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Hello everybody welcome back to another video yesterday I'm going to be actually reviewing another mod menu called Cyclone reborn V7 so um I'll actually leave this link in my description into my Discord um so yeah if I still got disconnect disconnect you from so we've done around in public we click disconnect we disconnect obviously I already tested on the public but we'll just do it again around public oh join on the public as you can see connect disconnects obviously like I said quit the game not gonna do that away just quickly gorilla tag create public room it'll create a public room create a private room correct program first person camera I'm not going to accept uh super speed left grip so you hold the left grip and you like are really fast um yeah right motor speed right grip so when you hold right grip you have like a little bit of a speed boost platforms they are just like purple platforms I also it gives you like a custom mic it gives you this Crystal which is collidable and like stuff here I don't know if it's no but yeah sticky platforms so these are just sticky teleport gun so you get a little thingy and you teleport which is pretty accurate not gonna lie a slide control you hold a and basically when you're on a slippery surface you can just like control it like you have good control over the I think you keep your momentum no clip I recommend using platforms with these but you just oh not working okay it's fine also to change pages on this menu you so you do your right grip a lot right trigger to go to the next page and let's go to the other one spaz monkey you just spazz out no attack freeze so basically when you get tanked you know you can't walk basically just it just gets rid of it or left grip it just gets rid of it peer review walk left grip it gives you tag freeze so you can't move um so I don't really need them but if you guys are in Oculus a ghost troll Along on just really long like really big Superfly a yes fly pretty good fly slow flights just the same button but really slow this is kind of like funny if you just want to tell people um no clip fly not working so basically when if this was working you'd fly and you'd be able to go through like walls and that big monkey left trigger yeah just like really big you have to hold it down small monkey you've got a little clip little clip hello hello spawns D4 all right so you hold your uh right grip just place it and then yeah right trigger to detonate it so you know if you want to play some CS go you can a lot of time Taps left group they're just loud no hand Taps left group so and then on the whole grip no hand Taps uh rapid hand taps there's no attack hold on I'll do a lot of hands up so it's like you know there's no cooldown between thingy um right so moon gravity you hold the left grip and it's just like this you just smack up and then you okay okay so high gravity this is like half high it's a side Jupiter basically uh checkpoint so it says left grip first so I'm guessing yep so it's locked place it got my grip is so annoying and then right group to teleport to it hold rocket all right bro um it's one block of snow okay some works huh yeah it don't work oh no yeah it does it's a gun take pickup snowballs let's go on a block of trampoline but I'm guessing it's bouncy one the block of ice oh wait I can actually see if I could test eyes control wait no oh no I won't be able to actually fly the ice that looks stump is ruined let's go on a block of water balloons the same thing so yeah small FPS boost just makes the game look a little bit worse for you to get like an FPS boost big FPS needs to the light everything have like one pixel invisible V1 so they're basically they're not the same it's just literally a different button to activate so it's a it's a toggle which good right trigger you have to hold it down and this story is just your literally Synergy enable that you just go okay TP stomp I'm not gonna do some more yes Monk so you just roll and Roll and Roll what's this one spouse oh wait no spit I'll spin it with his face upside down face oh wow this is hands spin your head water spam self I don't know water gun do I have to be in a Lobby for these ones but you have to be in a Lobby for it to work fast swim you swim fast it just makes them go away whole beach ball right group don't know I did my left no okay it's just gonna join us she's gonna join us um okay right so then we've got hobby uh control beach ball gun there's a gun which puts the beach ball RC beach ball no beach ball mini game span I don't really know I'm not getting my whole dog it just holds dog big dog I don't want a whole dog you know big dog oh God Doug is just really big and then reset dog it'll just reset though to like to normal size and all the speed of that ride dog left Cliff not gonna do it because it was bringing a Lobby control dog gun so I have a little gun just put them there and then RC dog I think this is like you can control them with one of your grips um yeah I control him okay fast look it makes Doug fast uh midnight bone ESP it gives you bone ESP traces because I'm in I'm not in a Lobby beacons full body ESP does not turn off uh yeah dog and bat races so it puts a tracer to the bat and dog control balloons gun so uh you have to be lost on such a balloons I think I bought some balloons there you go hold that holds it spinning balloon balloon Aura just puts a balloon like pop all balloons sped balloons I don't know what I'll do disable try on trigger room so this is actually pretty cool so if I just go in and see how it's so hard with all these stuff basically let me try and then if I like I just get like this I think I'm insane um when I walk out the trailer I still have it on so that's disabled training just it doesn't like make any sound so yeah but you can actually just use that with the unity but obviously it's a bit a bit better away no Lobby leaves so basically I'm gonna troll casual for this whatever let me join come on oh I'm so done hey wait red red come on come here come here I want to show you something I want to show you something come here come