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god is good and all the time let's give him a big clap [Applause] thank you all for coming to mars on ash wednesday every year we come to the church on this day to receive the ashes on our head it's very interesting that on this day hundreds and thousands of people flock to the churches all the churches are full today and what is even more interesting is that even non-christians some muslims come and want to have the ashes everybody wants to have the ashes but before you clap what are the ashes all about you have come for the ashes is that right you came here for the ashes is that why you came just to put some ashes on your head if that's the only reason why you came you wasted your time the ashes are nothing the ashes are not a sacrament the ashes do not heal any disease the ashes do not forgive sins it is just a sign can you say a sign tell your neighbor the ashes are just a sign so you just came for a sign is that all why did you come tell me auntie nobody knows why they came so it means you came for the sign but you don't know what the sign means so i will tell you now in the book of jonah chapter 3 verses 5 to 8. there is a story of a man a preacher called jonah he went to a city called nineveh can you say nineveh and he warned the people of that city if you don't change your lives within 40 days it will be the end they were so touched that they decided to repent and as a sign that they were serious about their repentance they wore sackcloth and they smeared their heads with ashes as an outward sign that they were going to do something in their hearts so if you've just come for an outward sign but you're not ready to change your life you've wasted your afternoon and if you're sitting here and you're not ready to change you're not ready to come out of those habits selfishness envy greed jealousy don't come for the ashes stay there because you'll be deceiving yourself and others you wear this thing to say i'm going to change everybody in your office will see you when you leave here and in your homes they will see you with the ashes and then you don't change how embarrassing if we assave the ashes are just a sign but today we've come here to say to jesus your love your death on the cross was not wasted i want to change my life give me your grace that's why we've come here today you know the ashes are also a sign that we are mortal can you say mortal it means to yakufa fenavari we are not immortal you remember during covet how people were dying the rich died the poor died the young died the old died africans died europeans died presidents died and it was very strange because today you're talking to someone and then three days you're foodie we are mortal you are mortal no one knows the time the hour that god is going to call you have you prepared your life the ashes are saying organda kufu khan fufu ava do what you have to do today not tomorrow you don't know if you'll die tonight if you're going to repent repent today not tomorrow do we need to repent are you sure i thought you are all saints i thought you were all very holy well you know when we look at our country uganda i think we need to repent all the killings that have been going on these killings of people whether by robbers or security agents or whoever these are done by people some of them call themselves christians those who are torturing people and imprisoning them for no reason ah we are christians we love jesus those who are grabbing land at gunpoint some of them or maybe all of them are christians people who need to repent all the corruption you know during kovid i don't know how much money they stole do we need to repent maybe some of the people who stole the money are here and then you just want the ashes and you go away and you steal more money repent and believe the good news the domestic violence men are beating their wives and they come to church for holy communion fake goods are being sold in our shops you go to a pharmacy to buy an antibiotic we need to look at our lives you know there was a building which collapsed at chiseka who built that building who are the engineers what kind of cement did they use people are dying because people are careless and greedy and selfish do we need to repent in uganda yes you know someone told me this story not a story it is true someone came here to the blessed sacrament yet jokes seen some sacramento he left his shoes outside the door and when he came back they were gone things are stolen even in the church maybe by the person sitting next to you or by you i don't know i'm just saying we need to repent dear friends we can be better than we are you know when someone says you're wearing a beautiful shirt or shoes you're very smart don't you feel good you feel good when people tell me i'm smart i feel good do you feel good i do so you'll think ah this shirt this dress these shoes make me look good this is the best of me so there is the best of you that you must be lent is a time to say i want to be the best of me we want our country uganda to be the best that it could be we want our church to be the best that it could be are you ready for that are you if you are then you come for the ashes if not don't waste your time god is good and all the time let's give the lord a mighty clap dear friends we will have the ashes after the blessing because there are many people and we have to finish the mass so please forgive us we will have the ashes after the final blessing
Channel: Ugandan Catholics Online
Views: 2,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chQF8rtLmqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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