but he's not a complete jerk about it he's not constantly reminding everyone that he's the smartest person in the room he doesn't purposely try to make everyone else feel dumb he still acts like a kid which is something very big for me because they could have easily just random like young Sheldon or something I've never seen young Sheldon I'm just assuming that he more or less just acts like an adult s tier Disney Channel character great job Jason dolley's Virgil on the other hand is still a good character but throughout the movie his little subplot of still wanted to be popular even though he saved so many people's social lives as a minute man wasn't really working for me I get it he's a 17 year old kid who has something embarrassing happened to him I don't blame him for wanting to reverse it but I think I would have rather seen him kind of change his mind after performing all of those heroic Acts he's still good though don't get me wrong I mean Dolly doesn't miss plus I guess someone had to take advantage of the whole time traveling thing in order to cause the black hole and out of the three characters in the film Virgil made the most sense Zeke was the perfect third character he didn't have as big of a subplot as the other two but his presence was felt stayed solid throughout the movie and ultimately saved the day with his grappling hook the other characters played their parts as well Chelsea Kane killed that Stephanie she was very likable throughout the film I hated Derek because I guess I was kind of supposed to so it means actor did a good job and uh yeah yeah that's that's it when it comes to characters but like I said this movie is pretty much a perfect decomp a surprisingly well written story solid characters to support it a couple musical bangers and what sometimes matters the most is that it was memorable but I also appreciate is that it didn't have any like super cringy moments like other d-cons you guys know me I'm not very forgiving when it comes to stuff like that I could have done without the romance subplots especially this one but I'm pretty sure there's a romance I'll apply in every Disney Channel film so whatever I'll allow it the only other flaws I could think of is that some of the time travel logic was a bit uneven what I've learned from my years of reading comic books is that sometimes it's best not to think about it so so I'll do just that I Will Wait a Minute Man a solid 8 out of 10. it's a very good movie and I definitely recommend it to you if you haven't seen it in a while but what I want to know is what you think about the movie let me know in the comments below as always hit that like button if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you're new I miss Nostalgia and uh it's time I got out of here okay bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mr. Nostalgia
Views: 37,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney channel, nickelodeon, nostalgia, 2000s, 2010s, nostalgic
Id: zQ_x5pjbV48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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