here come here oh come here come here guys come here come here oh my God am I even uh talking yo can you guys hear me can yes right yo come here come here come here come here yellow oh you you you oh my God you you come on come on come on come here I want to show you something I want to show you some food I want to say something I want to show you something all right so Lemmings actually broke in the game look you can just like kind of walk it yo come here lemming broke the game look bring it lemming broke the game I can just walk here look I can go in here oh well you're cool aren't you come here come here golden Knight Golden Hat come here K9 that's canines look it's not even normal scary look look guys look he broke the game I can go in caves without disconnecting come on song Come here fine then look I'll show you in Canyons I'll show you in Canyons I'll show you in Canyons looking Canyons looking Canyons they broke the game oh my God no one gives attention in this bro oh my God I'm not sure at home look lemming actually broken the game well I mean broke in the game look look but you can walk here look yo come here come here look look look look lambing broke the game look lemming broke the game I can just walk here going City yo guys I mean broke the game I mean broke the game welcome come here look I can walk here I can walk without it look I can walk here without getting disconnected oh my God look look he broke the game oh yo look look come here let me broke the game come here look it's a lot no look look I didn't leak oh God funny that was funny right bouncy girl attack right group it's just bouncy very rounded I want capacity if you're really that bad and you didn't always like the competitive course you could just click this you know unlock it disable swimming Panic or turn off all the mods hold monsters of the monsters uh I don't know what this is I I'm monk eye orbit oh they spin around you that's cool Speedy monkey oh they're like really fast okay break monk eye bring monk eye gun so it's a gun and it will just pretty much bring them to the gun slingshot self give you a slingshot night gloves clean angle well that looks sick uh it's just client side no one else can see this they're cleaning gloves winter sweater so Valentine Twitter on times snow gloves tag gun now we're actually going to test if this works because if it's like the other ones then it's kind of bad let's have a look I hope there's no attack when I join okay this Taco can you do it what what happened someone tag me please could someone tag me can you can you tag me can you tag me can you attack me can you tag me can you put your hand in my face I just want to get tagged can I get tagged please oh my God am I on my screen I'm not I'm not a modern how would I be modding foreign I don't know I don't really know what this one is Force Tagalog so it falls break infection you have to be master joystick disk actually click down you just leave joystick fly you hold that you click the joystick and like also use it aim it joystick control monsters joystick took random room joystick scary fly not working drastic control player paintball so I'm just gonna it kind of breaks it the paintball Revival paintball revive gun so I want to try this I'm gonna paint brawl I never really played rainbow pro paint brawl [Music] I have to be a master [Music] that's dookie paintball Mayhem what the hell is going on what the f what the what was that all about paper going here on my own kill all kill gun freeze all report rope sorry flingle ropes right sugar let's go boys what the heck is going on with all the ropes okay right so um yeah that all works I'm guessing uh hold back so it just puts the bat in your hand like hold Doug uh big back client-sided so it's really big oh oh reset button ride the bat control back gun so pretty much okay I'll see you back just exactly the same you're controlling with your joystick Ghost Monkey a and have to hold it down spinning monkey right trigger around around Ghost Monkey ghost walk oh so basically like I can be like that and then I can walk around basically just freezes your rig like and I could still Frozen ghosts pork oh so you just basically Frozen crazy ghost it's crazy oh hold rig right grip so you basically just hold your rig in your hand which is really cool sounds really cool scare good you basically just put your rig so you can be like and it kind of just oh my God all disabled crazy ghost gun so you're just kind of spin around the dog they come the bat they come the beach ball Forest snowballs right group so obviously I'm in stunt board yeah Forest water balloon right grip the colorful snowballs basically just multiple it slippery Forest slippery Forest right fast thrower so this is really fun so when you pick up a snowball hold on I can just hold on I'm gonna show you fast thrower so you pick up a snowball I'm just gonna oh well that was kind of bad um oh my God I'm actually talking say that of how fast it goes you know oh so yeah that's what lies uh Target spammer and you have to be Master slingshot snowballs so basically with the slingshot I'm guessing server-sided slingshot water balloon service sided slingshot rainbow it's like a server-sided slingshot love arrows so excited and and a slingshot dead shots I've decided destroy all wind barriers so you know when you try and get up to tutorial there's a win barrier basically which disables that the almighty aura wardrobe button spammer matte spam all new master slow wall Master Copy player gun report gun report all nails okay oh no it's oh oh slight assalate and then you've got join Discord disable custom stump so it disables the custom stump so that is normal Crystal so yeah and I click it it goes away okay everybody so I've still got these nails so I can put the camera but that's the end of the video hopefully you guys enjoyed this menu it'll be linked in my description down below if you guys want it so yeah goodbye
Channel: ClippoGT
Views: 268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UOY16Xxh0NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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